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(Note: this comment involves topics of self-harm. If you are sensitive to such topics, it please collapse this comment chain). **Scorbosgol** * The Charnel Woods, a heavily wooded area near the city of Kosmyrastro that is notable for the numerous bodies that are found hanging from, within the roots of, and occasionally in the trunks of the trees that grow there. The reason for these numerous bodies is because the Charnel Woods are a popular place for the First Church to execute criminals and dissidents, as it's close enough to the city for the executions to draw any Witches out of the city's walls, but far enough away that Witches won't be drawn back to the city. The woods have also become a popular location for citizens of Kosmyrastro to take their own lives, whether they're bereaved mothers who've lost their children to disease, squatters who can't afford to pay off their debts, or Witch Hunters who fear that they're succumbing to their sins and becoming Witches themselves. * The Cacophonic Library, a Witch City that is now equal parts library, laboratory, and prison. The Library was formerly a city with several acclaimed universities. The students and professors of those universities became gripped by a unquenchable thirst for knowledge and perfection and began performing more and more depraved experiments until they all succumbed to the Spiral Song and became Witches. Now the library is place where people are taken to so that the Scholarly Witches can further their research and experiments, their findings documented in codices bound in flesh and placed on shelves for later reference. * Krukholme, a large town that used to be an important source of lumber for the city of Kosmyrastro until one day the whole town seemed to fade. The colors of everything within two hundred miles of the town faded into a dirty shade of grey. No one has successfully made contact with Krukholme since this fading (or at least, none have returned), but there have been reports of figures seen moving in the grey forests, resembling the old townsfolk but with empty eye sockets and moving as if their bones were made of straw. More over, trees near Krukholme constantly rustle, even if there is no wind.


- The Loss: The northernmost area of the continent, past the settlement/watch point New Wichdale, mostly uncharted. Used to be the site of an Arland Union city, Pichcraul. The area's name comes from the fact that after the activation of the Spear of Light, nobody can make sense of what happened to it. Most of the expedition teams sent into the area never came back, and the few explorers that did come back, driven to the brink of insanity, claimed that the place is completely outside of reality itself, that parts of it are nothing but white, blank space, and that it has no concept of time. - New Wichdale: A settlement/outpost at the northernmost part of the Holy Kingdom of Endeil. Established exclusively as a surveying outpost for the Kingdom but gradually expanded to accommodate the families of the soldiers and surveyors stationed here. Infamous for being some of the most dangerous 'civilized' places on the continent to live in, New Wichdale is surrounded by wilderness and mutated beasts rarely seen anywhere else on Erits, not to mention the various anomalies the wilderness itself seems to house. - The Subterran: A network of underground (rather spacious) pathways that covers most of the Nexus region. Believed to have been built by the now probably extinct stonemen, the pathways remain remarkably well maintained, and experienced travelers of Nexus regularly use them for their journeys, although there are some dangers.


The upper valley a large valley that goes upwards in a stair like fashion until you reach the upper plains where nearly every major civilization in the planet’s history has had some sort of foothold


• The Eye of Kular - Prehistoric orcs found a still-functioning nuclear silo underground. Terrified of the blinking lights and whirring machinery, they attacked the beast. They inadvertently set it off and without the silo doors opening, it detonated underground. What was left was a 30 mile crater that sages and scholars refer to as the Eye of the World or the Eye of Kular. • The Purge of Therios - Blasted metallic and rocky remnants of a spell so potent that it literally melted a section of the continent. When the caliph of Peshan opened up the Demongates to bring forth allies in his war against the Sultanate, a very powerful cleric crafted a spell to close the gates and seal them forever. The resulting devastation ended the nation of Ghularus and the contaminated area since has been known as the Purge. • Bog of Bend - Once part of the Great Forest, the Orclands entered into a treaty with the Senestian Empire. They provided lumber for the empire in return for metals, precious or otherwise and foodstuffs. Logging operations worked around the clock for decades providing both parties with what they needed. Then the storms hit. The once verdant western half of the Great Forest became a swampy, barren landscape devoid of the once great trees.


Who is Kular?


Kular is the name of the world.


**For The Ages** * **The Isle of Nol:** The furthest land-based point on the planet of Arius, also the most isolated location. The Isle of Nol composes of 4 islands: Nol (The Largest), Siel, Vernce, Ous. The isle itself would remain largely untouched for a long time until it was effectively used as a test bed for new weapons during the Age of War and until the end of the Aquarius Conflict by the Federation of Cidon. * **The Serrapas Sea**: A sea that connects into the larger ocean, this sea is only formed 800 years before humans arrived on Arius and with parts of the shoreline still sinking into the ocean. The last significant amount of land loss extended the sea inland by another 25 km after a great amount of magic was utilized during the Al-Cidon War and forming the Sulan Island. * **The Oracle's Eye**: A mountain castle that was built at over 30,000 feet during the reign of Oracle Aqua the Third. The castle could host upwards to 2,000 soldiers and 500 staff, along with the entirety of the Oracle Family. It's got a lavish interior that was designed to keep as much heat in as possible due to the cold temperatures at the height of the mountain.


Alwaha/Buaian/Craddle - ...To reach it from the west, a man has to navigate 2,000 kilometers of hot desert, where respites from the sun or thirst are sparse. Then, he must scale mountains which even eagles do not dare to fly over. If one would like to try the eastern approach, where pearl-hunting tribes live, a primeval jungle will soon test your determination. The tribes have given it a fitting name which roughly translates as "man eater." This translation I personally do not agree with, as the word for man does not mean flesh in this case, but soul. Having lived among the pearl hunters in my own foolish youth attempt to find the fabled Alwaha, I can attest what the ancient forest does to a man's soul, what it did to mine.... Rare preserved passage successfully restored from Ibrahim Monte's lost diary. Thousand islands – I have visited castles with an underwater catwalk, treacherous for those unfamiliar with its unexpected windings. Yet, the ebb ways of the Thousand Islands truly humble man-made attempts. Guided by a young pathfinder named Kalar, I walked across the sea to Coral Island. This journey is wholly dictated by tides that uncover the mentioned ebb ways, though not all of them lead to the proverbial Basilia. Pathfinder Kalar, whom I began to see as my son through our mutual love for the world's wonders, warned me at every turn that some "ways" lead to peril. These perils come in the form of sandy islands that shift beneath your feet or sharp reefs that you will feel acutely when the high tide sweeps in. Each island, the safe ones of course, is a marvel to explore in its own right. Some take days to cross, while others require just a few strides, yet each is like a world unto itself. This was before Kalar introduced me to the inhabited ones, each more fascinating than the last. From Ibrahim Monte’s book Sea Walker original manuscript, generously provided by veneered guildmaster Kalar Rek MSc.  Hellbent – I always wanted to see the world, a desire fueled night after night by Ibrahim during our journey through Ebb. However, it would be many years before I embarked on my fateful trip across the Sandrock Peninsula with the Hellbent River, a journey that became my own personal Alwaha, where I lost my spirit. Perhaps arrogantly, I believed that my knowledge of Ebb would enable me to safely navigate Hellbent and be the first to conquer it, just to tell the tale to Ibrahim. It was little solace that I made it farther than anyone else before, despite being swarmed by scholars upon my return to share even fraction of my experience. Hellbent River is theoretically the shortest route from Ebb to Port Carlson. One simply needs to follow it safely through the Needles, an ancient rock formation eroded into stone pillars resembling needles standing on their points. I was told the river changes its course annually, and as an ebbwalker, that naturally intrigued me. I needed to understand the pattern, how the land communicates with us. Hellbent, however, speaks in a resounding “fuck you.” Kalar's Rek MSc. diary, discarded page. Sorry man, worldbuilders suck in counting sentences.


\* Somewhere in the uncharted ocean lies an archipelago called the Primal Isles, one of the most primeval regions of the world -- and one of the most dangerous. Much of the land is covered in dense jungles full of venomous and/or carnivorous plants, while some is peppered with volcanoes and geyser fields -- geysers which will burn those who are not cautious. Surviving under the harshest conditions, in these primal lands, is a tribe that has remained uncontacted for thousands of years. They are highly aggressive toward outsiders. Few travelers to these isles return to tell their story. \* There is a sort of "psychic" forest located in a remote corner of harpy lands where imagination and reality come together as one, the forest tormenting those who tread it with their worst memories, fears, and insecurities in gruesome detail. It is a place that has made many go mad... or at least suffer from whanging headaches otherwise. \* In the Molten Tomb, located deep, deep beneath an active volcano there lies the corpse of a vanquished fire god. It is said that this god will one day be reborn after slumbering in volcano's extreme heat. Adventurers have launched expeditions to this tomb in order to see this mythical sight for themselves and to loot some of the priceless treasures within -- including the very material this tomb is made from, which defies all logic and stays intact.


-Along with the Khazen-Tsel river, the one thing that seperates the eastern parts of the Old World from the west is a mountain range known as the White Mountains. These are some of the highest mountains on the planet, with the tallest mountains in this mountain range reaching up to at least eight kilometers into the sky. This mountain range is also home to the cloud elves: a flying race of elves known for their art, architecture, and full-face masks. -On the southernmost continent lies a forest unlike any other in the world: the eponymous Great Gray Forest. As its name implies, all the bark of all the trees in this forest are gray, in thanks to an extinction event millions of years ago. Also in thanks to the extinction event, the only other types of plants that grow in this desolate place are mosses and a few ferns. Perhaps strangest of all are the native wildlife, as the animals of this forest include carnivorous mammals related to neither cats, dogs, or even bears, reptiles that are distant cousins of dinosaurs, and other primative beasts that are hardly seen anywhere else in the world. -The Twilight Swamp is a swamp situated on the southeastern quadrant of the centermost continent. The swamp is known for its trees that block out the sun in most places, as well as the terrain being very inconsistent and difficult to traverse. For this reason, a large bridge was built to bypass much of the swamp, which subsequently lead to the construction of the town of Fogreach on top of this bridge.


**The Mysts** The Mysts appeared after the Second Cataclysm, the devastating event that forced the demi-god Pahraman sacrifice themselves to tear apart the fabric of the realms and forge the Shadow Realm so that the chosen people could escape into it. Upon entering the Shadow Realm the chosen people transformed into Daemons, beings of desires and impulse and power, and since Daemons lie with every word they utter we are unsure what exactly caused the Second Cataclysm. All we know is that most of the world, including the continents of Eimolkan and Umbren, is hidden under a suffocatingly thick fog known as the Mysts. Any sentient being that enters the Mysts will undoubtedly be permanently possessed by an unknown power; people possessed in this way are known as the Mystaken. **Fogmoor** A dark and brooding city that is on the edge of everything. To the east is the foreboding wall of the Mysts, to the West is the Fogmoor Fjord that is protected by cliffs from the tempestuous Hrithyu sea, to the north is nothing but scorched uninhabitable desert, and to the south is thick humid jungle filled with hungry monsters. It would have been abandoned long ago if not for the fact that the Mysts produce little rocks filled with Aether, the chaotic magical energy that powers practically all technology. Fogmoor is one of the few places that are located near the Mysts, so harvesting these rocks has become an extremely lucrative but dangerous trade. **The Shadow Realm** Originally the gods created 3 distinct realms; Chaos, Void, and the Material Realm. These realms would interact harmoniously for untold millennia until the Second Cataclysm, when Pahraman Ishawal would rend the bonds between realms and forge the Shadow Realm in the gaps. This new realm would be home to the chosen people, who would eventually become the Daemons that plagued the Material Realm. Any mortal that enters the shadow realm would instantly go insane, but the reverse is also true for Daemons. Instead, the Daemons communicate with mortals in the Material Realm and offer boons and promises in return for bodies to possess.


I don't understand the question


The question is asking about locations that aren't entire nations. For example, a theater or a park.


- Gathindra’s ring, the name of the planet’s rings, which can be seen from the equator. It’s name comes from Gathindra, the goddess of the earth. - Tai’shan, a small village in the middle of the rainforest, it is the last indigenous settlement on the heavily colonized island of Askarya. Government officials keep their relations with Tai’shan a secret from citizens and most Askaryans do not know that Tai’shan exists at all - Aurora Point, a coastal cape named after a queen of an ancient kingdom, who was killed by a large wave at said point. There is a memorial statue of her near the edge, pointing into the ocean.


New America lol