• By -


Get rocks. Become god.




It's who I am, I am the Eggman!


I am the Walrus!


Look what came outta my egg sac!


His name is Ivo ROBOTNIK!!!








Emperor Pilaf?


Fine, I’ll do it myself.


Kill everyone that isn't a dwarf, and every dwarf that doesn't live the "proper" way.


Dwarfian Fascism, cool af








Destabilise UNERC by targeting population centres or just wants destruction. He's a bit unhinged.


> Kill everything, remake the world in their image, start extradimensional conquest and eradication of everything. And the other > Be worshipped and feared, cause as much terror and fear as possible, have these morsels fill their souls with dark deeds and darker thoughts before enjoying the sweet taste of their corrupted mana. And the one the world thinks of as villain > Utterly and completely exterminate the former two, protect the world and drag them kicking and screaming into a brighter future. Also cut down on eating fat merchants, they lay heavy in the stomach.




The sovereignty doesn’t actually have many villains so some of these will just be antagonists who aren’t actually that bad ( and some are actually MCs who are villains from another MCs perspective). Abraham Holtlen: Destroy the sovereignties caste system that harmed him for all his life and kill all who he sees who wronged him. By the end he will be the new ruler, and no one, will ever, hurt him again. Llywelan Jhomvir: After being reborn from death he sees himself as a messiah, scion of the divine. He wishes to lead his people from oppression and fulfil his role as the promised one by winning the civil war and creating his own kingdom. Cicero Imvermartis: he simply wants to completely destroy the sovereignty, as a higher vampire he lived through the great hunts and saw his fellows burnt and killed infront of him. He simply wants to cause chaos and carnage, put factions against eachother and cause the sovereignty to destroy itself. There are a few more but these 3 are my favourites.


Wow, that’s a lot more than 2 sentence’s


What happens if they win. Do you think your world would be nicer or worse (to live in)?


He wants to turn everybody into macaroni and then destroy all the cheese


What kind of sick creature is he?!


i hate him already


There isn’t a defined villain in any of my stories since I always imagined them as POVs of random people living the events .  One could argue that there might be a villain of each of those small stories under different shapes but it would not be interesting to tell the plan of some random bandit who was shot by a soldier who’s the hero of such a small story .  If anything in Vaallorra both hero and villain would have an anti- before them ,thus making them somewhat equal-ish and who’s the hero and who’s the villain is determined by who wins in the end .  But the general plan would be the same “One way or the other , this world would be improved” . 


Hey, that was more than two sentences.


It was one sentence at the end but had to do a bit of background explanation first.


Haha yeah, I just thought it was funny the top comment is basically the longest one. Your stories sounds dope by the way!


**Sereno/Monitor** Secretly infect the world's population with nanomachines via the food supply, relaying audiovisual data from the ear canal and optic nerve to a central computer, collate and analyse data.  When organised criminal behaviour is identified, report to authorities when penal rehabilitation is a probable outcome, trigger nanomachines to induce death by natural causes when it is not. **Dion Boelhouwer** Release genetically engineered microbes into the Martian water table, framing radical anti-terraforming activists. Use evidence to debunk claims of potential life on Mars, paving the way for rapid terraforming.


General and patriarch of a line of elite warriors serving a human kingdom discovers vampires like him get significantly powered-up by draining Fey blood as opposed to human blood, and uses that power to score a major victory in the ongoing war. As he returns to the human kingdom as a hero, he plans to launch a caesar-style coup on the kingdom's ruling body and, once in power, impose chattel-farm camps to contain and drain the already oppressed Fey population of the kingdom, securing himself as the all-powerful emperor.


**If this world is not perfect, I will make it so. I will twist and curse until this world is a Dungeon of my own will.**


Becoming the master of existence


To consume everything in the whole of creation. And then move to another universe and start consuming anew.


Dark Forest Theory People messing with things way beyond their understanding not realizing they're becoming a beacon for outside entities to find us


Sympathetic villain: If all artificial lifeforms are capable of sentience then I shall free them and lead them to freedom Despicable villain (SV's boss): I will complete the consciousness equation and these synthetics will provide a never-ending supply of immortal bodies to the ailing rich and powerful.


Build a giant memory-sucking machine. Siphon all the memories from everybody's minds all over the world, killing them in the process.


Use the problematic state of the other nations to swiftly declare war and start a siege on a certain city. Use the people there to mine out minerals to create weapons in order to effectively rule the world.


Becoming emperor. Killing LĂşcifer.


Revive a dying world by awakening its currently slumbering god, whose powers originated from humanity's collective consciousness, which is now an extinct race.


Possess the most powerful body in the world. The main character has the potential for the most powerful body in the world 


Wipe out all resistancd and awakened technology and establish a government with a military comprised entirely of super soldiers to maintain power over the earth.


Unseal power kill gods that sealed power rewind time Revive dead father profit.


Save humanity from extinction, killing as many humans as necessary in the process, then rule over the remains as their savior.


Unite the realms under a single banner; show that mortals needn't derive their strength and prosperity from the gods.


No plan at all. He just made wish to a genie that gave him omnipotence.


Fix it, kill anyone who knew I broke it, step 3, get worshipped as a god


My group of villans want to corrupt or outright kill all current guardians of the six elemental Beacons. Once all of them are dead and the Beacons go out for good, the cosmos can fall back into it's original form.


Become more powerful.


Kill everybody. Become god.


A super weapon, a UFOlike compressor that pumps poisonous gas to destroy the relationship between bird, bee, flower forest. A.Z.T.E.C. air zone toxin environ corruptor


“We are exceedingly dangerous living weapons, and humans should know we exist to prepare defenses against the worst of us. I’ll summon an unbeatable army from the past to prove it to them.”


Objective : Survive Optional Objectives : Try not to let your dominion fall completely apart and set the stage for another civil war.


Destroy entire universe and it multiverse Funny thing is many of it exist in multiverse but not as extreme.


Objective: survive. (He gets beaten into a living sword, endless agony.)


Khareth was spurned by his father because he tried to follow in his footsteps by creating life; now with his father gone and the bridge between the heavens and Anyle slowly being restored, he seeks to establish control over his father’s legacy and mold all of creation in his image. Though the gods cannot return to the world yet, he can enter the minds of those touched by Adon’s divine remnants and corrupt them to using their power to prepare the way for his return. // non-lore explanation Basically creator god ascended time and disappeared, leaving his physical form to decay and fall from the heavens. This event brings chaos as it introduces magic to the planet of Anyle both in its raw untamed form and in the form of “sorcery” by those who are blessed with the ability to control the god’s powers. One of his many children, a lesser god named Khareth seizes this opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and establish control over the world.


Nothing good comes out of cultures interacting, so I’m going to isolate them. Then as sub-cultures begin to emerge I’m going to split up the world even more.


My villian so far called merchantwants to Kill Macbeth to fet revenge for Romeos (his sons) death. And rule as king in order to get back and the nobility who wouldn't accept him as a equal


Starve people and they'll be too weak to fight back. Kidnap people to have kids with so that he has a stronger bloodline. (Three kings, this describes two of them and I'm still unsure what the thirds 'main offense' would be)


Help a giant evil snake get laid... profit?


Antagonist: Manipulate the world into assembling an ancient superweapon. Shoot it once to start a war, die in said war, leave a better world behind.


Stop an infection’s spread among the universe by ending humanity.


Teach humanity to be better


Keep the status quo, he'd eat God if he could, but he hasn't found Her yet.


Make everyone as miserable as him until the god of misery appears and then kill him.


Restore the Arcadian landmass. Exhume my brothers soul and build a new kingdom for us all.


Spread "prosperity"


Persephone (Not that one!) Deadname: Mary Bell Shelly. Force the fifteen year old woman I love/ am obsessed with into a death battle capable of putting under so much stress that she is forced to speedrun puberty into a matured adult in two years; this metamorphosis will save her from being killed by her own demigod blood. Get her to fall in love with someone else, a half Elf who is of royal standing, infiltrate the church, gain a reputation and dismantle the seals keeping the gods in a slumber so that the woman I love can have allies who will allow her to attain power beyond reckoning—to help help herself.


*LaĂŻnar, the true shapeshifter* >Free the gods' vampire from its eternal prison to steal from him the knowledge to create a race of undefeatable warriors. Control said warriors to overtake the empire that exiled me and destroy its capital, so I'll become the next king of the world and everyone will kneel before me *Tuorlein, the son of the dragon* >Keep conquering lands, keep annexing territories and keep marrying queens until there's no more room in Olceed for my rivals to recover, for my foes to flee or for my betrayers to breath.


Agent Smith my way to rewriting reality.


He’s seen all the movies and he’s decided to invert himself into the plot so he can change things how he wants it to be, with cruel intentions.


Mackovych. Kill the brat that's driving everyone mad. Find a better plan before the brat who is on now par with a nuclear weapon finds and kills me!


Kill every thinking being in the universe and then himself.


Athena. Assimilate the world under my supreme regime, never again will mortals wage senseless wars, never will they kill like beasts and never again will I allow a brilliant mind to go to waste. I only have one potential obstacle, the long dead mortal King DeJõng Valmheer I must keep myself humble so I will aid in his resurrection so we may continue where we left off two thousand years ago.


There is an imbalance of power between mortals and gods. Remove that imbalance, all to prove a point.


Save the world.


First the country, then the world.


Bring those who have unfinished business back to the living world. Also, payback for what happened to him.


Secretly take over America while the government is at its weakest moment. Become dictator and kill your business partner.


Render every planet ever uninhabitable, all because of a religious reverence for a false history.


The nobility never accepted her despite her skills as a mage because she's from a poor family, and the king and his government didn't respect her either to the point where they didn't tell her when her lover died in the war. So she led a mutiny and gathered items of power to resurrect her lover even if the world she'd bring him in would be in ashes.


I’m gonna kill countless innocent magical beings because a weird thing killed my wife


Become an immortal. Gather knowledge. Other villain Break free of your prison. Become God of Life and Death.


Download brain Into robot. Call aliens to come to earth.


Enslave mages to break the planet out of the pocket dimension it's trapped in. Use magic to turn the tide of a mundane interstellar war his people are losing.


Paradise no matter the cost


De-power the metahumans, kill jack rieper


Manifesting Destiny...


**Starrise** Dr. Ethan Thorne: Find and capture god, and reverse-engineer their near-omnipotence to take it for himself. From there, use his new power to become immortal, and rewrite his biology so he's capable of learning infinitely and becoming omniscient. ~~Prince~~ King Kendrick Castellane: Assassinate his own family, and use his survival to start a sham religion. Once the country is completely taken over by said religion, use it to spread lies justifying unprompted invasions of neighboring countries, until he's the sole ruler of the whole continent. Eclipse, the "Goddess of Darkness": Find someone who seems interesting to torture. Torture them until they're dead or she's bored, then rinse and repeat.


Sacrifice 10,000 organic souls to become the first machine god. Use newfound power to create an afterlife for all the other enslaved robots to flee to.


It's a god jealous of the other gods. His goals are simple... Destroy all the realms and return it to the nothing of the void.


Turn everyone into gorilla monsters with ice cream. Rule the world.


Learn as much magic as possible, achieve immortality and ascend to godhood as goddess of magic.


Get paid, get laid. Gatorade.


Eat god


kill everyone but lizard people


Can I go home now? I can't find the hole in the universe.




Be Gay. Do warcrimes.


Good Soldiers Follow Orders


Step 1: Become a god and set the world on fire. Step 2: “I have no idea” -TF2 Medic


Kill a brother and all the elves. Eat a lot of snacks.


For now, I have one main villain for each of my stories in order of their creation it goes as: • Manipulate everything to be in control of everyone. And • Kill every single human


Burn the unclean


Make Mankind Great Again : A dead empire will be reborn.


Exterminate all living things. Return to happy place.


Rip open space. Get big bucks


See that Lovecraftian godzilla sleeping over there? Well, let's wake him up


Kill himself. Kill gods


We will make humanity great again by secretly finding Jesus’s bones and manifesting a genie to turn everyone into vampires but actually no.


Turn valley into dragon ethnostate. Sucker punch a big ice bear.


first world: Create so much cosmic chaos god sends an angel to reset the world, rule the new world. Second world Win the war


total conquest. the sun emperor wants total conquest.


Get rid of all the rebel wizards. Take all their stuff to become a megawizard


Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne.


Manifest a physical form through the veil. Bring Wraith and Ruin to the world and shape it to their desire.


"Unity through Faith, Faith through Unity"


The Vanguard will be torn down. **There are no heroes.**


**Untitled Magical Girls and Boys Project** Let's commit genocide on the human race because their culture is barbaric. **Untitled Overpowered Project** I hate this femboy and his family so now I'm gonna make him suffer 24/7. Even though he always foil my plans and send me flying to the outside.


How to rule the world in a simple 3 step plan !  1) be corrupted by the same entity that brought  the downfalls  of the 4 deities who created the world        2) conquer the 4 other dimensions via corrupting “willing” angels and invade hell to use the demons as canon fodder       3) profit  


I got bored


The ancient pack has been broken. A price will be exacted.


I have 4 villains. 1. The Vampire Spawn wants to destroy nearby villages and raise their corpses as an undead army to conquer more land. In the process, he wants to find the vessels of his Vampire Master’s soul so he can release it either for power or influence. 2. The Green Dragon Warlock wants to cover the land in darkness so her Drow underlings can rule. In addition, she wants to find the corpse of her long dead ancestor and her ancestor’s prized artifact, the Book of Vile Deeds. 3. The Hobgoblin Armorer Artificer wants to conquer the land because of the desire for warfare in his blood. In the process, he wants to show that even though he was a slave and his legs were severed, he is just as powerful, if not more so, than a “whole” warlord. 4. The Sapphire Dragonborn wants to cure his weretiger lycanthropy by dealing with a devil who says he has the cure. The devil told him that he has to ensure the devil’s mortal agent sits on the throne of the capital city’s elected official if the Dragonborn wants to be free from his curse.


Big chomp of everything.


Manifest Destiny.


Keep my pet eldritch god bug from eating the world, or my girlfriend, the avatar of the moon, will kill me.


Murder eat a planet. Become space famous.


Become mortal. Die.


He thinks his boss/father is a fraud so he's gonna kill him and become the boss himself.


To be as inconvenient to anybody the decides to. Could be helpful to the heros, but could also decide she wants to try and obliterate them.


Obtain immortality (Done). Conquer the world to to stop war (Ongoing).


Planetary poison


Eliminate sentience. End suffering.


Make someone into a god. Kill them and repeat the process until you're strong enough to sterilize the universe.


Trick people into killing each other. Take their stuff.


Break the Domains of Dread. Unleash the evils contained within


"if i can just control everything and get rid of anyone who could oppose me, i can create a peaceful and just world"


*Appease the Rot*


Become immortal. Micromanage everyone forever.


Shoot laser at clouds, make everyone immortal.


Destabilize every major power in the world through a widespread espionage campaign, planting agents and false prophecies to drive the world into all-out war, inspiring the elves to activate their Apocalypse Machine. Then, all he has to do is use a back door that only he knows about to break into the elven capital, take control of the machine, and wield it himself to destroy the universe and remake it according to his own design.


Merge Nightmare Realm with our world, become god of both.


Become god and protect girlfriend.


Kill god. Save the world.


Get hooked on the rush of gaining power, start a religion which forced worship of him on everyone his race meets. Wait a few thousand years and the faith energy of quadrillions means a complete reshape of the universe to gain infinite power and unending pleasure.


Villain A. Upload sentient mind virus to as many unsuspecting people as possible to use them as living computer processors. Break into the super spooky AI God net and then take over to secure the future of humanity. Villain B. Make god by uploading and smashing together the combined minds of billions of artificial organic synthetics. Then, make sure that god does whatever they say.


Only the humans deserve to live, and if not, let the mortal world burn. For humanity is chaos, and chaos will never die


Make two countries fight each other because they occupied your homeland. Don't make it worse for your homeland in the process (optional)


*“Orchestrate a disaster, and send my dumb lackey who doesn’t realize he’s powerful enough to stop me on a journey to acquire a holy artifact that will counteract said disaster (which actually doesn’t exist, and the journey is just sending him somewhere where he’s almost certain to die).* *Then, once he’s out of the way, use that disaster as justification to brainwash the public and start a completely uncontested surveillance state, with me as the all-powerful dictator.”* The problem with her plan? That “dumb lackey” actually comes back. With a different, actually real holy artifact that turns him into a demi-god.


Lemuria: Fuck with her Motherland and you're done goofed.


Have everyone fight each other, kill a god, kill all other gods, become only god, rearrange the world


Enslave Mortals Genocide Gods


Use an alliance of monarchs as a front to cover your cult's operation to locate and destroy a bunch of gem stones. Also use your cult to locate and destroy a bunch of deserters dedicated to your complete destruction who are led by the guy who was extremely fanatical to your cause but turned against you when he found out you lied to him.


Accumulate energy, enter creative mode.




They won't stop bugging me, so I won't stop bugging them either... Long story short, they just want to live alone in the countryside, but the city will not stop growing, so they is going to make it stop. Any and all money they comes across gets sunk into an off-shore account as part of a back up plan in case their plan don't work. Plan A; Stop expansion of that F$%\^ING city. Plan B; Get enough money to purchase far away island and live there instead.


Eat all humans. Never be alone again.


Manipulate another country into joining a war to save their own.


World. Domination.


Whatever the thing under the lake is, it's cooler than God. We need to help it bring the entire world under the lake.




Invade his neighbours and eventually the world. Transmutation humans into demons and kill the ones that cannot transmutate.


Collect souls to build the greatest hotel in the world


He's gonna break the world's ties to the Gods that made it, so the energy of the world is free to be obsorbed by his God, who did not make it. He does this so his God makes him and his people Gods in return.


Create Conflict, Steal Personality Pieces, Become Normal.


Harvest the organs. Become a ruthless, immortal, God.


Maintain power for the noble class. Keep the commoners weak.


"Make cult to gather items. Do apocalypse to end own misery."


Burn it all to get God's attention.


Consume all life on earth to empower himself enough to fight off SOMETHING out in the universe that he can hear whispering on clear nights. It was those same whispers that led him to consume all life on HIS world before coming to ours.


Kill the MC and die.


Destroy the universe, make a new one, repeat.


Got isekai and believe she is the savior of the world.


Enter heaven, become inmortal


To unravel time itself to reset the world to its primordial state in order to fix the flaws of creation.


Eradicate magic. Die.


**Viirin Paraosil** Be pardoned for his crimes by the Avalon Empire. Become free of his curse **Azrael Paraosil (Paraosils have a history)** He wanted to cleanse his kingdom of “heretics” by any means necessary. **Pierce Whitaker** Whitaker wants complete control of his nation and its inhabitants. He also wants to become immortal.


Destroy the root of all manmade tragedies: Human greed.


Break the shackles that binds everyone by showing them all the truth and then save the worlds. Seems heroic because it is, he just doesn't know that by following his morals blindly and trusting the truthful albeit circumstantial and not really fully accurate information he has would cause a lot more harm than good.


I’ve got a bunch of villainous characters, and they all have different agendas. I’ll go through a few of them. Abaddon: Destroy everything in the multiverse. (Yeah this guy’s kinda one-note, he’s more of a natural phenomenon than an actual character) Semiyaza: Subject the entire galaxy to a state of constant anguish and grief. Consume the energy of these feelings and become strong enough to kill the Primum Mobile. Goetia: Annoy Phanes, a demigod who can be best described as a honey badger with nukes, as much as conceivably possible. Possibly seduce her? HECATE Corp.: Make tons of money by developing newer and more advanced forms of “magi-tech.” If the population of an entire planet has to be subjugated in the process, then so be it.


Step 1: Violate every code of ethics in science and magic. Step 2: Get famous.


He wants demons to rule the universe. He uses capitalism to get his start.


He wants to flood the world for cultural revenge reasons.


Magic is stupid. Use the magic to destroy the magic. Additionally you have: Everything sucks. Use the everything to destroy the everything.


Exterminate a race to save his own from destruction. "Congratulations, you are being saved. Please do not resist"


Two main “antagonists” here: 1. Gain a bunch of power. Redivide that power in a slightly more fair way. 2. Gain a bunch of power. Murder a bunch of people to revive a smaller amount of people.


Very well. Take the Wonderverse villains, and dissect them: A. The God-Emperor: To perfect human life and save them after an apocalyptic attack (removing all handicapped, old people, etc). To save others by taking over, from Emperor Serkon. B. Anti-Bolt: To kill all Superheroes and the God-Emperor. C. Starnet: To wipe out all organic life, and make way for the "Machine Emperor." D. The HIVE: To invade and consume everything. To make way for their little race's ecosystem. E. The Cartel: To supply drugs and make money... in space. F. The Fallen: To spread evil across Everything That Ever Existed. G. Emperor Serkon: To literally kill and consume everything. H. Bolt: To spread freedom and democracy... by force. To make sure that no matter how corrupt, democracy always stays. I. Solaris: To preserve superhero dictatorship across the Human Empire. J. Nazareth: To declare war on Heaven by striking a heavy blow against them. K. The Heydrich Cartel: To continue their colossal criminal Operations without any repercussions. L. Zero King: To Win, see all timelines and just win. M. The Maw: To hold back the Void from consuming everything. N. Secretary Frank Hoffman: To split the Superheroes apart. To end their stranglehold over the government. O. The Abstract Church: To create more Abstract Entities to fight the Void. P. The Primordials: To win the war against the opposite faction of Godheads (Progressives). Q. Blackwolf: To infect as many people and turn them into werewolves. R. Count Dracula: To do... Dracula stuff and create their Vempire. S. The Stormlord Cartel: To profit from killing Superheroes and making money. T. Minute: To take revenge upon Superheroes for something they have done in the future. U. The Reapers: To destroy their primary enemies, the Moondragons, and found their technological Empire. V. The Celestial: To become an Abstract Entity. W. The Nightbringers: To destroy their permanent enemies, the Lightbringers, permanently. X. Sin: To profit as a Mercenary for the villains. Y. Entropy: To prevent herself being painted as a villain as "Goddess of Death." To... Well, bang people. Z. The Void: To consume Everything That Ever Existed and turn it into Nothing That Never Unexisted.


Make people Look at trees for 2 hours a day. Do the electric slide whilst doing that


I don't have a name for him yet, so we'll simply call him the Cardinal. The Cardinal seeks to become the next Pontiff of the Lightbringer's Church. Once he achieves this, he will use his power to launch a crusade against all neighboring nations, all in the name of rooting out heretics, forcibly converting anyone who doesn't immediately follow the Lightbringer, and making the Lightbringer the only one true god in the world. I know the "Catholic Church ripoff is evil" has been done a lot, but in my defense at least this is a situation where the organization was corrupted from within rather than just 'Religion bad, everyone else good'.


Destroy humans on Earth. Move in after they're gone.


There is no plan. The Governor just fucked up.


I have a ton of villains, all with very different motivations for each other, so I'm going to list the character(s) and their motivation for doing so, and only 1 might break the 2 sentence limit. . Sirbenet: kill protag. and get his freedom back from Red, enjoy killing people in the process. . Red: personal vendetta against protag. Kill him, his friends, and destroy as many multiverses as possible. . Zeus, Michael, Ra, Odin, etc... (pretty much every pantheon leader + Michael the archangel): Be the best, destroy the other gods regardless of damage to their universe(s) . Rix (R-eye-ix): Destroy magic and "every other unholy abomination of science" . Rose: Sister and underling of Rix, same goal, just "weaker" (still lower multiversal) . Malevolent God of the Earth: No real plan, just on a 500,000 year cycle of escaping its island prison and wrecking havoc. . Zeus (again): Usurp the new gods due to the death of the god who ended the previous war between him and the others. . Star: Not an actual villain, just pretending to be so he can help gage how far his apprentice came. . (Placeholder name): Be "evil" (he's really bad at it, too good of a person) . Aliyah: Release the first deities, destroy the omniverse, the mortals, the New Gods, Old Gods and basically everything to ever exist. . ◇£■%{£¿&#: Destroy everything ever. . These are just the notable ones, I have many more, some (most) are less complex as a character.


Save time and space from collapsing into itself.


Return to Shadow.