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Well though out there my friend it certainly fits in a spinning world.


This post expands on a concept I've been considering for my Worldspinner setting. If you'd like a bit more context around the magic system and the world itself, I recommend checking out my other posts about it. I'd be more than happy to link relevant posts to any questions, or answer specific ones should you have any! Ever since the *Binding* (an intercontinental group dedicated to recreating *Pre-Sundering* cosmopolitanism and unity) was founded in *D'ossang*, every capital city has had a *School* erected to serve its people. In addition to providing safe and high levels of training for *Spinners* of every *Web*, *Schools* also act as economic, diplomatic and spiritual hubs. They give mortal citizens a places to petition for or hire the help of a trained *Spinner* to perform tasks with their powers, house ambassadors for other nations and agents of The Binding itself, and as they tend to be built in areas densely populated by *Elfengion* (the hive-mind-like manifestations of each *Web*), a place to commune with the *Webs* and see if one has the potential to become a *Spinner* oneself. The sections of the building surrounding the central tower contain classrooms, laboratories, offices, and training rooms, while the tower itself contains the sleeping quarters of the *School's* inhabitants. Large open gardens between the wings allow *Spinners* and guests alike to escape from the hustle of business and lectures within; often containing aspects of a specific *Web* for each garden (ponds, rock gardens, lush greenery, hot springs, or animals, etc), maintained by *Spinners* assigned the duty of the gardens' upkeep. In terms of scale, the upper floors of each wing are always wide enough for at least a corridor with sets of rooms on either side. Due to the vast cultural differences between each continent, local architects each put their own spin on the standard shape. For instance, the industry-focussed *Inimarderans* convert the smaller spires into vents through which to expel smoke, steam and hot air or intake fresh air to cool the interior and run furnaces, while the *Viriderri* literally grow their *School* using live trees, shaped through *Spinning* into ever-changing artistic designs. Naturally, due to the building's significance, its presence in the city has a degree of influence on its surroundings. Markets for where one may buy Spinner-made goods or sell necessities to the School's inhabitants are a near-universal fixture. High-class inns and entertainment centres are also common, frequented both by those who have travelled far to visit the school and those from within it seeking a break from the stuffy social environment. The degree of influence over a School's surroundings tends to correlate directly to how early into the city's development it was made, for instance the first ever School, Filaraign, stands at its city's centre, with its districts radiating outward from it, echoing the School's web iconography. Contrastingly, Styr, the relatively newest School (around fifty or so years old) stands near the edge of its city, far from the docks, and contrasts greatly with its architecture, still learning to adapt the local style into its shape.


The shape makes me want to spin it like a spinning top


Kind of reminds me of the phalanx from 40k


You know, it actually really does lol. Tbh I'd never seen one before, I just got the idea a while back while studying historical architecture in art class. I saw the rounded section at the back of cathedral and wandered what if we just sort of copy, rotate and paste the rest around that part, and make it all bigger.


Hey there! We ask that all posts here have some [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/wiki/rules#wiki_2._all_posts_should_include_original.2C_worldbuilding-related_context.) with some **in-universe information (or "lore")** about what is being shown or how it relates to the larger world. It doesn't need a ton of information—just a few sentences is fine! Would you be able to add this?


Of course, sorry. I was trying to type it out, as it has quite a lot of context and I didn't think to write it beforehand and copy-paste it.


answer the mod frendo


My context was a bit long-winded, so it took a while to type hahaha