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I can do this too! Whether those names are decent on the other hand... No, in all serious I'm horrible at naming gods. Some of them have been floating around stories/worlds/projects since I was a mid-teen and to this day I have still never named them!


I started with simple names of fae like Titania mab Aberon cause oberon is a different non god and I used nimue and Vivian as lady of the lakes. I put 4 children under each 2 male 2 female and then each of them have 4 2 males and 2 females. The names and their duties are connected to their parents but like with fae sun/Light Deity the children then take on like different versions of it. I just smacked some things together and poof.


I can do it for place names, but not for characters unfortunately.


I struggle with putting all my thoughts into words and I also suck at grammar.


I usually need like 5 minutes to come up with something


Opposite.  I'm terrible with proper nouns.  I can tell you all about the person or thing, but struggle with names. Same thing IRL.  I never remember proper nouns, but I remember all kinds of other details.


Sure yeah. Normally I have to check that it's not already the name of a medication though.


Not specifically for gods, but yes, I do indeed make things up on the fly. And then sometimes end up going back to revise it, or consider it a challenge and find ways to work with and or around the problems I've made for myself.


Heck yeah. I'm not alone.!!.


At this point I’ve come up with half my lore purely because of questions on this subreddit.


I can't really do that, but I use real life names to think of mine. What I mean by that is I'm taking let's say the Anglo-Saxon namebase, and then I translate something to it. So let's say Phillip (horse lover, yeah I know) is Eohfren (I left out some letters)


I came up with "Uriton" on the spot for a golem It is a combo of **UR**anium, and, A TON. UR-I-TON.


here is the story I had in my head when I came up with it on the spot. ***~~^(bleb.)~~*** *In a brief instance in my imagination, there was once a holy war, the standard trope of demons VS angles, and we were living some time after that event and we came upon a monument that was just a field of stone spikes jutting out of the earth.* *Those who know, know.* *Anyway.* *After getting an old language translated it turns out, people decidedly ignored the warnings and harvested what was supposed to be sealed there for an amplification to their magics, at the cost of both tainting their mana and body in the process, they say it’s fine, they say that it is normal because magic itself is volatile.* *But for some backstory, there was a type of demon before the war called a "Harvester" and they used a circle very specific to their kind, and to use D&D context, when you get harvested, you take 80D6 damage, your whole body gets turned into sludge and your bones wither away, then they consume your soul and burn it for fuel, they all dead now.* *I made a deal with a demon back when, yes I'm the main character shut it, the war was happening, the deal was that I keep him alive and he teaches me how that circle works, he was just not expecting the sheer amount of rabbits I had access to, after I learned an angle almost killed him we made a second deal, I harvest him, and he sleeps within my body until I'm able to procure/produce a body for him, 2 thousand years later and here I am drawing a circle around the site, and about halfway, raiders and looters come, so in a rush I did a curving air slash to complete the rest and activated the circle.* *And what came out was an incomplete golem the size of the site itself, and after it arose, it started using a modified harvester circle, 80d4, yes a lesser die, but eighty.* *After it harvested all but one who managed to escape, it quickly fell apart, my companion was still shocked at the fact that I learned how to use a harvester circle.* *Then after donning the proper clothes, we, he begrudgingly helped, started the process of getting all the material out of the now mound of rubble of what the site used to be.* *Once all of it was in one pile, I drew a more complete circle surrounding it, reminiscent of the symbol for nuclear.* *I activated the circle and out came a complete golem who's name I came up with on the spot; "Uriton" \[your a ton\]* *then it…* ***~~^(bleb.)~~*** and that is when I realized I was sharing a bit much.


You are my polar opposite. I cannot name things at all. If I'm trying to think of names for people, I keep getting common simple names, often starting with J like Jared, James, Jesse and Jim. Even worse for factions.y most developed faction is still called the "southern empire", because it is an empire in the south of the region. There are maybe 5 other empires, let alone countless smaller factions and polities. The only one with a real name is another one of the empires which I usually call the Union. The names I thought of were Union of Progressive States, Union of Progressive Republics and Union of the New World and Union of States for Societal Progress. I thought of these on a whim maybe last year and I was lucky to have saved these names somewhere because I had forgotten about these and I would have likely not made any names like these again. I can't call on that all the time. I want the names in my world to reflect in world languages without sounding like generic fantasy gibberish like "the Dark Forest of Ghulikhymorathimor the Void Lord". Lapis_Wolf


I’ve found that starting with a sort of title/moniker/nickname in English. That’s how I got my 26 first gods a-rolling. From there it’s translating the name to the regional languages then playing a wee game of telephone with myself until it sounds like a name one could swear by, for oaths or curses. Example: The god Many-Colored Autumn is called *Amlo Hidrefi* in the old tongue of Ip and Golnt, or just Amlo or just Hidrefi. The fae call the god *Gebled Hifst*. The fae’ith and humans of the southern wastes call the god *Zaha’alwan Keft,* and the nomads of the western steppes call her *Farbet Kokingn Mon,* Lady-queen of Many Colors.