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Urruth, the king of the hunt. He is the first demon from the corpse of Anulvar the Eldritch God of death and horrors. Edit: his other title is The sovereign of the twelve.


Demons are always a solid choice and he’s got a sick title to match it


Thank you, the hunt is actually called The Wild Hunt. Even though there is a wild hunt in the Witcher, mine is inspired by European folklore.


Indeed that’s a great choice for inspiration!


My favourite villain is currently the only one I have written as of now, and his name is Hanok. Hanok was the first metakin to ever be born, and went on to become the most powerful sorcerer the world has ever seen. Hanok turned to evil after the Gods threatened to take away his power, something they couldn't actually do. Following his turn to evil, he began recruiting forces for an army, and began his conquest of the world of Molanar until the Gods sent new Metakin down to fight him alongside those who would stand up. Eventually he would be killed in battle, or at least that is what the people of Molanar believed.


Ooh very interesting! What were his powers? I’d love to hear them!


At the current moment I don't have his full powers decided on, I have decided he is powerful in all schools of magic, something other sorcerers cannot do. Necromancy and Transformation magic I think are what he is probably going to be strongest in. Besides his ability to learn magic better than any other sorcerer, I have not decided on if he has other powers or not, he would be the first sorcerer metakin to have them. Sorcerers are a type of metakin that have the ability to access the magic field present in the world, they are sometimes considered weaker and stronger than other metakin depending on who in the world you ask. Normal people cannot use magic.


The ones which you rarely hear of. The ones who aren't major leaders, but instead, just people following orders... And overdoing it for sport. No logic, no reason. Just pure evil in one way or another. That said, the villains with reason are fun too - I just find the ones who are actually evil to be more interesting, mainly because I've been listening to Blood Meridian recently as an audiobook.


Agreed pure evil is fun! Like, a redeemable villain is good, but pure evil is just a joy


Exactly! I also feel that a lot of recent works and stories have become oversaturated with "morally grey" villains... Which isn't too bad on its own, but it's also that a lot of it ends up turning into a sob story/pity party for the villain? I don't know, maybe it's just me losing it. Either way, pure evil *is* just fun and fascinating at the end of the day. Even if you portray the most vile PoS in the world, if you do it right, then it's still captivating.


The black commander, he has an actual reason to be a villain and then redemped


A classic and a good fun name




Nemo. He is the leader of a villainous organization based on the tree of life. His ability to make the known unknown is very fun to work with in a story. His character as a charismatic leader that cares for his team despite being a villain is also fun to write. There is genuine camaraderie among his organization with him as the lynch pin holding it together. Now Nemo and Co aren't really the main villains, nor are they particularly villainous. They just have an end goal that they will go outside of the law to achieve and end up as a third party in some major and minor conflicts throughout.


The semi antagonist is always something that makes a story flourish as not all your characters should be extremes on good and evil. So great job :D


My favorite villain is my God of Games. He’s a lot like Zeus or Odin in his standing among the pantheons, and he punishes entire nations at a time if they ignore his rituals and philosophies and take themselves too seriously.


He sounds like fun guy!


Considering villains are the thing I prefer to do the most, there are... plenty... like a stupid amount. But one of those I enjoy the most writing is Braäm Dëlege


Ooh do tell me a bit about them!


Yeah sorry I planned to but I accidentaly posted it 😅 so here she is She's a dangerous sociopaty that take deep pleasures into torturing people, but she also has a huge passion for anatomy and medicines so at the same time she both torture for fun but uses the result of her inhuman practices to make precious discoveries for the field of medicine. Also she openly assume her degeneracy, she doesn't try to bullshit other into thinking that what she's doing is for the greater good or that it is some sort of pleasure that only some chosen people can understand, she's insane, she knows it but only want to do things for her own pleasure after a whole childhood being beaten down and abused by her father for not being a boy and causing the death of her mother. In the world of Ennearia she fight in the war against the zealous warriors named Nordrhamannis, or rather an extreme conservatism VS immoral progress moral conflict in which she incarnate the later. None of those sides are right of course. There's a lot I haven't written about her yet and other things I need to reread


Ooh I love this she sounds amazing! And sorry for not getting back to you as well as well I am working but keep up the amazing work!


np also she must have the most metal power ever, her skull can split open, revealing inside of her skull that is filled by many tools designed to torture she can throw andcontrol via cords made of her own brain she's deadly at close range but the more she extend her range, the more her gognitive abilities decreases


My favorite villain name is Marigold her world takes place after world war 4. The US which is now Royal Blue won the war and rules over all the continents. She is seen as heartless evil and doesn't care for the people of her country. She is also in charge of other leaders who rule the other countries. She is really smart and actually really creative she does have a heart she just doesn't feel like using it. She is polite knows manners and rules things pretty well as she is only 17 she has been ruling since 15. Before that though things were run by a group which is Marigold's dad, uncles, aunts and grandparents. No one knew what they looked like as Marigold is the only leader to show her face and has overtime has been given complete control over everything so now she rules alone.


Ah yes somehow making a moody teenager even scarier I love it and I’d love to know how the world restrained from nuking us all to death in world war three


Depends whether or not you count general antagonists. For full fledged villainy, I have to go with my boy Marlevaur Illustrium. He’s an elf, and a rather famous one at that, playing a major role in ending the war between Viteris and Felumar. With his fame and influence, people blindly trust him and will do basically anything he says. Still bitter that Felumar never faced any real consequences for their misdeeds in the “demon” war, the war against Viteris, and later the Olikos revolution, Marlevaur set out to gather together many powerful artifacts. He even gets other adventurers to bring him some of the artifacts. Combining them together will functionally turn him into a god, and with the power that grants him, he intends to wipe Felumar off the map permanently. And he’s just oh so smug about it once he gets the power. As far as he’s concerned, he’s a god now. Who’s going to stop him? He can flaunt it as much as he wants. For just an antagonist, I’d say Captain Isabel Grey. She’s a human and captain of a crew of pirates. Said crew of pirates also currently includes the crown princess of Felumar because Isabel tricked her into thinking her parents had given her away. Naturally, everyone’s looking for the princess, but Isabel is quite fond of her and doesn’t want to let her go. She knows that what she’s doing is very wrong, and it truly eats away at her, but at this point, she views the princess as the daughter she never had, and can’t stand the thought of losing her.


For your villain this man is GOLD to me he sounds like a perfect villain and one that I’d love to see on the big screen or fly of the pages of a book. And for the antagonist a classic character with her being a pirate adding some fun spice!


Thank you so much! :D I’ve been struggling with writing lately, not thinking my characters or plots were believable, so seeing this absolutely made my day.


Hey I feel you man as work has been very stressful and hasn’t left much time. But hey I’m glad you’re happy and I am glad that I made you happy :)


I got Hazel Haze which is her stage name, her real name is Hazel Bell, she's currently my favourite villain to write and made, since I like writing charismatic character with a real showman personality, she's a popular illusionist, travels around the United states doing shows, she's not inherently evil but the man that gave her, her powers makes her do his bidding whenever he needs her help, which is not too frequent and it makes her a villain, she's just too into the fame to regret her actions too much She only has illusion powers, whilst she is one of the weaker characters she wins often with smarts alone, she uses her illusion powers in smart ways, she has beaten someone who is faster than the speed of light a few times with smarts and prep time, that's why I like her so much, glad I wrote her into my current story And she can make people fear her if they don't see through her illusions ever


She sounds rather excited as super charismatic villains are just the best. I’m even working on a similar character named Siren to be a antagonist down the line in my story


My favorite villain is Pope Michael Ichbin the 1st, because his self esteem is so dependent on a petty god complex it’s what drove the majority of his actions. He feels physically repulsed by being “below” people, if he has to sleep in a bunk bed he’ll always take the top bunk, he insists on being the first to go up the stairs, this extends not only to being physically bellow but also other things, like hierarchies or public perception. He not only betrayed the billions of people who see him as the representative of god, but the evil organization that helped him ascend to the papacy because he thought “representative… means I’m under his authority…” and that led him to try to become greater than god. Unfortunately for everyone a genius level intellect and an unwavering resolve mixed with such a crippling complex turned him into the greatest threat to the modern world since the king of vampires walked the earth


This is a true classic villain and I love it!!


**The God of Whales** An enormous cluster of feet-thick tentacles and thin tendrils that wave and writhe, looking like so many baby loaches burrowing into a brick of cool tofu at the bottom of a boiling pot. In the center of the mass is a gaping maw that might be mistaken for that of a whale but for the rows and rows of sharp teeth as long as spears. It sings or screams constantly, and the song brings a kind of instant madness to those that hear it that can only end in blood and death. The God of Whales floats in the air in exactly the way a whale ***absolutely should not float.*** It's truly something out of a nightmare, and even my description doesn't do justice to the image I've constructed in my head. The good news is that it can't breathe oxygen or nitrogen *or* exist in a vacuum, so it has to stay in its home universe. The bad news is that it has hundreds or thousands of Whale-Emperors at its command. They're nearly as bizarre and just as evil, and they *can* breathe air.


Settle down lovecraft I already have enough nightmares of eldrich horrors! But in all honesty this is so damn dope! I love it and your descriptions are just mesmerizing! Amazing work


Thanks! And thanks for posting.


Reminds me of the whales from Dishonored a bit. Just saw a video on that a few days ago


I'm not sure if this guy counts because he is at most an antagonist and anti-hero but a lot of people see him as a villain. He's one of the Chiefs of the strongest Outlander Tribes. Outlanders are blue skinned barbarians who were created by Frost Giants after the Frost Giants invaded the continent of Heuvedal. The Giants had the goal of conquering the continent and freezing it into an eternal winter paradise for themselves. They succeeded together in conquering and freezing a large swath of territory that stretched from the northeast into the heart of the continent now known as the Tundra. Eventually the Native races of Heuvedal united into a single Heuvedalan Empire under the now Legendary Emperor and defeated the Outlanders and Giants killing all the Frost Giants in the process. The Outlanders survived but were presumed broken without their creators to lead them and so the Empire went about creating a golden age of peace and prosperity for themselves while trying to figure out how to undo the magic that sustained the Tundra. The Emperor by the end of his life had not succeeded in doing this but reports of a peninsula in the Northeast that had been spotted by sailors having returned to its original green and warmth encouraged the Prince and only heir to lead an expedition to colonize the peninsula in hopes of finding the source of the magic that thawed the land and applying it across the Tundra. Along the way the Outlanders very not broken and instead vengeful about the loss of their creators and angry at the thought of losing the Tundra ambushed the expedition and killed the Prince. This led to the Empire falling into Civil War at the death of the Emperor and collapse. Now there are a number of Successor Kingdoms trying to rebuild the Empire with themselves in charge. One of the best ways these Kingdoms have to try to claim they are the True Successor and deserve to rule a re-united Empire is by pursuing the quest to thaw the Tundra as anyone who could succeed where the mighty Emperor failed would clearly be worthy. The Outlanders however still occupy the Tundra and resist this violently while also raiding/invading into the Kingdoms to weaken them and prevent the Empire's return. One of these Outlander Chiefs wants to unite the Outlander Tribes into a Kingdom of their own and work to develop the Tundra into a frozen homeland for his people. He believes if he could do this and the Successors Kingdoms would give up trying to reunite the Empire and just stay as moderately powerful Kingdoms they could even let bygones be bygones and make peace with the Heuvedalans. The way he sees it wrongs have been done on both sides but too much blood on both sides has been spilled for them to let the fight pass to their children just for the sake of grudges. However if the Heuvedalans continue to try to recreate the overpowered Empire and thaw the Tundra that is more reason than just grudges and is necessary to fight over. At one point I am really looking forward to, their will be a group of Heuvedalans that challenge him calling him out as a barbaric raider and villain and he's going to respond with this elegant but also angry retort about how "he's not going to try to defend the Frost Giant invasion but the Outlanders didn't ask for that war they were born into it and told to fight before they even knew what was going on. Furthermore the last Frost Giant died almost two hundred years ago not even the oldest Outlander is anywhere near old enough to have ever seen let alone fought for a Frost Giant, nor is any living Heuvedalan old enough to have fought against them. Because of this he will not give up the only homeland he and his tribe have ever known just because centuries ago one of his ancestors fought for the Frost Giants." Then when one of the Heuvedalans point out he's still a villain and no better because his tribe raids Heuvedalans to this day he's going to point out, "You know who else raids, conquers, and kills Heuvedalans? OTHER HEUVEDALANS! You all love to hold up your great and glorious Emperor and the Empire he created as this precedent for the great peacefulness and sophistication of Heuvedalan Society completely ignoring the fact that it was a peaceful blip on a timeline otherwise soaked with the blood of Heuvedalans slaughtering each other before and after the Empire. The Emperor's body wasn't even cold before you all began butchering each other for the throne and you haven't stopped for even a day since! You Heuvedalans so high on the ivory tower that is your Imperial Legacy looking down on us barbaric Outlanders as though your hands aren't drenched in your own blood as much or more than ours! You hate us and you pretend it is because of the Giants Invasion and the raids but clearly you Heuvedalans have no issue with invasions and raids! No you hate us not because we play the game but because we are better at it than you! Because alongside the Giants we came inches from doing in less than a century what you had all been trying for who knows how long, you hate us for almost winning and putting an end to the game you've all been playing for centuries and if that's the case, who really here is the barbarians? The ones who want the cycle of slaughter to continue over and over again forever or the ones who accept there is no clean answer but because of that will put an end to it by any means necessary."


Holy Jesus that was a lot but it is so AMAZING I love it your world craft is beautiful and quite detailed excellent work and a excellent antihero


First off can't believe someone actually read all that, so thank you. I have put a LOT of work into the ideologies of my world and my characters are very much reflections/vessels to view those ideologies through almost like how Cap and Ironman were portrayed as the champions of opposite ideologies in Civil War. This one Outlander character often plays the part of the besieged moderate similar to a RINO (Republican in name only) or DINO (Democrat in name only) in American politics. On the one hand the people on his "side" (the other Outlanders) often think he doesn't go far enough, is soft, or even a traitor as many hate the idea of peace with the Heuvedalans and want revenge for centuries of animosity and some want to go as far as finishing the Frost Giants quest to freeze the whole continent. Meanwhile on the other hand, those in the opposition who he's trying to extend an olive branch to still often paint with such a broad brush as to ignore the nuance and just treat him like any other Outlander but with even a bit of extra animosity as they think he styles himself as King of the Outlanders a title no Outlander has ever held and the Heuvedalans would like to keep it that way. That's not to say he's alone, there are other Outlanders who want to focus on strengthening and developing the Tundra instead of wasting their strength battling the Heuvedalans. Also there are Heuvedalans who are willing to give up the quest to thaw the Tundra and make other concessions if it means peace with the Outlanders but they aren't the majority and it's with those people he hopes to work.


So far, the only "villains" I've came up with are Nazi dwarves, who I've mentioned countless times on this subreddit (next to shit such as the "War of Black Skies", "New Sun Wars", "True Elves", and "cat-people orcs"; the last one I mention repeatedly just so people don't assume orcs in my world look like "stereotypical" orcs). It's not that I hate villains, I just tend to write lots of decentralized stories with a bunch of different villains, ranging from the Nazi dwarves I just mentioned, to Jerry the hobgoblin, to Felix McStabbystabby in the dark alleyway (that last one was made up, but you should get the idea). Since I mentioned him, I may as well talk about Jerry the hobgoblin. Basically Jerry sucks, and here are the reasons he sucks: he doesn't provide for his family, he's always stealing stuff from his neighbors instead of getting stuff himself (most notably he raids their fridges), and he doesn't want to work hard even for his own benefit. He technically doesn't exist in my world, as I sort of made him as a joke villain for some weird PSAs about my world (which also kinda sorta don't exist).


I had to read this twice as first go around I got stuck on ‘nazi dwarves’ which caught me off guard. But I love this it’s fabulous


what's Jerry's villain origin story, out of curiosity? what, for instance, might he have been forced to suck that made him the villian? has he ever gone without food?


With what I've come up with so far: he's unfortunately kinda just a lazy mooching bum that wants to take the easy way out without putting in work or effort, which is why his wife decided to leave him for a human instead (though, why she married Jerry in the first place is beyond me).


right, there's just not enough depth to the character to cast him as a villain/antagonist. just seems like a tertiary prop without narrative consequence. might be interesting to actually develop, though.


Actually, come to think of it, there are these weird green cat-people that are kind of assholes to hobgoblins, but in-turn hobgoblins are assholes to the weird green cat-people. I should've mentioned that, but didn't.


The Hunter. He's an assassin with the reputation of being efficient and merciless. He wears all white because he wants his victims to know he's about to kill them. He used to have a legitimate reason to be an assassin but lost it and now does it for fun. The main reason why I like him more than others is because he and one of the main characters HATE each other.


Simple names are always intimidating and fun and he sounds amazing! Especially their relationship to this main character


Thanks. Plus he used to be part of a group called the Hunter's Guild and as a middle finger to all of them calls himself THE Hunter. Also if you want to know how badly they hate each other: Hunter ruined all chances at killing the other heroes just so he can have a one-on-one fight with them.


This petty bastard has my heart, I love him dearly


My favorite right now is a villain protagonist named Pontata who's pretty much evil for evils sake. She was a cruel undead baroness who loved throwing extravagant parties almost as much as she loved her oft used guillotine. One day her servants grew sick of her selfish personality so they killed her and buried her in a hidden tomb. Many years later she was unwittingly awoken from her death by a hunter who joined her in a quest to get revenge on her traitors. Pontata is equal parts playful and unserious as she is teasing and cruel, she lives life inconsequentially and treats life and death with equal disregard. If I can sum up her personality in one picture it would be the "Bored so I'm sucking the life energy out of my dog" meme.


Not the dog! Also this is quite a fun idea for a villain as well pure evil villains are just fun and you have crafted a very fun villain for yourself indeed!


Thanks! I think fun is the perfect way to describe her. I also somehow forgot to mention her iconic character trait is that, due to having been executed by beheading, she can take her head on and off anytime she wants, similar to the Irish Dullahan or the headless horseman.


One of my favorite is Fenrolm, he's one of the very first villains my characters meet, at the beginning of the story he's a spoiled brat, pretty talented but yet unexperienced, as the story goes on though he becomes a much bigger treath, eventually going on to become a major player in my setting At the beginning Fenrolm is just the 11th child of the emperor of a powerful empire, despite his high status he has no chance at all to become the heir, he's looked down by all his siblings and his parents are neglectful at best, when a war breaks out he is given his own army and sent to deal with lesser and minor problems, during that time he manages to learn how to handle an army, despite that however, eventually his army is defeated, and his siblings seeing it as an opportunity strip him of his titles and send him in exile During his travel, an incident happens, he founds himself alone in the middle of a cold and harsh land, full of dangerous monsters, where he'll probably die either of cold, hunger, devoured by beasts, or killed by the clans, despite that however, Fenrolm doesn't die, instead he learns how to survive, he learns how to hunt, how to fight, he manages to tame a pack of wolves that he trains to hunt down bigger beasts, as his pack grows he himself becomes stronger, he eventually joins the various mountains clans, learns their language and culture, climbing up the ranks and uniting all the clans into one, establishing his own small kingdom, but more importantly he has a spiritual journey, becoming more than just a king but a prophet for the people Soo far as i wrote him he has launched a campaign against the nearby kingdoms at war, hunting down the lords, leaving only burned land behind, while convincing the peasants to revolt and join his kingdom, causing his army to become stronger and bigger, while any army sent against him becomes weaker, giving him easy win that cause more people to join his side


Now this is quite the villain with excellent motivation and sounds like quite the threat and he’s most certainly earned this power! Just all around really good!


the poor immortal who wants to end all life on the planet, but keeps getting ran over by skyscraper sized choo-choos going 99% the speed of light. somebody made a post here involving him a year or two ago about what your world is and how long their character would take to end all life on there, but due to the sheer absurdity of imagining an 8ft tall dude getting ran over by something taller and faster than him made him a bit memorable. he is not a villain if he can't do anything!


This is interesting and like how has he been ram over so many times by trains? Is it the same train every time or diffrent trains? In conclusion this man should first destroy trains before he tries for the world


Well he is immortal. he can't destroy what he can't see. plus he gets flung far enough that he sometimes collides with another train. the highest we've seen was three bounces. plus with the planet the size of the current observable universe, he is going be there for quite some time...


Poor guy


the poor immortal who wants to end all life on the planet, but keeps getting ran over by skyscraper sized choo-choos going 99% the speed of light. somebody made a post here involving him a year or two ago about what your world is and how long their character would take to end all life on there, but due to the sheer absurdity of imagining an 8ft tall dude getting ran over by something taller and faster than him made him a bit memorable. he is not a villain if he can't do anything!


The Alderbride family. The villains of the first entry in horror fantasy series I'm storyboarding. A reclusive noble family who, on the surface, are a charitable family of doctors, writers, wizards, rangers and investors. Their imposing manor bears two windows on its attic in the shape of a squinted pair of eyes. When one walks the streets of their home town of Eiserner, one finds a ghost town with the only company being the eye-shaped roof windows on every structure. Those who enter Eiserner are never heard of again, though when one leaves the walls of a settlement and ventures out into the untamed lands, those close to them are told to brace themselves for the likelihood of them dying or going missing on their travels, which is how the family have been able to get away with taking people for so long. Sir Nicholas the Patriarch. A tall, lean ominous figure who rules the household with glinted eyes and an ear-to-ear grin. Despite his age, the speed at which he runs and moves is enough to catch any and all opponents off guard. His abnormally long arms enable him to reach his targets from long distances as well as reach deep into crawl spaces and hiding spots. Lady Octavia, the matriarch of the family and a renowned opera singer who pioneered the ability to channel magic into her lungs, enabling her to project her voice louder. Short-tempered, spoiled and used to getting her own way, she howls like a banshee for all to hear at the mildest inconveniences. Although she herself isn't much of a physical threat, the family are never far behind her. You would do well to keep out of her sight, lest she use her banshee-like shriek to alert the family to your presence. Graham. The handsome and charming friendly face of the family, and a renowned hunter and inventor. His odd new inventions, miniature cannons that make a loud banging noise at the pull of the trigger mechanism, are quick and efficient against the bandits, beasts and magic users of the humbled lands. While sweet and soft-spoken on the outside, behind closed doors he keeps a macabre collection of teeth from the game he kills. Don't let his warm smile fool you, he's as twisted and soulless as the rest of his family. Petra. A magical prodigy. She bears a black, skeletal left arm twice the length of her right, which she channels powerful and twisted magic from. Pompous, narcissistic and condescending, she believes she's destined to lead the family next and has little time or patience for any visitors who enter Eiserner. She butts heads with Graham more often than not, but her loyalty to the family and her image far outweighs her annoyance toward her twin brother. Although she acts like she's above killing, a snicker always seems to escape her mouth whenever she's 'forced' to watch her family's cruel games. Sigmund. The eldest sibling, caretaker of the house and the only one able to shut Graham and Petra up. A giant by human standards, he has yet to meet any who are able to match his monstrous strength. Despite his massive frame, he bears the strange ability to navigate the town as silent and quickly as a mouse. Most don't notice him behind them until it's too late.


I love some good horror fantasy and your characters are all dreadfully amazing with each having their own unique personalities which I adore!


Azel, ruthless hand-picked vessel of the Ancients. After being granted scions of their powers, he turned rogue, seeking to take their abilities for himself. He believes he is the only hope he has of humanity's survival, which is a misguided belief; the war of the deities was never his to end.


Very cool with a very good concept!


Malagan Fatalis, the black dragon, whose name came to be synonymous with death. More a lore / backstory villain than a present antagonist. Malagan is an ancient dragon, and one of the inventors of draconic immortality. Centuries after his genius magical breakthrough, he is plagued with visions and nightmares of draconic extinction, and he ultimately sets in motion the very circumstances that turn his nightmare into prophecy. He revokes the immortality of its co-creator and strikes her dead in retaliation for her part in preventing his attempt at preventing his visions. In doing so, he unintentionally unleashes what's basically a rare magical infectious disease that targets immortals.


Now this is great a dragon immortal is fun! Plus his hubris is amazing sounds like a very fun character!


Usually the villains in my world are reapers (demigods who have overpowered the god they inherit, leading them to death magic insead of light magic), I'll list the big three reapers here - Reaper Taikwo, cloned version of an innocent man (Who would later become an All-Father prophet and defeat Reaper Taikwo). Only reaper to nearly end the world and destroyed Tilili, one of the most powerful countries in history - Reaper Abibwalo, first reaper to be a war chief. Massively narcississtic and once thought to be unstoppable - Reaper Izibekien, result of a post mortem birth whilst in the afterlife. He came back after learning how to inherit a god. He feeds off of other peoples hatred. There are villains that aren't reapers though, to name a few: - Lebohong III, third chairman of the Dooms. Has the body of a child and holds unmatched telekenetic powers. The amount of atrocities he's reponsible for is too long. - Deathstalker Baako, a prophet who became jealous that he always paled in comparison. He turned on his own group, manipulating and murdering them. He also turned to soul magic to further his decent into evil. - Yile, a world ending reptilian summoned by Reaper Taikwo. His body could cover the Indian Ocean, and his head reaches beyond the atmosphere.


These are all so dope!!! Id love to hear more as your charecters and the world building intrigues me greatly


It's meant to be 7 family lines whomst rebelled against the main portaginists family like 200 years ago due to the fact that they pissed off the aristocrats which then encouraged them to insist a rebellion in which they won mostly because his army had 70% of them just defect mostly from the fact that they could be paid more to "defend" and aristocrat. They essentially insisted a rebellion from the one momment the king allowed for them to slip they claws into a crack and break the entire damm structure up.


Ooh now that’s an interesting idea I love it!


Kira Upal, The High Chieftain of the Undead Tribes, a brutal military dictator hellbent on protecting his people from humans. Kira was a Human-Zombie Halfbreed Prince whose mother was hanged for having an interracial relationship with his father. Since then Kira had a hatred for humans, and during the Intercontinental War, Kira was captured by a human tribe where a woman in the tribe decided to keep him as a... pet. After a week, he managed to escape being both physically and emotionally damaged. Kira would go on leading his small army across the human territories destroying most kingdoms and capturing more territory for his people. The trauma of war stayed with Kira even after his victory, and when he came back home word of what happened to him spread and he was met with constant ridicule by other men and woman. Most accusing him of "enjoying it" or "being ungrateful". This damaged Kira's mind further causing him to fall into a pit of self-hate and rage. When he took the throne as High Chieftain, he became a monster. What I love about Kira is both his complexity as well as the calm atmosphere he brings, the idea behind his character is that a lot of other villains in the world would just yell at you or throw stuff, but Kira is far more terrifying.


I’m not gonna ask how you get a part human part zombie person or tribes of undead because it raises possibilities I don’t wanna know. But for real this is killer and a fucking epic backstory for a villain! Hats off to you


1. Thanks 2. Undead in this world can be complicated sometimes they are just green vampires other times they are floating husks of misery


I love the description of green vampire it makes me think things that make me giggle. But thanks for clearing that up :D


The Constant The near immortal survivor of a decimated country of scientist-kings who had nearly discovered a key secret of helping the world. Instead they used it to oppress and dominate. An alliance of nations rose up against them and now all that mainly remains of the culture is an addictive drug, derived from fragments of the lost secret, which temporarily grants an incredible high or the power of monsters The Constant is the deeply secretive leader of the criminal network that distributes this drug but first and foremost, he considers himself a scientist. He uses the drug culture to experiment and regain the knowledge that was lost in his time in order to help the world as his people should have - no matter how many lives it destroys in the process Several lifetimes of applied experimentation has granted him several monstrous abilities which he justifies as survival, being the last of his people and most capable, he is too important to be lost. This includes the ability to change shape which he has used over the years to hide and create vast networks for his needs He doesn’t want revenge but he despises the short-sightedness he sees in many when faced with the greater good I was listening to a lecture where the presenter, who looked liked Jor-El of Krypton, would refer to “The Constant“ in such a quiet sinister way because of his accent (Can’t remember what, Polish/Dutch something?) and got the idea


I love this idea and I have a character that is very similar so since you shared some lore I’ll share some of my own! One of the two main antagonist groups in my story, (the two groups are the Flock and The Empire).My villain is The Flock’s main chemist and top general (which in flock rankings he’s called a horseman) is a secretive character only known as Vulture or Pestilence. A son of a now dead drug lord, Vulture has achieved many great achievements, making a angelic being from dismembered celestials, inventing and dispensing a drug known as cursed blood made the blood of a dead god so Volitile that if you take it you either become really high, really strong, die or mutate into a horrible eldrich abomination of flesh and bone! Also he is a adoptive father and a advocate for workers rights and fair wages as while he’s evil he’s only evil to everyone who doesn’t work for the cult


My favorite is my manipulative villain, Amicitia. She managed to manipulate everyone into following her, while simultaneously draining the power source my world needs to survive.


Ooh quite fun indeed!


Simply, The Head. Originally a scholar mage who specialised in the unique school of magic to split and conjoint. It eventually developed applications of its magic to the mind and the soul. With the former, it can split and conjoin its own mind into other people’s overpowering their sense of self and effectively mind controlling them. For centuries, it has been using this method to expand its power and influence, incorporating incredibly powerful soldiers into its hivemind. What semblance of its humanity is long gone. Yet It understands very well and weaponises human emotions to manipulate people and extend its webs even further beyond its own magic. Make no mistake, and fall neither for its whispers of poison or words of nectars. The Head is cold, logical , calculated, and lacks any sense of morality. With its brain washing, manipulative tactics, exhaustive cumulation of knowledge and vast network of intel , The Head has integrated itself into every shadow of society whether it be sponsoring terrorists, trading with resistance groups, striking deals with governments or just your local shopkeeper. It is always there. If there can be any fraction of humanity left in this monstrosity, it would be its undying ambition from when it was still human. It works to see humanity evolves to a perfect lifeform. First, a perfect biological body. What combination of humans with various other races and species would result in the most optimal body ? Towards that end, it has butchered countless and sewed them into horrid abominations - conscious minds trapped in a cage of their own malformed flesh. Second, a perfect mind to go with the perfect body. Why it could think of no better psyche and mental faculty than its own!


This is fantastic! 10/10 would love to see on the big screen some day!


Lemuria with her "fuck you and your civilization" modus operandi. No mercy to invaders.


Simple and effective!


Got one, and that's only cause they're the most through and through villains while also being the ones I've fledged out enough to give that distinction. Context: The world is set 75 million years ago, and a species of Azhdarchid named the **Anazah** have effectively taken the role of humans and are, as the stories are set, in their 15th century phase. Also in this world are a collection of primordial siphonophores nicknamed "**God Colonies**," which have existed for as long as life has but have taken a small role in the ecosystem overall, despite their unique power to alter the DNA of other organisms they come in contact with since they're also "sentient cancer cells." Now, for the actual villain. *The Emissary,* an Anazah in ancinet Patagonia who in order to avoid falling into irrelevance when confronted with the fact his sister was being mythologized like a Greek Hero, struck a deal with a **gerdae** (God Colony) posing itself as a friend... but in fact being the Flower *Laiu*, the sole God Colony I could confidently say being this world's equivalent of "Satan on Earth" thanks to its glowing red color, Faustian bargaining and the fact it has a taste for meat that is full of testosterone and adrenaline, prompting it to insight as much terror as it can when it appears, which is very helpful when its envoys are the signal-flare "red flowers" and its harvesters the "lacewings" (butterflies which would've been extinct 25 mya by then). But yeah, the Emissary got his wish granted, and became a monster his sister had to die in order to seal without ever knowing it was her sibling. This did not keep Laiu from getting the Emissary out, cause it digested all of his skin, meat, bones and organs, leaving nothing but his nerves and brain remaining which managed to snake their way out of the cavern not even a year after his sister's passing, and became reformed as the Emissary as he was known. An Anazah literally made of glowing lacewings, guiding Laiu's horde across the sky like a crimson aurora, as lovecraftian as you think an azhdarchid could become. Yes, he was suffering every second, but remained loyal until Toutie (a revenge-focused flapling I will not elaborate on here) was forced to also make a bargain with Laiu, but due to the influence of another God Colony, prevented the same change The Emissary underwent, and was forced to confront her and her party, containing a hadrosaur hatchling, an astrologer with cancer, a pacifist fisher and the great grandson *of his sister*. The one moment he broke from Laiu's influence was the moment he allowed his brain to be sliced in two.


I love this quite a lot your work is so creative with a lot of effort and creativity clear in your work! It was quite a joy to read


It’s hard for me to choose between queen Vanessa and Aiko Ishii. I’ll give you both of their stories and I’ll let you decide which is better Vanessa was born in 914 ad in England. She was orphaned from an extremely young age. Fortunately she was adopted by the local lord and lady who raised her as their own. While under their care her adopted brother would teach her how to read and write. In the process of this she read the bible. She found it extremely confusing but her brother insisted that it was the perfect moral basis. Eventually she grew sick of the restrictions of high society and ran away at the age of 17. To survive she became a criminal. Robbing people and raiding houses to get by. At one point in her early 20’s she fell in love with a man at a tavern. They decided to settle down and have children. They only had one child. Vanessa stored away her swords and became a full time mother. Eventually her husband found out about her criminal past and became extremely worried. He left along with their daughter to the Netherlands. Vanessa was devastated. Her belief in god was flimsy at best but she walked to an abandoned church and prayed. There was never an answer. She kept praying for her lover to come back but he never did. On her 7th visit she heard a voice. At first she was ecstatic as she believed it to be god but the voice quickly shot that down. “We have heard your pleas. We may not be who you intended but we may still be able to help you” “how so?” “You seem to be familiar with the Bible, yes? Surely you’ve heard of the atrocities he has committed. How he’s manipulated innocent men into doing his bidding!” “Yes I suppose so. Are you saying god is the one responsible for my suffering?” “Precisely” “How do you expect me, a simple human woman who isn’t even an elemental to right this wrong?” “We can grant you power. Whatever it is you wish, within reason of course.” “Alright then, if we’re going to do this then I need to. Know your name.” “We are the four horsemen of the apocalypse!” “No! The Bible told me to fear you!” “The same bible that told you to worship an evil god without question?” “I… suppose so. Very well.” (I should mention that god does exist however he doesn’t care at all about mortals and the Bible was written entirely by humans) “Then what powers do you request?” Vanessa decides on a pocket dimension, shapeshifting, teleportation and summoning spikes from the ground Horsemen: “all who carry your blood shall wield these powers. However even with them you cannot get your revenge on your own. You must free us!” V: “how do I do that?” The horsemen then explain how which is basically just collecting macguffins to release them. The macguffins are all kept in towns across Europe and must be placed in a shrine on the island of Minerva in between Spain and Ireland. Vanessa begins to recruit followers with the promise of equality and knowledge as well as killing god for revenge for their own misfortunes. They dub their group the godless. Eventually they begin to treat her as their queen. At first she detests this but slowly accepts it. However she still insists on not being treated with luxury whenever possible. She nearly succeeds in her goal however is stopped by the light guardian (should probably find a better name for that). She dies in a pit of dark matter. However her soul simply merged with the dark matter and she became a demon. To this very day over 1100 years later she still haunts the castle above the shrine and to an extent the island itself. Philosophy: god is an evil tyrant who’s oppressed, extorted and brainwashed humanity. She and her followers seek to kill him so humanity can be free. They see all those unwilling to join them as indoctrinated beyond hope of redemption and thus deserving of death. Strategy: seeks the stones containing the souls of the four horsemen of the apocalypse so she can release them. The horsemen promised to assist her in killing god if they are released. The godless raid towns for supplies, new recruits and the stones. I don’t even know where to begin with Aiko. Her story is equally as long also tied in with a lot of other lore.


This is just beautiful story craft with a tragic catalyst that i absolutely adore and would really love to hear more of! And I’d love to hear of Akio if they are even half as good as Vanessa!


Aiko is a 3000+ year old kitsune mob boss and this her story is pretty long. But I’ll try to condense it the best I can. (I’m also going to assume you already know what kitsune are. If you don’t here’s a Wikipedia article https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune) It’s not exactly known when she was born. However it was probably some time between 2000bc and 1500bc in Japan. Her early life wasn’t very eventful at least compared to others of her kind. It mostly involved traveling around as a prostitute and breaking into houses to feed on the souls of men to fuel her immortality. It’s also possible around this time or maybe later she met a male kitsune in Korea. They would stay together for a few decades and even have a child. However their relationship wouldn’t last but they would continue to send letters to eachother to this day (she also has a photo of him in her office where it appears he joined the Japanese army during ww2 and may have participated in the Nanjing massacre and other war crimes. Afterwards he’d fight in the Korean War for North Korea and is likely still working in the prison camps. Aiko doesn’t mind this. Male kitsune have it way worse than the females since male prostitutes aren’t nearly as in demand. So male kitsune have to resort to more desperate means to get the souls of women) Aiko wasn’t content to live this lifestyle. She felt it was beneath her. She romanticized a life of crime and wanted to be rich and powerful. To solve this “problem” some time around 500bc she hired some thugs and met them in the middle of a forest far away from any villages or people. When they asked for their pay she told them she had no money. One charged at her in anger. She transformed into a giant fox and mauled him to death. After she finished she turned back into a human and licked blood off her fingers. “So are we ready to negotiate?” The remaining thugs agreed to work for her in exchange for their lives. This was the moment the roshinzoku would be founded. Over time more people would join unaware of the gang’s questionable origins. Kitsune are rare creatures to the point they are considered nothing more than myths and legends by humans. If her true nature were to be found out it could spell doom for her reputation and may even be life threatening. So she started a royal family with one of the original thugs. Kitsune can reproduce with humans when in human form. The offspring will be just a regular human with no kitsune traits. When she’d have a son she’d take his soul and form when he came of age. She’d then shapeshift into him and continue to control the roshinzoku while pretending to be him. If she couldn’t have a son she would keep having daughters until one looked enough like her that she could replace her. When the daughter came of age Aiko would just kill her and assume her identity. If someone wanted to challenge her rule then she’d allow them to take the throne if they could beat her in ritual combat. Of course this was a complete ruse. The matches were done entirely in private and she’d just take her opponent’s soul to make it look like they won. In fairness with all these measures to stay in power she was a very good boss. She managed to lead the roshinzoku through many turbulent times and possibly dozens or hundreds of times where its very existence was at stake. The roshinzoku would partake in essentially every crime under the sun. Robbery, smuggling, fraud you name it they’ve probably done it at least once. This made them unimaginably rich. Most of this wealth is allocated towards Aiko and her top brass’ extremely expensive and luxurious lifestyles. However a healthy amount is also dedicated to the lower level members as well. Once you join the roshinzoku you’re in for life. You try to leave or desert and they’ll kill you. And with that we have entered the first era. From here on Aiko’s story is heavily tied to that of the roshinzoku as well as the godless much later on. I’ll leave you there for now. I’m more than happy to continue if you want.


Agent Capricornus is a cybernetics enchanced Black Ops agent of the National Intelligence Department. Capricornus is the most trusted and skilled agents of the Director sent on high risk operations such a assassinations of HVTs and stealing tech from top secret installations. The biggest thing she and her team was start a civil war on the planet Kolash to ensure a supply of heavy metals for the near by shipyards of Monte which the NID have a majority ownership of thanks to there shell corporations.


Love me a good old government hired assassin they are always good fun!


Rickard sollivar he successfully convinced humanity he was the second coming of Christ but he’s actually an old god manipulating humanity


To be honest this is the most believable villain that could happen today


I have a few villains of mine that I enjoy: - **The Game Masters**. They are three people (Edlas the CEO & Host, Fizbie the Financial Manager, and Groob the Head Tech Director) who live in the Galactic Alliance; a series of worlds who joined forces to combine their technological and military power. The Game Masters are the number one entertainment industry in the galaxy, who created reality television shows and tournaments for champions, while sponsoring vacation getaways, amusement parks, interstellar cruises, and more. They are the very idea of corporate greed and ambition, and they have gotten their hands dirty to get to the positions they have. And they do it with big smiles and rallying up their audiences, because that’s show business baby! They would be responsible for the Tournament of Worlds, a event where each planet offers their best fighter, and they would go on a commercialization spree with this event, all while secretly exploiting information about such champions and worlds. - **Astultus Gryam. aka Spheroid**. In the fantasy world of Aerio, the Church of Light has created an organization of monster hunters called the Awakening Dawn, where those who are proficient in weapon combat arts and magic are recruited. One member named Mr Gryam invented a sort of puppeteering magic that allows him to transfer his consciousness into a hand crafted body and control it accordingly, and the body he made is a large 9 foot tall abomination made of silver blades he calls Spheroid. It has multiple limbs made of swords, can curl into a large ball and wreak havoc across its path, and he can harness purification magic with it because of some runic carvings on it. Spheroid has killed both monsters and citizens (supposedly citizens who had connections to the monsters like a family member being a vampire) for the sake of “necessity”, which the Church excommunicated him, but failed to arrest him. Now Spheroid wonders in the night, continuing to hunt monsters, and a few times he meets heroes and they work together for a while until they find out that Spheroid is a unhinged lunatic, and sometimes he turns his weapons against them, accusing them of being “monster sympathizers”. - **Melthazar the Shadow Demon King**. My main villain, perhaps my most developed character ever, and one of my most powerful entities in my universe. Melthazar in ancient times has gotten hold of the Golden Archives; a realm that records all timelines, and thus a source of infinite knowledge, and Melthazar saw himself in other timelines as a simple commander of armies, a record keeper, or some sideline member of the court, and so he decided that he will not settle for mediocrity, and he usurped his king and claimed his throne. And then he starts his war against gods and worlds, believing himself as a deity of destiny since he knows about what happens in other timelines. He’s essentially someone who seen all the movies and now he’s going to insert himself in the story, changing it drastically. Every god he’s slain, every hero he defeated, every world he conquered, there is a story with each one, and he practically becomes more powerful as he gains more worlds in his dominion, and once he gains absolute control over his own timeline, perhaps he would move on to the next universe and continue dominating, unless a hero in his universe were to stop him.


Going for the classics I see! (Capitalism, crazy person and demon king) which is not to say I don’t like it, in fact I really like it as well all of these are very unique and what all good villains should be, fun!


The Dread lord, a powerful Lich whose Phylactery couldn’t be found so they locked him up in a magic prison…He has since escaped and is slowly amassing his army again.


All worlds need better prisons as like in most media prisons not run by evil people are the least competent things with how many villains have escaped! Anyhow I love me a good lich and good on him for actually hiding his Phylactery


It’s the tooth of an undead dragon. A monument to his greatest kill when he was alive, hidden away in a far off corner of the planet.


Again good on him I don’t know why liches don’t do that more in stories as well it’s a good tactic and fun for the characters to discover


Yeah, they’d have to go FAR into the North Pole but it’s there


In my world there are no clear villains, just different sides in a three-faction struggle for power. I will mention some of my favourite characters (to write and conceptualise) that would be considered villains from the perspective of another faction. Sir Brutus the 'Death Knight' is a human knight that loyally serves the Plague King. He is the most feared swordsman in the world and it is said that anyone who crosses blades with him will not live to tell the tale. His identity is not known to anyone else and he is identified by his unqiue visor (of his helmet). He roams the world with his Death Riders, eliminating those that are deemed as threats to the rule of the Plague King. Odmanov Volstat, the ursian Overlord of Karradur, and Pembrig Nezergade, the ursian Overlord of Nilur. They are notorious historical characters. They are said to have orchestrated a coup during the Second War of Liberation to seize power and control of Karradur. They were Warchiefs (vassal) under Overlord Barald II during this time. Barald II was the founded Karradur at the conclusion of the First War of Liberation, but was now aged and had only one infant heir. In the course of the war it was said that they conspired to let him die in battle, and exiled his wife and infant son. Initially content to declare Odmanov as the next Overlord, and serve as the Right-hand, Warchief Pembrig eventually grew disillusioned and Odmanov grew distrustful of Pembrig. This led to a civil war and split of Karradur into the nations of Karradur and Nilur. The houses of Volstat and Nezergade, once as close as blood brothers, have since been embroiled in a blood feud. The nations of Karradur and Nilur remain as fierce rivals to this day.


I absolutely love this as in the story I’m writing it’s very similar in how it’s morally grey except kinda the opposite as well all the factions really suck. One is a ruthless dictator ship that has a puppet government to hide its true corruption and rulership. A crazy cult who wishes to cleanse the world by bringing back their eldrich god who was defeated and sealed from being able to enter or interfere with the world. And then the capitalist traders who are selling arms, lives and generally just being dicks to everyone not in high society


Yes each faction has their pros and cons. In my world there is Pride, created when the strongest human nation allied with the Khomodo. Purity was created in response to this new threat by two of the other human kingdoms. Penitence was formed by Overlord Volstat (descendant of Odmanof) of Karradur due to lingering distrust towards humans by allying with the Aquile Federation. Upon hearing of Penitence being formed, the Ursian nation of Nilur joined the Pride. The setting of world takes place when these factions first popped up and their active recruitment of the other kingdoms. It is kind of like an anthalogy or collection of stories from different protagonists rather than an overarching story from start to end (e.g. unlike Harry Potter).


The leaders of any country in my world. If you’d like specifics I have a nation called Garsam which is ruled by dragons. Long ago this land was owned by a separate nation Gnestavo, but was conquered by dragons who pillaged and did the nasty (i really don’t want to break this subs rules) with inhabitants which resulted in the Dragonborn race. The dragons who own the land give heavy taxes and the country is feudalist hell essentially. They are powerful creatures and therefore believe that they live at the top of the societal caste.


Hey I feel you man as I have a similar situation in my book I’m working on (though I change dragon born to dragon kin as I don’t need WOTC breathing down my neck with lawsuits) but that is quite interesting and dragons are a classic staple of fantasy villains that I adore


Oh yes of course, it definitely would come from the idea of the dragons hoard and greed, the second of which we see time and time again. Weirdly enough, this takes place in my gunslinging ttrpg campaign. I wanted western with a slice of fantasy


Ooh a western! That’s a very fun idea! Me I looked at genres and for my story my genre is yes as like I have everything as well the world in some areas is so much further behind then others. Like in one part you’ll have a western area with a corrupt governer trying to by up all the land. The main conflict is a war drama between two factions. The second book is gonna be a political thriller with a scooby doo inspired plot. And lots and lots of action and horror


Oh my god that sounds amazing, I think mixing genres is really awesome. I love fantasy, scifi, or even modern stories whenever they add a hint of seasoning. It’s the best




The villains in my world vary, Do you want villains that can be redeemed because they were in a horrible position where they only had th echoice of be evil or have every single person they love and care about die Do you want the people who are evil to be assholes who let their lifestyle make them think they can get away with slavery and mistreatment of those beneath them because that’s the only life they have ever known Do you want pure assholes who genocide the world cause they have power granted to them by dark gods and goddesses who are just evil for the sake of evil So many cases, personally, I like it when your not suppose to like the villain as I hate when they try to redeem some villains, in some cases, like in avatar the last air bender, zuko is the prime example of redeemed villain done right, but so many people fuck this up now No, I like seeing irredeemable assholes get karma whenever they do something as it’s satisfying to see the bad guy die no matter who it is, the fact they are irredeemable also eliminates any arguments of them possibly being saved so


I’m fine with literally anything that can be classified as a antagonist


Mostly, the thing I hate is when the redemption of a villain basically skips the redemption part, like, the bad guy said they were sorry and despite people being dead, they are forgiven, as if that is okay, like, people died, they were directly responsible even if they are complete idiots Zuko's redemption was wonderful because they didn't just trust him, and they showed Zuko wasn't a monster like his sister, he mostly was just doing what he was raised into, and even then, he still cared for people even when he had his moments, mostly, it was planned from the start, and it was wonderful cause of the character growth that came from him nowadays, the bag guy does something bad, they get beat, they say sorry, and everything is okay, so lazy and painful every time, and I hate these characters so much because of it as well


Cadmus the Devious, a wyvern that ascended to demi godhood because of the fact that he killed Ferron the red dragon, as Ferron was already dying while Cadmus hid away for the majority of the actual battle. There were a lot of dragons versus one creature that was created to kill so you can imagine how that went. Deleo is the aforementioned creature, took down 14 fully grown dragons without much help and only lost one of its eyes and a couple horns. It doesn't really think to be honest, just eats and does what it's creator/mother tells it to do, which results in a massive loss of live world over every 100 years is something that is supposed to happen. Deleo is simply a hungry creature.


Valdis Ironsong. found out about world ending bad stuff and tried to be a hero. It didn't work out. Decided "if I can't find the bad guys hiding in the city before their ritual is complete, then it would be better to just burn down the whole city. Can't chant magic words of power while choking on ash." And never went back. Intelligent, keeps his word to a fault unless you are hiding one of the MacGuffins, and will gladly monologue to people powerful enough to matter. giving them the information they need to take over protecting the world if he is defeated. "I look forward to the day where I am no longer needed. where people and nations will work together without fear of the war-monger on their borders. If you are able to defeat me, then perhaps you will be able to do better than I have. But I think not. Draw your weapon. One of us will not leave here alive.


Governess Odelia, the crazed Athellan who's idea of sound 20th century military strategy was finding as many methods to deploy chemical weapons as possible, and her boss Empress Cassandra, who had her crucified and incinerated on live television for costing the Empire the war. Empress Cassandra would end up personally assuming the Governess' combat theater and turning the war as much in her favor as possible, including some of the most resounding tactical victories in military history.


I am of the opinion that a stories protagonist is only as interesting as it’s villain. If the villain is just one dimensional and has no reason to be evil. To me the story just feels like it didn’t come close to its full potential. You miss out on many character interactions and building when the villain and hero eventually meet. The villain and the hero affect one another, and you miss out on all of that when the villain is just a cookie cutter Evil Lich. I took a rather ambitious approach in my creation of Nigmus. Nigmus is a powerful Fae monarch who leads the court of Summer. He is equal parts a general and tactician, diplomat and peace activist. He actively shows compassion and love to the world and all living things. He approaches every situation diplomatically with the intent of resolving things peacefully. Yet Nigmus is the villain in my book because he finds out that the world is ending and so launches a series of attacks to prevent that from happening. He hates every moment of it, but stays the course cause it’s better if one dies instead of ten, ten instead of one hundred, on hundred instead of one thousand. One thousand instead of ten thousand, until finally it hits 100 million out of 1 billion which turns into 500 million out of 5 billion. And it’s tragic really because he is Soooo incredibly polite and kind. But has so much blood on his hands, and the protags. are trying to stop him cause in their eyes he’s killing needlessly. And they end up having to fight him multiple times because they have something he needs.


Main actual villain? Althu-ar, the Elven King, Leader of the Winged Glory. Essentially, he died in battle in the war of Gods and looked exactly like one of the Draconian God twins. When they go to their humanoid forms. From there, he has been forced for millennia to shepard the souls of those who die in war to a subsection of the underworld. Pretty much a lesser of Valkyries creating an army for Ragnarok. But. There is a prophesied war, one where the one wounded behind healing shall unleash the one who truly wounded him. Most think it’s the Draconic god, coming back alive as many believe him dead. Others believe it’s him for he is the wounded god. It’s the Elven king, killed and then made to serve. Kings don’t serve, they rule. And his time is coming. Main potential villain? Kiran the Ice keeper. Holder of the Icicle Ring, one of the 15 and keeper of the Leader of the Ancient Court. Kiran is currently pegged to be the one to extinguish the fury in the ring, and if he dies as a good man, he shall succeed. Should the players betray him, however, and do so a few times especially, then the ring takes over and a Wizard with a thousand years of knowledge is unleashed, causing a new potential War of Courts.


My personal favorite is the Queen of the Kingdom of the Western Reach, Bellatrix Royegar II, the Red Queen. She is a Nosferatii (vampire-like race) and is a direct descendant of the Scarlet God himself. She rules her kingdom with an iron fist, and keeps the various factions of her court in line through both fear and respect. She is the main antagonist of the early story, and her actions have severe consequences for the rest of the continent. In short, she is the one who starts one of the MCs on their descent into madness, and that MC will destroy the MC faction as a result. She doesn't win, but she certainly ensures that everyone loses. My favorite aspect of the Red Queen is that she is in the middle of a crisis of her own. As a direct descendant of the Scarlet God, she should be immune to a host of blood-born diseases. However, she has caught Red Decay (think of it like vampire-leprosy) and her face is quite literally rotting off of her skull. She keeps this hidden through intensive make-up and thick veils, but it is only a matter of time before this secret becomes impossible to keep. When that happens, her dynasty's divine legitimacy will be in question, and the kingdom will fall into civil war. In short, she's vampire Baldwin IV.


Black (fur) Ninetails fox. The name is Daji. She is possibly the most compassionate yet terrifying presense with the story. Practically immortal, she lives to stir chaos among mankind so that human look inward in an eternal struggle rather than look outward and face the reality that there are others alike yet unlike them. There is a intrigue element of my world that is the fact that Inhuman (a sub-species of human who has the appearance of humanoid with trait from animal or mythological entities.) is still kept being secret. Publicly speaking, everything myth are just that, myth. But the reality of that world is that, myth is real to certain extent, and humanity being humanity mean racism, supremacism, and intolerant will run rampant if human were to know the truth. So to keep them from realizing it. Daji took it upon herself to eliminate the "know" and keep the "know not" in check, forever. She is a villain simply because she runs against the world itself. While the world want peace and prosperity, she foster war and chaos. She practically ran a paramilitary mercenaries company while funding the terrorist group, all in the shadow behind the closed door. All of this for her perceived “greater good”. Her real personality was like a sweet teacher who's always looked after her pupil, teach them everything they need to be a good person. It was a shocker when protagonist realized half of the thing he has to thwart was cause by her in the first place.


Oh, I have Faris. This is super super spoiler but he is this great guy, super in tune with life, family, country, religion and super intelligent. Most of the book(s) the idea is to have him have a drop into the wrong side but ever so softly that it will not even look like it.


He's a supporting antagonist in one portion, but his name is Donovan Pierce. He's the MC's cousin (tho actually his half-brother due to a mistake with MCs mom and his dad). He's also the man who killed his father and sister (not of his own will, he was mind controlled using an outlawed brain chip technology by the real villains) Their battle is one of the best for the MC in his entire life because, for once in his life, he was fighting his own fight, not for anyone else. It was also the first time he broke down and felt human again because he couldn't kill a victim willingly, even if they wore the face of the person he wanted dead. He knew plenty of people who had to die because they couldn't or wouldn't change, or didn't deserve the chance, but the one he'd had been searching for years to finally move on wasn't one of them, just another victim of them.


Bilzel. He has an amazing dynamic with the mc. He is originally the prince of the country the story takes place in and finds out the mc is secretly a vampire (only drinks animal blood tho). He was a very kind and friendly pert but In the past while training to be strong enough to become the king in the future on a hunt he and his guards get attacked by a huge monster, he was fatally wounded and when the king found him he accepted a deal with a lich to save him. The procedure changed him into a different species. He became a hivemind-like entity made of spiders, this changes how he thinks too. Now he no longer saw humans as people, just animals, and he was the one who will inherit this kingdom as the world's biggest farm. He is a serial killer so known as "Spider" since that's all that's left near his victims. Once he learned the mc is a vampire he thought he finally found a fellow "being above men" and decided they are best friends, he often kills any humans the mc tries to get close to and has saved the life of his non human companions, he is doing this all to convince his bff that they are above those fragile beings. The list includes the mc's human family so he fucking hates him and tries to kill him every time he sees him but Bilzel's methods actually bear fruit, thanks to him the mc slowly but surely separates himself from humans and thinks from himself as different from them. Think of him as something like mahito but acting like he is bffs with yuji.


My current favorite villain in my world is Victoire **L**'Afera. She's the sister of one of my main characters. She dropped out of magic school to search out an incredible item called the Philosopher's stone... yeah, can't beat the classics. It's an insanely overpowered artifact that straight up breaks reality by only one being allowed to exist. You can use the same process but until the current one is destroyed, it just doesn't work. So, she's an outlaw, she's got this cool artifact and she's aiming to overthrow the current monarchy and install herself as Queen by spreading rumors than her family line is closer to the throne than it really is, bla bla bla, the usual claims and such. There's just one tiny little problem. She's wildly incompetent at leadership and extremely socially awkward when placed outside a band of her followers. Plus while incredibly powerful, she's still has many exploitable weaknesses that any high tier knight would be able to exploit, meaning she's sort of just 'gathering power' at the frontier of the empire but mostly she's really just leading a bunch of outcasts with no real plan on where to go next. She won't say that, obviously, every goddamn event must be followed by "Ah, yes, everything is going as planned" while internally she's just freaking out. So, yeah, very much a bit of a parody of that kind of villain. She's also very annoyed that all of her outlaw bounty papers keep spelling her name as "Victorie D'Afera" which was an accident but also keeps putting nails on her claims plan because people don't even really know which family she's from. In the capital no one really takes her seriously, not even her sister.


Humanitas is a monster that is essentially the worst of humanity represented as a lifeform Its looks are pitch-black skin, a regular human body but with six arms behind its back, similar to certain buddhist symbols It also possesses six eyes and seven mouthes, its eyes having two rows of three and one in the top, three mouthes on his face and two on each shoulder He gives off a "divine aura", however this divine aura is merely an act It's incredibly selfish, destructive, manipulative and everything else, however it also possesses one of the good qualities of humanity: humanity's power to adapt Humanitas is almost impossible to kill because it recognizes an attack and modifies its body to counteract it, meaning you'd have to one-shot him fully Not only that, but he also has intense healing capabilities meaning the attack needs to destroy its entire body in one blow An easier but more complicated to come across counter to Humanitas' healing would be anti-magic, which can temporarily disable his healing capabilities Humanitas doesn't evolve much as a character, however he physically changes a lot after modifying his body to adapt to many different types of attacks meaning he has many different designs


Gelvparious runs a horrific company to fund his foray into the collective unconsciousness, so he can pretty much usurp the gods since he likens a lot of the insanity the world is under as a play gone bad, and the actors needing direction. He is doomed to fail, but the attempt will kill millions and unleash more horrible monsters.


My favourite (former) villain? Nemesis, he understood the assignment, literally succeeded in destroying the hero (only for said hero to just return), realised he needed help, turned good and saved hero’s life,


Hands down my favourite, though he's only a small player is Weevil Redcap. He's a goblin chief who caught his reflection in a discarded mirror one time and got it into his head that it was a window into another world and that he would become more powerful by vanquishing this other version of himself that mocks him everytime he looks at his reflection (naturally he assumes that this 'other Weevil' is also plotting to kill him first, so time is of the essence). So now he spends his time sending his followers out to capture innocent wizards and torturing them into trying to open a portal to this world that doesn't exist. He's captured dozens of wizards and refuses to believe that he's delusional and that what he wants is literally impossible. He's cruel and selfish and stupid, but that doesn't stop him from being dangerous and powerful, and backed up by an ever growing tribe of loyal goblin followers.


Lord Caron - Lord of Corpse Mountain In this world, different nations have been stuck in a forever war with each other for centuries. Over the course of time, cults formed around some great commanders and generals, these cults then turned into an outright religion, worshipping great generals as gods. Lord Caron was a nepo-baby, he used his family's connections to achieve the rank of general without any frontline experience. However he ended up being posted in a region where both sides fighting were dug in, well fortified, well equipped, well supplied. Precisely because of that there was barely any fighting going on there. Nobody wanted to start an assault and lose all their men to enemy machine gun emplacements. So technically, his assignment to this front was just a way of keeping him out of trouble. At most he had to expect some artillery shellping every now and then, and repair the bunkers whenever they got damaged. But this was not enough for Lord Caron because he, simply put, wanted to also become the sort of god that great generals were. He wanted to become a deity, have temples with his statues, people praying to him, etc... So, he did something incredibly stupid, and ordered his men to attack. Over a period of five months, nearly a million men from his side died in this section of frontline. The highest number of casualties since the earliest years of war when population and ammunition stocks were much higher. In the end, he literally drowned the enemy bunker watching over the valley in the corpses of his men. Corpse Mountain is not just prose, it is a literal mountain made of corpses. When some higher ups heard of his achievement, that he managed to "break through" in that section of frontline, they rushed to investigate. Maybe thinking that he was some sort of hidden military genius. But they smelled the corpses from miles away, and when they finally saw what he had done, he was stripped of his rank on the spot. It is unclear what exactly happened to him as there are conflicting stories and the incident happened nearly 300 years ago. The entire area was abandoned by both sides of the conflict owing to the stench and risk of disease, it is now an enormous no-man's land. BUT in the end he actually did succeed. He had become a sort of god in the trench pantheon, though perhaps not the type of god he had invisioned. Lord Caron became a sort of god of death. Corpse Mountain is treated like some version of hell, and when a soldier dies it is not uncommon to say things along the line of "He made the mountain a little taller." In one short horror story i have been "writing", we follow a unit of scouts sent to find a way around corpse mountain for a surprise attack behind enemy lines. But it is there where they run into someone. It is unclear if it is Lord Caron or some death cultist, but the unit soon realises that the enemy is not the threat at Corpse Mountain.


Meillirae Ashira-Askaldur, the Sun Queen, Dragonlord of the Rising Sun, Erdstorm Dragon, Scion of Conquest, Goddess of Determination, Queen of Mescidahli and Kaparan. Meillirae was brought to the world by the Elder Lords Ashira and Askaldur, of whom she inherited the powers of the Storm and the Earth, as well as the Draconic gene from Ashira, making her the first dragon. Meillirae followed the path of determination, sparking her desire to become the most powerful and prestigious of her Scion brethren. She ventured into Kallastia, the realm that protected the Celestial Heart and in her pursuit to capture it she failed and destroyed it, drafting the entirety of Kallastia into the abyss. She took no responsibility, lost her former allies and ventured to Mescidahli, where she usurped the former vassal of Kallastia and took it for her own. Since then she rules over the small, but proud realm, engaging in the Wars of Sun and Moon against old allies of Kallastia, which seek revenge. But no one can truly compare to her anymore, for she is the mightiest of Dragonlords.


This one is kinda difficult ngl, I have so many good villains. Honestly I think villains are the only thing I can actually write well. My 3 favorites are probably between Sirbenet, a primordial demon of darkness. Red, a cursed god. Or Rix, an evil goddess. And I think I gotta give it to Sirbenet. Red is evil because he was cursed to go insane, he also has strong personal connection to the main character. Rix is evil because she's a genocidal sociopath who lost her family to magic, also with connections to the main character. Sirbenet however has no prior connection to the main character, and is evil for the sake of being evil. He's also incredibly charismatic, strong, and cunning. He fits most villainous clichés and he knows it. In fact he plays into the clichés on purpose. Even before he was an immortal demon he was an ass, after he got his powers he just became more of an ass.


My universes consists of many worlds with multiple franchises having an overarching story and even a bunch of anthology stories, the genres are usually fantasy/sci-fi/superheroes/horror. I love my villains more than my heroic characters ngl since they offer more complexity and depth, I have alot to choose from but I didn’t want it to get too long, I still enjoy writing both tho! Faured: the last of the Alvarian race, once a righteous hero born in a violent world, filled with wars and conflict, he turned evil by realizing his heroic actions kept causing the deaths of his loved ones, although not truly villainous, he seeks to become an embodiment/personification of existence, whether it be chaos, space, time, nature, etc. in hopes to balance the universe by causing chaos and bringing peace evenly while also rejecting his morals. eventually he discovered a mystical item to help with his deteriorating mental health, and he gained the ability to reincarnate and eventually resurrect himself in new bodies, but with the same DNA and mind, eventually he had a mental breakdown accompanied with his god-like powers that caused the extinction of his kind, he decided to leave the planet and venture into the universe and achieve his goals. Varacer: A powerful warrior and sorcerer from the city of Craldagor, he spends time channeling magic and talking to inter-dimensional and otherworldly beings, he received a message that implies that human nature is a threat to the world, and could cause future rivalries and wars. he then decides to harness dark energy and become one with the other realms, he manipulates many people into doing horrible things, causing destruction, dehumanizing himself so he can have free will and push his limits to see how far society will react and go. Nalduir: An alien who crash landed near a scientific research base and instead of being raised by family, he was raised by scientists who conducted terrible experiments on him everyday, from physical to mental torture, just to test his limits, it was deemed completely moral since human rights does not apply to aliens, but after the scientists tested a magical substance on him, Nalduir was assumed dead, so they buried him near the base. but he was still alive when the magic granted his body nigh-immortality, but he was very disoriented and wanted to find purpose in life and went on a journey of self-discovery, but then he realized with his power, he decided to inflict pain on others, not because of a god-complex, but because he was curious and fascinated, his childhood torture made him develop some level of sociopathy that garnered attention from a certain organization, at first interaction, Nalduir doesn’t seem bad, but it’s what he does in private that is a threat to all society. Lucirof: A half angel, half demon being who resides in a different realm, who is now self-independent, when his offer made the gods banish him, he was saddened when the only beings he trusted casted him away, he doesn’t want war but he wants control, to be able to build a better world for our people, magical or mortal. he has been building and scheming for trillions of years, and he wants to make it so perfect that residents of the higher planes and realms, especially beings from the homes of the gods will see how much reality has changed, and once they move out from their home realms/dimensions, the gods will have no purpose, no rules, no disciples, apostles, etc. until the former planes have crumbled, and he will do anything to achieve it, even committing acts of violence to all life, he will make those who oppose his ideology suffer until they agree. Rizak: A powerful magical undead tyrannical warlock, who can mind control and possess people, sometimes his telepathic abilities are subtle and he’s able to stay in people’s bodies for who knows how long and without them even knowing until they start decaying, their minds slowly being infected with Rizak’s consciousness until Rizak’s finally alive again. basically a huge battle happened with Rizak and a team of mystical fighters and magicians, Rizak was defeated but not killed, his physical body was dead but his essence/soul was still alive, he had limited powers, but he could still mind control and possess people, made them steal magic and mystical artifacts/objects, until he gained enough energy to bring his physical body back to life so that he can fuse his consciousness with every being and kill all life to become singular being that surpasses the universe itself. Stardryte: A cosmic being from a civilization that’s connected to all stars across the cosmos, he decides to create a massive weapon that absorbs rogue stars and his people deemed it unprofessional, thinking it was a waste of power, and no use of such weapon in the civilization, Stardryte started opposing them, telling about the potential and of how tired he was of creating and not utilizing all the power for more potential, this caused an outrage and they decided to destroy everything Stardryte created, he then escapes with his massive magical spaceship, he would rather leave on his own terms than to be banished. he decides to absorb any star he could find, in hopes to restore everything he lost, without the use of his home resources, until he encountered a strange star that had erratic and unstable behaviors, he tried absorbing it but failed and the magic overwhelmed his spaceship and caused a piece of it to fly into a direction and causing to crash land on a planet and becoming crystallized and also formed an entire magical island, he previously swore on his children that he would do anything to keep all of their belongings intact, but knowing that if he grabs the magical island or any part of his spaceship that crash landed, it the leftover energy from both the magic and unstable star could destroy all of life on the planet, he still went with it and had no remorse.


Oulod the Fetid, an unhinged necromancer trying to find a way to revive his dead lover, Tiel, who follows him around as a souless zombie. Before he became a necromancer he was a healer. Oulod believes that the only reason Tiel's soul refuses to return to his body is because his body is imperfect (ie dead), Oulod can not heal dead flesh, but found he can replace a portion of a living person's flesh with a corpse's flesh and heal that, though they tend to… die if you try to replace major parts. So he spends roughly 20 years wandering around trying to perfect thos technique, at the expense of others.


There are several groups who can be considered villains but aren't the antagonist but could be from someone else's perspective... The TrickShot Crew a group of men who steal money and anything else of value they find. Consisting of: Christopher, Markus Christopher's younger brother, Benjamin Chrishtopher's lover, Broden Markus' lover and adoptive brother of Benjamin, Oscar, and Rex Oscar's lover. Despite being wanted thieves on many confirmed accounts of theft (one of which may or may not be breaking into Fort Knox). They all truly love their partners and are incredibly loyal to each other. They've had some run ins with organized crime gangs and causing them problems for no reason other than not liking them. They also stop at those who have nothing of value to take doing their best to put they're wacky natures aside and try and do good. Matthew Orville Miller (who is indeed my self-insert) is a man not many know much about... He keeps to himself feeding his pet Reptiles and Amphibians while living far away from others near a mountain. No one knows where he lives, and he won't tell anyone other than close family and friends. He never shows on the news despite his fame for what he's done. Even his own workers appear on TV more than he has commenting on his nature one saying: "The boss is a pretty quiet guy! Never shows up to parties! Never goes to social events! Never even talks much about his personal life! And you know how people get around the private types! All gossip! Despite all of this he's not a bad guy. He understands giving us time off from work and if we need him too, he can care for our pets no matter what species! When we see our buddies again, they seem so happy!". He's actually just really bad at social situations and is super why and easily stressed out by people claiming to find animal companions easier to bond and understand. One of the only real things that some people especially a certain animal organization with the worst PR imaginable (yes, I'm talking about PETA) in a debate was his creation of several new species for literally no reason. Some of which caused problems in certain careers like fishing, but a law was passed where as long as they don't attack you or anyone you care about, they are allowed to do as they please. He also adores his husband their daughter and they rest of their family who he'd do anything for.