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There's no official estimation for Atreisdea but based on Rubran Federal Monarchy, which has around 200 billion residents, a conservative number would be around 4 times that many.


Seems interesting Is this a Sci-Fi setting? As they tend to have high population counts. I'm interested in how/why the population is so high of it's not Sci-Fi


Space fantasy, so yes.


In the entire world probably around 3-4 billion? it's almost entirely irrelevant to the story I'm making in the world tho. Temisbiel (country the story takes place in) has 50ish million people. There's also about 100,000 mermaids in Lytta. Lytta being an island legally in Temisbiel but avoided by humans because of the powerful storms. In Temisbiel there's 42 million Tem people (major ethnicity), 4 million Ether people, 2.5 million Ruqi people, 3.5 million mixed people. Each ethnicity has slightly different embedded magical properties but I haven't quite fleshed it out yet. It has a minimal effect on how the everyday humans live their lives though because no one really knows about it other than the Mermaids and their associates.


Ages ago I use to think about stuff like this. Nowadays I stick to "they're all over the place" or "found in many places" or "they're the last of their kind."


I remember how Tauledi had 110 trillion something humans, now it significantly changed, but the numbers are still somewhere between 50-200 trillion.


Never given it much thought but I want to say one or two trillions before a significant cataclysmic event that dropped that number to maybe a few millions at most


Only counting flesh and blood? Maybe 180 billion. Including virtual beings, upwards of 250 billion. 40 billion humans, with roughly 10 billion outside outside the solar system scattered among around 2 dozen systems. There are 120 billion Suan Tau (lizard like aliens) in flesh and blood. But some 40 billion more exist entirely as virtual beings, stored in cryogenic coffins, or in some state of cognitive dissonance. Another 40 billion died in a "recent" war. There are 10 billion Ananse (spider-like) all in one solar system. If we counted virtual intelligences though, there's probably 60 billion of them. Ananse are very anti-social as a species and aren't inclined to produce more of themselves in the flesh. Maybe less than 500,000 Mithiri (moth-like), they're barely in the middle ages until humans show up. And about 9 billion on my yet unnamed goat-like alien planet./system. They're just above irl us in the information era, but have a lot more "low-tech" inter-planetary infrastructure because of an alien invasion scare during their Cold war. There's also a "gray-goo"/bacterial mat type species. I'm not sure how to reasonably count them since they are utterly foreign in terms of consciousness and tend to live in soups.


Well, its a semi-hard scifi setting, so the numbers are less ridiculous than they seem. There's an estimated 4.2 trillion Nij, though the unofficial guess is closer to 5 trillion. The Civonians are a little less profligate and have an established count of 284 Billion Genetic Civonians and another 52 Billion Cultural Civonians. The Tirolians are only a few billion, but they're nomadic in large starships so its not like they can spread like the plague. Artificial Sentiences are actually far fewer; only twenty or so million between all three cultures and most of them aren't actually \*supremely\* better than you. The number of AS's that qualify for the classic scifi trope of 'SuperIntelligence', or to borrow from orions arm 'Transapient' number in the tens of thousands. Turns out its harder to random-birth transcendent AGI's than you'd think.


I have absolutely no Idea but I do know the biggest city in the world is at 3.4 million population


The Earth of the world of the Sidemoving probably has 9.5 billion people. As I said previously: Base: 8.7 billion real world population in 2055 -200 million (no Berlin Conference=more development in Africa) +1 billion (Hidden Objects)


Probably like 400 million currently? Before the great purge, I'm guessing around 1.5 billion


Roughly about 25,050,232,000 billion sentient bipeds across Varrain.


Rough estimation of 12 million with a max sustainable of 24 million.


When the story starts, around 30 million from all races combined. At the end just starting to stabilize around roughly 10 million again. There are vast swathes of land barely populated and some areas densely populated because those had survived the latest armageddon and withstood monster hordes fleeing the invaders. Some populations were culled harsh at the end of the Fourth Age, the wilds were reduced to barely a million people before the Dragon War and the High Elves managed to get themselves reduced to barely a thousand left while their Dark Elf neighbours numbered around the first million. Human led countries had lost over a million people in a few weeks as the Mad Dragon rampaged, although that did include some beastkin, the only species culturally close to the hairless monkeys. And nobody knows how many ratfolk are left after the dragons wiped out two thirds of their species. Goblins would be the most populous if they'd care enough to mass repopulate. The only species that has an exact count are the dwarves and they ain't telling no one they only got 2 million people in 5 cities left. And lastly, only 50 arch-dragons remain, on the brink of extinction as they desperately try to avoid inbreeding.


General population count? I'd say it's at least a billion, but way less than what we have today, and this is all living people of living races combined.


Hard to say, but far fewer than there used to be. The best reliable estimate is that there are around 75mil on the continent. This means that in 700 years, the continent hasn't even reached a third of how many people there used to be. And with all the war and bloodshed that has happened since that 75mil estimate, there's probably even less than 75mil.


The Massian Empire has 28 million citizens. Only 6 million are seen as proper citizens though. And of the 28 million: foreigners, prisoners and indentured labour aren't counted.


Unknowable and infinite likely


Arth's population, not counting ex-pats living on other planets or adjacent dimensions, is roughly 1.3 zillion.


Ntonentia's population is around 200 million. Total population of my world is that plus Earth's current population.


I only have an estimate for the faction I have spent the most time on. Roughly speaking we are looking at 157.6 billion people. This is a lower estimate so probably closer to 200 billion.


my world is practically infinite (funny gag made by one of the gods while it was dying), like you just go in one direction, days, months, years, millennials, but you would never reach the starting point


Three hundred and fifty million for the entire world. It’s a medieval fantasy so it makes sense to keep the population low.


I haven’t done a total population count, but based on the countries that have stats, I’d estimate about 400-450 million. The largest empire has a population of 55 million.


I don't have detailed demographic data by species, but the Imperial Dominions of Amargosa collectively comprise a population of approximately 35 trillion.


I once came to the conclusion of 30 billion. But I don't remember how


Pffft idk..like a lot


I actually need help with this!!! My worlds start with 6006 humans grown in artificial wombs and from there civilisation is supposed to develop. The part I am struggling with is the further development of society. I have a start point and end point I want to reach but the middle is fuzzy in places.


How many years have passed since the start ? If they're actively trying to grow in number you could double the number for each generation


I have like 2000 years sketched out in bullet point events. The people are kind of plopped out with no clear concrete personal purpose except to experience being alive. My world’s function is to grow human populations until the world is fattened up enough to be harvested. Then the cycle restarts again with 6006 humans plopped out with no clear concrete personal purpose except to experience being alive.


400.000-500.000 might be a good population count I'd say, it's not too big, not too small, probably not too far from a realistic growth considering there's only 6K people at the start.


And that’s over 2000 years ish? Like double 6000 then double again 10 or so times? I must ask because I have 9 of these little worlds and the opportunity to be lazy and have a guideline to work off would be fantastic! I forgot to mention that the maximum life span is set at around 200 something years rather than our modern usual maximum of 100 something years. Not that you have to factor that in! I can take your numbers and fudge them a little bit later if that complicates things too much.


500.000 would be the minimum I think, if they all get one partner and make 2 kids per generation, then yeah it would be 6006 times 2 and so on. But since they have a longer lifespan, and can always keep making babies, and have multiple partners maybe (as it happens irl) then it would be well over 500K. Maybe 2 millions at least


Nice one thank you for the explanation. So I’m going: 6000 year 0 12000 year 200 24000 year 400 48000 year 600 96000 year 800 192000 year 1000 384000 year 1200 764000 year 1400 1536000 year 1600 3072000 year 1800 6144000 year 2000. And then minus and fudge the numbers a little to account for death and variances. Or maybe even level out the populations around 1600 to account for space and life style.


That should do it, if they make a couple kids within their 200 years life (which is more than easily doable haha). Could be more than this but with diseases and other stuff, 6 millions should be fine


Sweet. Thank you so much. If you ever need to spit ball an idea feel free to drop me a message. You’ve given me a great head start.


Now I realize that I need to do something like you. The only thing I have is the following: 53,000,000 km^2 = 5th Era 1,219,000,000 inhabitants / 6th Era 3,710,000,000 inhabitants Para establecer tus poblaciones tuviste en cuenta la edad de las diferentes razas??


I have 3 worlds, the first having 2 billion inhabitants, the second having roughly 7 billion and the third having roughly 62 billion inhabitants. They are all high fantasy, not sci fi.


Year 1553, the day 1rst crisis ended. And note(This means culture they are based on, or straight up copy) and thats just Batrianic Empire, i don't have thought out Ezdar, but i guess 1.5 bil, or Small Molnar, which i would guess 200 mil The numbers are unrealistic, considering this is a world with late medieval medicine, and i mean the real one, not the one we know of(>!Believe it or not, Medieval people adapted advanced medicine from Arabs, and catholic church supported science, Galilei part is very complicated the myths of Dark Ages we have today come from 19th century, when rich people needed to move stubborn peasants into factories to work 16 hours a day. I would reccomend reading history of towns that have been existing in !<), so some of these numbers are bit of overexaggeration Great Molnar, continent in size of Africa = 510 milion * Batrianic Empire(Basically secularist pagan version of HRE with bigger range) = 500 mil * Northern(Germans, Scandinavians, Dutch and Baltics) = 75 mil * Central(Slavs) = 250 mil, from which 25 mil live in the capital region of Isalgurd * Western(Brits and Irish) = 50 mil * Eastern(Ugro-finnics + Romanians) = 25 mil * Southern Empire(Greece, Cretans, Caucaus and Albania) 100 mil * Eastern Tribes together = 2 millionss * Mountain Tribes(Kipchaks) = 200 000 * Jungle Tribes = 400 000 * Forest Tribes = 1 million * Desert Tribes = 400 000 * Island Tribes = 7 milion


I'd say 1-3 billion people, there's definitely been significant drops in the past (Kholisa, ruler of all, wiped a 3rd of the population in an angry outburst), but I'd say that's the best estimate.


20 million on the continent/ roaming island. I literally picked a number and thought yeah that sounds good.


About 3 million people total…


Their is no real number as the only time they can be counted is if they are endangered, otherwise, the exact number even within a 1% accuracy is near impossible to determine, especially with the fact that mortal world is not only 10 times larger than our own world, but also a multiverse that is connected with other dimensions to make the mortal world so much larger than we expect it to be Take every mythos, and that realm in itself is a mortal region of the world, that is how stupidly large the mortal world is in my fantasy world


About 1.5B but almost 600m are Humans, almost 360m are Orcs, almost 300m are Goblins the rest of the ~300m pool are shared by Elves, Dwarfs, Bastet, Kobolds, Yuetu, Kitsune, Ghaibhenn, Djinn, Lamias, Lizardmen, Cynocephs, Demons and the Fae and greater beings such as dragons are barely in the thousands in population


Aldebaran proper about 5 bilions people, the aldebarian solar system about 25 bilions only counting planets, up to 30 bilions including man made hyper Infrastructure, aldebaran control 250 star systems for a total of 6000 planets and 4000 moons each planet has about 4 billion peoples and each moon about 100 million people, this makes about 22 trillions or a bit more


Five million humans haven't decided on the other species.


Well, on a planet the size of the current observable universe, I'm still iffy on that. Mind you, almost everyone on there are were either invited into that world, or they were descended from the older invited people. And by invite, I mean that a big, black, literal doorway was sent to their universe because they attempted to travel the multiverse BLIND, and failed to even do it. Yes, sure their bubble shifted, all of the bubbles shift, but that shift was an attempted escape from their universe, and therefor an invite was sent. It does not matter if it was on accident, or on purpose, by using technology, or magic, in their infancy, or their dying ages, ***the invite will be sent.***


I haven't made a proper estimation of my world's population, only the main continent that my story takes place in. My continent's population comes in at around 5-6 million humans excluding other races but in total around 12 millions individuals. This might change as time goes on though


Nonillion x Infinity since my world is based as a multiverse


Well about 784 billion


As of now it would be around 1.754.990 people globally, however I haven't decided on it yet because I'm not sure this number is all that realistic or fitting for the story, so this number might change in the future


22 billion sentient beings


I don't even know the population of individual countries and tribes in a single region. I don't know the population of that region, or the other regions on the continent. I don't know anything about the other continents either. I don't know the population of each species or how many sapient species exist at all in each region or the whole planet. Species present in one region may not exist in other regions. This is a complete mystery to me. Lapis_Wolf


In the whole world, probably around 150 million. For the Kumati culture, which is my main conculture of focus, probably around 85,000 or so.


I started coming up with numbers years ago, I need to redo them


My world experienced a catastrophic event when a comet collided with a moon... there was roughly 20 Billion People There is now MAYBE 1 Million 500 years later


World? No clue. There's only about 40,000 known Lyridans in what was once known as North America.


There are about 20 million sapient beings in my world. About 13 million are anatomically modern humans (AMH), the majority of the global population and by far the most successful. They live in a vast variety of civilization types, from hunter-gatherers and pastoralists (the significant majority at 8 million) to city-dwelling "civilized" folk (the leftover 5 million). About 0.5 million are the Nalas, a tree-dwelling human species who live in the very south of the world, and have a primitive culture only just beginning to explore tool making. 4.5 million are the Dansa, a human species living in the very north of the world. Rather than the generally ignorance of the Nalas, the Dansa caused their own self-imposed exile over events many millennia ago. This has caused their technology and population to stagger in comparison to AMH, but recent events have compelled them to begin a war of revenge against AMH. 3 million are Fasens, tiny island-dwelling humans. Nobody really goes to their island, and whenever some castaway does was ashore, they're quick to hide in the dense jungles. Next to nothing is known about them. And there is only 1 Nandutgal. The species was driven to extinction by a war against AMH. They were simply too vastly outnumbered. The last Nandutgal now lives amongst the Dansa as their high chieftain. The two species had a long history of friendship, even before the arrival of AMH out of the south.


Before the Last War, about a billion people lived in the world. After the cataclysm which followed, in the wastelands left live a few million at best, mostly centered in a few places at the edges of the map where the war barely touched. So much of the rest of the world now, though, is the domain of only ghosts and werewolves, elvish sorcerers and dragon-tyrants. And all the monsters made from the flesh of men that were the most terrible weapon of that war. There are certainly isolated islands in the Kyneth somewhere that even a few dozen years later have no idea what the rest of the world has fallen into. But most of the old Acoran empire is an accursed wasteland now, with black tar falling instead of rain and horrible green crystals sprouting from the earth in place of all the plant life cut down. The remnants of the horrible war magic that was used still rage to this day, endless storms of fire fed by the tortured souls of those who they had first swallowed, and stranger and more horrible spells than that.


Countless people. The Human Imperium alone has about 37 quadrillion people living in it. It’s one of the larger empires out of about 50, so based off of that I’d say a reasonable estimate would be somewhere between 800 Quadrillion - 1.2 Quintillion.


**The Human Sphere** is closing in just over 10 Billion by 2234, The demographics and climate problems really caught up by the end of the 21st and early 22nd century, and we did go down under 8 Billion at some point. It got better in the mid-21st with FTL and several harmonising technologies but the century got capstoned by the *Schism war*, half a Billion dead and 300 Million forming the Exile nation of the Ascendency in the coreward frontier. Even in current times, Earth is still beyond its carrying capacity with ecological damage being slowly and carefully reversed, so every year a lot of effort is made to facilitate emigration for 5 to 10 Million Earthers to the Freehold Worlds. The 15 settled worlds see the highest demographic growth, but human demographics have plateaued for the last 2 centuries and it is just starting to significantly climb. **Orazir** my fantasy continent has 55 million metahumans split between 5 sister races, it is a weird mix of more urbanised high medieval societies and beast and magic-ridden borderlands and wastelands frontiers outside of the heartlands.


At the height of the apo, humans are down to around 10,000, worlds total pop is probably in the 150,000 range.


1-2 billion, the region i am working on right now is Like 6-700k


Sci-fi, planet's a bit bigger than ours but has about the same amount of dry land. Current population sits at around 1 billion people.