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Iraq demanded US troops leave the country years ago. The US refused. US troops are in Iraq illegally.


That is not correct (the parliament did, not the government) and the attack happened in Jordan so I’m not sure how this is even relevant?


The response to the strike against the US base in Jordan was strikes against related targets in Syria and Iraq, that's the relevance


Hmmm, wasn’t I responding to a comment that US troops are in Iraq illegally, which justifies attacking them in Jordan? I still don’t see how you can justify attacking US troops in Jordan over this narrative 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah I misread, apologies


Biden said, “If you harm Americans, we will respond!” Okay, so why haven’t we dropped a few bombs on Israel after the IDF killed an American tourist in the West Bank last week?” Does Israel have a special pass on killing Americans? Pick a lane, Joe.


Israel has had a special pass on killing since it's founding. Look up the USS Liberty incident and the coverup thereafter. Absolute disgrace.


I’m well aware of the USS Liberty. Ironically, the ship was spying on Israel killing Palestinians in Gaza, that they said they weren’t killing, when Israel fired on it. The US covered it all up to save Israel from the American hate that was sure to follow. Beyond disgraceful.


Honestly it seems like the president allowed the attack to happen. The sec def called off the US fighter jets because the “mistake was corrected” but then the IDF kept attacking for like another 60 minutes or something like that The whole thing is so god damn shady. I feel like they must have Epstein’d or similar so many people in the gov, otherwise it’s unexplainable


You clearly know nothing about the USS Liberty. You have no idea what its purpose was, or what happened to it. Why don't you just state that you are anti-Semitic and will spew whatever trash you can against Israel because it makes you feel good inside. I bet killing a few Jews will also make you feel good, right?


Your tribe bombed the USS liberty to cover up the massive war crimes being committed in Egypt. It was deliberate attack to kill the goyim so they don't learn about what's going on. The Captain who committed the attack was honored, and served in the IDF for the next 30 years. Just like the Lavon Affair when Israel wanted to kill goyim to trick them into declaring war on Egypt.


And which tribe was that, the Kohain, the Levites, Manassas, etc. Or, do you just wave your finger around and point, "He did it," without actually having a clue what your saying. The word goyim means nations. It includes Israel in the definition. So what's your saying is that Israel wanted to kill Israel to trick Israel into declaring war on Egypt? It's amazing how easily it is to come off as a buffoon, when you use words that you don't even know the meaning to.


The tribe of Bani Isra'il. The word goy means non-jew, you might want to step out of the Yeshiva or just stop lying. In [modern Hebrew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Hebrew) and [Yiddish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yiddish) ***goy*** ([/ɡɔɪ/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English); גוי‎, pl.: ***goyim*** [/ˈɡɔɪ.ɪm/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English), גוים‎ or גויים‎) is a term for a [gentile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentile), a non-[Jew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jew).[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-HebDict-2) Through Yiddish,[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-Wolfthal-3) the word has been adopted into English (pl.: **goyim** or **goys**) also to mean "gentile", sometimes in a pejorative sense.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-ReferenceA-4)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-Oxford-5)[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-mw-6) As a word principally used by Jews to describe non-Jews,[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-Oxford-5) it is a term for the [ethnic out-group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terms_for_ethnic_out-groups).[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy#cite_note-Magid-7)


You seem to know how to post, however, as the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. If you knew something about the Hebrew language, you wouldn't come off as a below average anti-Semite on Reddit. The word goyim The word means “nation” or “people” no matter what your sources say. They simply don't know Hebrew, and neither do you. In Biblical Hebrew, it specifically applies both to Jews and Gentiles. In Genesis (a book in the Jewish Bible), goyei ha’aretz (Gen. 18:18) is translated as “The nations of the earth.” In Exodus (another book in the Jewish Bible) the Israelites are said to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” – mamlechet kohanim v’goy kadosh (Ex. 19:6). In First Chronicles, Israel is “a unique nation on the earth” – goy echad ba’aretz (I Chron. 17:1). In Leviticus, Ha goyim asher s’vivotechem are “the nations that surround you” (Lev. 25:44). And please don't tell me that you're quoting from Wikipedia which is probably the greatest resource of garbage in the world, where every anti-semite can make any word serve their purpose well without any glimpse of reality. Why not pick up a Jewish Bible, unless you believe that touching one will burn you alive, and you take a look at the translations from Hebrew to English. They will match the ones above regardless of whether or not Wikipedia approves. And maybe you should step into yeshiva if you want to see the truth about the Jewish people and get your mind out of the gutter.


Demonising Jews because of being Jewish is so old school.


What about the USSR Liberty? The U.S. covered it up because it was a humiliation for the United States. They had a spy ship sale into a closed military zone during a war after Israel specifically informed the U.S. that there were offensive ongoing in the area. Also, this ship looked exactly like an Egyptian spy ship that had been operating in the area. If it wasn’t for our (America’s) veracious appetite for spying on our Allie’s (all of them! From Germany, to Israel, to Brazil, to Taiwan to S. Korea, those are the ones we have been caught spying on) this wouldn’t have happened. The U.S. was lucky it wasn’t sunk outright. Plus we know Israel didn’t plan on attacking or sinking it because the planes that bombed it were armed with napalm instead of actual bombs. That’s because it was a target of opportunity, and the planes were diverted from a different anti-Egyptian ground attack mission. Had Israel wanted to attack the ship intentionally, one 500lbser would have finished that Liberty class junker off in 2 seconds.


Not only that, the Iraqis killed American troops, Israel killed a civilian


Biden’s comment didn’t say just “military” Americans.


Attacking a military base is an act of war. A civilian dying somewhere isn't. Nice strawman though.


Where in Biden’s statement does it say “military Americans”? It doesn’t.


The statement is regarding the attacks on the American military bases with mortars and rockets. There are very few if any American civilians up and about Iraq.


Oh so you’re speaking for the President and his “Americans” only meant “military” Americans, not all Americans? I think if that’s what he meant, he would’ve said it that way.


Does context not matter to you or are you not aware of what attacks he is referring to? Or are you just playing dumb? These airstrikes are not a response to any civilian American deaths. Troll someone else


I think I can help. What you are trying to say is because they were in the military their lives are less significant than the us citizen because reasons?


The f*ck you mean because reasons? They are uniformed soldiers, dying is part of the job. I mean obviously the US is going to retaliate, that's fine. But killing an armed soldier, with a weapon, that knows fully well what he is getting himself into, on a battlefield, is less bad than killing some random civilian who can't fight back.


We are not at war with anyone. Does that get through your thick skull? Attacking US military personnel is an act of war. Pearl Harbor was an attack on military personnel and equipment wasn’t it? Or you want to wave that off too?


Pearl Harbour was on US territory, last I checked Iraq isn't part of the US. The Iraqi people don't want you there. So get out. Being in someone's home uninvited is an act of war too.


There are for sure American-Iraqis up n aboutt


The most disturbing case of Israel brutally murdering an American citizen without any substantive U.S. response was Rachel Corrie in 2003. She was bulldozed while protesting the destruction of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and left paralyzed, dying from her injuries. The footage is nauseating. No justice, no recourse. Israel investigated itself and found no wrongdoing, “she wasn’t in view of the bulldozer.” Complete bullshit. She’s a martyr in Palestine, they named a street after her. Israelis are well documented for making Rachel Corrie pancakes, mocking her death. Sick country


They operate on Hitler’s moral compass.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident Apparently they've had a pass for a while. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/israel-attacks-uss-liberty The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty. When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty. The reason for the recall remains unclear.


>Biden said, “If you harm Americans, we will respond!” Okay, so why haven’t we dropped a few bombs on Israel after the IDF killed an American tourist in the West Bank last week?”  i dunno, maybe it's the same reason america didnt invade gaza after they capturedand killed  american citizens in israel


I agree. The American hostages being taken by Hamas is Israel’s fault and we should hold Netanyahu accountable!


>I agree. The American hostages being taken by Hamas is Israel’s fault and we should hold Netanyahu accountable! really? netanyahu personally took all those hostages and is holding them in gaza? 


Happened on his watch.


and the people who perpetrated the attacks have no agency? was netanyahu secretly pulling their strings?


On the verge of being ousted and having to face his pending indictment, Israel has the biggest security breach in its history? Bibi’s involvement would surprise absolutely no one. I look at it this way, if Trump could’ve stayed in power, but he would’ve had to off 1,200 of his MAGA followers to do it, he definitely would’ve done it. Who are we kidding…Trump would’ve gladly offed 5,000. Bibi is Israel’s Trump!


netanyahu is responsible for oct 7th the way bush jr is responsible for 9-11. it happened on his watch.  that's it.  at the end of the day if al-qaeda didnt take over the planes the world trade center would still be standing. and if hamas didnt attack then the attack wouldn't have happened. and had hamas not chosen to attack netanyahu couldn't have done a damn thing to force them to.  so let's assign agency where it belongs.  also the comparison of trump to netanyahu is poor at best. nixon is more appropriate. 


It’s not just a blame game with Netanyahu, he actually had motive. Orchestrating the breach allowed him to declare war, stay in power, kill a shit ton of innocent Palestinians and reoccupy Gaza and 1,200 Israeli lives were obviously worth it! I disagree, Nixon knew when his gig was up. Trump is a professional conman with lawyers that are knowledgeable in using loopholes reserved for the wealthy and his luck and money will eventually run out, more than likely with a conviction.


Bibi was firmly in power. He had one of the most stable governments in recent Israeli history. 65 members of his coalition were firmly behind him. If fact for them, he was not right wing enough. And the fact that you brought Trump into this illustrates how sever your TDS is! Seek treatment immediately before it gets any worse!


Wait I missed that. Did the IDF specifically and intentionally attack a US citizen and vow to kill more?


Nope, OP must have mixed up Israel with Terrorist groups that did just that


Note to self: killing Americans is ok as long as you don't announce it first.


Israel doesn’t target Americans, Palestine does. Note to self - you’re fine with terrorists targeting Americans but when there’s an accident from the IDF that’s when you draw the line.


Maybe I'm not ok with either? What a concept, I know.


Except you are fine with it because you focus your energy on weaponizing an accident to make it seem like “both sides are the same”


Only one of us is excusing war crimes. I do believe both sides are the same. You excuse one while villifying the other. And yes, 'accident'. For such a civilized nation, Israel sure has a lot of 'accidents'.


Wow mask off moment. You’re need to excuse war crimes and make it would like Israel is just as bad as a group targeting civilians, raping women and burning children is despicable


>Israel is just as bad as a group targeting civilians, raping women and burning children Israel IS that group.


Because he wasn’t white.


The Americans are backtracking saying, “Biden meant *military* Americans!” So it’s perfectly okay if Israel murders non-military Americans! 😂


Are you literally reposting the same comment in multiple threads?


Like headlines, so the comment applies.


I share their concern. War with Iran has been a long term goal of the neocons and a fear they’ve found a willing accomplice in Biden.


Netanyahu’s wet dream is to get the US in a war with Iran and he’s been trying every US President for 20 years. None have made Bibi’s dream come true and Biden isn’t going to either. Trump probably came the closest…Bibi promised him he could build a Trump Hotel in Jerusalem if he’d move the US Embassy there and officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital (Israel’s Capital is Tel Aviv, the UN recognizes Jerusalem as Palestine’s Capital). Trump moved it, officially recognized the Capital and then Bibi told him no deal on the Trump Hotel 😂. Had Netanyahu wanted Iran bombed for a Trump Hotel, there’s a good chance Trump would’ve been stupid enough to have done it.


He wasn’t killed by IDF he was killed by settlers, which then prompted the US to sanction several Israeli settlers. You should spend five seconds fact-checking your statement before you either intentionally or unintentionally start spreading misinformation.


You need to check your facts. The IDF murdering the American has absolutely nothing to do with the illegal settlers Biden sanctioned….NOTHING! Two separate incidents, Einstein.


> The police said that an Israeli civilian and an off-duty policeman had fired at “individuals purportedly engaged in rock-throwing activities.” So, not the IDF. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/20/world/middleeast/palestinian-american-killed-west-bank.html


You’re putting faith in Israel’s account, the murderer’s version of events? Well….that’s foolish. 😂


“I don’t like this evidence therefore you are wrong!”


No one is under any obligation to believe anything Israel says.


Likewise I am under no obligation to believe what some western Reddit activist has to say


Are you claiming it’s unlikely some settler killed a Palestinian? You don’t believe it happened? Maybe you think the IDF is blaming a settler for something they did? That makes sense to you ?


They're unhinged and operating on emotion, logic won't get in the way of it. It's a baffling narrative they've come up with.


Then you should have no issue sourcing your comment…


Who arms those settlers? the magical M4 fairy?


Not the IDF lol.


You can point to plenty of Americans killed by IOF. What about the American citizens in Gaza who were told by the US embassy to head to Rafah? US told israel where they'd be traveling, israel conducted an airstrike on the bus


Who thinks now is a good time for a tour of palestine?? "Tourisism" sounds close to what he was probably up to.


Brittany Griner knew the risks of bringing drugs into Russia, so we should’ve just left her there, right? Right?


You do know the difference between intentionally trying to harm someone and accidently harming someone?


Except the IDF doesn’t “accidentally” kill anyone, with the exception of the those three Israeli hostages carrying white flags. They shoot Palestinians carrying white flags all the time, for fun, so the 3 Israeli hostages were a big oopsie! 😂. The IDF indiscriminately murders Palestinians in the West Bank everyday and they never stop to ask if they’re American, before they shoot them. Thanks for the laugh! 😂


Man… they must be really bad at that, with so much firepower and indiscriminate usage, I would think they can kill way way way more people than a few hundred per day (per freedom fighter figures).


Well, they could, but that gets Israel in genocide trouble with the ICJ. Just kill a handful a day, steal a few Palestinian homes, space it out and the US won’t even acknowledge it! Oh damn Israel, you shot an American? Don’t do that…so anyway….


This is why Biden understandably doesn’t listen to the American left. Apparently nothing short of declaring war on Israel will satisfy them.


Clearly no one is suggesting war on Israel, its true he has no interest in the left because any 'left' about the democratic party was slowly removed for decades to the point that now someone like Bernie is considered 'far left' by them.


No one is suggesting war on Israel except the person whose comment I responded to. They apparently are the only one.


Israel killed an American, didn’t they? We are bombing Iraq & Syria for doing the same thing. Hypocrisy much?


No need to put your narrow cognitive skills on display again. Everyone got you point.


Nothing I’ve said is untrue, you’re just having difficulty defending the hypocrisy of the truth.


I get it man. You have reasoning skills of a small child. Makes complete sense.




It stopped replying. Prb took a break for a quick diaper change.


Maybe because it was an accident? And Iran intentionally targeted American's.


What was an accident? The IDF murdering an American? The IDF shoots Palestinians everyday in the West Bank, do you think they stop and ask if they’re Americans first? This is my favorite comment of the day! Bravo!🏆👏




How is the killing of the American in the West Bank accidental? The IDF was doing what it always does…shooting Palestinians because they’re Palestinians. They’ve never stopped to ask if there’s any Americans in the crowd before! 😂




And who do you suggest do the investigation? The Israel-biased US? The IDF? Hamas? I agree, if we just start bombing places all nilly-willy, we might be accused of collective punishment…you know, like Israel’s deliberate bombardment of innocent civilians in Gaza, under the guise of eradicating Hamas. How many high-ranked Hamas leaders have actually been captured or killed….10? If their goal was to eradicate Hamas, they’ve failed on an epic level, but if their goal was to murder as many Palestinians as they could without being charged with genocide, they’ve done quite well.




Does my family tree fork, well anti-gentile, are you even allowed to do a home DNA test in Israel? No you’re not because it comes back that your claim of centuries of being Levant is only 0-.2%. You’re not from Palestine, your roots are actually African-European 😂


>Biden said, “If you harm Americans, we will respond!” Okay, so why haven’t we dropped a few bombs on Israel after the IDF killed an American tourist in the West Bank last week?” Thanks. Its a cinch now. I won't vote for Biden because he is duplicitous liar.


I don’t like voting for liars either, but I won’t vote for a rapist…I consider them worse than liars, perhaps you don’t . 😂


West Bank... Tourist... that's today's best one.


Kinda like the American hostages…they’re dual American-Israeli citizens, fancy name for illegal settlers. 😂


And American what in Judea and Samaria? I thought it was an “Apartheid open-air prison”? What was he doing there “vacationing”? I thought everyone was trying to get out? Oh wait! No one what’s to leave because the Arabs know it is better to be under Israeli administration than any Arab government in the world. LOL.


People are really obsessed with this little country called Israel


Don't say iran bakced houthis unless you also say american backed taliban and american backed al qaida.


How are they American backed when America attacked them? Don't you mean Iran backed Taliban and Al-Qaeda? Iran is home to Al-Qaeda operatives. In 2001, when United States Government took out the Taliban government in Afghanistan, many of Osama bin Laden's family members and top lieutenants self-exiled to **Iran**. Al-Qaeda began working with **Iran** and Hezbollah (another **Iranian** terrorist group) in the early 1990s. [Source](https://extremism.gwu.edu/al-qaeda-de-facto-leader-sayf-al-adl) The Taliban were supported by several militant outfits which include the Haqqani network, Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Several countries like China, **Iran**, Pakistan, Qatar and Russia supports the Taliban. In August 2020, US intelligence agencies assessed that **Iran** has been offering bounties to the Haqqani network to target US and coalition troops in Afghanistan. The US intelligence agencies identified payments linked to at least six attacks carried out by the militant group in 2019 including the Bagram Airfield attack. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has attracted support from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, principally Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Chechens, and Uighurs from western China. The strength of the IMU is approximately 500, with members located in South Asia, Central Asia, and **Iran.** [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_relations_with_the_Taliban#:~:text=7%20Bibliography-,Historic%20relations,Russia%20allegedly%20support%20the%20Taliban) Iran is the source of all the terrorists groups in the middle east.


If you can't find undisputed evidence the united states financed the taliban and al qaeda in the past you are intentionally avoiding things you dont want to see. I'm cringing for you


You can't find it either.


It's publicly accessible information that every founding member of the Taliban and the Emirate of Afghanistan was a former Mujahideen veteran, the very same militia groups the CIA armed, trained, and funded to fight the Soviets.


Oh, then who became the Northern Alliance? Oh wait, The Americans supported the groups who would become the Northern Alliance, meanwhile Pakistanis supported the groups who became the Taliban. Thats why we head a whole group of locals ready to assist us when we decided to remove the Taliban. They already knew us and we already knew them. But you only have a surface level understanding of Afghanistan, probably pulled from TikTok videos and reddit threads. Merica bad! You're a fool and not worth any more of my time.


Mujahideen ≠ Taliban The vast majority of Taliban fighters were new recruits who had not fought in the Soviet-Afghan War. Most Mujahideen fighters just went home to their families when the war ended. Then, the second largest proportion formed the Northern Alliance, the third largest proportion was forming their own local groups. The taliban was formed by a few highish ranking members of the Mujahideen, but almost all of their recruits were fresh.


Lol your getting down voted because people can't handle facts!


So they tell you. Isnotreal and USA are so far up each other's .....we, the people are never ever told the truth. I fully believe that disruption and chaos in the Middle East are in lo Isnotreal/USA interests. There will never be peace in the Middle East until the military industrial complex in both countries has disappeared. Not really likely. This is why the people are so sick of the whole lot of these id....its and need to stand up and be counted.


Biden is starting a massive series of conflicts that he is going to die in the middle of, leaving us to clean up the devastation wrought by this shit administration


Bro just one more war in the middle east bro it'll be good this time bro just trust me bro


A proxy war in the middle east for stupid reasons won't be a terrible idea this time I'm sure of it


It’s cray


Well, this is in Israels interest. The US should know its place as a serf in the shadow of its spiritual master.


Ah yes, Biden made the proxies launch 150+ attacks on our bases. Of course.


How would the US respond if one of our allies was being occupied and ethnically cleansed?


Decidedly I assume. Luckily that is not happening.


Why are there US bases there?


This is not a new concept nor is it an American idea. Countries will set up international bases near allies or conflict areas. If you’ve never heard of this concept before you can learn about it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_overseas_military_bases


How many countries set up bases in areas they are not welcome in? We usually call that "invasion" and "occupation" Get the f*ck out of Iraq.


Yes, but why does the US have bases there?


Keep reading you’ll figure it out I’m sure! 


Does that Wikipedia link explain why the US still has bases in Iraq, the country they already invaded, destabilized, and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, even though Iraq requests them to leave?


All on the premise of WMDs, which was a complete lie


Lol im not going to defend the sovereignty of a base that I don’t think should even be there in the first place. All this Middle East shit is a waste of time and money, when the biggest threat we actually face is simply old fashioned climate change.


Biden has stayed out of it until shipping lanes were attacked over 100 times


Yes and America's response has led to... what? Continued attacks on ships and a war expanding into Iraq, Jordan and Syria?


All getting involved has done is made the situation worse


The blockade has potentially saved the lives of hundreds of people


Attack innocent ships saves people? Or does it escalate the conflict?


If it’s slowing the Israeli Death Force down at all, it’s saving lives. Maybe a soldier had to spend more time ordering lunch one day which in turn gave a hospital more time to evacuate before they ordered a drone strike. It’s hard to say, but material disruptions do make a difference, otherwise Biden wouldn’t be attacking this war-torn country. All the Yemeni want a ceasefire


That's the thing, it isn't slowing down the IDF at all. Most of the ships they targeted so far are unrelated to the conflict and it's literally hurting Egypt more than Israel.


its applying a cost to the genocide. and if other states stepped up, a complete blockaid on israel is possible. its probably the best course of action to take


But we all know that's not going to happen.


israel is bypassing the suez with the land route already, and you are an idiot 


All of them are.


It’s not slowing them down at all. It does increase the price for just about everything globally though. It’s also been the reason for the US and its allies to form a coalition and bring more military equipment and personnel to that region. It’s nothing more than escalation and it’s certainly not going to influence Israel one way or another. 


Better than nothing. If Biden was actually pressuring Israel for two state recognition, we wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with. These US strikes in Iraq are already killing a new round of civilians and you’re blaming the Houthis in Yemen. I think you really meant to say: “Iran and Iranian interests are doing Iranian terror plots to create Iranian influence and Iranian terrorists outside of Iran to terrorize the world, Iranian style.”


Darn. And we were so close to peace, prosperity and brotherhood in that region.


If Iraq actually stopped letting Iranian led militias operate in their country, then the US wouldn’t have targets to strike inside Iraq. I mean this wasn’t one or two elements. Iran’s proxies have full weapons depots, command centers, etc. in Iraq. Seems to me that Iraq needs to address the elephant in the room.


"We wouldn't have to bomb Iraq if they just did what we wanted". Neo-cons are so disgusting


My favorite part about your comment is that you decided to also ignore the elephant in the room. It’s in Iraqs interest to start pushing back against Iranian influence in their country before they end up being a vassal of Iran. Letting a hostile foreign power openly operate heavily armed militias in your territory will do more damage than the US targeting those hostile militias. You do realize that Iraq doesn’t actually try to stop the US from bombing the Iranian proxies in their territory right? They publicly denounce it b/c of the sizable influence that Iran has managed to achieve in Iraq, but privately they seem very content to let the US take care of a problem that they themselves aren’t capable of, or willing to, deal with.


>It’s in Iraqs interest to start pushing back against Iranian influence in their country before they end up being a vassal of Iran. Letting a hostile foreign power openly operate heavily armed militias in your territory will do more damage than the US targeting those hostile militias. Ah when you don't like someone's ally they are a vassal and "hostile" but if US troops were roaming around Iraq then it's all good? >You do realize that Iraq doesn’t actually try to stop the US from bombing the Iranian proxies in their territory right? They publicly denounce it b/c of the sizable influence that Iran has managed to achieve in Iraq, but privately they seem very content to let the US take care of a problem that they themselves aren’t capable of, or willing to, deal with. Or perhaps Iraq knows they don't have the military might to go up against the US and all its allies? Iraq isn't letting the US do anything and have asked the Us many times to leave their country, the US just doesn't listen.


Yeah and Iraq doesnt see the occupier that killed 1 million civilians as a problem


Iraq will become Lebanon 2.0 if they keep this up… a failed state for a generation. Sure the US is at fault for that dumb war, but it is up to the Iraqi people to figure out what they want their country to be… Iran’s bitch or a modern member of the world.


They can whine about how the world works or they can try and make the best of their situation.


In other word, Iraq needs to get their shit together and stop being a host and breeding ground for terrorism. 


I wonder what happened in the early 2000s that destabilized their country. Maybe whoever caused that shit show is responsible for everything that happened after. Kinda like how Israeli supporters put all the dead Palestinians on Hamas


Ah yes. Allowing Saddam Hussein to remain in power was such a better idea.


Hmm, if only Iraq was strong enough to fight back and keep Iran in check. Not like anyone bombed them and decimated their country but now cry about that same countries neighbor growing and becoming more dangerous.


If the US would stop interfering in South/West Asia and remove their unwanted military installments, then the US wouldn't have targets to be struck inside South/West Asia.


It’s like America was asleep the last 20 years. At no point was any endeavor an easy “in and out” situation, just 20 years of violence and America finally folding.


Hahaha in shambles Iraq and Iran have no business talking they better keep their mouths quiet or else we will give them freedom and turn them into dust.