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Also reported here -- [Ethnic Killings in One Sudan City Left up to 15,000 Dead - UN Report](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-01-19/ethnic-killings-in-one-sudan-city-left-up-to-15-000-dead-un-report)


Nobody in this sub cares unless they can blame the Jews. If you can find an article with than angle, people will care.


And you aren't caring unless you can take a jab at pro-Palestine people. You have probably said absolutely nothing about the war in Sudan before October 7, I have been following it since April 15. And btw I found out about it because Eye on Palestine posted about it on April 15


Probably because the west isn't jerking off to dead kids in Sudan like they do when they hear Palestine


license overconfident full slim ripe party wrong wide yoke attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only people jerking off to dead kids are the pro-Hamas folks on this sub


As demonstrated by 10k+ kids murdered by...Hamas?? I guess that makes sense. Afterall, the victim eternal has no choice other than to rape and murder kids. It is the duty of the rest of the world to educate themselves that it is all being done for good reason.


Wait, 10/7 was done for good reason?


And yet you’re commenting on a post about it in this very sub.


zionists are so funny in their willing blindness and persistent victim complex. Brother you are on a post on the front page of this sub with many people expressing concern


By Zionists, you mean at least 80% of Jews in the world…


It really seems like it, the amount of antisemitism that I’ve seen come from this subreddit is alarming.


Inshaallah RSF will be crushed and pay for their crimes


Too bad South Africa just hosted genocidal warlord Hemedti.


I think RSF forgot to notify the ICJ. Fkn hypocrites


Cue the Zionists making this a competition. We need to hold these politicians accountable. This couldn't have happened without international funding and support.


True, the UAE is also to blame for the crisis in Sudan


The UAE and Wagner primarily funds the RSF to weaken Sudan and gain an ally. Sudan itself needs more foreign backing.


I’m sure that’s why this post is here right now, but I’m glad it is. This is another conflict that has been out of the public view that should be brought into the light.


It's backed by UAE, not sure where "zionists" fit here. Honestly feels like "zionist" is just a dogwhistle for jews


It’s like what Trump has done to Americans, there’s a subset of the population that’s so subsumed with hatred and obsession that literally any and every topic has to go back to Trump no matter what. The internet damages people. Edit: holy shit! I read further and this guy tried to trumpify the conversation too!


All zionists think all Jews are Zionists. This is a great example of that. Thank you for demonstrating my entire point.


You are delusional, there's no point I demonstrated for you here


No, you demonstrated it beautifully. It's the same way all Trump supporters think all Christians are Trump supporters. Being anti-Zionist does not make you anti-semetic. It's very telling that you'd think that though.


Your delusional, there's no way you can be against a secure state for jews considering all the persecution and hate they recieve including scums like you and say that. Illiterate


Thank you for continuing to prove my point. Free palestine. May Zionists be held accountable for this genocide.




Name calling is a lot Kinder than the genocide Israel is committing so I'll consider myself blessed the IDF hasn't bombed my kid's school yet because I'm a different religion than them.


Listen here I'm also against idf brutality I'm against terrorists (hamas) that you support I'm against antisemitism unlike you Both Palestinians and Jews will live in peace once Palestinians agree for peace and stop supporting hamas


Oh please, victim mentality much? What other marginalized group gets a whole ass state? No one. You’re entitled and privileged as it is. You know who really deserves a state? Those who don’t commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.


U r just figuring that out? Better late than never


Cue the anti-Zionists not making a peep, post or protest about this now or ever. Why? Because no Jews no news and u know it’s true.


Too true!


Is there a $17.6 billion “aid” bill for the RSF on the US house floor right now? Does our government have a decades-long history of giving them unconditional support? Does the US consistently act as the sole veto for any UN resolutions that condemn their actions? Is our president’s administration tripping over themselves to bypass congress so they can sell the RSF weapons? I know people like you are desperate to make this about antisemitism but there is a lot of additional context that you are completely ignoring.


I think it is both. You are correct that we are involved in the Israel Gaza conflict. We have aid money we send them. We absolutely should and do place conditions on that aid. We always have conditions on our aid. As for why there is a lack of outcry about this crisis as there is for the Israel Gaza crisis? It is probably a combination of factors. Lack of coverage is one. Lack of compassion due to team mentality is one. Then you have the bad faith actors. These are people who go around trying to make whatever conflict into a good vs evil thing. I agree there are more of these now than at any time in history. I do not think antisemitism is at play here. It's a team thing. Most of the people complaining about Israel don't actually care about genocide. If you look at thier history it becomes clear that they just have sympathy for the Palestinians. It's not about genocide. It's about thier perceived team.


The US & other countries have been giving Gaza aid money for decades and ask for nothing in return. The $ we give to Israel pays us back in dividends. We get first dibs on crucial pharmaceuticals, technology (like the smartphone you’re using right now), agricultural advancements, military weapons and technology, and crucial intelligence that has allowed us to stop countless terror attacks, many we’ll never know about. Israel also creates a large number of jobs in the US, for example the rockets they use in the iron dome to swat away the tens of thousands of rockets Hamas shoots at them — are made in the USA. So we do get a ROI on the money we give to Israel, unlike probably any other country we offer funding to. What does Gaza do with aid $? They funnel it to Hamas who does nothing for its people and instead uses the funds to dig tunnels and fire rockets at Israel and fund a terrible group who live to kill Israelis and Jews. They’re not shy about admitting that either. As for UN — they’re as anti-Israel as it gets and yes it’s good the USA defends them to preserve their very symbiotic relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East. Case in point, in 2022 WHEN RUSSIA INVADED UKRAINE — the UN condemned with General Assembly Resolutions against Israel more times than every other country COMBINED! Here are a few from 2022: North Korea 1, USA 1, Afghanistan 1, China 0, Qatar 0, Iran 0, Saudi Arabia 0, Russia 6, Myanmar 1…ISRAEL 15!!! Source: https://unwatch.org/2022-2023-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ So yeah, I expect to be downvoted and maybe even banned because I’ve definitely learned lately that one thing the anti-Zionist / anti-Israel crowd hates more than Jews are facts. And *that’s* a fact.


>The US & other countries have been giving Gaza aid money for decades and ask for nothing in return. Any aid we provide to Gaza is complete peanuts compared to what we give Israel. The US's total aid provided to Israel since its inception is unfathomably large ($318 billion when adjusted for inflation, or something like $160 billion non inflation-adjusted). The US has NOT provided any aid to Gaza outside of whatever indirect contributions Gaza is getting through UN organizations, and I don't think that total has crossed $2 billion over the lifetime of the UN. All the money that Palestinians get from USAID goes to the West Bank, since Hamas is designated a terrorist org by the US. >The $ we give to Israel pays us back in dividends. We get first dibs on crucial pharmaceuticals, technology (like the smartphone you’re using right now), agricultural advancements, military weapons and technology These are such canned PragerU-esque talking points that make no sense. Are you saying that since an Israeli person invented the cell phone and because American companies buy Israeli pharma drugs, we should therefore keep giving them unconditional military aid? Do you have any idea how disconnected those two things are when you consider that we live in a global economy? It's also convenient that you can't actually prove that any of these things are tied in any way to US military aid. This also fails to consider the opportunity cost of the US subsidizing Israel along with its geopolitical consequences. $160 billion goes a long way when you consider the time value of money and how that money could have been spent elsewhere. There is also a very good chance that Arab countries and populations would view us much more favorably if we didnt unconditionally support Israel throughout the past few decades, as well as scale back our military presence in the broader Middle East. >and crucial intelligence that has allowed us to stop countless terror attacks, many we’ll never know about. This is the only credible argument of the ones you've listed, but then again, I would like to think if the Israelis were truly our friends then we wouldn't need to shovel them aid in order to share intelligence. >Israel also creates a large number of jobs in the US, for example the rockets they use in the iron dome to swat away the tens of thousands of rockets Hamas shoots at them This helps no one except military contractors. If you ever studied economics you should know that government spending on military projects of any kind are not "creating jobs", they are just market distortions as resources and jobs that would otherwise be created and used in the private sector are diverted to produce and improve weapons and military equipment, etc. >As for UN — they’re as anti-Israel as it gets and yes it’s good the USA defends them to preserve their very symbiotic relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East. Who is it good for except Israel? It's certainly not good for the USA, whose soft power and credibility erodes as they continue to stick their neck out for a country that no one likes due to their actions in Gaza. The US is getting increasingly isolated over their support for the Netanyahu regime these past few months. That last paragraph is a real zinger btw, channeling that big dick Ben Shapiro "facts over feelings" energy, super cool!


If it doesn’t benefit USA to give $ to Israel then why do we do it? If you say because of AIPAC compare what they spend on lobbying compared to other groups — they’re very low on the list comparatively. And why is it our responsibility to pour money into a terrorist-run region that already receives more international aid than most countries / regions as is. Look what they do with it. Nothing for the people — all for the killing of Israelis. Get rid of Hamas, stop teaching kids to aspire to martyr themselves and then yeah, dump money into Gaza to create a better future. It would be a win for everyone.


>If it doesn’t benefit USA to give $ to Israel then why do we do it? Saying "our government has done something for a long time so it therefore must be a good decision" is not a good argument. You should be able to use your critical thinking skills to come up with your own opinion rather than taking mental shortcuts like this. >And why is it our responsibility to pour money into a terrorist-run region that already receives more international aid than most countries / regions as is. Ironically I somewhat agree with this, though we have not consistently "poured money" into any country in the Middle East *except for Israel,* a country that routinely uses violence against civilians as a means of coercion and achieving its political objectives (examples include sniping unarmed protestors, [bombing civilian buildings with no evident military targets in the area](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-crime-war-crimes-human-rights-watch-4dbb4e7b915346ce6aca778f12a4359b), etc). So yes, I think we need to stop giving aid to countries in the Middle East, and that includes Israel. I think we also need to unwind our overall military presence there outside of whatever is needed to gather intelligence. Sadly, I think Hamas is only going to be stronger than ever after Israel's most recent campaign in Gaza. You cannot kill almost 30,000 civilians and destroy millions of families' homes and communities and expect them not to absolutely hate you.


But we have consistently given money to other Middle Eastern countries for decades. What are you even talking about? Have you looked to see the stats on money we’ve given to Saudi Arabia? That’s just one example. And the big difference is that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that’s a secular democracy and not a nation ruled by Islamic laws with dicey to abysmal (it’s on a spectrum) track records concerning human rights of its own citizens. Also as mentioned before Israel is a key ally for not just for sharing tech, biotech, agriculture etc but also for intelligence gathering of other said Middle Eastern countries, many of whom at one time or another has vowed to wipe not just Israel but America off the map. So yeah, I choose the team that wants to be our friend and not countries with Sharia Law and a hunger to destroy America. You do you and go be a terrorist supporter I’m sure that will work out really well for you.


Egypt gets more military aid PER CAPITA, and they have a population of about 100 million - 10x Israel’s. But yeah, Israel is the client outpost state of the US war machine. 


> Egypt gets more military aid PER CAPITA, and they have a population of about 100 million - 10x Israel’s. I have no idea where you got this from. Military aid to Israel is consistently at least 3x what is given to Egypt ([source](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/countries-that-receive-the-most-foreign-aid-from-the-u-s)), and we look like we’re set to give Israel another $14.6 billion this year…




Cue the anti-Zionists not caring cause they’re all Muslims.


Cue the Islamists bringing up "Zionists" in a thread that has nothing to do with Israel


>Cue the Zionists making this a competition. It's you that's said this so this says more about you and your agenda. The RSF is supported and armed by Russia so what're you gonna do?


Continue to support sanctions against Russia. Same as I support sanctions and boycotts against Israel.


You're the Hamas simp spreading lies about jews.


Buddy, why are you so obsessed with me?


You're the one obsessed. But then you are a hanas simp. Maybe you should try growing a brain.






Jeez someone needs to stop this somehow


why the F is RSF not a designated terrorist organization? i have seen videos of them shooting kids and burying people alive. why? i just dont understand.


https://www.state.gov/actions-against-senior-rapid-support-forces-commanders-in-sudan/ https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1712 They are already subject to a wide variety of sanctions, but Russia-China-Iran-North Korea (along with other countries) have all built up a smaller parallel system to support trade outside of SWIFT and other international financial institutions.  As for designating it a terrorist organization, that would likely be a hindrance to any sort of diplomatic effort to stop the conflict. Remember when Hamas and the Palestinian Authority were negotiating to have new elections in 2021? More than a few opponents of this development were of the opinion that since Hamas was a terrorist organization, the Palestinian Authority could lose funding if it worked with them to have new elections. Designating the RSF as a terrorist organization can tie the state department’s hands. It would limit the ability of the United States to not be anything except an enemy of the RSF- which means that any sort of negotiated settlement would be unlikely, and prolonged conflict would be the most probable outcome. 


Because historically speaking, the west doesn’t care about violence in Africa, especially state sponsored violence, as long as it doesn’t hurt their bottom dollar.


They literally reported the Myanmar anti-juntas as terrorists on internal gov. documents I really wonder wtf is going through their minds sometimes


Why hasn't South Africa pulled another ICJ case against Sudan? A genocide literally on their continent? Or why hasn't their neighbors done something about it? Why are you stating "the west doesn't care" while the west has literally nothing to do with it? No jews no news huh.b


Still recovering from being found guilty of genocide huh? Always gotta make it about Israel somehow 🙄


What? They literally were not found guilty of genocide. You need to reevaluate where you are getting your information from because you are being fed lies.


They never made that determination. You can actually go an watch the ruling on YouTube. They determined that there was a plausible case that genocide was occurring and they took the case up. There will not be a "Guilty/not guilty" determination made for a number of years.


Right, so they were not found guilty.


lol, they didn't make that determination either way.


Were they found guilty, yes or no?


Are you mentally challenged? They were never going to determine that at this juncture. They require a trial for that.  This was a preliminary hearing, like a grand jury, to determine if there was a plausible case. And they determined there was. Israel has basically be indicted. 


Good thing the court ruled no genocide then. LOL


Here is an article buy a source who would not be recovering from the ICJ result: [https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/2/1/is-south-africas-foreign-policy-contradictory-or-a-balancing-act](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/2/1/is-south-africas-foreign-policy-contradictory-or-a-balancing-act) >They argue that hosting RSF commander Hemedti and being reluctant to criticise Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have punctured Pretoria’s stated commitment to values of justice and equality in the post-apartheid era. This one is a doozy: [https://twitter.com/geoffreyyork/status/1742959770003292569](https://twitter.com/geoffreyyork/status/1742959770003292569) >South Africa's Presidency has deleted its earlier tweet in which it referred to the RSF warlord Hemedti as "His Excellency" and the "President" of Sudan. Screenshot of the tweet is here:


>Still recovering from being found guilty of genocide huh? It looks like you've never read a newspaper seeing as you're making stuff up, LMAO.


Because SA is a russian tool


Pretty much! South Africa is just being used by Iran like a dumb political pawn. Too bad so many people in the West took notice - was a pure PR/political stunt and the ICJ's credibility is shot as a result. The US should take Iran to the ICJ next for their appalling human rights abuses....


Sure, then after Iran, we can take the US and UK to the ICJ for all their human rights abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then we go on from there.


Won't deny that there were some abuses by the US and UK in both of those conflicts. But I'll back the countries that let women wear whatever they like without getting arrested and tortured to death over Iran.


Why make it a competition? You can be appalled at two genocides... As a Palestinian, I'm horrified that Sudan isn't on the news more and always bring it up to my friends and people who are willing to listen.


I'm not sure what the United Nations are supposed to do. What is it's mandate. Every single resolution posed can be vetoed by any one of the five permanent members. UN doesn't appear to perform any positive actions anywhere, and the five are intentionally disruptive. It seems to have been residing over a world in which those who have power commit genocide and ethnic cleansing, corruption in the west and in the east with no repercussions and politicians that are not listening to their constituents or the people of the world in general. It seems that it gets money for nothing. I absolutely believe this institution should be seriously reformed to cancel the five permanent members' power to make it legitimately democratic. Maybe another institution can be set up, but this time, it has teeth, no corruption, no members with veto power, and definitely independent of the yanks and the Zionists. Sounds a bit dystopian, but we can dream.


The purpose of the UN is to give nuclear superpowers (the Security Council) somewhere to talk about problems to hopefully avoid escalating to WW3. Everything else the UN does at all is a bonus at best.


It still desperately needs reforming because the bonuses are few and far between. It also doesn't seem to do anything about nuclear powers either. Israel wants to drop nuks on Palestine- let's see how that develops through UN. God help us all.


Exactly this - the permanent security council members used to be the only nuclear armed states. But now we have India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea.


Are you under the impression the UN is under control of zionists? Have you ever considered doing even a little research?


I think, as usual, you are trying to denigrate and demean people with your 'superior knowledge' you patronising POS. On that basis, I will stipulate that i am asking honest questions and the usual paranoia rises to the top. Are you sure you aren't brainwashed? Ffs, can you all give it a rest? The neuroses is getting extremely boring.


What the devil are you talking about? First off, you didn’t ask any questions at all. And given that the UN gives more condemnations of Israel than all other countries out together they have a pretty clear bias. Ima stop here since your posts are just angry unhinged and ignorant


There are 100 Christian and Muslim countries (hostile towards Judaism) in the UN, comprising the vast majority of member countries.


I don't necessarily disbelieve you, but is there any proof at all for this statement, or am I dealing with the same neuroses? I'm not sure they are hostile to Judaism. They are, I think, hostile to zionists and genocide. Let's face it there is a lot more proof of the Zionists disastrous plans for the Palestinians than vice versa. The bodies of Palestinian civilians, children, women, elders, doctors, nurses, and journalists are increasing every day. There is no stopping the IDF and the Zionists. Of course, Hamas is in all the hospitals, ambulances, and under every bed, under the rubble, in UN schools and refugee camps, in every cemetery and behind every white flag. I write this so that you will see how the rest of the world views the Zionists and the Israeli government. There is no ending to the lies. The majority of which have been debunked by the IDF and the Israeli government. If not immediately a few days after they report it. Just saying.


> Of course, Hamas is in all the hospitals, ambulances, and under every bed, under the rubble, in UN schools and refugee camps, in every cemetery and behind every white flag. There are tens of thousands of Hamas members and thousands more collaborators. Where are they then? It’s not like they’re in the Negev.


I thought Israel unalived 1000s of them because they are so good. Last count I heard there were 20,000. Oops, it looks like they unalived civilians, doctors, nurses, etc, instead of Hamas.


Where are they? You claim they’re not in hospitals or civilian towns. If so, where are they? Draw it on a map.


Israel are supposed to have wonderful intelligence and superior fighting skills. You find them. It's what Israel is supposed to be doing, not killing civilians with bombs dropped from planes.


But they do find them,  kill them,  then Somebody takes away the gun and chalks it up as another dead palestinian innocent.  How many of the 20k dead are militants? They won't tell you.  Why? Why do you think? 


No organization with teeth will be free of corruption because the majority of people who want teeth are already corrupt.


It’s wild that South Africa isn’t taking them to the international kangaroo court for this


Take them to the ICJ? Naw, they're going to host them again: [https://twitter.com/geoffreyyork/status/1742959770003292569](https://twitter.com/geoffreyyork/status/1742959770003292569) >South Africa's Presidency has deleted its earlier tweet in which it referred to the RSF warlord Hemedti as "His Excellency" and the "President" of Sudan. Screenshot of the tweet is here:


Barely scrolled down to see someone bring up “Zionists.” What does Israel have to do with this?


Somebody needs to alert South Africa!




But yes, Israel fighting back again genocide is "worst war."


sort sheet weather apparatus murky practice vegetable license yam hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is in one city, over approximately 1 week, over that 10 month war period. This occurred when they took over that particular city and displaced the native population. War casualties are far higher and underestimated. The previous estimate before this was 15k without this incident, even included. There a few other similar mass genocide events during the war which still haven't been verified.


roll aback sink paint label cats quicksand straight attempt hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In a surrounding region, all engulfed in war. There are triples and quadruple refugees who have had to run from city A to B to C as the RSF eventually reaches. This isn't even an article about Israel or Gaza but for some reason you are here trying to compare the killing efficiencies of IDF and RSF.


Also 6 million displaced refugees and this idea of "math" to judge the situation is pretty insane. Why is mass ethnic slaughter for civil war ok and for war it's not? It's wild logic.


spotted forgetful shelter distinct ink sable attractive worry pot deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're blaming jews for a massacre committed against them and not blaming the persons responsible because more of theirs have died compared to Israel. That's not how this or anything works. You are antisemitic.


1200 vs 25000. Which one is a massacre?


The massacre happened on the 7th. Deaths in war are not counted like when you invade another country and commit a massacre. Hamas shouldn't be using human shields. They murdered and raped on the 7th. There has been a lot of killing since then. No one is denying that but you.


sugar workable file enter head agonizing wakeful caption subsequent sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Arabs attack and Israel responds. You're just antisemitic.


That's one city.


It's not the number of dead that counts. It's the ideology. Stop simping for Hamas murderers.


dam pie normal rainstorm possessive illegal rude rob important whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, it was the nazi ideology that enabled the whole thing so yeah. Do you think the nazis would be less bad if they had all been wiped out? You mean Hamas and 70% of Gazans, right?


Yeah because Hamas started a war and war is death. Can't forget that part.




This is happening for far longer than the 7th of October. But Africa doesn't give shit. Neither does South Africa. They gladly pull a ICJ case against Israel on daddy's Russias orders. But look thr other way for genocide literally on their continent.


You have an inflated idea of the influence Russia has in South Africa. The ANC has been anti-Zionist (*not* anti-Semitic) since the days of Mandela, accusing Israel 25 years ago already of being an apartheid state.


If South Africa cares about genocides. They should've and would've pulled a case against Sudan half a decade ago. Instead, they have done literally nothing. It's abundantly clear that SA's case at ICJ is at behest of Russia in an attempt to normalize Russian actual genocide (Yes the court decided immediately it was genocide, the opposite of Israel's case) and to discredit the ICJ itself since no ruling would be good enough for "the east".


> case against Sudan And who would you accuse? The RSF? The allied Arab militia? The ICC are also shockingly quiet. But that is the point no? Who cares if it's Africa? Not even other African countries. > It's abundantly clear that SA's case at ICJ is at behest of Russia No it is not "abundantly clear", it is your assumption. I don't believe that for a second, especially without proof. > Yes the court decided immediately it was genocide No they didn't. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/icj-rule-jurisdiction-russia-ukraine-genocide-case-2024-01-29/ > no ruling would be good enough for "the east" Another assumption.


Maybe just forget about it. Not like any powerful nation actually makes decisions about interference based on humanitarian issues.


It’s been a dark horrible couple of years so far… we can disagree on the politics but damn I hope everyone can agree that any loss of life due to war is just tragic. It feels as though this is just the beginning as there’s so much tension atm, at least in the West it feels like there’s more anger and division bubbling up.