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My Boomer father literally told me a month ago "Sure, it may be unlivable in 40 years, but I'll be dead by then, so I don't see why I should care."


Wow. Sorry your Dad doesn't give a shit about you.


Nah, I've had 50 years to come to grips with that. I don't really blame him. It is what he was brought up with (I also don't forgive him, don't get me wrong.). What *I* can do is raise my son to have more empathy with the world at large and try my best to make things better for him.


It's crazy to me that we both have a boomer parent, but apparently you've lived at least 50 years and I haven't even lived 30 yet


Shows how long the Boomer's have been around. My folk's were born in the late 40's, and I am an early Gen-X-er. My parents also have cousins who are late Boomers and only a few years older than me. Some of their kids were born after I finished grad school.


I'm only 35 and have a boomer mom and a silenter dad! Wild, right? Funnily enough my dad DID care about things like climate change and tried to make the world a better place whereas my mom will likely remain a climate change denier until the day she dies. I hate to stereotype an entire generation but there might be something to it......




>participation trophies Because they were tired of that one peer getting all the accolades while they were compared to them constantly. It’s literally always been about them, about them never being good enough or living in their parent’s shadows and using the millennials to vicariously fix it


44 and also had a silent dad with a boomer mom. My dad was born in 1939 and my mom was born in 1956. ​ >I hate to stereotype an entire generation but No, I think in the case of the Boomers, it's justified. My mother is the same way, I have disowned her as she became to vile. A disgusting racist piece of shit who thinks everyone not of HER generation is lazy and doesn't want to work for anything, even though she herself filed for chapter 7 TWICE in my lifetime! I couldn't stand talking to her anymore and one day I was on the phone with her and she mentioned something about lazy drug dealing Mexicans and I was just DONE, told her I was sick of her shit and didn't want to talk to her anymore and hung up. I think it was about 4 or 5 years ago now. I've never regretted it.


I’m in a mid life career change. I’ve picked a not so good job that has growth potential. I’m fortunate I can afford it. Somehow while discussing my mom said “no one wants to work anymore”. Her supporting statement? “They’re all going to the new Yamaha plant because they pay more”. What!?! You should WANT to work for less? I said “mom. I paid 200k more than you for my house. In the same town”. She asked me what my point was. Some people simply don’t understand gas isn’t a nickel anymore.


I've noticed more and more that as we (millenials) complain about the economy, salaries, prices of rent, inflation, etc....the response that I hear most is "Well I got hired at $3/hr, so what are you complaining about?" Well, the entire world was a fuckton cheaper 25 years ago. It didnt scale like they think (or at least pretend) it did.


Yeah that sounds pretty Boomer of him. Raised at the height of New Deal/Great Society/War on Poverty policies and virtually given everything handed to them on a platter. Told that all their success was their own and that they should vote for politicians that strip away these policies so that future generations can "pick themselves up by the boot straps".


As an older person, this infuriates me. A lot of people my age are such entitled assholes. I know and acknowledge I had advantages kids today don't have. It was because of great social programs and investment in public education. The wealth gap was much smaller and CEOs didn't make 1200x what the workers made. When someone my age gripes about today or that kids shouldn't go to College if they can't afford it, or deny climate change, or bitch about *their* freedumbs...I'd like to punch them in the mouth. I want to pay it forward and plant the tree who's shade I won't be alive to rest under. I know a lot of my friends think like this, but there are many GenX/Booms that think no matter how much they have it's not enough and are fine with pulling up the ladders behind them. Fuck those people.


I wish you a long and healthy prosperous life.


I've had exactly that, thank you. Same to you. I don't want or need *more*. I'll keep working to hopefully consume less and less. "believe it if you need it, if you don't just pass it on" -R. Hunter/P. Lesh from Box of Rain.


Yep. He has never understood that while yes, his own father worked ludicrously hard to bring himself from farm kid to small business owner he also had a lot of opportunities that other people didn't. When my grandfather returned from WWII, he had access to loans and grants to start a business and could buy a house that wasn't redlined. But let's say that introspection is not a hallmark of the Boomer generation.


What I find so ironic and sad is that Boomers like to post that stupid quote on Facebook about "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times" then have the audacity to blame their problems on the younger generation; like they're not the ones responsible for creating the hard times to begin with...


> "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times" TBH pretty accurate if the weak man is a boomer


Yeah, not saying that the phrase is accurate or anything, but if it was, then the boomers fit the definition of "weak men" perfectly. Grew up in good times created by "strong men" (those who grew up and lived through the depression and WW2), and just squandered it all and left the world an objectively worse place for their decedents for the first time since 'generations' were really measured.


This pretty much sums up boomers in general to be fair the most selfish generation to ever exist on this planet


About a decade ago I caught my boomer mother pouring out gasoline at a camping site...onto a tree. When I said something she said she was going to die soon so she didn't care. Nice Christian attitude there Mom!


What? What was she even trying to accomplish in the first place?


She didn't want to be bothered to dispose of it safely.


This reminds me of that post a couple weeks back where Musk tweeted in support of someone who said that voting rights should only be given to parents because they have a reason to care about the future.


That's hilarious given that Musk doesn't give a shit about any of his what, ten children?


My conservative boss said "sure, there will be a lot of change and upheaval, but people screaming 'it's the end of the world!' are so crazy! Like, people won't go extinct, we always adapt." Then he complains about LGTBQ-tolerant policies at work like "it's unacceptable that [purely hypothetical] Bob from Accounting can just decide to wear fishnets and a ballgag to work. What world are we even living in???" I'm like, ignoring that that's not how trans people work - "so what? As long as a guy dressing different doesn't **literally kill every human on earth** there's no problem, right? That's the bar, right? So let people do whatever they want."


My boomer father says “of course I believe in global warming. It got warmer progressively throughout the day. In the morning it was so cold then by afternoon it was hot.” Of course he’s a hard core Catholic who believes god created the earth and science be damned.


He didn't even think that you'd be alive by then? Jeez...


He made it very clear he doesn’t care about anyone else.


the basis of conservative thought!


Conservative "thought".


Never mind his grandkids or great-grandkids...


Easily the worst generation in American history, by many orders of magnitude. Inherited a country of marble and left it a country of hate-filled rust. History will not be kind to them, to put it nicely.


Florida has a Don't Say Climate Change law


Imagine governing the state most likely to get fucked by climate change and ignoring it


While selling off it's freshwater to Nestle https://www.news4jax.com/news/florida/2021/02/23/bottling-of-floridas-spring-water-to-expand-after-nestle-given-permit-extension/


At the rate they are going I'm wondering just when florida will make it illegal for their citizens to collect rainwater.


Shh, don't tell Nestlé that rain is a source of fresh water...


They'd build a catchment system that blocks out the sun over the whole of Wisconsin


You complain that the world is too hot, then Nestlé generously donates a whole-state shading infrastructure to protect them from the deadly lazer and you still complain. There's no pleasing you people.




[Hasn't happened fully yet.](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/states-where-it-is-illegal-to-collect-rainwater/) Give them time.


Depends on where in Florida you are but my city already banned rainwater collection unless you prove that you chemically treat the rain water and that you do so with a permit (so effectively banned)




It works both ways though! All the climate deniers / republicans buy up all the houses in florida to live in their safe haven and within a few decades its worth nothing due to the rising sea levels / hurricanes. If only they realized all of the insurance providers are pulling out of there for this same reason! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That'll be because God is upset with *everyone else,* and is warning/punishing the world... Not because of climate change


God is punishing the world for transgender bathrooms. /s


That video "Sell them to who Ben?! Aquaman?!" about what will happen to that real estate never fails to make me laugh.


DeathSantis called the insurers Woke by pulling out. No dumbass. It's too costly to do business there in that industry anymore. I grew up in FL and it's sad to see what the state is becoming.


DeSantis won’t be governor by the time Florida drowns


This 100%. It's all about making sure you and your kids are set for life, and forgetting you will have grandkids and great-grandkids that you fucked over.


"Someone else will fix it later" is SOP for the GOP.


They are already getting fucked. People can no longer get homeowners or renters insurance in Florida due to the increased severity of weather... literal climate change.


Insurance companies were never known to be stupid. I would be inclined to take their leaving as a really bad sign.


Can't be on fire I'd you're under water.


Some say "Dont look up" is too on the nose. The way they keep moving the nose means its not on the nose enough.




FL is the first state that I want to sink under the rising sea.


It's just the yearly "this is the hottest it's ever been" announcement... Completely normal and not worrying at all.


We still need to go to the office.


🔥This is fine🔥 FTFY


Everyone stand up and applaud conservatives and Republicans for obstructing every effort to act on climate change.


[Global Warming, or… NONE LIKE IT HOT!](https://youtu.be/0SYpUSjSgFg) Idk if we can wait until 2063 for our handsomest politicians to suggest to start dropping giant ice cubes into the ocean every now and then. I worry that might not be the cheap, last minute answer to solve the problem once and for all…


Just like daddy puts in his drinks every morning! And then he gets mad.


This is one is my favorite lines in the entire show, I'm so glad somebody acknowledged it!


This episode came out 21 years ago.


Remember when An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006, and then in 2010 American conservatives were like: SEE AL GORE WAS WRONG, IT'S BEEN FOUR YEARS AND NOTHING! Good times.


Climate "skeptics" still talk about Al Gore on a daily basis.




Relevant XKCD (what if?) addressing the Futurama episode: https://what-if.xkcd.com/162 Sadly, we still fucked


So what you’re saying is that we don’t need to get ice on the planet but shoot fire into space?


I don't know why we don't just vent our gases out of the atmosphere. It's what any closed system needs to do if it creates and traps dangerous gases.


Listed in order of increasing effectiveness: Broke: carbon capture and storage Woke: capture carbon and launch it into space Bespoke: capture billionaires and launch them into space.


Space the rich.


They're launching themselves into space. We just have to get organized at not letting them come back.


God-tier skit.


Al Gore used it in An Inconvenient Truth for being the greatest explanation of climate change literally anyone can understand. [There’s another animated one like this for AIDS](https://vimeo.com/482800150) that came from the HBO mockumentary Tour de Pharmacy that is also incredible


Al Gore also frequently guest starred on Futurama.


His daughter was a staff writer on the show for three seasons, in case anyone thought some dots were missing a join there.


He's a level 10 vice-president.




Don’t you worry about the greenhouse grasses, let me worry about blank!


I would also have accepted "Blank!? BLANK!!? You're not thinking of the big picture!"




Went to watch this and the advert I got was for cheap flights. We're fucked


Reminds me of seeing printed ads for cruises, in National Geographic mag.






These temperatures are expected to continue well in to August.


The global peak should be next week if the [historical trend can be relied upon](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/t2_daily/). Locally it may work out different of course.


So far this summer has been anything but a historical trend haha. I do hope that is the case though for everyone's sake.


Well the peaks are gonna get peakier, and the valleys will get less valleyey, but they should occur at roughly the same times as before, at least on average because they are caused by the earth's axial tilt.




I'm worried about Summer here in Australia. We've had a wet Winter, and the previous years have been wet, so there's a lot of plant growth. If it's an El Nino Summer - extremely hot and dry - the bushfires are going to be bad. Maybe the worst ever.


So far. Only gonna get worse, bro.


And we are not even in August yet.


I'm sitting here in south florida wondering just how much of that warm water is going to get sucked up into a hurricane in the coming 2-3 weeks.


I saw someone comment the other day that waters off of Florida's coast were reaching 100F, and it made me imagine a scenario where a hurricane during this or next years' hurricane seasons grows into a category 5 and makes landfall directly over Miami but because of the extremely warm water doesn't lose any energy and decimates the city... I hope I am not a prophet


Why do you think all insurance companies are pulling out of FL. They know…


Florida's politicians told me it was because of Bud Light or something.


A local news bit covering the insurance companies bailing was pretty reasonable and then they interviewed some folks from the state government and they were all whining about “woke insurance policies.”


Math, statistics, and climate modeling have a well known liberal bias, ofc


Reality tends to have a liberal bias.


Insurance companies have been running climate models since I believe the 80’s but at least the last 20 years. They raised your rates if they thought you were in a higher risk zone. It’s hilarious how the companies have been planning for climate change for 40 years whilst also creating climate change propaganda and convincing the populace it doesn’t exist so THEY don’t have to make any changes


For real the only proof I need that Climate Change is real is that Capital Interests are applying it to their profit motive.


They laughed when insurance companies left California. They cry now that they're leaving Florida. Sucks to be them.


They've known for a LONG time. A few years ago, I did some marketing for a lawyer that focused on complex, mass litigation. He had made millions suing insurance companies across the Gulf Coast. He had found climate reports from State Farm during discovery of one case that said that they were modeling climate change as part of their risk assessments going back as far as the 1980s. If you want to deny climate change, start an insurance company. Plenty of customers, limited competition.




I read yesterday that El Nino is projected to last through the coming north hemisphere winter. Yes, creates high altitude shearing currents that *should* help to minimize hurricane activity for Florida. I say *should* because we're entering a period of great uncertainty, IMO. Scientists are being surprised by the rate of changes a little too much nowadays.


>Scientists are being surprised by the rate of changes a little too much nowadays Is it me, or did (almost) every rain prediction we had during the last fall/winter was way off or just plain wrong?


It's like when you throw your cellphone over your soft bed sheets predicting that it will land and maybe just roll once and then it ricochets into another dimension.


That's a... remarkably apt metaphor.


Sure can't wait for Paris to become a literal hell on Earth...


Oh God, MORE French people?!?!


And they’re going to be even frenchier


They'll be french fried if July is any indication.


Freedom Fried, please. Some of us are PATRIOTS! (/s)


Why specifically Paris?


Heat + trash = nasty


It's like knowing a forest fire is coming. We see the smoke. We smell it. But because nothing is actively on fire where we're at, our leaders DGAF, and people keep building new houses.




feels like canada has been burning for months


Am Canadian. Summer has basically been "fire season" for a few years now. At least in Alberta and BC.


Don't make me hunt down that map showing where the wildfires are.


[Here it is](https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/226/386/original/vector-629.jpg)


lmao that made me laugh. Gallows humor




Our leaders are servants of the billionaire class and care very little outside of the next election cycle and next corporate lobbyist to give them a check. Climate change will be roughest on the 3rd world, and affect the rich the least. Look at how little we care about the pandemic now, almost 7 million people died. I really imagine yes, they will just let the earth burn to remain king of it's ashes.


Don't worry, oil billionaires, senile boomers, insecure bro types who have to know better and all the dumbest people you went to school with say that it is fake


Don’t worry bro, earth just needs a big glass of water so it cools down from the inside, bro, we can do it from the moon


I'm fucking dying here in Phoenix. This summer has definitely moved up my timeframe of moving away from here.


97 for a low and 119 for a high. I haven’t left my house in a month. I just moved back here and I want out again.


My condo needs new windows, exterior doors, and AC. When I got home from work yesterday it was 84 inside. I was in an extremely bad mood.


What I don't understand about people who aggressively deny climate change is just why ? Why is it so horrible to them to acknowledge that it's getting hotter and more chaotic in wether and climate ? just why ? is there like a religious reason or something ? I just don't understand


They don't like feeling out of control and the powers that be tell them what they want to hear.


Because they don't want the status quo to change. They really don't care what impacts other people; their lives are good and they don't want them changed. It boils down to that, a lot of people are just selfish assholes.


they are afraid that change will make their lives worse. Feeling in control of *something* is better than feeling swept up in everything


Because the solutions require humanity to make sacrifices to quality of life.


it requires a complete change in ideology. We cant be consumers, we have to be caretakers Flat out it’s easier for people not to take responsibility, so we’re going to do that…


All these answers are wrong. The answer is simple - they know it, they just can’t change their opinion. They have argued that it’s fake for years, if they suddenly admit they were wrong they feel like It will make them look weak. Same thing with trump supporters, most of them know he’s a lying criminal, but support for him is now part of their identity. Yes, the planet is going to turn into a hellish fire pit because some assholes are to egotistical to admit when they were wrong. Yes, I realize how utterly insane that is.




"It's just a 125,000 year cycle, bro"


$50 million in "scientific" studies paid for by Shell and Exxon in the 1980s couldn't *possibly* be wrong, right?


Their studies showed it was real back then. They just buried the results. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/


lol exactly, their own studies said it was real


Cigarettes are *good* for you! This scientific opinion brought to you by Marlboro.


as long as it doesn't impact the wealthy and their assets, nothing will change.


Except they'll start fighting each other. Already have, actually. Citing climate change, [insurance companies are balking](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jul/15/florida-hurricane-insurance-crisis-climate) at issuing policies for homes in Florida. Reactionaries and representatives of oil and gas companies are accusing them of being "woke" and [threatening to criminally investigate them](https://newrepublic.com/post/174299/bud-light-insurance-florida-republican-blames-wokeness). So. The parts of the wealthy class who rely on *evaluating* reality for securing money and power are starting to come into direct conflict with those that rely on *denying* reality for securing money and power.


Right wing politics these days is just calling anything and everything you disagree with "woke".


Not really a new strategy, just a new word. It's catching on better since it has fewer syllables than its previous incarnations - "communist", "cultural marxism", "politically correct", "critical race theory", and all the other words that have no meaning outside "_THEM_"


It sucks that those words DO have other meanings, but they get diluted by people misusing them.


It will affect their Florida assets pretty soon.


I’m scared for what summer will bring here in Australia


What’s the color after black on the heat maps? Unfortunately that one.


Just an alpha channel - a hole burned clear through the map. A void.


Living on a farm in south Texas...yep, definitely feeling it. In isolation, it is anecdotal, but trends are too complicated for people to stop and pay attention in enough numbers to care enough, it seems. But hey, I'm almost 49, the world will be fine-ish for the rest of *my* lifetime, right? So no worries, I can continue to consume and remain willfully ignorant, leaving the mess to my woke ass kids. (obligatory)/s


Just wait until DeSantis passes a law to combat all this "Woke" climate terminology. He'll forbid any state agencies from referencing "climate change" or something like that.


Nyc feels like Florida. I despise Florida weather


You don't like continuous ass sweat? I feel bad for the government workers who work on top of landfills. Not only is there no shade, but it smells like shit.


In the words of one Abed Nadir, “Cool. Cool cool cool.”


*goes into full claymation mental breakdown*


I’ll be in the Dreamatorium if anyone needs me


In the words of Evil Abed - "Hot. Hot Hot Hot."


Troy and Abed in the oven!


Weird. Some asshole was recently telling me nothing unusual is happening because there was a hot summer back in 1980. Perhaps his analysis is lacking.


He did some figuring, real good like.


Man reading some of these deniers comments...wow. The absurd level of denial is almost comical. I wish I could just restart my brain and believe this is all a hoax, instead of being keenly aware how totally screwed we are.


The amount of imbeciles I see in Instagram posts about this, man. 'One hot summer and climate change is suddenly real' uhuh. Nevermind the 'every year is now the 'hottest year ever'' thing...


Instagram comments are...something else, to put it nicely. I thought people said some dumb shit on Reddit, but it doesn't even hold a candle to Instagram commenters. It's like they're all competing for last place, all the time. And the one sane person just gets argued with and called an idiot


The discussion quality and UI on Reddit isn't that bad. This place is just so pathologically self-hating that they can't admit it. Hell, it's nice just to be able to reliably navigate back to a comment when someone replies to it. IG is like rolling dice to decide whether it wants to do it that day or not. Then you get to try opening a 300 comment stack three at a time backwards and it won't even show all of them, sometimes, maybe. It's a mess and it only facilitates morons and incoherent babble.


Dying a moron sounds unfulfilling tbh


Dying keenly aware of how screwed you are is also still dying.




I barely noticed any denier comments in the whole thread


I think if you organize comments by latest, you'll see more. It's likely that most of the deniers have been downvoted to hell.


As a Floridian, I’m terrified for the next 2 months till we’re out of hurricane season.


If Florida schools stopped teaching about hurricanes then everything would be ok.


So look for the new "Don't Say Hurricane" law, sure to be coming soon from Gov. DeSantis and the FL legislature. They'll be quick to point out it doesn't actually say "don't say hurricane" in the bill, it will only authorize imprisonment of anyone who seeks to influence children or parents or Baptist senior citizens by instilling fear or concern or doubt about the effects, frequency or intensity of rotational meteorological phenomena arising over any ocean or gulf. So if you call it "Don't Say Hurricane," you're a woke liar and they'll be able to smugly assert they "disabused you of your mistake" at your sentencing. Which is helpful and makes all the right people feel smart. /s


Haha. I’m in danger!


Maybe billionaires should do something to reduce carbon and save earth. It would be a lot cooler if you did.


So to preface: climate change is real and we need to do something about it. I’m 1000% in but… Can someone explain to me the indicators they use to claim the 125,000 years data. How do they determine temperatures that far back? Those ice bores? Rock formations? Etc? I bet the crazies look at data like this and turn it around to discredit the fact that we have a real issue here. Would be good to help explain that in articles like this.


The ratios of oxygen isotopes in ice cores have been one important proxy for temperature, but there are a number of others which show similar trends, including the pollen composition in sediment layers, and the fossil record of things like tree rings and leaf sizes. All in all, there is a pretty convincing geological record that the last glacial period began ~ 115k years ago and lasted over 100k years, so it maybe shouldn't be too much of a reach to say that a month as warm as this wouldn't have been likely in that time. Overall though, these proxies are generally more useful for looking at longer time scales, and I doubt you could say anything about a single month with a high confidence level.


So are we ready to organize against the polluting industrialists? Edit: https://youtu.be/VZRTPhNAIUM A quick guide to organizing. Comment here to share or ask for resources. We can only win if we stand up together and do the work. 2nd edit: Organize: work place, neighborhood, community. Work with folks to get on the same page about mutual aid, food and housing security, and most of all education the issues. Prep. Canned foods, gardens, food cooperatives. General strike. Demand a nationalization of the energy industry, curb unnecessary production, provide the necessities for all. stop the pollution and clean it up. We have to try and make the world better for the kids and future humans.


I wish the answer to your question was part of every single article about higher temperatures and the pending (happening!) climate crisis. It’s incredibly overwhelming to see these headlines without the same level of coverage of what we (the average global citizen consuming said media) can actually do. Stop eating meat? Sure. Buy local? Love it. Stop consuming single use plastic? Done (as much as possible). Don’t drive? That starts to get harder when there’s no reliable public transportation. Lobby for better public transportation? Sure. But I certainly don’t expect to see results any time soon. We need real organization. Edited to add that the comment about being “too busy watching the Kardashians” is spot-fucking-on. We are letting ourselves be distracted by immediate gratification and bullshit celebrity worship. Opiate of the masses.


I saw a video of 3 climate protestors sitting on a road and blocking a truck today, actually trying to force some change. The comments were all cheering the woman who walked over and grabbed one of them by the hair and dragged her off the road, saying they wish they could have done it. A good chunk of humanity is genuinely sadistic, selfish, stupid, and short-sighted, and that's about all they amount to. And covid has made it clear that these people will never, ever improve, even as they're dying. Hell Hermain Caine kept tweeting about how covid was a hoax after he died from it...


UK didn’t get the memo, been 17 degrees Celsius the past week and pissing down.


When you and your family are suffering under the extreme heat or suffer a death because of the extreme heat, blame the fossil fuel industry. They are 100% GUILTY of causing the catastrophe of climate change. They will send their paid trolls to blame all of us, but we are not to blame. The fossil fuel industry FORCED us to use fossil fuels by bribing and lobbying governments around the world to reject electric vehicles, public transportation and clean energy. The fossil fuel industry and its political allies gave us no choice. They should be held accountable for their crimes. They must pay a heavy price for destroying the world.


The automotive industry didn't help by getting cities designed to be as anti-pedestrian as possible, shutting down valuable modes of public transport. Everywhere I've lived in Europe for the past 5 years I have never needed a car. Electric trams on every corner, on time, constantly hustling. Greenery everywhere. Endless bike lanes.


You know.... we grew up with environmentally aware shows like Power Rangers, Captain Planet, Toxic Crusaders, and Sonic and some how we haven't made ANY progress on pulling back our polluting or our impact on climate. I'm really sad bout this.


Parents in the 90s: "I want you to grow up empathetic and environmentally conscious." Same parents today: "No not like that!"


It was never within your power or mine to do so; look to the big corporations.


It's also the coolest temperatures we'll be experiencing for a very long time.


Global warming does not mean every year gets hotter all the time constanrly evey year Hotter on average yeah and problematic but it wont always be hotter


We have work to do guys.


Climate deniers: Just wait a few months and then it will be cold!


The most annoying aspect of all of this, is why not try to be more environmentally sound? Let's look at the two major scenarios: 1. Climate Change is real and it is caused by pollution, deforestation, etc. 2. Climate Change is real but it's natural and cannot be avoided. In both scenarios, the only thing that's negative about trying to improve the assumed root cause of number 1 is cost to the corporations and potentially flowed down to the consumer via higher prices. I'd gladly pay more or be forced to more environmentally sound solutions in exchange for a healthier populace and less pollution of air and water.


We've been saying we're past the point of no return for years now. Still nothing is being done. It's almost like all the rich old boomers in power only care about hoarding what they have for the next 10 miserable years of their life, and couldn't give 2 shits about the state they're leaving the world in for future generations.