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Chloropicrin gas. Here's a little rundown for those that haven't gone down the chemical weapons rabbit hole. Chloropicrin is, in a nutshell, tear gas with no chill. It produces the standard eye and nose irritation and cough but with the added bonus of SEVERE nausea. It came into use during the First World War, not because it killed (it rarely does in wartime conditions), but because the particles were small enough to get through gas masks of the time, forcing those hit to remove their masks or literally drown in their own sick. Chloropicrin attacks would almost always be combined with a more lethal agent like mustard or especially phosgene which, while plenty lethal, was slow acting and relatively easily defeated by gas masks.


CBRN person here: This is all correct. Never thought i would see emetic agents again used outside of some 3rd world country.


Are Chloropicrin particles still small enough to get through modern gas mask filters?


It is dependant on the filtration configuration of the mask, or the quality of the mask. Sadly most troops are not properly trained on fit, or are using cartridges that are out of date or order lower levels if protection.


> Sadly most troops are not properly trained on fit, If it becomes a widespread issue then I assume the troops get trained on how to fit their gas mask properly, no? Seems like an easy fix. I just googled and im more surprised that mustard gas apparently isnt against geneva stuff? I thought that if a country uses chemical weapons like this then the whole world would go battle royal on them. Maybe it was changed or i remember wrong


Tbh I doubt outfitting and training an entire army with anything is simple


>Everything is very simple in war, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction, which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen war. Clausewitz


aka tolerance stack but for people, not things


Engineer or QC? Haha


Help me understand this


"Be there at 10 AM" "Yes Sir" but you have to get there a little early to be on time, so he tells his subordinates "Be there at 9 AM", and they know to get there a little early to be on time, so they tell their subordinates "Be there at 8 AM".... Sometimes this means a soldier is waking up at 4 AM to hurry to be somewhere at 5 AM only for things to start 5 hours later, and he's thinking "why did they tell me to be here so early?" Sometimes he really needed to be awake for the event, but because of the way the orders happened down the chain he got interrupted in the middle of sleeping, and it just doesn't make sense. Each step can make sense, but the conclusion can be wildly wasteful. Sometimes in war the waste is in lives, too, which makes it all the more hellish to know that those "wasted" lives that happened for what can seem like bullshit, like simply because everyone had to double check... Well it's enough of a conflicting feeling to write about.


Imagine you're building a tower with different blocks, and each block can be a tiny bit bigger or smaller than the others. In quality control, a "tolerance stack" is like checking how tall your tower can get if all the blocks are a bit bigger or a bit smaller. This helps make sure that when you build something important, everything fits just right and works the way it should.


Kinda the same thing with living in poverty. Minor inconveniences stop your life.


It's 2024, just send out a groupchat on discord "Guys strap your gas mask on tightly, here's a pic of me and jeffrey wearing the mask correctly"


I watched a good soldier lose his shit during a false alarm in Iraq (we were told Iraq had chemical weapons too). Even with repeated training and drills, he couldn't get his mask on properly when he thought it mattered most. You never forget looking at the face of a man who is sure he is about to die. "The important things are always simple. The simple things are always hard." - Murphy


Got gassed in Iraq in 04. White powder air burst mortar's. No MOP gear, so just sat in Brad huffing on hoses for 7 hours. Waiting on FOX Team. They said it was probably old russian stuff that hadn't been properly prepped for use. Best bracketing I had ever seen in iraq 12 shots hit right over our unit with 10M spacing. Looking back I don't know if it wasn't some test run from our guys.


I got pictures of that shit in storage when we took Al Kut air base in '03. It was Iraqi. DM me and I'll get them to you


I mean that's basically what the training is but in slide form every few years. Depending where you're at they'll have you put it on but there's probably 60 other people there with like 3 instructors and you're checking each other's masks lol


I can see the military version going like that, I worked at a civilian nuke for awhile and it was a super serious part of starting the job, like go shave your face perfectly with no stubble, and they used odorant and tried a bunch of different masks for fit. I still have that mask, best fitting respirator I ever had and super comfy. Though I just wear it over my beard these days doing stuff like grinding, lol


If only it were that simple. I'm a fireman and you wouldn't believe how many firefighters (especially volunteers) don't know when and how to use their SCBA, come in to work unshaven, and can't get a good deal with their facepiece. And that's our big thing that we train on all the time.


"Oh.. it's Jeffery the ass kisser. I fucking hate that guy. Probably trying to make us look stupid. Fuck this group chat " At least 1 guy in the chat.


We got trained when I went to basic in 1996 on how to put on and seal properly. Our drill sergeants would randomly scream “THE SKY IS FALLING!!” and we better have our masks on and sealed properly or we would be digging random holes for no reason the rest of the day. We learned and trusted that they worked by going through the gas chamber and seeing how we could breathe with the mask on properly. Then they made us take them off and tell him our SS# and full name. Halfway through you get the effects of the CS gas and get to feel what it’s like when you don’t seal properly.


Oh man, fond memories going through the gas chamber during Air Force BMT. We had to say our reporting statement. I got as far as "Sir, Airmen..." Before everything just came out of my nose all at once. Hilariously, women seem to handle the effects better. Meanwhile us guys were literally crying in circles while someone is yelling to keep moving because standing still and trying to run your eyes just makes it worse.


True story. I was in the Air Force and, obviously, went through BMT but never went through the gas chamber. I got pulled for medical reasons on a Saturday morning of 5th week of training, which happened to be the week and day we were scheduled to go to the gas chamber. I in processed to med hold at the very end of the day (thank you, hurry up and wait) so on paper it looked like I finished the day of training. When I got cleared to return to training from med hold, they saw that I essentially had finished the 5th week so I got recycled into a 6th week Flight which had already gone through the chamber. Not gonna lie, I was pretty stoked, but definitely kept it on the DL lol


If it had got out, your fellow airmen woulda gassed you for sure.


I've always had severe allergies, and man, I've never felt as good or could breath as well as i did after I got tear gassed in basic. It unironically felt like an orgasm when my sinus congestion came fountaining out of my nose.


*Pharmaceutical companies furiously scribbling notes* Go on...?


Time to market a *spicy* neti pot.


Underrated response


Military seems to do good for sinus issues. My long lasting running nose was cured by winter boot camp (as Finnish conscript). I went to the camp on slight flu. It felt, and looked like my sinus was molting, as I was sneezing out junks of yellow tube.


If we couldn’t complete it in the Army, we had to go back of the line and repeat until we could. Some people couldn’t get the service number and name out before losing their shit.


We found that height mattered a lot inside the gas chamber. The two shortest managed to give the full report, the dude even managed to do a few push ups without a mask on before he was thrown out by one of the officers. Personally, I took the mask off and started crying like a little bitch instantly.


A good bit (~1/20 IIRC) of people don't react to it. People say there's one guy in every group


I heard 1 in 1000, not common, but not uncommon either. Everyone in my group was affected, but the shorties got off relatively easier.


I got lucky and it didn't seem to hit me as hard as others. I remember walking out and the dude next to me had a string of snot hanging from his nose to the ground. Never let him live that down, lol.


Yea I'm 6' 1". I felt the tingling on my neck before the masks came off, so I knew I was in for a real treat.


They used to do that with regular troops (I assume they still do). It was both fuck awful in the moment and great for the rest of the day.


Every bit of tobacco tar and anything in my sinuses came out. Then I could really breathe. lol


Maybe they should do it earlier in basic, so all of the recruits who just quit smoking cold turkey can breathe easier.


It falls under the 1925 Geneva Gas Protocols and its use is certainly a war crime. The enforcement mechanism is what is missing.


> I thought that if a country uses chemical weapons like this then the whole world would go battle royal on them. Maybe it was changed or i remember wrong yeah it's not quite that simple, we still have this whole "Mutually Assured Destruction" thing to think about, among other obstacles. but in theory, yeah, the rest of the world should whoop some ass. but unfortunately it's not such an easy thing to just lay down the law on someone who refuses to play nice. it would be great if it were otherwise, but, this is the world we live in.


If it was that easy then we wouldn’t be 2 years into this war tbh.


Like most international laws about war crimes, it’s a Mexican stand off. And when that stand off is every person rigged with a nuclear suicide vest…


Do bears interfere with gas masks? A lot of UR troops seem to have beards.


Well Chloropicrin particles are small enough to get through gas masks, but fortunately I think bears are too large to get through


Mmm right .how about beards


Yes. As a non military example, this is why you don't ever see city firefighters with beards, and why mustaches are all the rage.


A real firefighter will yell you it's because chin hair tickles his buddy's balls.


Yes. A gasmask is supposed to seal to your face, a beard disrupts that seal. Its part of why regular military are meant to be clean shaven. Its also why Hitler had that stupid little mustache.


Bit of Vaseline helps seal a mask when diving. Beards are less interference than they get credit for. Length is a factor however.


I was a CBRN specialist for 6 years, NCOIC for my company, in total we did a 15 min class that was supposed to be a couple hours long. Command said another class was more important and pulled the company to said class. Our masks were not maintained and only cleaned that 1 time by me and another CBRN specialist. Note: I was a CBRN specialist for a reserve unit that will almost never see combat because of the unit type.


I can't speak for the other branches, but in the Marines, we had to go to the gas chamber every year to requalify and learn to trust our gear. In Iraq we were issued brand new sealed canisters, sliced my finger real bad when I opened mine.


I believe the M50 masks we used at CBRN are effective against Chloropicrin. And that's like a $500 mask and the filters are inexpensive. Could be wrong, but I'm 99% sure, and anyone can buy them. Just the one time I used the mask I can confirm that it works GREAT


This is a good question


Yes, and the next one is: can we give some thousands of good masks and fast?


That's the wrong next question. The right next one is: where does Russia store their supply of it and how do we blow it up?


Ok, that's a good one too.


No, the real question is will Russia be held accountable. When this is over and treaties are signed and whatever happens happens, does Russia suffer repercussions for this? Having a weapons manufacturing plant blown up is just part of waging war. Does Russia get to just sign a treaty, get some additional land and pinky promise to behave?


Was anyone ever held accountable for the use of chemical weapons in syria?


Short answer: No Long answer: Russia has nukes, so good luck getting anybody to make them do anything that isn't economic sanctions.


It all just depends. For the standard NATO filter canister it’s not an issue.


And how available are those masks to frontline troops too


Ever been to Russia? That shit hole felt like a 3rd world country to me.


That’s because it is.


In the immortal words of a Soviet citizen in the early 90's. "Upper Volta with Rockets"


Russia is a 3rd world country.


Russia is a second world country. First world was the western sphere of influence during the cold war. Second world was the Soviet sphere of influence. Third world was nations considered too useless and poor to be worth converting. That’s why the term “third world” is still used to describe them.


> Third world was nations considered too useless and poor to be worth converting. That’s why the term “third world” is still used to describe them. This is absolutely not true. The term "third world" at that time was purely political, not related at all to economy. It was used to include countries not aligned with nato/warsaw pact. For example: Argentina and Chile in the early 50s had an economy arguably on par with some first/second world countries, but were still considered third world. The USA also heavily tried to prevent communism from spreading in Argentina, so they saw them "worth converting" for sure. Today, the definition has slightly shifted and it *does* include economy in its classification, at least in colloquial terms.


Yeah the guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Switzerland, Sweden and Finland were “third world” in the original meaning of the term for example. Third world were simply countries that were “unaffiliated”.


I argue that 1st world definition still exists, China inherits the 2nd world title, Russia demoted to 3rd world.


Russo-Sino relations are strong enough that they’re a borderline pact. It has to be that way, any protracted land invasion of the middle kingdom would be through connecting routes to Russian and Mongol territory on the northern border.


sounds like you know your shit so, regarding the username, are you a femboy who annihilates stuff? are you an annihilator of femboys... just out of curiosity


I still think China is playing the long game in exchange for some territory they lost in the 1910's and the water resources that come from them without combat. Free access to Lake Baikal's freshwater would be a boon, and they already have a pipeline going through Mongolia to transport it.


I too have a feeling China is simply waiting for the right time to backstab Russia. China is friends with nobody.


Expanding on this, just because your explanation somehow woke up my useless facts memory, the german called the mixed use "Buntkreuz" "colorful cross" as gasses like Chloropicrin were marked with blue crosses "Blaukreuz" while others like mustard gas were marked with yellow crosses "Gelbkreuz" EDIT: were*


The Germans called it "Buntschießen" multi-colored shooting as the different groups of chemical weapons had different colors. Lost was in the yellow group, gases attacking the lung were green, gases attacking the eyes blue etc. First came the "mask breakers" then the deadly weapons. Chloropicrin was considere green, gases who attack the respiratory functions, as it is not just tear gas but can lead to skin blisters and pulmonary edema.


Did they ever find what was in the Yellow Group?


Lost is another name for mustard gas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustard_gas > Mustard gas was originally assigned the name LOST, after the scientists Wilhelm Lommel and Wilhelm Steinkopf, who developed a method of large-scale production for the Imperial German Army in 1916


I will never understand why people chose to use more obscure names or abbreviations instead of more common words or simply full names, especially in open, international communities. It only adds to confusion. Bonus is when people use abbreviations from their native language or culture while writing in English.


It’s a testament to modern civilisation, as much as people want to drag it back, that we recognised all this shit and made rules for war Nobody wants WW2 again even if the subset of WW2 is seriously shit 


chem weapons in europe are ww1. Hitler as a vet from the first stuck to the treaties for such weapons (civilian use on the other hand...) partly for personal dislike, partly because the allies stockpiled a lot of that shit just in case.


Probably mostly for fear of retaliation, he did personally order the newly-developed nerve agents tabun and sarin to be mass-produced, stockpiled and prepared for military use. And the scientists intentionally hid some of the military potential for him, probably for the better.


Jesus fucking Christ Russia. Putins Army really knows how to plumb new depths of dumbshit awful, terrible ideas.


It really is hard sometimes to express how horrific the First World War was, but imagining coming face to face with this reality at 19 years old thousands of miles from the town you’d spent your whole life in after a month in a trench is pretty humbling It’s shameful we waited so long to send more aid to Ukraine


Bent double, like old beggars under sacks Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs, And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame, all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of gas-shells dropping softly behind. Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, But someone still was yelling out and stumbling And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. In all my dreams before my helpless sight He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin, If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, Bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,– My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.


Poor Wilfred Owen died about a week before the armistice


I will never not hear this in the voice of my first year English prof and her Irish accent.


Fucking *christ* I didn’t know how brutal gas warfare was. There’s a verse from the song “green fields of France” that just always hits regarding how horrible we are to each other “but here in this graveyard that's still no mans land the countless white crosses in mute witness stand till' man's blind indifference to his fellow man and a whole generation were butchered and damned” It’d be nice if we could just be bros once in a while. Edit: good god how the hell do you format text on mobile where you can have one line each of something, like a single lyric or a poem. Not all in one paragraph or separated by a blank line.




Thanks. It doesn't make it easier to know that Russia has been flagrantly violating Geneva conventions in using chemical weapons. Like it or not, this is another major escalation in war. Hopefully, Ukraine doesn't reciprocate and start smoking out Russian cities with nerve gas or something.


They've been doing this for a while. I remember reading about them using this, and other similar chemicals ages ago, in 2022.


Watch Russia be upset when Ukraine hits them back


I want to believe but they won’t. The US won’t let them


Also hard to contain. It would have to be used on Russian soil. So, most likely, more drone strikes.


The US constantly says "plz don't do this thing" while not giving two fucks if Ukraine does that thing. It's pure posturing to try and bring Russia to the negotiating table.


Russia's the aggressor trying to steal land. If someone is repeatedly breaking into your house, why would you have a problem with how the homeowner chooses to defend themself? There's also not really a negotiation here - Russia needs to stop trying to rob Ukraine, it's a simple problem.


You're preaching to the choir.


It's all a calculated deflection tactic. They know what they're doing.


Why do we call these acts war crimes if there is no authority to punish/dissuade a country from committing them?




They will write it in a stern German mom’s voice and sign it no taksie backsie’s


I laughed too hard at this because thats exactly whats gonna happen sadly the west has no balls currently  


And in the case of Germany not just the lack of balls but not even a spine. We currently can’t even organize conscription if a war was to break out due to naive deconstruction of the Bundeswehr after the reunification. Alongside a lack of manpower, also: severe Russian and Chinese espionage and lacking counterintelligence, barely any cybersecurity measures, lack of ammunition and barely any financial support granted by the government


I liked the idea I heard of European countries playing to their strengths and focusing on that particular sector. Operating as one giant military power instead of many smaller militaries trying to fight together. Joining together like the fucking power rangers or something similar.


Isn't that sort of what already happens, to a small extent?


you can't triple-stamp a double-stamp


Cease and desist all commerce order, seizure of premises and chattels, ban on use of public utilities for unauthorized waste handlers, and a federal entry and inspection order. Honestly in that sort of situation, who are you even going to call?




3 proclamations and you've got yourself a citation! 3 of those and then you're in deep shit. A full written warning (pending unanimous approval from the UN security council) could lead to serious fine!


And if you get three of those you win a set of steak knives.


There will be strong disapproval from the UN. Which amounts to nothing.


Not even because the Russia will veto it


You can't veto disapproval lol


Quoting this with my wife ASAP.


UN can issue all the disapproval it wants. UN Security Council can't do shit though because that's where Russia has a veto.


Posturing. There's no way to enforce the laws but you can expose the crimes to the world. Not saying that it always does anything at all, but say a nation that is either allied to or just not against Russia has a nasty history of chemical weapons used against them or simply strongly opposes the use of them and finds out, with evidence, that Russia is using them. That could persuade that nation to withdraw support or even oppose them. We're seeing that unfold in Israel, even. More and more countries are pulling support or just not offering as much because they disagree with how Israel is handling the war. Even the countries that aren't part of the treaties that would allow for ICC jurisdiction pretty generally and openly agree with most of the things that are banned or deemed as war crimes. Whether or not that's genuine is up for debate, but the majority of nations who did not sign up for that at least claim they didn't not because they don't agree that those things are war crimes, but rather the ways the laws and prosecutions are set out as well as arguing there should be exceptions. To sum it up, we call them war crimes because the world generally all agrees they *are* war crimes(in a vacuum at least. When it involves actual nations, then caveats and exceptions and excuses come out) and since the world generally does agree that's what they are, claiming or proving that a nation is committing them, even if no one can punish them for it legally, is really bad PR.


Unless you wanna go in there and enforce it, no there’s no supranational law enforcement agency with real teeth, by design. For better or worse.


To en-FORCE stuff you need force. What force could overcome the entire Russian army and nuclear arsenal to bring Putin to justice? Even with very weak countries, it would be insanely expensive and costly to possibly use enough force to make powerful people pay for their war crimes.


Sanctions are literally an attempt to rectify a breach of international law. Otherwise the vast majority of sanctions are illegal.


The west could definitely be providing a lot more support, even without resorting to boots on the ground Its sad that putin can use flimsy reasons to start an invasion and yet we don't use actual war crimes being committed as a reason to intervene and help Ukraine


it could, but we are democracies, and unfortunately, there are extremely dumb contingents that also get a say, and they are all seriously sopping up far right propaganda that is coming from..you guessed it...putin. he's literally using our democracies against us, [just like Dugin said he should](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)


Because if the Russian people ever overthrow Putin and leave him alive enough to be sent to court he's got a long list of crimes documented against him.


That coward almost certainly has an 'easy way out' option to hand. No way in hell is he likely to let them capture him, parade his ass around on worldwide TV displaying him as the weak old man he truly is, before likely execution anyway for his crimes - probably something like Saddam with a hanging. He'll go for the martyrdom option if it ever came to it...


Oh no I agree. 99% this war is a total waste of life and resources and almost nothing will change after we ultimately have it resolved in a cease fire. Russia will claim victory to its people despite having gained nothing.


Putin will die before he sees his first day in court. Either from old age or he'll go the [Slobodan Praljak](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6asj1g) route.


It can be important. If we go to war with Russia, we will know what war crimes to expect and can possibly prepare for them. Not everything is immediate cause and effect. Countries tend to take war crimes against enemy soldiers much more seriously. When you’re a country known for mistreating POWs, your own POWs will likely receive similar bad treatment. Soldiers might take this into their own hands too. The official designation is useful for separating rumor from fact. Like, you might hear about Russia soldiers drinking the blood of babies and think they’re literal monsters, but then you see the UN report and see that they’re actually confirmed with evidence to be figurative monsters who torture and maim POWs. Makes the Ukrainian soldiers feel less bad finishing off wounded Russians. This all matters even if we don’t really have a literal international court that sits above all heads of state to judge and punish them.


"We respect the white flag of surrender becuase we hope that should we need to fly it one day, then they will do the same to us." -paraphrase of a book I forgot what one




This is basically what happened at the end of WW2, all the German soldiers and officials were rushing to surrender to the Allies


Western Allies, that is.


Not only that, but finding out that POWs are treated like shit means the side at risk of being captured is more likely to fight to the death and leave as much destruction in their wake as possible.


Only tangentially related but I'm sharing anyway because I found it interesting. This expectation of reciprocity cuts both ways. In WWII we have records showing that Japanese soldiers were ordered to treat allied soldiers horrifically, leading to e.g. lots of beheadings, heads left on sticks, dismemberment and torture with evidence left for allies to find later. And the reason behind this is Japanese commanders wanted their soldiers to feel unable to surrender to the allies out of fear of "if I surrender they'll do to me what they've seen us doing to them". Kind of interesting meta game.


Japan really is an interesting creature over the last century.


What would you call them?


War Oopsydaisies


War pranks.


Its a prank bro, its a prank!


"Your Honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy."


Or how the U.S. is still like “No please, if you can refrain from blowing up their Refineries… also sorry you’re getting genocided and getting chemical weapons used on you… hang in there”


And who’s going to do anything about it?


April 2022 >The use of chemical weapons by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine may cross a “red line” which could trigger an international response, a British defence minister has hinted. >Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Mr Heappey said: “I don’t think it’s helpful to get into any firm commitment right now about where that red line sits, but I think President Putin needs to be very clear that when other countries have used chemical weapons it has caused an international response. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/russia-ukraine-chemical-weapons-heappey-b2032809.html The US imposing additional sanctions is at least *something*but I do hope that NATO is brewing up a plan to provide Ukraine with weapons that were previously off-limits. NATO military intervention is definitely not happening though. The past two years have already made that abundantly clear.


Russia? Putin? Unimaginable.


The more I learn about this guy, the less I like him


This Putin fella is a real jerk


lol doesn’t hit as good without the 15 minute setup.


I don’t know if anyone of you are history buffs but…


Why os this not a headline on MSNBC or AP News?!?!? I had to search google and found it on Reuters. Ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️


It was a headline [three weeks ago](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/06/russia-accused-of-using-chemical-gas-attacks-against-ukrainian-soldiers). The US isn’t a neutral party and is late to the game.


Russia is accountable to nobody so their violations are less surprising 


It's not really news. The only news is that the US has confirmed it, but Ukraine has showed pictures of this since the start of the war.


Where is the Geneva Convention when you need it?


Geneva Suggestions.


"Rossiya, why are you reading Geneva Convention?" "Is to-do list."


Makes it harder for the leaders to travel outside their country, in theory at least. If they are at risk for being arrested.


It’s sad that no one cares that Russia is murdering every Ukrainian adult they find and kidnap every kid they see. It’s all been moved over the the Palestinian situation now.


100% by design unfortunately


Palestine/Israel conflict now orchestrated by Russia/Iran allies. A pure axis of evil that westerners and allies are still not admitting especially in EU.


The scary thing is how it’s working. Russia tells Iran to tell Hamas to attack, Israel does what it does, most optics go towards Israel/Palestinian conflict, creates massive political rifts over here in the US, Biden loses support so Russia can get their buddy Trump back in office and who knows what kind of shit storm there’s gonna be then.


Yeah, it's wild that people can't see the obvious disinformation and propaganda campaigns for what they are, which is Russian, Iranian, and Chinese cyber warfare.


Its been wild seeing the people who were anti-Ukraine saying its "cringe" to care and "why do you care about these people and not all the other conflicts" REALLY care about Palestine SO much. Its identity politics for SO many people I say this as someone who was pro Palestine int he past and Israel did/does fucked up stuff but at least Ukraine didnt start the war by breaking into peoples home and murdering families


They're not murdering *every* adult. Don't want to provide an easy Straw Man for the russian troll farms. But the Russian army isn't just murdering every adult - they're capturing and raping plenty of them too. Although... I guess they're probably murdering most of those eventually too. It's sickening seeing this happening in broad daylight and listening to politicians complain about wasted tax dollars. Like motherfucker with how much we spend collectively on our military, this is literally the BEST return on investment imaginable. What the fuck do you even have a defense budget for if you're not going to oppose hostile dictators invading neutral countries!? Not to mention, countries that we fucking *pledged to defend* from aggression after they voluntarily gave up their nuclear weapons...


There is no low to which they will not sink.


The world is getting more dangerous, with a permanent member of the UN security council using chemical weapons against another state.




NATO's options are somewhat limited in that area. The main cards NATO can offer are either allowing NATO weapons to be used to strike inside Russia or directly intervening in western Ukraine. NATO does not want to escalate things to WMD's with Russia. NATO is in the dominant driver seat as long as the conflict is conventional. If it goes nuclear NATO no longer has a decisive advantage. At that point NATO is likely going to come out of the war in roughly the same shape Russia would. Which is basically ruined.


> The main cards NATO can offer are either allowing NATO weapons to be used to strike inside Russia This would be the most obvious thing, yes. Also, supplying more weapons. Also, more sanctions including secondary sanctions.


Knowing that no response will ever come is the thing that's gonna escalate to wmd imho


Add it to the list


Ooh that will fix them. Sanctions! The equivalent of waving fingers and saying “tsk, tsk.” FUCKING RIDICULOUS!


USA has all this military power and yet they do what I already do.


If they are using WWI tactics, can they just fast forward to their loss of attrition? US&EU shouldn't rest, ramp up their economy instead


If we’re using WWI tactics, maybe we can find some dissident Russian leader who’s residing in another country and arrange for him to return to Russia to create unrest. Surely nothing bad would come of that.


Didn't Navalny try that already?


He did, and was promptly arrested and died in prison.


Ukraine would lose the manpower war.


Now will the UN confirm this please? And condemn it?


Another war crime Russia won’t get punished for. I believe their count is now around 157,983 war crimes. Sentencing should be a doozy if there’s ever a trial.


"Special military action" isn't subject to conventions, is probably their excuse.


Just goes to show how useless the UN is. Nothing will happen except a few tisks on Reddit.


Maybe the ICC should do something about this as fast as they’re moving against Israel.


As far as I know the ICC has already issued arrest warrants against Putin and Belova in March last year and two more officers this year. What more could the ICC do in that regard?


Tbf, this merits new charges, especially against whoever in theatre organised the attack


Oh, so more pieces of paper.


They did. Close to immediately. Putin hasn't been able to visit over 100 countries since they indicted him. 


Let's be honest, they did. The same exact harsh words sent towards Israel and even the recent threats - Putin has already heard countless times. Only Russia is completely untouchable, while Israel isn't. People also care about Israel much more than Russia for political reasons, but that's a different thing and something everybody here understands.


Neither the US nor Russia are signed up to the ICC (Rome Statute) neither are countries such as China, India and Israel. The ICC is not as strong as many people think. Here's the obligatory list of people who are signatories https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_parties_to_the_Rome_Statute


The ICC is like the Lunar Treaty - it's only been signed by people who are geopolitically irrelevant and trying to get the real players to take a handicap.


They're both untouchable as far as the ICC is concerned. The only real difference is that Russia doesn't give a fuck. Israel is a lot more dependent on international and global support. So the world not seeing them as above morally bankrupt war criminals simply matters more.


what power do you think the ICC actually has lol


?????? what are you on about they did


What do you expect from a terrorist state?


The only deterrence for these sorts of weapons has always been the threat of their use in turn. Ukraine should feel no compunction in their use against Russian forces, and the West should support them. Laws of war are mutual only, to still uphold them while the other side doesn't is just a handicap, and Ukraine can't afford that, nor will it be appreciated by anyone.


Legally, yes, if Russia rips up the chemical weapons treaty, then Ukraine isn't bound by it anymore either. Practically though, if Ukraine starts using chemical weapons -if they're available to them in the first place- would see them lose a lot of support internationally. It would give Russian propaganda so much easy fuel.


Is it also banned to invade another country?


Here is a more reliable link from the [US government](https://www.state.gov/imposing-new-measures-on-russia-for-its-full-scale-war-and-use-of-chemical-weapons-against-ukraine-2/#:~:text=The%20Department%20of%20State%20has,Chemical%20Weapons%20Convention%20(CWC).) itself, if anyone is interested.


Why don’t campuses protest the delayed aid to Ukraine?


To be fair, no one gives a shit about campus protests.


They do when they make national news and start breaking into offices/occupying buildings effectively ruining classes for everyone else at said school.