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So when do we finally stop worrying about provoking/escalating Russia and act like the world power that we are? They are clearly in Cold War mode and will continue escalating until they realize it’s fk around and find out time.


They’ve been pushing the envelope for 20 years. Chechnya? No one did a fking thing. Crimea? Same. They’re gonna keep pushing til someone pushes them back harder. Republicans have no problem with it, for some reason, and are doing their damnest to help. This war started with Putin 20 years ago - the dis/misinformation warfare, social media influence in Europe and US, overturning governments in Africa with the assistance of his mercenaries, bombing countries to shit to force migration to Europe while influencing conservative parties to hammer immigration to cause division in democracies, invasions of Eastern Europe, real estate investments in London and New York by his oligarchs to launder billions, and political influences…all of it from Putin. The Cold War never ended for him, and we are taking too long to realize we are back in it.


You forgot assassinations of political opponents no matter where they live in the world.


And no matter the collateral damage.


> Republicans have no problem with it, for some reason Oh, I think you forgot something. They like money.


Oh, and people who vocally espouse anti-LGBT policies.


Wasn’t it republicans who tried to get Obama to do something about Russia and he publicly laughed at them?


I'll readily admit that Obama should not have brushed it off when Romney brought it up during the debate. That said, considering the water the GOP is carrying for Russia **today**, they get exactly zero credit here.


I don’t think anyone deserves credit. But there’s this weird crazy narrative on Reddit that this is just a gop thing. Why can’t we all see and acknowledge that both sides of our government has been/is currently trying to appease Russia?


How many recent examples do you have of Democrats cozying up to Russia? If all you've got is Obama brushing off a comment during a debate 12 years ago, then this IS a Republican thing.


Obama canceling the missile defense plan for Poland Letting Crimea happen Let Russia handle the chemical weapon situation in Syria. Did nothing and hid the Russian election interference . I believe he was caught on a hot mic talking about being more flexible in his second term to the Russians. I mean it’s all out there if you want to look. There’s a few examples of a democrat president paving the way for where we are today


No, but it was republicans who went to Moscow to meet with our adversary on July 4th


In the third presidential debate between the two candidates in October 2012, Obama went directly after Romney for that remark. "When you were asked, 'What's the biggest geopolitical threat facing America,' you said 'Russia.' Not al Qaeda; you said Russia," Obama said. "And, the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the Cold War's been over for 20 years."


That’s not “trying to get Obama to do something about Russia” lmao. The Republican King of the last ten years has been in Russias pocket


Then in 2009, just as President Obama was kicking off his “Russia reset,” he pulled the rug out from under the Poles and Czechs and cancelled the missile defense plan. Polish newspapers called the decision a betrayal and some Polish politicians wondered publicly if the United States under President Obama’s leadership was demoting Poland’s allied status. In 2012, still smarting over the cancellation, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski said, “Our mistake was that by accepting the American offer of a shield we failed to take into account the political risk associated with a change of president… We paid a high political price.” Jan Vidim, a Czech lawmaker, told the Associated Press, “If the Administration approaches us in the future with any request, I would be strongly against it.” WikiLeaks released the State Department cables in 2010, revealing that appeasing Russia was a motivator for canceling the plan with Poland.


Still waiting to hear why policy from 15 years ago is relevant now, or any example of any Republican trying to “get Obama to do something about Russia”. It’s obvious that the republicans are in bed with Putin, and events from 15 years ago don’t mean anything. Russia has been pushing the envelope constantly since then, and a Democrat president is the only reason they haven’t succeeded in Ukraine


It's the classic "oh your guy wasn't absolutely perfect and made tactical errors/policy blunders, therefore I can completely disregard the (much more) massive pile of bullshit from my own side"


You def want Republicans involved against Putin. Rather it stay cold than to get any warmer.


Yeah this laundering of money thru the real estate just never stops to make me ask what is any gov doing about it. On top of the stories of how everyone gets western educated, then goes back to be a bad guy. Their kids, cousins all this free travel they get.


Hey Trump may have gotten millions if not billions, but Biden got 40000 in a very roundabout and convoluted way from china! $40000 will turn a multimilionaire with enormous political power into a traitor instantly right?


They still have yet to realize. The struggle for power is constant and never end.


I’d love the calculation on how much was laundered through trump tower. Specifically, just before the 2016 election. All Russians. All units sold at ridiculously over market price.


> Republicans have no problem with it, for some reason Because the Republican party has been infiltrated by Russia. This isnt new information. They blatantly use Russian talking points, we have evidence of payments coming to and from Russia, etc. American voters dont care though. Republicans care about party over anything else, even when their elected officials vote against what their voters actually want or need. At least Liberals and Democrats have no problem changing their support for a person if there is evidence that they’re bad. Republicans? Nah, just grab em by the pussy. 


In every office and orifice


> Republicans have no problem with it The vocal republicans have no problem with it. There are plenty of republicans on the HASC who have been very vocal about their concerns. Those guys have spent much of their careers handling foreign policy, they know the danger


They are vocal until Trump tells them not to be


This is spot on analysis.


Remember over a decade ago when all those who's the richest person in the world between Gates and the Saudi royal family, people would all say Putin was the richest person it was just all off the books. Well, you're seeing the amount of influence that one person can buy all over the entire globe.


A to the fuckin Men


Dude your just right 👍 we new but didn't give a fuck because we wanted cheap gas. Fuc let's build a pipeline get it here quicker.


You forgetting Trump gave away all of our secrets?


Nov 8th 2024 or never. Depending on the election outcome.


The West in general is absolutely petrified of victory and it’s allowing Russia to run roughshod over the planet. I really have no clue what we are doing. Western powers are absolutely rudderless right now and lack any cohesive strategy beyond passing short term aid packages for Ukraine that in the grand scheme of things just keep them treading water. There are absolutely ways to get more aggressive without mass deployment of troops but there is genuinely no plan.


To close to elections for Biden to do anything major, Russia knows it and is taking full advantage of it


After the election because the majority does not want a world war right now, and starting one will hurt chances of reelection


At this point I’m ready for this nuclear war.




Stop the appeasement rhetoric that the west is escalating, while it clearly is russia for the past XY years.


Progressive liberal world leaders adopted the hug of death approach to Russia. Right wing war hawks want to lead them down the path of imperialist war profiteering so they can justify a full scale modern war with Russia. The only thing more profitable then terrified Americans, is terrified Americans with a justification for full scale war.


> Right wing war hawks want to lead them down the path of imperialist war profiteering so they can justify a full scale modern war with Russia. You seem to forget the leader of the right wing of the most powerful nation on Earth has the policy of deepthroating Putin


Yeah, that's my point that I did a poor job of clearly stating. Republicans are looking the other way so they can justify a full-scale conflict with Russia that they directly benefit from. Democrats have been trying over the past 10 years and more to make a relationship with America and friends more profitable than imperial land grabs.


That's actually highly provocative. Not that the odds of it working are particularly high


For more than two decades russia (not soviet union) is preparing for war and we let them prepare, until it is too late. Russia crossed enough red lines long ago, this needs to stop or it might not end well


Except it was little different to what the USSR did for the 5 decades before. The problem is that Russia is even less stable than the USSR ever was, which is what makes the handling of it so tricky.  I'm of the opinion that they need to be roughly put in their place, though. Half a million casualties between all sides should be enough for us to step in when one tried to be our ally in good faith.


When will this fucking planet deal with Russia already? Stop trying to appease these pieces of shit and just deal with them once and for all.


You’re welcome to sign up for the military and put your life on the line.


Sure, but you can't join the army and be like, "okay, let's go to Russia." Besides, maybe they are already involved somehow? How would you know?




You can’t just volunteer to be in a foreign military




Or you can stand up for democracy you coward. 


Democracy? In Ukraine? You're talking about the country ruled by a man who's term ended on the 20th of may. Not really a democracy in my opinion. Still, you're free to sign up for it and fight as much as you want. What is stopping you???


The UK suspended elections during WW2, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a democratic country. During extreme circumstances, these things happen.  Try again, coward. 


You call me a coward, yet you're not even trying to explain why you won't fight for what you apparently believe in. You should look in the mirror the next time you use that word, and you will see one.


You sure can.


Sure. Let’s sign up.


I've done my military tour already, as has my father and my grandfather who were active in Vietnam and World War II. If I had a son I'm sure I'd have raised him to do the same. Anyhow this is some goofy cowardly halfwit reply that serves no purpose. There's no such thing as "signing up for the military" and somehow demanding that we commit to a conflict with Russia. Our government needs to nut up and make this decision.




So Russia bordering Ukraine is a reason enough for them to invade them? Man get the fuck out




So killing a stranger isn't ok but killing slowly your neighbour is better? Ok...


Well fuck that reason and fuck you for attempting to justify it


I see the circus came early this year!


Isn't that what our new military branch is for? Go space force. Steve Carell save us


For anyone wondering why ASATs in general are horrible ideas - look up Kessler syndrome


That’s their goal though


I certainly doubt it. That would be terrible for essentially all nations.


That’s kinda the point. They can now threaten technological annihilation where they can fuck everyone over but not get nuked. 




WW3 has already started. I don't think it will be fought with nukes though, It's going to be a fight over the control of space, trade routes, resources and markets, with regional wars fought with conventional weapons.


No one wins a war in space.


Is that the new Aliens tagline?


Nuclear powers won’t be touched. Everything in between is going to be fair game though.


That completely ignores how NATO works.


Article 5 can be the use of conventional weapons. In fact that IS the plan for a Russian nuke in Ukraine; push Russia out of Ukraine through conventional force.


NATO is a nuclear power. Even the countries that don't have nuke definitely have nukes. He means the battlefields will be in Ukraine and Central Asia and the Middle East and all throughout Africa.


A G&L "telecaster" style guitar? Seems like an odd thing to use as a satellite.


You would definitely use a satellite for a telecast. Sput, nick!


“It has great pickups.” ~Sam Ash store salesman. “Great. We take all them. We take to space.” ~Roscosmos Military Director


To save everyone a click on “what does ASAT stand for?” “ASAT is a US military abbreviation for "anti-satellite" missile. It's also the name of a guitar model from G&L Musical Instruments. The guitar's name comes from the US military abbreviation, and the model is known as the ASAT Special. The ASAT Special is a single-cutaway bolt-on guitar that can produce a variety of tones, including blues, jazz, and twang. It's available with either a basswood or mahogany body.”


Shoot it down


No dont do that. Gently push it back down and have it land over Russia. It’s their radioactive material.


Oh yes more space debris.




Anti-Satellite weapon, mate.


Thanks, lover


No problem, sweetie. 🤣


You two make a cute couple, sugar.


I must've stumbled into a southern diner. I'll order some hams, eggs, and grits.


I like your way with words, honey.


What does the AT mean? Anti satellite... and turkey? Automatic transmission? edit: oh it's just A for anti, SAT for satellite. Whoever's job it is to come up with these acronyms needs a talkin to.


Those big walkers from Star Wars? Cool.


Maybe Musk’s car will hit it.


Kessler Syndrome incoming.


Isn't it possible to bring it down without making more space debris?


I'm more certain than ever that the Pentagon is standing by with a bunch of striker groups waiting for the need to secure Russia's nuclear materials. This kind of flailing is last-gasp-type of stuff.


Not to be confused with the president of Russia, who is an ASSHAT




Da, all satellite spin stabilized now with chip. Breast pump now RCS control.


Russia is really good at cheaply putting things in space while being extremely safe doing it. Although their tech is quickly falling behind. Probably one of the reasons they are pushing so aggressively, they only have a few more years of the weapons they inherited from the USSR.


X37 would like a word


What does Elon’s kid have to do with it?


[x37 is an experimental space plane](https://www.boeing.com/defense/autonomous-systems/x37b#purpose) some people believe it to be an anti satellite weapon among other things


I think it was a joke


That's not a nice thing to say about Elon's kid.


I don’t see your point. A spaceplane that can be used for military purposes is not the same as putting a weapon into orbit indefinitely.


I thought Russia was sanctioned, how are they still launching anything into space? Do they even have chips outside of washing machines they looted from Ukraine?


It’s so funny that we would rather see Putin build up to a second Soviet Union than to actually do something and prevent it. All because it would “provoke” Russia or make things “hot”


What is up with all these warmongering comments? Are these bots, propaganda houses, or just kids who have no idea what they’re talking about? Yeah let’s fucking attack Russia. There certainly wouldn’t be any major consequences to that at all.


Thank you. These people just completely forgot what nuclear weapons are. We're not going to all-out attack Russia because the response would be catastrophic. We'll restrain them in other ways. These people also act like we're just standing by and doing nothing, when we've (collectively) spent 100s of billions countering Russia in the last few years.


What "other ways"?


Sanctions, including on Chinese banks that do business with Russia (which has put a crimp on Chinese-Russian trade recently). Oil price caps. The already-mentioned 100s of billions of direct military aid to Ukraine. Expansion of NATO to encompass almost the entirety of Russia's European border. More bases and permanent troop deployments in Eastern European countries. Is that enough? Are you just of those complain-monkeys who can't be bothered to actually keep up with what is going on besides a handful of sensationalized Reddit headlines?


Sanctions have had no real impact to the war machine and they have already blown through the so-called oil price caps. Sanctioning some random regional Chinese banks that don't do business with the West will have exactly zero impact. The collective West still sends Russia 5x as much money today than what they send to Ukraine. They just do it via intermediaries like India and Turkey. Your user name certainly checks out.


>Sanctioning some random regional Chinese banks that don't do business with the West will have exactly zero impact. [Literally not true](https://www.newsweek.com/china-top-banks-deal-blow-russia-sanctions-1891169) -- both on your bullshit fabricated "some random regional Chinese banks" nonsense and it having zero impact. >Sanctions have had no real impact to the war machine The Russian economy feeds the "war machine," and [it has absolutely taken a hit from sanctions](https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/sanctions-and-russias-war-limiting-putins-capabilities). Sanctions are an evolving game, but the original question was what "other ways" the West is opposing Russia. Economic measures are one of those ways.


Yes, I'm sure the people whose homes are getting wiped out by gliding bombs right now would agree with you. /s


Putin is a bully looking for a fight. *A fight he won't win.*


They found a picture of the satellite. [Satellite Picture](http://static.playertheory.com/images/AsteroidsPewPew.jpg)


Why don't we shoot russian rockets out of the sky


That's not how physics works dude. First of all we can't just magically shoot down their satellite launches without being near the launch site. Once it's up in orbit what do you want to do about it? We have the option to create more space debris that will wreck even more satellites by shooting it down or we sanction them for being asshats and send more aid to Ukraine.


Who's surprised? It's like if someone kept flying giant camera drones over your house, so you bought a gun to take them out. No weapons in space is one thing, but the US has it's nose so far up the asses of every other major nation, they're not going to just roll over... Recall the resolution of the classified sat image Trump tweeted of the Iranian launch failure a few years back. But now there's more, better quality sats taking these shots everywhere all the time.


In this case, you and your neighbor both have a cannon pointed at each others' houses. They fly drones over to see if you're loading your cannon. They have nice DJI models. You have a couple drones you bought off of Temu. Up until recently you also both agreed to walk over and look at each other's cannons, but you decided you didn't like that and broke the deal. So now, you've decided to threaten your neighbors drones with your new shotgun...


And if you ever fire it off, your neighbor is gonna let the tomahawks he's been saving for a raining day take care of this once and for all


I'd love to believe our empire was just, always in the right, and used it's technology as such, but it wouldn't take much to whip this country back into a calamitous frenzy like 2001/3


Iraqui space WMDs, we have no intelligence credibility left