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Wasn't Russia just training for strikes against NATO targets?


Stop doing what we do!! Only we can train to defeat you but once you do the same!! We gonna cry about it!


Cant even shoot back or the crybaby starts threatening nato. Tha fuck dude u started this, if u stop the war is over. But no keeps on crying


You can't hold it against them. They were drunk when they started it.


They still are, but were also.


If MAGA was a country. wait a minute….🤔


Literally only a week ago! https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-it-starts-nuclear-military-drills-2024-05-21/ But this was training for a nuclear strike against Ukraine, so I guess in Russia’s head that means it’s a strike against internal Russian territory 🤦‍♂️


Rocket fuel fumes play merry with short term memory I guess.


Too much vodka


Hasn’t everybody been training for this since 1949?


If those Russians could read they'd be really upset with you.


Yeah really pointless statement. What do armed forces do war , what do they do in peace prepare for war.


Russia was way too comfortably used to threats and unreciprocated actions (cyber, misinformation, "military trainings", etc). Let's see how it goes if NATO reciprocates their BS.


Would be amazed if not, pretty much the normal thing to do for war preparation for both sides


As with all ultra conservative regimes—every accusation is a confession


It's not always what you say but who you say it to.


I do believe so.


Yea that's what making nuclear threats to another nuclear armed nation will cause. It would be negligent not to




I agree that the Russian population overall would be better off if they were friendly with the EU/US, however that's not good for the 1% in Russia... therefore it's friends with China and NK and blame the West for the oppression of the Russian people....


And that is why half of my family migrated away from Russia.


The smart ones probably


Every authoritarian regime does the same bullshit. From Russia to China to my own Turkey where you isolate the nation and force your own people to be dependent on you only. Alienate everyone so you either indoctrinated to their propaganda or have no place to go because everyone hates you now just because you are from there. It makes people easier to manipulate and control when you make it ''Us against the world'' even though they are the cause of it.


> ''Us against the world'' ...sadly that's the only way that people will accept their lot in life. If they knew the reality - that their woes are caused by the elite of their own country - they would revolt. But by blaming others, somehow the situation becomes acceptable, the elite maintains control, and the world becomes a shittier place because of it


I disagree. The 1% in Russia have to be very careful about what they say/do. At least in EU/US if they openly disagree with the leader they won't wind up having a fatal skiing accident.


I believe in that dream too, humans can totally achieve peace, we have every incentive to. Might not happen in our life times but I choose to believe it will happen.


> we have every incentive to People without control have incentive to. Those who have, will never because it lessens their personal potential. The greedy are the ones who get power, because they're more apt to seek it than those who care about the group as power is a necessity for their plans.


Power corrupts. It dulls empathy and care for others. Because you have power now. You can do all the things you want. What? You gonna give it up and have someone else have that power? And you will be under them? No sir. YOU deserve the power. YOU deserve the benefit. Not others. They are beneath you. And they will try to drag you down unless you keep them docile or give them an enemy to blame everything for. After all, as long as they are not coming after you and your power, everything is fine.


Power absolutely corrupts but it’s my personal belief that anti social personality disorder-people have been the bane of human existence from the very beginning. They feel zero empathy or human emotion far before they realize any position of power (and they often do come into power because they don’t give a single fuck about anyone but themselves.) They are incredibly good at mimicking human emotion. These human beings walk among us.


"It's not that power itself corrupts, but it is magnetic to the corruptible." - Frank Herbert


We first need to get rid of religious extremism which is impossible without banning religion altogether (tho I wonder if that is for the better)


To be frank, we were a fair part of what went wrong there. When the Soviet Union collapsed, we could have -- *should* have -- been there with offers of assistance and partnership. Instead, we sent in the venture capitalists and turned a blind eye to their conversion of Russia into a kleptocracy. After just under a decade of this, the Russians turned to authoritarianism.


Unfortunately I see wars becoming more common as we fight over natural resources, issues brought on by climate change, economic & societal differences and of course AI & technology advances leading to less jobs, resulting in societal upheaval. It doesn’t help that chaos, illness & war generate massive profits. It’s in the rich’s best interest to keep things in a perpetual state of apocalyptic so the money keeps flowing.


Threats in response are way more convincing as well. "We've moved nukes to Belarus". Changes nothing, there's Kaliningrad. Ukraine destroying 4 ICBM launch early warning stations on the other hand.


Haven't they been training for that since 1949? Now ask Russia what *they* train for.


Seven Days to the River Rhine


We all saw how "three days to Kyiv" went.


They didn't say which specific 3 days to be fair !


Its 3 Venus days. One Venus day = 243 days.


They've still gone over.


You know how wars goes. It was an estimated 3 days. But if Putin put alot of faith in his army he might be able to take Kyiv in a Venus week or 2.


Let’s be real > Seven ~~Days~~ Years to the River Rhine And they still would get near the river bank


7 years in and the Russians might be claiming a massive breakthrough in some village right outside Kaliningrad


I’m assuming this is long after NATO has captured or cratered the whole of Kaliningrad, and those are the last of the Russian hold outs in Western Europe


Kaliningrad was a faint! Your stupid westoid brain just can't handle the tactical genius of Russia lossing it's entire navy and like 6 tank divisions in Kaliningrad. The russian forces took out 2 billion f-35s and patriots... And and alone UFOs!!!




7 days and im doing Bradley donuts in Red Square.


Seven Years a Slav?


In the sixties, they (The Warsaw Pact Armies) were expected to come through the Fulda Gap from East Germany into West Germany. I was stationed at a Class B Dispensary on a small Air Station in Pforzheim. The dispensary's war plans were: In case of war, remain in place, set up a 50 bed field hospital in the base theater, and expect to be killed or captured within 3 to 5 days after the outbreak of hostilities..


Austria also was a possible breakthrough point, during mandatory drafting we were clearly told that our only duty was to keep them at bay until Nato had its act together, oh joy of being neutral, you get slaughtered and that's it..


>in Pforzheim My apologies.There is only so much utterly hideous grey sprayed concrete devoid of city planning any human being can endure.


Having been titally destroyed in '44 {'45?) Pforzheim was glitteringly new when I was there.


NATO spent decades developing multiple weapons systems just to saturate the Fulda Gap if the USSR ever decided to kick off WWIII. Russia hasn't developed anything to overcome those systems and NATO has only been adding to the arsenal.


Yeah, used to train for that at 500 knots and 50 feet using foldable maps.


Low level always gives me the nerves.


My Grandfather was a spitfire/hurricane pilot in 134 squadron of the RAF. He said the numbers related to height. 1ft was low level 3ft was attack height 4ft was high altitude Your comment reminded me of him.


It was the literal reason for the creation of Strategic Air Command.


The US Air Force was effectively founded in 1947 to drop atomic bombs on Moscow. Many thought another war was inevitable.


Give it time, they may be proven correct.


Hopefully. I want to be confident that if Russia uses nukes against NATO, or even western allies, he is sure Moscow and St Petersbergs will be nuked. There should be zero doubt about that in his mind. If Putin nukes the west, it's the same as nuking Russia.


Not to be pedantic, but if Russia used a tactical nuclear weapon, NATO probably isn't immediately going to respond with a strategic nuke on a population center. If Moscow gets nuked, the whole world is going down with it.


Not to sound tight, but the whole world will not go down with Russia. Russia will inflict a lot of damage, but Russia will be the one that is no longer a country. The US will glaze Russia over if they bomb the US


MAD is unfortunately still very much a thing; modern society likely wouldn't survive a full exchange. Even if Asia managed to fully stay out of it, every major city in NA/Europe would likely be gone causing worldwide economic collapse before you even get to possible effects on the climate. You'd get mass starvation just from the supply chain breakdown. Humanity would survive, some countries might as well, but it would be a very different world.


If Russia used a nuke, hitting them with a nuke would be the wrong response. It's the whole I'll hit you to teach you hitting is wrong. The best response would be to go all in on Ukraine, give them total air support, insure their victor. Bomb every ship they have. Destroy their air force. Take out all military targets near Russia's border. Make it plain, any country that supports them, say Iran will get the same fate. My guess is China would support us in this, they want to sell stuff to the west, not see it destroyed.


The problem is you suppose that the nation that just used a nuke would just watch there stuff getting wiped whitout nuclear striking the bases the attacks are coming from.


You have three choices. Let a nation use nukes with no consequences, I think everyone realizes this just means they and other nations will use more nukes. Respond with a nuke, now you've set a tit for tat of nuclear retaliation that more than likely will escalate. Respond with conventional weapons, which has to be harsh enough to be a punishment for using nukes, cannot make the leaders fear they are going to be ousted from power and make it plain that using nukes was a mistake. If the response to a conventional attack is the use of more nukes, then you are forced to respond with nukes and see who backs down from the tit for tat first. No one wins a nuclear exchange, no one. You have to be completely stupid to push for one. I'm not sure why you think Russians are suicidal and stupid. The leaders in Russia have very comfortable lives, they are not going to commit mass suicide. IF they had a puppet in the White House, they might try to change a losing battlefield with nukes. That isn't the case for at least the next seven months.




we can do with conventional weapons what a nuke can do plus we dont have to worry about starting a nuclear war


Yes, plus: \- Let's all stop paying attention to what "Russia says" and see what they do, then decide what they should get.


A hit by Steven Segal?


It's a shame the USSR wasn't dealt with immediately and difinitively once their first atomic tests were detected. Instead of a cold war we could have had an example.


Churchill wanted to continue WW2 with a surprise attack on the soviets. He knew what was up. He ordered plans to be drawn up for a British/America offensive commencing 1st July 1945, utilising German POWs. It had the express desired outcome of a 'fair deal for Poland'. It was code named Operation Unthinkable and deemed unlikely to succeed in the long run unless a swift and decisive victory could be achieved. Imagine it did succeed. No Soviet Union, no Cold War, no Putin today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Unthinkable


Russia is training to not have their own nukes blow up on Russian soil.


Projection? I always assume this with authoritarian governments. They've been setting the stage for us to not be surprised that they're training for nuclear strikes on NATO members for some time.


Nah, there's been multiple "we have nukes too, you know?" from NATO countries in response to Russian threats.


As is our fucking right to do so.


Not only right, it's a proper thing to do. Would be really stupid to ignore their threats


Dear Vlad, Coordinates for your bedroom, secret hideout, and all military facilities have been programmed into our targeting computers for decades. We don't need to train people to do this. They just point and click. Cheers, Militaries that don't have to dust off WWII tanks in order to go into battle.


The AI decides when it is time


Hey now, the T-54 was a late 40s tank! That's a whole 3 months from september 1945 to the start of the second half of the 40s!


Given the messaging coming out of the Kremlins collective asshole… are they actually surprised? Probably not. Probably just more manipulation - as in trying to sell the idea to morons that “the west” are the most provocative.


That's exactly what it is, propaganda for their own citizens and for the conspiracy theory idiots in the West


The only one threading the use of nuclear weapons is Russia. Though not directly by Putin, his threats are more ambiguous. But by his government backed state media and other puppets in his government. Like Medvedev. Hey Russia, we have a saying here in America “Speak softly and carry a big stick” said by our 26th President, Theodore Roosevelt. It means, do not boast or utter verbal threats, but do make others aware that you are prepared to use physical force if necessary. All you do is boast. Your threats are weak. And you’re already on your third army in 2yrs against an army that wasn’t a real army, and with a drop in the bucket of weapons from the west. Which, btw, are the old out of date stock. You’re getting your ass kicked with 90s tech Your “formidable second army of the world” is nothing but a façade. Keep talking.


He has moved nukes to Belarus. Not very ambiguous at all


Just pointing out that this isn’t anything new for Russia. They didn’t win wars with weapons technology, they won them by throwing bodies at the front line until the other side couldn’t fight anymore. Not saying they would win in a conflict, but they will make us pay a heavy heavy price. Don’t underestimate them.


Ive never been in a fight with anyone who has said ‘I’m going to punch you’. Only a fool gives notice of intent.


Russia: Threatens NATO member with nuclear tsunami NATO: In response trains for nuclear strike on Russian territory Russia: *surprised Pikachu face* Edit: and this ignroes that nuclear drills are normal anyways


Same with them being surprised that the UK is allowing Ukraine to use their weapons as they see fit. Turns out that people won't just run, hide and wait for an imminent doom when threatened. But it's not surprising that Russia is incapable of understanding this, given the incredibly childish self-image that they have painted of themselves to compensate for their inability to adapt to a modern world.


Don't buy any of the Russian nuclear talk. It's all bluffing to scare Westerners who don't know any better.


Did they not just conduct nuclear training?


Translation: Russia is training for nuclear strike on NATO territory.


russia in a nutshell. Did some shit then blame others.


Yes, yes we are.


You train for all eventualities, right?


putin sings a different tune when its NATO. it will be very humiliating for putin to retreat after all this and that's his only real option.


US bombers used to carry live nukes for sorties. Anything they do now is pretty tame. As the popular saying goes F around and find out. They called wolf, and NATO took them seriously.


Submarines too, I think some still carry them around.


They absolutely do, that is the whole basis for M.A.D, same for Britain, if continental USA gets disabled by a first strike, or England, the instructions of the subs are to launch at the belligerent country. It basically says "If you read this, we cannot reach you, do us proud and avenge our death by any mean necessary, you are now in command until we can gather our forces, Godspeed"


Just days after Russia loudly proclaims they are performing tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine, Russia starts bawling claims that nato are making nuclear preparations...


Fuck russia


NATO doesn't need nukes to flatten Russia - it could do it just with unguided ordinance. Remember 4 of the top 7 Air Forces in the world are . . . US Army, US Air Force, US Navy and US Marines.


I would hope so, otherwise we are wasting a ton of money on NATO. What do they expect when they make nuclear threats daily? Fucking Russians.


Russia: we threaten the west with a nuclear attack. Also Russia: Why is the West is training a nuclear attack?


So it's basically confirmed Russia is training for nuclear strike on NATO territory


we don't need to train for those. We've always been ready.


This is their copium, it's how they excuse their invasion and daily attacks on Ukraine.


Can't wait for Putler to die already.


Russia wats NATO involved sooo badly, so they can lose to NATO and not Ukraine.


Yeah, for like 50 years now.


Yea, not exactly news. Russia does the same.


They've been doing that since the late 40's....


well, we now know Russia is training for a nuclear strike on NATO territory.


So Russia is training to strike NATO territory. Got it.


I don’t get the point of this. If NATO did strike (nuclear or conventional) Russia, does Russia think any nation wouldn’t know exactly why? So if they aren’t trying to convince nations, why waste time on trying to convince people. Protesters aren’t going to slow or stop countries, especially with Russia having so little people liking them as is. I honestly don’t get who this is for.


Russia should think about not giving them an excuse too.


Like we need to train. We have nukes all over the world ready to fly anywhere. People need to just stop with the nuke fetish.


How could Nato train for it IN 3 DAYS?!?!




"Russia claims..." who gives a shit? Since when does Russia's word mean anything?


russia projecting as usual


You fuckin bet we are.


There it is! Wondered how long til we saw the false flag flying.


“We can get ready and you can’t.” Kremlin is out here acting like a spoiled child that got tickets to Disney.


All this barking from Putin and his dogs. Can't wait until this guy is in a jail cell at the Hague.


We've been doing that since 1945, like you guys have been since 1949


He's been threatening the West with a nuclear strike for almost 3 years now. What did he think western nations would do? Does this dipshit think he's the only one's with nuclear arms?


Who gives a crap what Russia thinks. NATO is always training.


NATO training for (Russian) Nuclear strike on (Ukraine and claimed as) "Russian" Territory. There I fixed it.


I hope so...I'd feel stupid when the shit hits the fan and we haven't trained.


Well except NATO wouldnt need nuclear force 😏


I need to ban key phrases: Russia claims, Putin says, Trump vomited...




Levl Moscow


What the rest of the world doesn't realize, is that we drop nukes already. We look back and regret it. We don't want to see it done again. If we wanted to rule the world we would have dropped nukes once we realized our advantage. We didn't. Now. A real bad guy will decide to conquer the world with this mindset, all we have now is mutually assured destruction. It's almost inevitable... Tick... tock.


YOU regret it.


The dark hour approaches, lets go to Tartaros


Isn't that NATO's whole job though?


Whole job? No


150,000 confirmed Russian casualties. Let's make it 150,000 more


I mean, it's 500,000 Russian casualties. Casualties are just injured troops. 150,000 Russian dead confirmed, but it's 500k casualties (roughly)


I think they’re quite well trained on that scenario. Same as I would expect the Russians to be as well, or maybe not.


Fairly high chance most of their nukes don't work. Possibly all of them.


I imagine that they have always trained for lots of combat scenarios


Funny Russia's claiming that when THEY'RE nuclear-crazy officials(Putin and Medvedev) are the ones threatening to use nukes to those who oppose their invasion of Ukraine. Pathetic gaslighters(add that the Russians themselves were reported to also be doing nuclear drills).


So Russia is planning a strike on NATO?




No training required. Everyone knows where to aim to end this bullshit. This will be the hill that Putin will die on.


In whatever statement that Russia Media mentions about NATO, substitute the word “NATO” with “Russia” and “Russia” with “NATO”, you will get the truth and intentions of that statement.


Russia is looking to pick a fight but needs to come up with a narrative that it is the West that wants to invade or attack Russia. So, they are throwing out shit theories and false news to see what sticks. Putin desperately wants the west to get involved in Ukraine so it looks like poor Russia is under seige.


that's kinda the point of NATO...


How dare NATO train for the things Russia threatens to do! /s


And?. One would assume every country with nukes trains for such scenario in which they had to nuke their enemies.


So one day they threaten to glass western Europe with nukes and the next day they are whining western world is training in case of nuclear strikes ?


Yes, yes they are, every day, because you won't fucking stop talking about nuking places.


Getting real tired of Russia


As soon as I see ”Russia claims” I zone out.


Every accusation is an admission


Dangerous rhetoric from Russia. At the rate things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if they use this lie as a support for using nukes themselves. I was worried about France’s support role at first but now I don’t think it’s near enough. it seems Putin has no limits to his sick ambition.


Why is it there everyone threatens nukes and seems to want nukes Don’t they know no one wins and there’s nothing left


Fuck you russia you started this shit and the sleeping lions are starting to wake up and you don’t like it, well tough shit!


NATO would be absolutely fucking stupid Not to train for a devastating, crippling nuclear strike on Russian territory. Give it up Ivan, western technology will dismantle your efforts to dominate the battlefield.


Says the invader and aggressor conducting nuclear exercises near Ukraine.


It's funny that Russia keeps trying to run it's pre-war psyops playbook here. Coz like, once you start a war the answer to lots of these questions isn't some carefully worded diplomatic statements. It's just "yes".


No shit, that's obvious. What else are nukes good for? Just intimidation, deterrence and politics.


Yeah, Russian propaganda channels tried to pass off the recent radar strike as a strike into Russia's nuclear deterrence radars. But what's wrong with it? Russia keeps saying they will use their nukes, so it would be in everyone else's interests to cripple their ability to detect and intercept the retaliatory strikes if they did.


*Trains for nuclear strike against NATO* *NATO trains against against the nuclear strike* *Suprised Pikachu face*


Russian Media Monitor indicates that Russia has made eleventy jillion nuclear threats directly against most republics assisting Ukraine. Tough titties, Ms Putin, whine more. What are you gonna do, be a psycho dictatorship and invade Europe again?


This is training NATO should be doing.


Given how we know, the Russian military let their military fall apart due to corruption over the last 40 years. And now with the news that China and Russia are going to put nukes together in Belarus apparently? Does anyone get the feeling that maybe the nuclear arsenal that Russia had is no longer relevant or is less relevant because of the same type of corruption and now they need China to posture with them?


That's literally just called a Wednesday...they're preparing to eradicate anything anywhere at any time for...security? Deep dive the global contingencies for Cascade civil war or surprise extraterrestrial invasion if you want to blow your own mind. This? This means nothing.


Considering Russia is screaming about nuking NATO 24/7 - it would idiotic NOT to train for it?


Is Russia scared of NATO nukes? The US remains the only country to ever use nukes against an enemy. Lets hope nobody goes that far again.


Christ on a bicycle - won't they STFU.


"Russia says..." And stop reading because it's lies


Russia, as the Boy Who Cried Wolf on nuclear threats is really past boring…


NATO won’t need nukes.


only for like 70 years


God I hope so


Bet your ass they do!


Gee, Russia, why do you think NATO would do that?


Well, yes, of course. It's a possible contingency. Militaries train for possible contingencies. If Russia is actually upset about this, I guess they'll be furious that water is wet and the sky is blue for their next outrages.


Nobody cares what Russia says. Stop reporting on their crap.


Jokes on them; we’ve been training to obliterate our possible adversaries for damn near over 100 years.


did russia try not threatening NATO with nuclear strike every two days ?


Suuure becausr NATO is known for their provocative drills... Oh wait thats russia...


I mean so what’s new ? We have been aiming nukes at Russia since 1950?


Every single year


Pussies use nukes. NATO is planning for a conventional war...we won't need nukes to take out their primitive and disorganized military, who are fighting with WWII relics.


Christ i hope that they do it right and finish it all if they start it. I don't want to be a copy cat Fallout headless dude...


Surely Vlad saw “Wargames” the movie, 1983. I imagine we “train” for that possibility all the time.


WHAT MEANS "russia claims" yes of course we are, hopefullyfak we are. That ensures that the russian elite needs to KNOW that shit will go down hard on them IF they use a nuclear weapon. "CLAIMS" we should blast that through every channel we have LOUD AND CLEAR ...


Good! They absolutely should.


Probably, yeah. What of it?


“Russia claims………”. This statement needs to stop being written down. I feel it means absolutely nothing whatsoever.