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Don’t t forget to realise that a win from traditional right wing parties and a win from far right parties does NOT mean they will work together, the far right parties in most EU countries are mostly isolated from both sides.


The good thong about nationalists: they cant stand other people, even if they too are nationalists.


Fearmongering and disinformation have that effect. So does the concentration of wealth and resources (and the resulting insecurity experienced by hundreds of millions).


I always find it funny when poor people vote for right wing parties thinking they will solve all their financial problems. Canada is a pretty pathetic example right now, as they think a electing a far-right landlord as their prime minister will solve the housing crisis. People need to realize that no political party cares for them and flip flopping between "bad party" and "really bad party" is not enough to fix their countries problems.


Fuck Putin and his propaganda machine getting conservatives to vote against their own needs.


It's not Putin it's the mass migrants lowering quality of the life for the west that's turning people right. Look at Canada they are harsh right now


Not hardly. There is a concerted effort drive fear of migrants and migration against conservatives that fuels this.


It’s not an unreasonable position to think that current governments in Europe lack a rational immigration policy. That policy gap is driving votes.  Coincidentally, the condescension and vitriol involved in demonizing all of those voters as somehow bad faith actors or more susceptible to propaganda than the left is probably driving just as many votes as the lack of policy itself. 


Look, I understand Reddit has a certain leaning but it isn’t an actual sample size of reality - not even close. This place is full of people pulling their trapezius muscle patting themselves on the back so hard.


Putin has zero chance of keeping the UK on the right. All the money in the world couldn't change that, although Labour these days are far more central right than the left they used to be.


Hurdurrr I cAnT tHiNk fOr mYsElF aNd aM eAsiLy dEcEiVeD. Hurdurrrr I fAll fOr riGhT rInG pRoPaGaNdA Holy shit, how much of a pathetic knuckle dragger do you have to be to actually be convinced of voting for the wrong people ?