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Toronto has a large and well established jewish community. Many jews came over during the early 1900s to escape persecution or pogroms in europe. They're fully canadianized and so many people wouldn't even be able to tell jews apart from other canadians.


I mean I guess your heart's in the right place here... But they are not apart from other Canadians. The ones you're talking about are Canadians who also happen to be Jewish.


As a Non-Jewish Canadian who grew up in Toronto and went to a predominantly Jewish school (By coincidence, not design) Very much this. We have the fourth largest Jewish population in the world. They are Canadians who happen to be Jewish; and Canada + USA (The second largest Jewish population in the world) should never let a contrary notion exist. Jewish people aren't separate from us. They are a part of us. Always have been. >Send for Haym Salomon \~George Washington


This goes for any ethnicity really.


>This *can* go for any ethnicity, really. FTFY. The person still needs to embrace Canadian culture and values for this to be true.


But that isn’t a problem that’s inherent to an ethnicity though. However, I understand and agree with the sentiment (but change Canadian to American in my case)


I never said it was inherent to an ethnicity. If you don't embrace Canadian values and culture, I don't give a crap if you're black, white, brown, or purple, you can fuck right outta here.




lol what shit are you chatting? My best friend is an ethnically Pakistani Muslim and her family home is in a leafy suburb of London. Shes married to and has a kid with a mixed race polish indian. She’s a GP and her sister is an aeronautical engineer. Seems like integration to me


Many of my friends here in Toronto. Many of my colleagues are Jewish. I love my Jewish peeps. Jews need to up their deli game in toronto though. 


>Send for Haym Salomon >~George Washington The fact that I've never heard of this guy is a real disappointment (once again) in the US education system. Washington needed cash to finish the Revolution and this guy just goes out and produces the stuff on the spot. What a financial badass.


I think what they meant is that they're largely secular, so they aren't wearing the attire common to groups such as the Haredi Jews. It's true for the US as well. Not really sure what the relevance of this fact is. I suppose it's pointing this out to people who aren't familiar with Jews and presume that all of us wear religious clothing and speak Yiddish.


Im guessing the point was brought up because a common thing in antisemitism is making jews the other and making claims of how they are only loyal to themselves/Israel and are working against the nation they live in.


And we all happen to be human. Fuck tribes.


“Tell Jews apart from other Canadians”…. Interesting choice of words


Because it's worth pointing out that a lot of people have it in their mind that Jews are inherently different from some countries where they're located. "Other Canadians" confirms they are Canadians just as much as anyone else from the country.


> many people wouldn't even be able to tell jews apart from other canadians That sentence has some issues.


Fun fact: the Jewish mafia in Toronto was one of the largest supplier of weapons to Israel during the War of Arab Aggression in 1948. Turns out they were really good at smuggling things past the British.


Not just in Canada! There were Jewish pirates in Jamaica who smuggled stuff past the British there as well.


>They're fully canadianized and so many people wouldn't even be able to tell jews apart from other canadians. Can anyone tell me what does this mean? What does an average Canadian look like?


The OP may be making the assumption that most people in the world think all Jews are Hasidic/ ultra orthodox. If you live in an area with few or no Jews, you may think this. In reality, the majority of Jews in the US and Canada are reform, conservative, or modern orthodox. This means that most men do not wear kippahs except in a synagogue and most women dress do not dress modestly.


Many Jews are also just outright atheist or agnostic but still proudly Jewish culturally.


Most people I know personally who are Jewish are agnostic/atheist, but there's also a large ultra-conservative community near where I live, so you can see visually observant Jewish people, especially during Shabbat when people are coming or going from religious services.


That's me!


Me too, high five!


This point right here was the reason, when I was having a deep debate over reconnecting with my faith, if that wasn't a more appropriate avenue. I've got a ton of respect for the internal desire to debate meaning and intent at a cultural level, as opposed to more dogmatic "do as we say ignore what we do" stuff I've seen out of a lot of my local Christian institutions. Ended up staying where I was as comfortably agnostic, but that door is always there in my mind.


> What does an average Canadian look like? Sticky from maple syrup apparently. Source: am Canadian.


Riding casually on a moose and sipping maple syrup with a straw while apologizing


And missing a few teeth due to slap shots


Canadians covered in maple syrup is most Canadians' kink. Sticky and sweet.


That's what the strategic reserve is for!


That's their point, they're average citizens by and large not outwardly Jewish in their presentation or speech.


They're wearing full hockey gear and chugging Tim Hortons


[Found a group photo of some random Canadians on google.](https://preview.redd.it/tur5dobpkusa1.jpg?auto=webp&s=685563d07ab3180c0de1269b3c4828f30735eb86)


It’s a dumb comment. Also note the large Jewish immigration to Canada happened before Israel was even a country.


How dare those Jews colonize Canada!


And no one tore down any Canadian flags, chanted for death to Palestine or for global violence.


Most were also carrying Canadian flags, actually!


Whoa! You mean they actually love Canada and all the freedoms they have?! What monsters. They must be fascists.




Provoking Hamas isn’t hard to do.


Step one: dont be Muslim


Step two: be a woman


Complying with the Official Languages Act, I see.


Looks like some [masked Hamas supporters were arrested](https://x.com/neveragainlive1/status/1799934854089621657?s=42&t=1fhCfPtMZeDUF4uBAJMsCA) though.


"you guys are cowards" - the guy wearing a mask.


It’s so ridiculous. Those hamasniks are such garbage.


They really are the fucking worst.


With flags attached to 2x4s no less. Not looking for trouble at all.


reminds me of when i was leaving an airshow at Luke AFB back in march, there was a masked man with a palestinian flag and a smaller israeli flag but the israeli flag had a swastika in the star of david. how about you have some balls and show your face if you are going to spread hate


Nothing threatening about this at all right?


So happy to see this. Those protesters were scum scaring little children


Professional agitators. I wouldn't be surprised if they are paid by the SVR


Scumbags destroying canada


I've come to realise there's two conflicts going on. There's the conflict in Gaza and the political conflicts between protestors and the government/citizens occurring in western countries. The only thing in common between them is names.


Nah, I bet both have a lot of Russian/Iranian funding behind them.


you mean tiktok/social media algorithm brainwashing.


Why not both?


honestly i think they're the same thing, just being more specific. i'm pretty sure france had issues in new caledonia related to something similar. it's honestly insane seeing some of the content that gets shared because it gets lapped up


There are also the leftist or ‘progressive’ sub stackers that do a lot of damage with their stupidity.


Also a lot of shameless grifters like Norman Finkelstein who considers himself a scholar of the conflict but doesn't know Hebrew or Arabic and was pro Hamas on Oct 7th ("on this day I am euphoric")


Russia: "uh oh, this land grab in Europe isn't going as fast as we thought" Iran: "no problem friend, I know how to make the world think about something else" Hamas: "say no more" Civilians in Palestine: "please no not again"


Nah, these are stupid people. They don't really need to be bribed to do stupid things. Although as already stated, they are easily influenced by social media campaigns.


And those social media campaigns are being organized by…?


The conflict in Gaza is a confluence of every anti-western, anti-american, illiberal value that is attractive to the socialist/communist revolutionary which is why this particular Middle East conflict is so contentious with them. They can easily project their cancerous politics on it and filter it through their intersectional lens, unlike any of the other numerous bloody conflicts in the middle east, which is why you won't hear a peep out of them about Yemen, China's treatmen of the uighurs, Syria, or any of the other dozens of conflicts that are more deadly to civilians than the one in Gaza


This! If they can't frame it in a 'evil west vs the innocent rest' narrative they don't protest. This is also how the same group ended up supporting Mao, Stalin, Pol pot, Castro, Chavez and now Hamas. It seems they have trouble identifying who the baddie is.


Tankies, really.


I got banned from late stage capitalism for pointing outthe fallacies of communism in practice vs theoretical. Its not wrong to say dictators do dictatorial things which arent really good things. 


I'm surprised these people didn't protest in the streets in support of Al Qaeda after 9/11 to make the US withdraw from the Muslim world.


Because at that time, there were more people, who would beat them up and call them what they are: traitors.


social media also wasnt a thing so they couldnt convince themselves its the popular opinion at that time


Yeah it’s different when your country is the one that is attacked. It’s easier being a third party that hasn’t just been 10/7’d


They supported Pol Pot... Khmer Rouge... No wonder they are madly in love with HAMAS. Closet maniacs.


Spot on.


The latter is a PR war


You're right, but its not being prosecuted very well. All the pro-Palestine groups would need to do is gently remind us that people are dying in large numbers and that Palestinians are oppressed by Israel, don't they trust their own cause? Instead we get all sorts of bad behaviour and lies from them about their local government. It makes the conversation all about their behaviour, how you can't trust their claims and very little to do with the Gaza conflict.


> Palestinians are oppressed by Israe Are they, though? How? I can't think of any instances where Israel has been needlessly oppressive in the last few decades. Palestine wouldn't have had import restrictions etc if they hadn't gone on a terror campaign when Israel withdrew in 2005


In the context of PR wars mostly what I was talking about. Don't obviously lie to people, they won't listen the second time.


This is actually quite astute. It's like northern irish soccer riots, where team colours are only a proxy.


this is a yearly march. its not a protest. it was much bigger this year and getting more attention because of the hamas protestors. they are always peaceful and its usually not a story. its scheduled and planned in advance. they get approval for it. they probably had extra police security to protect them from the crazies.


I mean, not here. I remember some crazy shit at UCLA a few weeks back...


Sounds like respectability politics, which is a bad thing because progressive parts of internet declared it to be bad. /s


How dare people be better than me!!!


Poor people acting like the worst of the lower class in English speaking countries is simply the natural behavior of impoverished people. It is people that disagree with this statement that actually hate poor people. /s


We can see their faces! I guess they don’t feel the need to hide their identity


I was there, it was great!


>no one tore down any Canadian flags Don't they know Western culture is inherently evil and oppressive?!




Notice how nobody is destroying anything?


“Riots are the voice of the unheard” mob won’t like this


To be completely fair, material and political support of Israel is not a repressed voice in this country, it’s the MO of most of our political parties


What? Didn't MLK say that?


Israel is pretty well heard, so not seeing the contradiction.


Also the lack of vandalism


So happy to see as a Canadian!!


Love to see it


As a member of the Jewish community of Toronto who was unable to attend the rally. I was so happy to hear everything was good and the Jewish community just needs so much more good news after an elementary school was shot at a couple weeks ago.


Is anyone there destroying Holocaust memorials?




No, just a couple shootings at Jewish elementary schools. Fortunately no children were hurt.


How many people normally show up for the annual walk, does anyone know? I didn’t see it mentioned in the article.


Last year was 20,000


I feel like a normal year has like 10-20k


I wish I could find a published source that mentions it. Making the amount of people the whole story, but not including an average attendance for an annual event, seems like a gross journalistic oversight.


30 seconds of googling found me this https://search.ontariojewisharchives.org/Permalink/descriptions9594. And I remember last year 10k people about were there but that’s hersey. Covid did a whammy to the walk and personally I think they’re not half as good at advertising to their core demo of 7 year olds then they used to be.


I googled “walk with Israel average attendance” and nothing of substance came up- but that you. If you happen to have already found an roundabout number that’s documented in these archives, feel free to share. Otherwise maybe poking around will provide an answer that journalists seem to have neglected. EDIT: Context


The link was to the archives for the 2005 year. It said “Close to fifteen thousand people, including eight-hundred volunteers, turned out for the event on Sunday, 29 May”. I was there and that feels about right, magnitude wise.


I attended last year. There were 20k, and that was probably the highest I had ever seen it but not sure. 50k was absolutely smashing the record.


Well that’s quite a bump, to say the least.


nice to see the other side represented for once


Well done Canada. We could use some of this here in the US! 🇨🇦❤️


I'm proud of my city for doing this


I was there it was great! Am Yisrael Chai!


Thank you for going, I wish I was there. Am Yisrael Chai


Solidarity brother, sister, or non-binary sibling. Am Yisrael Chai.




This was an unbelievable day! Such pride and happiness felt 🇮🇱🩵. Police were phenomenal!


It was the best time 🩷🩷🩷


A political demonstration without violence, so rare.


Thank you, Canada!


Civil and peaceful support. That's how it should be.


Love to see it 🇨🇦❤️🇮🇱


Well done Canada!




If you went to this thanks from the bottom of my heart


Canada putting us (The US) to shame again with having actual peaceful protests.


It’s not a protest, the event is an annual fundraiser for different organizations in Israel.


not a protest, a fundraiser that’s been occurring for 55+ years


The US is still arming Israel. Canada is having peaceful protests. If Israel could only have one, I wonder which they would choose?


The one that protects them from their murderous neighbours, clearly. But if they could choose to only *need* one of the two, it would be this peaceful march.


Canadian arms manufacturers have deals with Israel too.


Lol, dumb ass logic. Protests often attract violent agitator. Just because someone is at a Protest, doesn't mean they represent it. What the people who organized intend is more relevant than what people do in the heat of the moment. Peaceful protests happen all the fucking time in America. Just have morons getting violent and the news paints the whole protest as it was one massive fight club. That's stupid as fuck. So what if Target got wrecked? That wasn't part of the protest, just asshole criminals using the protest for cover. Then we have riots like Jan 6th, that was never a protest and quite violent from the start. That was a perfect example of a non peaceful protest.


It's up to protest movement leaders to distance their cause from violent elements that might appear from within, and make it clear that they're not representative of the protest. Otherwise it's seen as endorsement and discredits the entire cause.


That's right. the very first pro-Pal protest in my area, the demo leaders made a point of informing the newspaper that they supported Hamas because Hamas was fighting for its country. Classy.




Let’s gooo!





