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>**The crew of a ship attacked by Yemen’s Houthi rebels have been airlifted to safety.** >The U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) said that sailors on board the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group managed to evacuate the crew on Saturday, but added that one civilian sailor is still missing. >The Greek-owned bulk carrier M/V Tutor was attacked in the Red Sea by the Iran-aligned group on June 12 who targeted it with missiles. >They claimed that the attack, which left the ship unable to maneuver after it caused flooding and damage to the engine room, was part of the group’s campaign in support of Palestine to target ships bound for Israel. >According to the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations the abandoned vessel is now adrift in the Red Sea. >Source: Reuters


It's long past time for an international coalition to go full scorched earth on the Houthis military capabilities.


Youve been waving an 8 year long proxy war on them that has resulted in a million deaths. What exactly do you mean by scorched earth?


Fuk yeah USA! USA!


And once again the world coddles the Hostis Humani Generis.


Why must the American government system continue negotiating with terrorist. Appeasement DOES NOT WORK, Hitler is the perfect example. And here we continue to appease to “avoid war” well guess what, allowing the cancer to grow and spread is far worse. It’s not just about these militants growing in numbers and boldness, they’ve done worse, they’ve embedded themselves into our societies on our campuses and very very much threaten our domestic security and safety because they are here. It’s not fear mongering, to deny these threats is to consciously choose to be blind. International law is so nonsensical it quite literally allows for the breeding of terrorism. Belligerent governments are allowed to start wars and then when they loose become so unruly and violent that they force the occupiers to exert violence and then blame the occupiers ( who mind you, are not choosing to be in war but defending themselves) for the death of their civilians. There is no fear of aiding and abetting terrorism, there is condemnation by the moral police when governments are tough on terrorism, international law quite literally protects terrorist and politicians care more about their re-elections than the actual damage allowing this bs to spread causes. It’s absolutely mind boggling. More people will suffer, innocent people who do NOT believe or want this will now be dragged into it and the goals of the terrorist, which is global chaos will ensue. And yes my solution is to destroy these people, yes their civilians will die. It’s tragic but a choice their government has made repeatedly and habitually. Innocents always suffer, but the cost of trying to contain this is literal global chaos and years more of unnecessary murders. These people don’t want peace they want control, power, and for everyone to be like them. Why do we shame ourselves on moral conduct? Because allowing these governments to continue existing is shackling their civilians to decades of suffering, put them out of their misery so they can rebuild and have a future that’s worth living, so their shot at survival is bright and that they will know peace. We are cowards, who are politicking, it’s shameful, we know how to end this shit but choose to play mental gymnastics with morality


Part of the problem is rebuilding is the hard part. Afghanistan is worse than it ever was despite our years of occupation


Dude your army already tried bombing a bunch of sites in Yemen to stop this and it didn't work. Are you volunteering to be part of the ground invasion you want?


They need to move on from bombing radars and start targeting the leadership.


Why wouldn't they already be doing that?


Election year politics


Low intensity strikes are not the same as bombing everything they can find for months, as we’ve done previously to other uppity nations.


Correct me if I'm wrong but in pretty sure they were targeting anything they could find just recently. If you want better Intel you are going to need boots on the ground. So as I asked the previous poster, are you volunteering to be those boots?


This gotcha is so fucking stupid. The US has a professional army of volunteers. When they sign up they are doing so with the understanding that they may be sent to war, even a war they don’t agree with, as they serve at the discretion of the Commander in Chief. If they don’t want to be sent to war and are worried about following deployment orders they may not agree with, they shouldn’t join the *pause* MILITARY. So an American citizen has an opinion on foreign policy and your gotcha is “why don’t you suit up and go.” So idiotic. It’s like me saying we should take better care of the homeless and you respond with “WELL WHY DONT YOU OPEN A SOUP KITCHEN?!” I say this with reverence to those who serve. I’ve had family and close friends that do. It’s an honorable career path filled with generally good people. And I would not be cut out for it. SO I WOULDN’T SIGN UP TO BE IN THE MILITARY.


You've written all that without thinking through all the implications of the point your are supporting. Your country is finally out of two countries that have sucked the finances of you and your countrymen and cost hundred of thousands of lives. They have destabilized whole regions, led to the creation of ISIS and left a power vacume that empowered the very country that is supporting the Houthis. And after all that you want to support someone's hot take that third time's the charm and you could totally get it right this time? Even if your for a "glassing" of the country (whatever that means) as some other posters have called for and have no intention of staying to guide and rebuild; you would still create a massive amount of refugees and instability. Yeah it sucks that your commercial shipping will have to take the long route and prices will increase but your country won't be sinking 10-20 billion and who knows how many lives playing whack -a-mole in another third world country were the locals all hate you. You should be a better friend and family member by not being so quick to have them do bullshit conflicts.


Oh, get off your high horse and actually read my comment. Never did I say I support military intervention in Yemen, the Red Sea, or anywhere for that matter. Please point out where I said we should invade any country? Did you read my comment? The US is not poor. The wars did not suck our finances dry. There is plenty of money to go around, it’s all a political choice. Spare time the doomer outrage. Yes, the wars did destabilize the region. Alongside, the Iranians supporting their proxies, Saddam invading his neighbors and gasing civilians, alongside Assad doing his best impression of a shithead dictator, and on and on. I won’t defend the Iraq War, but I won’t sit here in naïveté and act like the region was some bastion of stability and peace until big bad America showed up. Please also take some time to look at a map and read up on what the container traffic through the Red Sea is and where it goes. It’s primarily Asia to Europe supply chains, not the US. And costs have gone up ~500%. This is not a US problem, it’s a global one. With Europe, Asia, and many middle eastern nations getting impacted. Since you’ve made me waste my time and completely deviate from my original point because you have poor reading comprehension: using the “why don’t you go then” rebuttal is stupid and hollow and it gets parroted everywhere. That’s all I was trying to convey. And you’ve proven my point that the people that use it are generally making shallow and reactionary arguments in bad faith. And lastly, you don’t need to tell me about my country. I live here and am well aware of the last 2+ decades of history in the Middle East vis-a-vi American involvement. I’m well aware of the lives lost and blood spilled. Oh and thanks for your concern about my family. I’ll be sure to tell them the enlightened Canadian is so caring of their well being. And to highlight that I don’t care about them and want to send them to die. Really spot on.


Dude, unless me saying they should have some skin in the game before gracing us with their hot takes on foreign policy really irked you that much by itself, you are defending their point. This is further proven when in your reply so stop trying for internet points if you want to have a discussion and try to argue in good faith here. As to your points: -America is still the number one economy yes but are you sure you want to argue the 8 trillion spent on the war on terror would not have been much BETTER for your own infrastructure, education or healthcare? That's not even factoring in the damage your country's image took after forcing the second Iraq war on false grounds. -Your second point about Iran is true but is comes across as you expecting other countries to not take advantage of the mistakes America makes. It doesn't matter if someone's house is going to be destroyed by a hurricane the next day if you light it on fire today. You would be just as responsible as America is for creating the mess. -Yes I know it's mainly European and Asian traffic being hit. Not sure what your point is as you mention it being a global problem which it is. As European and Asian companies pass on the costs we will pay more in North America. This will eventually be mitigated by offshore assets running convoys or the war ending but still better then another quagmire. - Not sure where the bad faith jab is coming from other then lazy writing as is the reading comprehension quip. Do you seriously think the only option to this is getting embroiled in another war?


Jesus man. Read. I’m saying that he can have whatever damn opinion he pleases. Responding with “we’ll go volunteer yourself then” is reductive and idiotic. As if you can only have an opinion on something if you have skin in the game. That’s not how the world works. You just want to go on an anti war rant to feel superior and I’m not even advocating for war. I’m not going to re-litigate history or go point by point with you.


I didn't say he couldn't but was using that to try to get people to trigger their empathy for a second to realize what they are actually advocating for. As well you not wanting to go point for point only after me responding to each of your points is funny when you accused me of arguing in bad faith. I went into this with low expectations and you still managed to come below them. Reply if you need the last word but until you actually manage to put something substantive on the table don't expect further replies.


The problem is is that we would have better Intel if things weren't so fucked up with Israel and hamas. Jordan, Israel and Egypt were our best sources of Intel (in that order) in that part of the Middle East. Jordan was one of our best sources of quality Intel post 9/11 but not in the last couple years and Israel isn't playing nice these days with us. Netanyahu is playing politics with Intel sharing and the US so sooner or later we're going to have to escalate. I would if I could but I'm a little too old to be boots on the ground these days.


Why wouldn't Israel share their Intel if it's on Yemen? The Houthis are causing pressure on them by jeopardizing shipping and it seems like an easy way to garner goodwill and offset their horrible optics.


Unfortunately, they are limiting strikes to erected launchers. I’m advocating for glassing the country.


Indiscriminate killing *was* acceptable in previous conflicts. In the current climate and in some areas of the world, all you need to turn passive aggression into *active* aggression is through the killing any civilians. In that particular part of the world, they chant USA for a different reason.


I would also consider myself a bit of a passive aggressive person. I’m passively advocating that we bomb anyone who has smelled the body odor of someone who has been in the same room as an Iranian weapon system.




It’s not about the quality of the weapons that matter.. it’s the quality of the army overall. Saudi Arabia took Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Qatar, Bahrain and the UAE to bomb Houthi targets and to support Hadi led government. During the campaign Saudi Arabia lost faith in Qatar and imposed sanctions on them, Egypt limited their support as they were fighting their own insurgency in Sinai. Bahrain really doesn’t have an armed force. Jordan focused on their own northern border with Syria. Saudi main land started getting hit from Popular mobilization forces from Iraq. The recognized Hadi led government in Yemen broke into factions between his loyalist and a newly formed faction known as the southern transitional council which the UAE begin to bolster up and support. On the ground the Saudi coalition best attack was hitting a funeral where senior Houthis were in attendance but like all other attacks mostly innocent civilians died. This boosted Houthi support but no one actually weakened Houthis. Houthis biggest blow was losing Saleh as an ally but they assassinated him the next day lol.


Time to re-activate the USS Missouri! (with all the toys of a Burke-class destroyer but x3) loll


New Jersey just got drydocked, might as well reactivate her and throw her back in for it!


Maybe they might declassify a few so we can see it on r/conbatfootage


I love the stark difference between certain nations on the flow of information like this. Nation A: "maybe they might declassify it" Nation B: "New drone decapitation just dropped"


Those crew members should feel ashamed, if it was me I’d prefer not to be rescued by the evil empire. Luffy and his sandal wearing pirate buddy’s are the good guys, stopping genocides and all.


Ironically, Luffy is anti-slavery, while the Houthis are pro-slavery. Make it make sense.


Slavery is actually good…because, you know…America bad. Also I can’t believe people took my above comment seriously, come on guys LOOOOOOL


It’s not that people took it seriously, it just wasn’t funny lol


Ouch me ego


Gotta put a /s bro


Hamasabi and his ilk in shambles.


Someone gets it

