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I thought South Africa was a peacemaker?


South africa just hates the west and are in to deep in chinese money, probably russian too. More disappointed in Brazil (lot of volunteers in Ukraine!) and Thailand.


>More disappointed in Brazil (lot of volunteers in Ukraine!) and Thailand. It's sad that Brazil went from a far right extreme to a far left extreme. If Brazil really cares about the loss of innocent lives like they claim they are in the Palestine war, then they would denounce Russia too. But it looks like they only care about Russia's oil money.


Unfortunately not, Brazil's economy depends a lot on commodity exports and one of the main inputs is KCl, which it buys heavily from both Russia and Ukraine. It would be absolutely awesome if there was no conflict but Brazil can't really afford not to buy from both of them. The oil money doesn't matter as much as it does in other economies. Regarding the far right and far left extremes, that's just for show; the politicians themselves always follow the money


Brazil could actively support Ukraine that wouldn't stop russia to sell their fertilizer. They are desperate for cash. Russia would still sell oil and gas to europe if they weren't under sanctions US and Europe are by far the first export market for Brazil which is way more important than this relationship. If things go sour with the US it could spell economic catastrophe for the country It's a purely political move. Left or right both ends of the political spectrum support fascism and russia is the international sponsor of all these wanna be dictators


No, 1st export market for Brazil is China, then US, then Argentina. EU is a closed market for Brazil.


Why should the EU be a closed market for brazil? "In 2022, Brazil’s main export partners were China (26.8%), the United States (11.4%), Argentina (4.6%), the Netherlands (3.6%), Spain (2.9%); whereas imports came chiefly from China (23.2%), the United States (18.6%), Argentina (4.7%), Germany (4.6%), India (3.3% - data Comtrade)." [https://santandertrade.com/en/portal/analyse-markets/brazil/foreign-trade-in-figures#:\~:text=Brazil%20mainly%20exports%20petroleum%20oils,and%20petroleum%20gas%20and%20other](https://santandertrade.com/en/portal/analyse-markets/brazil/foreign-trade-in-figures#:~:text=Brazil%20mainly%20exports%20petroleum%20oils,and%20petroleum%20gas%20and%20other)


*The EU is Brazil's leading trade partner and represented 18.3% of Brazil's total trade in 2018. I*f you add the US, EU and UK that's the first trading partner


Too bad we are in 2024


You got it wrong by 6 years only buddy


Politicians are traitors but the right wing never claimed to be on our side to begin with. They're just enemies.


Brazil is under a lot of Russian propaganda and influence right now. There is plenty of warning by the US government about that. Some very large YouTubers are definitely bought and part of a Russian sponsored network active in many countries. /r/brasil is really Supportive of Russia too. It is a shame Small edit to add source: https://www.state.gov/gec-special-report-exporting-pro-kremlin-disinformation-the-case-of-nova-resistencia-in-brazil/


Welcome to earth. Nobody talks bad about their strategic allies. We do it too. Everyone does. Just gotta move on and accept the norm.


I don´t think it is correct to say that brazil´s current government is far left. The current president was far more leftist in his younger years, but know he cooperates alot with center parties, and a lot of the governors and such are right leaning.


Lol the current Brazilian government is not far left. It's a center-right masquerading as center-left. There's no one in the federal government even near being far left. All the key figures and policies are centrists with a penchant to the right 


Not far left at all. The far left in Brazil would implement Communism and cut all ties with capitalist countries. Lula has been center-left for ages.  He engages in lots of social programs to reduce income inequality and although this is seen as a "socialist" thing it was created by USA's Republicans in the 60's when they realized that wild capitalism was unstable without social programs to reduce income inequality. Nowadays the right has shifted way more to the right than it used to be.


Brazil cannot take sides. This neutrality is in its constitution.


We're talking about a summit that's literally hosted by Switzerland. This has nothing to do with taking sides in the war itself, you can be neutral and still oppose things like weaponization of global food security or abductions of civilians.


Sounds like they should've signed onto the peace declaration then? 


They're too busy counting bribes to care about the west


You've hit the nail on the head bro. I'm south african


The current South African government is insanely corrupt. They’re bought and paid for by Russia and China.


At least the ANC only got 40% of the national vote and had to go in coalition with opposition who are more western friendly. So hopefully we are going to see some changes now..


But arent like 20% basically offshoots of ANC but even more radical?


One is an offshoot led by extremely corrupt former president Zuma. The other are full on anti west black nationalist communists


At least they are not part of the coalition


iranian money, too, as in the massive bribe they got to file that garbage genocide case with the ICJ


If it was garbage why didn't the ICJ throw it out? Or are they on Russian paychecks as well?


Thailand needs Russians tourists right now due to the lack of Chinese tourists


Thailand is aggressively neutral when it comes to conflict and has welcomed a lot of Russians and Ukrainians fleeing the war


Thailand lives off Russian tourists. Chinese too. Of course they will toe the line.


Thailand is full of ruZZa pricks either hiding from conscription or holiday. Seen loads of old couple with young children probably adopted 🤔 didn't think at the time but the more I read on here I bet there adopted. I bet there are some properganda TV stars there ripe for picking if you new were to look.


Idk if you see an old white man in Thailand they are there for sex tourism, very unlikely to be anything else.


Thailand loving the Russian tourism money


Yeah, Thailand has an open visa to Russians which find weird, it’s created Russian mafia enclaves in Phuket … I cant find the connection between Russian and thailand


Only about money and want to has 'independence foreign policy' (very poorly).


Oh no!!! Why would they hate the West? The West worked so hard to support the apartheid government. Surely South Africa should be thankful for that? Heck, we even placed Nelson Mandela on the terrorist watch list until 2008!! God, these South Africans are so ungrateful.


Weren't western sanctions ultimately responsible for ending Apartheid? Without western sanctions there could still be Apartheid today. BRICS members like Russia, Brazil, China never sanctioned Apartheid. Western countries like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan and Europe did.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa%E2%80%93Soviet_Union_relations?wprov=sfti1# https://qz.com/africa/1449906/china-soviets-backed-both-south-africa-apartheid-and-liberation


> Despite the widely reported Soviet support for the ANC and otherwise liberation movements, the Soviet Union also engaged in some trade with South Africa during the apartheid era, mostly involving arms and some mineral resources. Also the Western countries were much more economically important, so sanctions from them hurt much more and had a much bigger effect. If the Apartheid government had full trade with the West, even without Russia and China they would have been economically fine.


They did. The support from several western nations is even on display in apartheid museums in SA, and was instrumental in getting rid of apartheid. De Klerk and Mandela were even awarded the Nobel peace price for their joint effort to abolish it in a manner that ensured peaceful co-existence (however, they could not foresee the problems that would evolve later on and that we see in todays SA). Saladin just shows he don’t know what he his talking about and prob just hates the west as much as Putin.


It's not brazil, it's the current government. Polls did show that around 80% of brazil population were pro-Ukraine. We also have a lot of Ukranian colonies here that were established some decades ago. But the current government doesn't care much about public opinion anymore.


The ANC can't even handle its own power grid or keep proper accounting.


Palestinians also didn’t show up (Israel did) which tells you all we need to know about peaceful intentions


When did Palestinians ever chose peace over war


Truth is if they laid down their arms and just got on with the business of governing they would have had a state already.


They could've been a state for 75+ years by now. Nobody stood in their way. 


But that isn't what they want. They want the entire former Mandate of Palestine as their own single Arab state. Until they conquer it all, or relinquish this illegal, immoral claim, they will reject peace, as they have so many times before.


There was a time a possible ceasefire could have happened ... Then they got assassinated.


Palestine isn't a country. They can't send anyone because they aren't allowed to have diplomacy of their own.


I guess you missed the news where multiple countries including mine recognised them recently They could have went and maybe even made progress in back rooms about own war But no


Recognize whatever you want, they're still an Israeli province for all it matters until the two-state solution actually kicks in.


Step 1: Don't get invited to attend Step 2: Get blamed for not attending?..


Jokes aside Isreal is Russia in Palestine, sure different objectives but two wrongs dont make a right.


The other way around.  Israel is Ukraine if it was allowed to fight back as a superior force. Palestinians have had numerous chances to end the conflict over dozens of years and each time it ends with Palestinians murdering people.


They aren't comparable situations.


True, Russia would need to kill 10x more Ukrainians before they're on the level of what Israel is doing to Palestinians 


And if Israel was taking Gazan children and adopting them out to Israeli families it'd be like what Russia's doing. They aren't the same war.


This is unhinged.


Money is their peacemaker


Just heads up, we currently had an election, with main party who is somewhat a Russian puppet, and opposition party who is more pro western, go in a coalition, the stance may change on our foreign policy on the Ukraine war, since the main opposition party members are maybe going to be arrested for corruption charges. (State capture) it is just currently, it will take time, at best give it about 2-3 months. It is only the ANC who advocates for human rights, ignores, but ingore the human right violation.


At this point they are more of a piss taker ,which is a shame for a country like that.


South Africa has zero credibility


BRICS is not taken seriously at all in the west, to the point that we are genuinely surprised when it's members take it seriously.


And that is why barely 40% of the worlds nations signed this statement .. because the West has its collective heads so far up their own arse to acknowledge they exist.


Yeah I thought the US was too! 


All the BRICS are scared of Mr. Poostain! They take turns shining his shoes!


Why did Mexico not support it? They seem like an outlier to me.


The current president is big on non-intervention even though he's meddled in south American affairs, not sure if that's the actual reason.


Has their new president taken office yet?


Nope, till October I think .


Regardless, the new administration is basically a continuation of the current one. Dark shit is going down in Mexico rn.


You live over here buddy? “Dark shit” get out of here with your big buzz words.


Yeah I do, we just underwent our most violent elections while having historic murder and disappearance rates. It is well known that our government is deep in bed with cartels and we continue descending into economic crisis, and to top it all off we are now doomed to 6 more years of the same govt so yes, dark shit is appropriate.


There are more [Russian spies](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-mexico-caribbean-united-states-europe-7a3d171b476cc5d1883eb216f7e9e59e) in Mexico than anywhere else in the world.


*sad Austrian noises*


Mexico is one of the biggest latino exporters right now so I think they dont want a position that could affect their trades Edit: Mexico is THE biggest exporter south of the US, they export to China a lot and I presume other countries meddled (on top of Europe and US also) They dont want a stance cause they have a unique position currently and cant ruin it


Yup I figured as much, rock and a hard place, my country doesn't want to rock the boat too much given it's not a superpower.


They took the shocking stance of believing you cannot have a peace conference without both combatants. I know, shocking.


México is not part of BRICS.


Time for a 30% tax on outsourcing IT work to a brics country


Who the hell would outsource to a Brics country!?  Talk about endangering your critical IT resources! (Shiiiit,  forgot India is on that list)


The I in BRICS stands for “I don’t knooooooww, who would *possibly* consider outsourcing to a BRICS counnnntry?”


Every outsourced project or team to India turns into a shit show. It baffles me that it's still so prevalent... I've seen millions of dollars in billable hours from slipped timelines and people just get deeper and deeper in hopes that the project will deliver results. Like a gambler who thinks they can win their money back.




I agree this needs to get more attention.


It doesn't have to, just the team doing the outsourcing are trying to deliver the most cost saving so pick the absolute cheapest option at every point and as a result get the shittest service.


That would pull some jobs back home. 


India is sleeping right now. That's why you're getting up voted . Get ready for the India defense Brigade getting up soon. Most companies I worked for learned their lesson quickly. They don't outsource to India anymore. Millions upon millions of fake degrees. Individuals who always say "Yes, dear, I can do it" but then deliver incomplete or just bad deliverables. Of course there are also brilliant folks out there but many have already moved to the US. For every brilliant Indian software engineer, there are a thousand who can't even spell requirements document.


Greetings from the Indian Defense Brigade! (/s) Having worked both in western and Indian markets as a consultant, your observations are not very far off from ground reality. But from a managers perspective, cheap labour is always preferable especially in this era of cost consciousness amongst firms. The magnification factor of costs b/w outsourcing projects to Indians and hiring local talent in the west is in order of 50-100x. And by definition, a company must strive to increase shareholder profits- and hence at times like these when revenue is NOT the key driver of profits, cost cutting is the only controllable factor. Outsourcing becomes a natural alternative in this case, esp so when you consider the minimum wage requirements, minimal overseeing and management and tax laws in the US. Imagine it being so even with the visa/immigration/relocation costs involved with hiring talent from abroad! I should clarify, I’m an Indian Product Manager and have observed the IT/Management consulting job market very closely- both at home and abroad. The difference in quality of education and industry applicable skills imparted is quite evident but at the end of the day, not every company keeps up with the asking price of most developers/consultants from their own country. Most consultancies here in India have B2B deals with major FI companies and tend to clientele exclusively from abroad- and they have had long standing relationships with them spanning decades now- which makes me curious about the quality assurance aspect of your argument. But FII investment has been at a steady decline for a few cycles, going at 11 year lows recently. So you might be on to something here.


Shouldn’t be mass-outsourcing work regardless of if they can do it well or not. Basic protectionism and incentivizing hiring Americans is not a bad thing.


I agree. Outsourcing should be minimal. Western countries should have laws stopping corporations from selling & making profit from western consumers but then outsourcing the worj to countries like India. Especially since countries like India offer minimal (or zero) work in western countries.


So shoot ourselves in both feet? Charge our companies more and our consumers. Brilliant man... Brilliant.


lol @ thinking companies outsource for consumers benefit.


Exactly. He's basically saying, "won't somebody think of the billionaire corporations? "


Outsourced IT is almost universally awful unless it’s a local MSP that has to survive by taking care of a smaller customer base. I have VERY few good experiences working with overseas IT outsourcing in general because there’s always a lack of attention to customer needs and more a focus on productivity.


I have doing it for 22 years with about 25 different companies including traveling offshore a lot in the beginning. I can honestly say it costs a lot more then companies think and has been the down fall of several.


My company talking about concentration risk now with outsourced services to India cuz of the general vibe over there. Yeah, no shit, country risk, which you knew about ahead of time.


In-house IT is expensive, but they are 100% invested in keeping things running smoothly since they don’t want to take 2am calls to fix stuff instead of sleeping. (I say this as a lifelong technical engineer/networking guy)


Here here.


Meh, brings some jobs home.


I thought lula wanted peace it's almost as if he was lying and he is just a russian puppet promoting russian interests.


Bolsonaro would be no different.


That is true still important to point out lula is a piece of trash.


Bolsonaro is also a piece of trash.


or Maybe Lula realizes there wont be peace when both sides are demanding the complete capitulation of the other before negotiating can begin.


hahahahaha he is still pushing peace on russian terms the same way has been doing it for years stop lying to yourself.


Brazil uses vast amounts of chemical fertilizer. Russia and India are among the world’s biggest chemical fertilizer supplier countries. They are not messing with their supplier and will do what they need to, to keep their suppliers happy.


Thanks for enabling genocide in Europe you guys!


Sure, anytime!


Lol what


We were all expecting this. Despite all the puffery, BRICS is still a nothing-burger as a currency counterbalance to the Dollar-Euro-Yen powerhouse. Most of the BRICS member states still owe World Bank loans (that the US finances).


You do realize the biggest ‘broke’ in the world is US by your definition. You are basically saying China and Japan fund US. It’s important to distinguish between countries that have deficit because of development work but also have a strong economy to sustain it. Except for Russia, all of BRICS is not in any threat of going under. Geopolitics isn’t about morality, it’s about benefits for your country. Morality is a luxury that sometimes aligns with your goals. Then you drum that shit-up like you are the epitome of what is holy in this world. I think Russia is really banking on US election (Trump win) to have their cake and eat it. US support withdrawal will be detrimental for Ukraine and best case scenario would then be redraw borders based on current control.


A lot of the currencies in BRICS are not even fully convertible. Looking at India and China. The dollar is strong because it has a consistent 200+ year history of stability. What BRICS member can claim that? All those countries also auction treasury bills. Those are very different from World Bank loans.


>You do realize the biggest ‘broke’ in the world is US by your definition. You are basically saying China and Japan fund US. I think Milton Friedman said something on the lines of -> is not great to get tangible goods (think cars, tv's and such) all while giving other some colorful paper you print. USA finances are unique, and you can not measure it by applying same rules as for other countries. The basic idea goes something like this -> you sell to USA, you get dollars, you reinvest some of dollars back to USA via stocks and what not (directly or other do it indirectly once you buy goods for them). All that profit has to be "parked" somewhere and it just so happens USA is the best parking spot. It when used the "returned dollars" for reinvestment and what not. Which when means that you have to buy high tech from USA if you want to do something fancy (it is an exaggeration, but you get the point) Its a crazy flywheel, which gives USA uber advantage. Nothing, not even EU comes close to this. China even more so, as nobody want to hold their currency enlarge for long periods. The only other country which is doing something similar on way smaller scale would be Swizerland. It is a way smaller parking spot, but its also a way smaller country. End even when it happens more via direct purchase of Swiz franc rather when via investments and stocks.


I get why US can run huge debt percent of GDP and even over for a long time. My reply was towards the guy saying because countries borrowed from world bank they don’t have a sustainable economy. My second paragraph mentions the importance to distinguish between debt economy which is sustained vs countries that struggle to pay. US’s deficit is safe until people have confidence in their economy. Most of the debt is held by Americans including the government, so it’s safe from foreign bulk selling of US bonds. China was never considered as a replacement for US. Even business don’t trust them forget governments. EU looked the most promising amongst all but they are not really united in terms of economic policy compared to US. India has neither the purchasing power of US nor the export dominance of China to make its currency stable and attractive.


The fact that the US borrows money doesn't mean it's broke. If it was broke, nobody would want to lend the US money. People lend money to the US because they know they're going to get it back with interest and there is an extremely low risk of default.


Are you under the impression I called US broke? I swear there were quotes and words making it clear that would be what the comment or I replied to would imply.


No, that's not what it would imply. That's my point. You called the US broke. You used that word. Not the person you are responding to. You said it. It's right there in your comment, and it's incorrect.


Because Risking Internationalism Could Sabotage Basic Revenue Income Creating Systemic Breakdown Relations In Countries Say BRICS




A ripe opportunity for Russia to pin the war on their allies


Vietnam? Afghanistan? EDIT: Ha. u/nohopenolifejustpain blocked me. Guess he's got nothing to say to defend his country


Indipendent, aren't they? With their full territory, aren't they?


That's because you lost. Ukraine too would be independent after Russia loses the war.


Well we have our teams for ww3


How is it not obvious that G7 (or whatever number of countries are allowed to the party, now) nations totally missed their chance of accruing enough influence among the non-Russia segment of the BRICS members? They gambled on exclusion being a greater inducement to eventual compliance than inclusion. They failed to sweeten the deal. It's the same with China's grip on Africa. The West failed to invest and neglected almost the whole continent.


BRICS is a total joke lol India and China have an ongoing border dispute and do not get along.  South Africa can barely keep the lights on.  Brazil is doing okayish.  Russia is… Russia. This is just individual countries deciding to act in what they perceive as their self-interest.  India in particular has always done so since it led the Non-Aligned movement during the Cold War.   > It's the same with China's grip on Africa. The West failed to invest and neglected almost the whole continent. Bullshit.  The West invested plenty.   What actually happened is that Western countries began to demand slight improvements on corruption and human rights.  China swooped in ready to deal with corrupt governments ready to line their pockets with state debt, selling their people down the river in the process.  These countries are absolutely fucked.


Russia, is Russia, and is going to economically struggle, despite the outcome of the war. They do not have a diverse economy that can support rebuilding efforts in Ukraine.


Yea there’s just too much to say about how fucked Russia is long term so I just left it as “Russia is Russia” lol


Once mighty Russia now has a GDP per capita comparable to once backwards Mexico. Two ships passing by in the sea.


Brazil do have their problems. They have some of the highest crime rates in the world and they traffick a crap ton of narcotics from countries like Colombia.


You seem to neglect to mention that the root of the corruption and the corrupt power sucking on those countries like a vampire are Western corporations. Corporations that we subsidize, enable and support even when they're running a bunch of wannabe pol pot farms. Child slaves in ghana sell for 60 bucks and that's where nestles subcontractors are.  Those countries have been brutally exploited and ignored minus the help their dictators get to "stabalize" the meat grinders. It's fucked. I don't blame them for taking a different deal. Even if it's terrible at least its a change of pace.


The BRICs is not an actual united bloc, it's merely a term coined by an article from The Economist and they decided to jump on it and surf the wave while it makes sense to. Nothing is ever done that is not in the self interest of themselves, there is no sense of collaboration or cooperation


It's not a coincidence that the BRICS countries themselves have no or few actual true allies, not even each other. They're all loners that will 100% of the time choose short term self interest regardless of the mid or long term cost. They don't do "allies" they have temporary partnerships at best.


Cuz they know how quickly the tables can turn. India went from Nixon sending an aircraft carrier to threaten it to back off during the 1971 War to today being in the Quad alliance, being a close defense partner and conducting joint exercises.


Ain't very easy to build trust when merely 80 years ago CIA organized coups that set military dictators in many countries, including Brazil. The "allies" are also acting in self interest, in fact it was the same centuries ago during independence war in the USA; the minute it started becoming interesting for England to become allies instead of enemies they started investing instead of fighting. It wasn't out of love of the American people, it was a methodical decision. Regarding the short term'ness of their choices, it's a consequence of a severe lack of infrastructure and the overall state of their lives. When people are actually poor it makes very little sense trying to convince them to pursue education, they don't have a house yet. For the real basic stuff, Maslow is still very accurate. This behavior ends up educating the population towards catching the ball that's falling first and the politicians are merely representatives of the population


It's a wise decision for them tbf. Like if you were India would you really trust the USA intentions given that the USA had funded and backed Pakistan and China over you before? It wasn't India that made the USA sell out all its tech and industry out to China.


China builds stuff. Other than a few non-hostile border disputes, there really isn't anything going on. G7 for more than a century has been blowing stuff up, inciting military coups, funding your neighborhood terrorist groups to cause mayham and destabilize regions, stripped mined countries, slavery, sold opium to, it's a long list of shit that many people outside of G7 hate them for.


Yeah, that's pretty accurate.


There are so many countries to have not signed but obviously sensational headline hunting 😏


Can't break BRICS+ up. It is too fragile.


What *is* BRICS really? It's just a polite way for us in the west to bundle shitty and corrupt nations together without calling them that outright.. They simply don't matter..


BRICS growth has significantly outpaced the G7 for years and is forecast to overtake them within 20 years. This narrative on Reddit that they don't matter is odd.


So? BRICS as an organization is a joke. China and India have a border dispute with soldiers fighting all the time, South Africa is a literal failed country and Russia is spending 40% of its annual budget on a stalled war.


If china werent so full of economic issues and india actually started encouraging business creation instead of endemic corruption slowing it at every lebel, yeah sure BRICS might get respect on reddit. But unfortunately thats not the reality. China has huge economic woes its navigating as carefully as possible, indias corruption isnt going anywhere, and we havent even touched on the fact china and india dont even like eachother and have multiple border conflicts ongoing to this day. Comparing BRICS to G7 is just stupid. One is a group of stable, developed nations and the other is a group of nations that arent in G7 because they arent robustly developed and arent stable.


Shame that India doesn’t have a spine to have a say in the group. Being the largest country (population speaking) and the 5th largest economy in the world (over took the UK earlier this year) you’d think with all the clashes with China on their most northern borders they’d want to have some backbone.


Russia stood by us when US and UK were backing Pakistan and sending nuclear ships to threaten India in Indian Ocean, while it was fighting the 1971 war with Pak. It was only Russia which helped us then by sending their nuclear submarine which made British & US ships to move away. Whenever Pak or China war have happened, US has always changed its tunes and supported them, while Europe has assumed a "Holier Than Thou" approach and judged. Also, India will always have a non aligned stand.


That was the soviet union, not russia. And they did that not out of friendship but just to piss off US. Times are gone, now you are supporting a murderous bunch of criminals. And perhaps, just may be, it may be a good idea to solve conflicts with your neighbors peacefully.


That is how friendship between countries work - having similar interests, issues or economic goals. Maybe Soviet Union became Russia (which has almost the same stance towards us) but US, UK are still the same nations which tried their very best to ensure our defeat to Pak and pumped it with money, arms and ammunitions. USA even going as far as to incite China to attack us while we were fighting Pak. Anyone who knows about the history of conflicts of India knows how much India ignores from its neighbours. Not a single war or conflict has been initiated by us. India has a very clear stance and that is to look after its interests and not get into the fights of Europe as Europe does when it comes to any fight of India. We have economic interests with Russia and it has proved to be a tried and tested loyal friend to the nation during war times.




India is pro-russian. They make weapons together with Russia.


>They make weapons together with Russia. For themselves. Haven't seen them sending any weapons to Russia. Funnily enough, India has actually been sending munitions to Ukraine. I wonder what Russia thinks of that.


They're buying Russian oil.


Which they then refine and export to europe. Doesn't Europe realize they are indirectly buying russian oil ?


I don't think they mind as long as Russian profits are reduced. The world has a serious oil addiction so they know someone is going to buy it.


Why would white people go out of their way to save an Indian?


? I’m not sure how to take that question. I’ve had no problem being pals with people from all over.


It's not about getting along. Indians, Russians, Chinese, Americans can all be friends. It's about saving a life. In a multi-polar world, we care more about those who look like us. Do you wonder why wars in Ukraine and Israel are such hot topics for discussion, yet Myanmar and African wars are never spoken about? It's because Jews and Ukrainians are white. No other reason. The American and European people want to save those who look like themselves, before they save anyone else. And there's nothing wrong about that. No American/European will die for India. America/Europe will fuck over India for their own interests. India should act in its own interest, before acting in those of the west.


I mean it’s where you consume your media. I’m still hearing of Myanmar and of several conflicts throughout Africa. On top of brewing tensions in Asia. However, I don’t know where this hostility of insert race or religion is somehow about not helping Indians.


7 News Australia. Mentions Ukraine and Hamas constantly. Never mentions anything about Africa. Sometimes mentioned Myanmar. >I don’t know where this hostility of insert race or religion is somehow about not helping Indians. Again. Americans and Europeans will just exploit India for their own personal interests. A weak India and a weak China is the optimal scenario for them. They don't want any opposition to their rule. Finally India isn't like Japan and Korea, which need American funding to stand up to China. People forget that India is larger than USA, Europe, Australia and Canada combined. They don't need your help.




They’re big land countries with natural resources but not much else except China .


I am not worried. The west is watching and taking notes. I certainly am.


Not a good look when there are 190+ countries in the world and not even half of them support Ukraine's peace declaration.


Oh then there must be way more countries that support Putin's "Peace Deal" right? Can you list them for me?


Putin isn't looking for peace. Zelenskyy is. When there were almost twice as many countries supporting Palestinians memberships bid than Zelenskyy's peace deal, something is wrong.


The majority of countries who attend this meeting support Ukraine's territorial integrity. Out of 92 countries that attend only 12 didn't sign the document. Meanwhile for Palestine, it's a UN vote so every countries will vote on it, as for this meeting only some keys countries attend and not all 190 countries. It's unfair to compare the two.


Who are we kidding if we say the numbers of countries attending and signing the document didn't matter? Representative can be sent to support Ukraine's cause, this isn't hard. What's so hard about supporting Ukrainian territorial integrity and ceasing the aggression? If the numbers had swapped, it would be an entirely different scenario with the mass media celebrating it. Zelenskyy tested the water and the numbers show that he can't say the majority of the world is supporting his peace deal. That's what it is and Biden didn't even attend.


You're trying to spin a really weird narrative, the entire point of a UN vote is everyone votes, find me a single optional summit over half the world goes to that isn't some long standing thing, also, biden obviously supports Ukraine there just wasn't any need to be at that particular summit A UN vote and a random one off summit that primarily reinforced existing beliefs are entirely different things


>there just wasn't any need to be at that particular summit I mean, it's great if you are satisfied with 80+ countries signing Ukraine's peace deal and you can play it down saying it's optional to save some face for Zelenskyy. Meloni, Macron and Olaf must have nothing else to do to attend it. Others probably assessed that the summit is a waste of time and won't change anything at all.


Good. Let's give west some fucks. Totally had enough of that patronizing attitude


Time for some economic sanctions against these guys too then.