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He should stop by Nha Trang to scoop up all the draft dodgers I saw last year soaking up the sun on the beach


Currently in nha Trang and I was clueless before arriving how many Russians were here. They are everywhere. Seriously almost outnumber the Vietnamese. The food menus are in Russian here and tour companies have their signs in Russian too it's wild. They just walk around grumpy as fuck and sunburnt, I don't understand Was flying my drone around earlier, and I think I triggered some PTSD in a few of the Russians.


Had to keep in a small chuckle when reading your last sentence šŸ„¹šŸ˜…šŸ˜‡


Must be from St PTSDburg


We booked our honeymoon in a hurry and stayed in Nha Trang (from Australia).Ā  We stayed in a very nice resort on the north side, the locals are beautiful and friendly. The Russian men are all auditioning for the role of the penguin in the next batman, and their 'wives' appear to actually be their daughters friends. Some were a smoke show, but they are all so sad.Ā  Then we found out it is a direct flight to Moscow, and Nah Trang is essentially now what Bali is for Australians.Ā  Ā We would do the smile and nod as we pass them but get nothing in return, don't get me wrong I also presume that kind of random pleasantry is not part of their culture, but man throw a brother a Xin Chao.


I'm a Russian who lives in the US but went back to Russia for school. Years later my Russian friends told me they knew I was a foreigner right away because I smiled so much. Russians don't really do smiling at strangers.


When I was in traveling around Europe some people would think I had been drinking when I smiled at them. We really do smile excessively in America.


Were American, why shouldnt we be smiling


>but man throw a brother a Xin Chao. Hahaha oh man that's spot on. I feel that for sure, fellow Aussie here. I head nod a lot but get duck eggs each time as well


From memory, smiling is considered odd behaviour for Russians. They might think you are suspicious or insincere. > A smile accompanied by genuine warmth, friendliness, or happiness is likely to be well-received in Russia, just as it would be in many other cultures. However, smiling excessively or inappropriately in certain situations may be viewed with suspicion or confusion. Itā€™s understandable considering their history of oppression and paranoia. We have dystopian science fiction novels and films that depict fantasy scenarios but Russians and former Soviet countries have been living in a modern version of that dystopia.


I wasn't asking for a high five and a kiss on the lips, it definitely falls in the first part of that statement but yeah, there is nothing about Russia that seems desirable other than the birthplace of all bond villains or their ideologies.


Itā€™s just a trait of Slavic languages/ cultures. Not everything related to brutal Soviet repression


^^zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz #NYET!


I live in Nha Trang and while there are a number of little areas with lots of Russians making it seem like they are the majority, they are no where near the numbers of South Koreans overall across the wider Nha Trang area.


It is very beautiful here, I do think it could just be this area we are staying near the beach. Coming from dalat and cat Tien before that it was just a bit of a shock. We went from seeing maybe a few or a couple other foreigners per day to seeing every second or third person being a Russian. They are pretty easy to spot too. They definitely have their scowl face mastered haha.




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I would be flying that drone all day ! lol


Hey, donā€™t understand your sentiment here. Do you think these draft dodgers should be punished for leaving Russia?


Keep em flying high. Best at night :)


As a viet american, this is hilarious to me. Haven't been back to vn in 20 years. While the commie government is corrupt, vietnam is a beautiful country with many friendly and helpful people.Ā Hope ya have a good time without too much trouble.


Loving it all so far, only been a week. The people are amazing, so kind and helpful and honest compared to other countries. Nobody really bothers you too much and the food is amazing. The cost to value ratio is amazing. Can easily have a full meal with some beers for less than 5-10 dollars. Everything is so uniquely Vietnamese with all the zipping around of scooters and watching people carry entire moving vans worth of equipment on their scooters makes me laugh. I saw a guy earlier with a stack of PVC plumbing pipes well over 5m long on his scooter with his friend, made me chuckle.


Glad you're having a good time! And yea, OSHA won't be too happy with that guy with the pvc pipes, but hey they made it work somehow.


Same as phu Quoc


Same in cambodia.


Holy... I'm buying a drone and installing an unnecessary amount of propellers before heading over there.


Can you fly your drone every day, pretty please?




Bali and Nusa Dua enter the chat


Sounds like Phuket, Thailand


They moved to Da Nang now too


Why is it his business, does he feel entitled to Vietnam as well?


They can barely maintain a supply line to a direct neighbor, don't think Vietnam had a damn thing to worry about


The smart ones


Same in Phuket. Lots of Russians.


Tbf Russians are just using every tourist site in SEA (such as phuket and bali) as their personal shitting groundĀ 


Your comment makes no sense. Draft dodgers avoided going to Vietnam, so why would they be there on beaches?


Russian draft bro


Anyone who think this means Vietnam picks Russia over the US is crazy Vietnam is trying to play both sides like India did, and there is no way Vietnam will does something that damage their relationship with the US. Vietnam literally just upgrade their relationship with the US to the highest tier of political friend last year lol.Ā 


Vietnam just arranging their MySpace top 8


Have you seen the visa application website? It only runs on IE6.


the alternative is going to the consulate and paying whatever additional ā€œfeesā€ they make up on the spot lol.


That's a lie. Used it recently (and succesfully) with Firefox and Chrome.


Vietnam is one of the best countries on Earth despite some of the problems they are facing. Enjoy your trip!


I absolutely loved it! The Vietnamese people are some of the loveliest I've ever met... I hope I'll find time to go back, sometime. :)


I heard itā€™s Vietnam and Thailand that are really fun places to go too. Hell this one YouTuber I follow. Ali Koca even said during his trip there ā€œIā€™m moving to Thailand because of how warm, welcoming and just overall fantastic it is out hereā€


As vietnamese, I just dont care of politician


To add, the US is Vietnam's biggest export partner by far, at 29% with the EU also being a big chunk. Russia is a tiny part of that.


a quick google said China is their biggest partner


Yes, China is nearby and also the biggest threatened to VN.Ā 


so why accept the visit then?


You can get better deals out if West if they think you are starting to slip into Russias sphere of influence.


Each Country should manage itself as best it can. Playing competitors against one another could be beneficial.


They probably spoke with US ambassador before making the decision.


Vietnam has China to deal with as well and it looks like they are taking a play from the North Koreans in playing with Russia to diversify. Donā€™t forget the North Koreans couldnā€™t get that satellite up until they did Putin a favor as china refused to help them.


What people here need to understand is that: despite all ww3 fear mongering, for most of the world the russia-ukraine war is simply just another war in the long list of conflicts that have and will happen.


you could say the same for everyone not involved in WW2. Until they were.


Conflicts are common, world wars are rare. I think most countries today would stay out of things as long as possible. Western countries don't have colonies to call up as well.


Yeah the only thing that worries me about this feeling is the same sentiment was with WWI when it came to ā€œconflict aversionā€ No one thought all the alliances between European nations would actually be the catalyst for the War. If the US did not respond to an article 5, it would be doomsday for probably half the world. But if it were enacted, probably half the world is screwed anyway. We might not have the conflict spill out physically like in world war 2, but the interconnected global economy at a certain point would buckle, leaving nations that ā€œwaitedā€ even more vulnerable, since in this fucked scenario, the warring nations probably would be ultra militarized. The world is wild. I just hope people find commonality with their fellow human.


World wars (large scale conflicts) are incredibly common. We average 2 per century since the 17th century (and at least 1 per century since Genghis Khan). The timer runs out in 15 years. Like it or not, wars a-coming and our kids get to fight it.


Colonialism and imperialism had a huge role to play in turning European disputes into global conflicts. In today's world, many regions/continents can simply choose to stay out of a war that starts in Europe.


# If the US is attacked, here are the nations that would be involved in some capacity: NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY A treaty signed April 4, 1949, by which the Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all; and each of them will assist the attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force. PARTIES: United States, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom Ā  AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND A Treaty signed September 1, 1951, whereby each of the parties recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on any of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes. PARTIES: United States , Australia, New Zealand PHILIPPINE TREATY (Bilateral) A treaty signed August 30, 1951, by which the parties recognize that an armed attack in the Pacific Area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and each party agrees that it will act to meet the common dangers in accordance with its constitutional processes. PARTIES: United States, Philippines SOUTHEAST ASIA TREATY A treaty signed September 8, 1954, whereby each party recognizes that aggression by means of armed attack in the treaty area against any of the Parties would endanger its own peace and safety and each will in that event act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes. PARTIES: United States , Australia, France, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand, and the United Kingdom JAPANESE TREATY (Bilateral) A treaty signed January 19, 1960, whereby each party recognizes that an armed attack against either Party in the territories under the administration of Japan would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional provisions and processes. The treaty replaced the security treaty signed September 8, 1951. PARTIES: United States, Japan Ā  REPUBLIC OF KOREA TREATY (Bilateral) A treaty signed October 1, 1953, whereby each party recognizes that an armed attack in the Pacific area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to its own peace and safety and that each Party would act to meet the common danger in accordance with its constitutional processes. PARTIES: United States, South Korea Ā  RIO TREATY A treaty signed September 2, 1947, which provides that an armed attack against any American State shall be considered as an attack against all the American States and each one undertakes to assist in meeting the attack. PARTIES: United States, Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela


Lol. You are adorable if you think South American countries would rush into a US war unless it was against flesh-eating aliens or some other kind of pure evil. You even put Cuba, Venezuela and Brazil on your list? Lmao, ok. Outside of the european and some pacific countries, the rest of the world would likely exploit the situation in their best interests.


I didn't make that list. They're treaties. They are welcome to break the treaty, but then they also don't benefit from our interference should they come into conflict. We're not asking for boots on the ground from anyone unless it's NATO related, or naval support out of Pacific nations. It usually comes in the form of material support. I do not expect Cuba or Venezuela to do anything for us. But understand that we do have a treaty with them to protect them should they come to harm. I suspect if anyone seriously challenged their sovereignty that we did not get along with, they would call the treaty in. And I'm totally adorable.


Treaties dont mean sht unless the citizens actually get along and care about each other. If you are waiting for support from outside western allies, you'll be waiting a long time. Especially if the west's enemies dont present a threat to the rest of the world.


Imagine Vietnam side with Russia, only to then have China take over their seas and Russia look the other way... As they did with Armenia.


This did happened, back when Vietnam retaliated Khmer Rogue, and China invaded Vietnam to support Pop Pot. The Soviet didn't show up to protect ally Vietnam. Vietnam had to fought that war alone.


Vietnam and China have had that tier of relationship since 2008 despite their disputes. It's a farce and Vietnam has gone through Finlandization with China especially with the recent purges.


Basically, Vietnam is neutral. Not in a sense where they don't take any sides, but rather they take *all* sides Vietnam is going wild lmao


Its hard to say no to cheap energy


Yeah more likely theyā€™re just going ā€well just so you know if we canā€™t order our weapons from you (USA) there are other options like back in the day. Weā€™d rather not, but just fyiā€¦ā€


Weā€™ve all seen the Russian weapons at work in Ukraine. A key component of bluffing is that there has to be a chance whomever or whatever you are trying to bluff takes you seriously.


This is so true that I'm skeptical that Pooty Boi would even have the balls to visit Vietnam.


That's just ASEAN as a whole


As a Vietnamese who understand the intricacy of our politics, and not biased redditors, here is my take: Vietnamā€™s government operates under extreme pragmatism: they place national sovereignty and their own existence above all. Thatā€™s why we are playing both sides in every conflict, we refuse to take a position in order to not piss off anyone, and become a battleground like the 20th century. We will be outwardly friendly with the Chinese because they will fuck us up if we fully pivot to the West, we will be friendly with the West because they will prove valuable allies if a conflict with China occurs, and we are friendly with Russia because of our historical alliance. Seriously the Viet-Russia bond has gone on since the Soviet era, and most people in Vietnam view Russia very favorably. They provided aid to us after the war, they invested in infrastructure, provide scholarships for Vietnamese students, sell us weapons while the whole world embargoed us. My parents owe their education and career to Russia, and most people feel we owe a national debt to them. Unlike the Western black and white thinking in which Russia is pure evil, Russia helped our country out a lot. And lucky for us, since we are so far away we didnt experience any of the brutal oppression the Easten European countries did, so to the average Vietnamese, Russia has been nothing but good to them. My dad studied 10 years in the Soviet Union before returning, and he told me he wept when he watched the news of their dissolution. So this is just business as usual, Vietnam will not abandon its historical friend because the West want us to. But this isnā€™t the 70s, so we will not fully support them either. A lot of people side with Ukraine because they dislike war and aggression but wont condemn Russia because doing so would be betraying a long time big brother. I cant see any strategic reasons Russia is interested in Vietnam right now. They may want to buy some shells but we are barely producing enough to cover our own needs, so Putin better come with a really good deal.


Thanks for providing the Vietnamese perspective on this. Sounds similar to India's stance in a way: Trying not to get pulled into the conflict, but open to any good deals that arise when the belligerents get desperate. From a European perspective, I can't blame the Vietnamese (or the Indians for that matter). These countries have enough of their own issues and history with western countries to not really care what's going on between Russia and Ukraine.


Great points. I would say Russia maybe wants access to ports to complicate China and US ambitions in the region as the Spratley's are contested by everyone there.


Understandable, but while reading this couldnā€™t stop thinking that Ukraine was once also like brother to a Russia, and yet here we are.


There is a historic difference between Ukraine and Vietnam. Vietnam has always been wary of China, and the most recent conflict only concluded like 30 years ago. There is no lost love between 2 nations, only business, and right now China is flexing its naval weight pushing the whole ASEAN around claming the sea its own with its 9 dashes line. Nationalism is also strong here. Despite the apparent shortcoming of the VCP, one thing it does well is to unite people against external threat, ie. China.


Vietnam didn't even take Palestine's side despite being a long-term supporter of Palestinian independence. We continue maintaining close cooperation with Israel and avoid mentioning the current war.


> we refuse to take a position in order to not piss off anyone Thatā€™s not as foolproof a strategy as your government seems to think it is. It can turn to ā€œpiss of everyoneā€ quite easily.


Well its been working so far, and we are inconsequential enough to get away with it. Right now we are reaping the benefits of all the great powers trying to court us to their sides, while suffering no consequences of actually joining them


Itā€™ll piss off Redditors, who are overly emotional and ultimately meaningless. All of this type of news is intended for domestic consumption. Actual diplomats wonā€™t get pissed off because they understand that each nation is prioritizing its own wellbeing. They know how to work with each other in these situations.


I mean this is essentially the status quo for almost every SEA country (barring burma) and itā€™s working so far


so same position as india. gotcha, saul goodman


Thanks for this, it makes a lot of sense. Visiting VIE soon from the US and did NOT like hearing this news. My Vietnamese friends here make it sound like your people really like us, but with the war going on in Ukraine I didnā€™t love heading to a nation that might strongly prefer Russians or Chinese to us.


So you want the sons and daughters of the West to bleed and die to protect your country but you don't want to choose their side? You say that your leaders are pragmatic, but instead of siding with the alliance which is looking to invest massive amounts of foreign capital into your country, your leaders are instead jeopardizing that relationship because of historic connections to a country which provides no benefits?


I feel like you donā€™t know the history of Vietnamā€¦ When have the ā€œsons and daughters of the Westā€ die for Vietnam? Because to my knowledge, the US turned down Vietnamā€™s request for help, forcing them to turn to the Soviets, which the US then used as justification to invade the country. Also, the ā€œmassive investmentā€ is just the US exploiting cheap Vietnamese labor because China is getting expensive. Iā€™m sure the Vietnamese are eternally grateful thatā€¦


You should reread my comment. I never said that the US has died to protect Vietnam. It was in reference to OPs comment expecting the US to provide military assistance in the future should China invade Vietnam again. Attracting foreign direct investments (FDI) , partially in export-oriented manufacturing, is considered a vital importance by the Vietnamese government. The reason why Vietnam, and many other countries, implement policies to attract FDI is because FDI results in the transfer of currency, knowledge, skills, and technology. The rapid rise of the Chinese economy is a prime example of the benefits of FDI.


Thereā€™s no formal alliance between the US and Vietnam. Thereā€™s no guarantee that US willingness to assist Vietnam against China wonā€™t change with the next few administrations. Itā€™s short sighted to sour relations with a potential ally on the hope that the US will intervene in a future conflict. If anything, being friendly with Putin is more important because heā€™s likely to be around for a while. The US will forget about this in a few months with the election cycle. Iā€™m not saying foreign investment is bad, but itā€™s still done with the intent to exploit cheap labors. Vietnam wants US money and military presence, and US wants cheap labor, less dependence on China, and to maintain influence in SE Asia. This relationship isnā€™t going to be jeopardized because of a meeting with Putin.


What gave you the impression that I want the sons and daughters of the West to bleed and die for my country?? I did not mention that at all? Like I said, we can continue to play all sides and reap all the benefits. If we condemn Russia we lose out on their investments and potentially the chinese too. If we keep the status quo then every major powers will continue to court us to their side


You said it here: "we will be friendly with the West because they will prove valuable allies if a conflict with China occurs". If the conflict escalates to the point where American boots on the ground then young Americans will be dying to protect your country. I'll admit that my original comment was a bit hyperbolic considering there is no mutual defense treaty between the US and Vietnam. So support would probably be similar to what is happening in Ukraine. Which, considering the state of their war, highlights the importance of mutual defence treaties for nations that border Russia or China. From an outsider's perspective, your second point about playing all sides doesn't seem particularly new or advantageous for your country. It reminds me of what happened with the US and Indian relationship during the cold war. Where India tried to play both sides of the cold war and initially received US support against China. But their relationship soured when India turned to the Soviets for assistance after the war. On the other hand, Pakistan was considered a more consistent partner and received considerable support for the U.S. both diplomatically and militarily. In summary, my point is that the US, Russia, and China are not stupid. They are going to recognize an unreliable partner and will prioritize the support and interests of countries which are more committed to their relationship.


>If the conflict escalates to the point where American boots on the ground then young Americans will be dying to protect your country. Get off your high horse and go visit the world. The best a country can hope for is the Ukraine situation: giving just enough hand-me-down 2nd rate vehicles to bleed the US's adversaries then discarded once it is no longer needed. Vietnamese dont have to look far past South Vietnam in 72 for an example of this behaviour.


"I heard you once beat the Us at war, may I have some tips?"


"You see .... we were defending our home and our children and the foreign invader doesn't have a chance." Probably not the answer Putin wants.


General Vo Nguyen Giap said something along that line to PLO militants coming to Vietnam for air defense training. They asked how he kicked out the Americans so that they can kicked out the Jews. He replied that he supported them, but: ā€œWhen we kicked out the French and the Americans they just went home, but the Jews have nowhere to go. You will not kick out the Jews.ā€


North Vietnam invaded south Vietnam


And the Union invaded the Confederacy?


In your analogy attempt - youā€™re saying the union was ā€˜defending their homesā€™ - in the context of the message Iā€™m replying to


With Russia still in the heat of war with Ukraine, what can Putin offer to Vietnam? Not much in my opinion. In fact, I think Putin will go to beg aid from Vietnam.


Cheap oil and leverage against the West and China


The US has been overproducing oil for the last 8 years, we don't need Vietnam for any oil there's no leverage there in this fight.


Russia has been over producing as well, Russia would go to Vietnam looking to sell, not buy oil.


I mean with how close Russia is to China and how wary Vietnam is of China's activities in the South China Sea, this might be something to keep on eye on. I mean Vietnam might want to leave the door open for ties to the U.S. just on the off chance that Russia might not pick them over China.


It's really interesting that Putin is visiting Vietnam, I can't see much of an upside for Hanoi.


Vietnam has had a long history with Russia. Also a lot of armaments of Vietnamese military comes from Russia. Until US provides meaningful weapons to Vietnam, Vietnam will forever be in Russia sphere of influence. Keep in mind that Vietnam will not buy PRC military assets so there's no real alternative.


Yeah they can talk about the good old days of course, but right now it's Russia that needs weapons and ammo, so they can't sell anything meaningful to Vietnam. And Vietnam is already buying weapons from western countries and producing and exporting locally. Putin probably wants to buy artillery shells from Vietnam, but that would be very risky for Hanoi so it's really interesting to see what will come out of this.


Vietnam is a fast growing economy. Used to export a lot of coal and oil but now they are importing lots of these commodities. So Russia can definitely offer cheap oil, LNG, and coal. Vietnam, of course, would be careful in trading with Russia to avoid secondary sanctions


Oil is like \~$80 a barrel, Russia isn't allowed to sell it for more than $60. I'm sure they would love to get in on the resale market like India, Turkey, etc.


Actually Russia has been selling oil much higher than $60 for a while, just not to the western market but India, China, Turkey etc..


Lmao. Dude, wake up. Russia has been selling oil to the rest of the world at above that price for quite a while now. Its easy to say, 'Russia isn't allowed to sell for more than $60.' Its MUCH harder to enforce it outside the west.


Yeah, I definitely got wide eye when I read the title. Vietnam wants to be in the US sphere of influence, they always have. If anyone doubts, I suggest they read Vietnam's declaration of independance written by Ho Chi Minh. I get that Vietnam is trying to play both sides but yeah I don't see what Vietnam really gets that would be worth this. Both US and Vietnam want to get closer, Vietnam selling shells to Russia doesn't do that - but I don't think anyone can rule it out. Like you said, will be interesting to see what comes out of this.


Vietnam does not want to be in anyoneā€™s sphere of influence, period. The last time they did that and they got a bloody civil war for 20 years. Immediately after the war they ditched the Chinese to follow the Soviets and that gave them another massive Chinese invasion. It wonā€™t sell shells to Russia, but likely wonā€™t cut all ties to please the U.S. either. The declaration claiming ā€œlife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€ is what Ho wants his people would get by kicking out the French. Was Ho an Americanophile? Likely. But the U.S. chose to help the French preserving colonialism instead. They learned their lessons so there is no way they lean heavily into anyone anymore.


As a Vietnamese we all knew Putin will visit sooner or later. For alot of VNese we are looking forward to this visit and Putin will be warmly welcomed here. The Ukraine Russia war is not our business, really. Resources wise Russia could offer so much value, I don't see how we are gonna pass on that.


What about India?


Russia and Vietnam have strong ties. A lot of vietnamese live/work/studied in Russia now and back in the day. Also while the rest of the world watched for twenty years, Russia were one of the only countries providing substantial aid to Vietnam during the war. Without Russia, Ha Noi would have likely fallen to the yanks and one of the south Vietnamese puppet governments.




What do you mean exactly?


90% of their military hardware is Russian made. It's foolish to think they would leave themselves defenseless if they completely turned their backs on them. Plus, they know that Sino-Russian relations are only temporary. Better to keep relations with all possible allies against big red.


For non western nations they see far more benefits from relations with Russia than with Ukraine, and the west isnā€™t going to hardcore sanction those nations for engaging with Russia.


America was looking to put a military base in Vietnam , I wonder if this visit has something to do with thatā€¦.. https://thediplomat.com/2024/02/after-a-major-upgrade-the-us-military-wants-to-take-things-further-with-vietnam/


There is 0 chance anyone get a military base in Vietnam. The Russians had exactly the base that the U.S. wanted at the port of Cam Ranh, one of the most strategically important in Asia. The Vietnamese officially chose non-alignment after the Soviet Union collapsed, so they suddenly asked for $250 million a year in land lease knowing the economically-troubled Russia couldnā€™t afford it. The Russians moved out and since then theyā€™ve written officially and publicly and their military doctrine that they will not have any ally and will not allow anyone to put a military base on their land.


But, Putin isnā€™t coming to India


Honey trap that motherfucker.


As a Vietnamese I say fuck that guy.


Just so you know, majority of Vietnamese people welcome this visit.


imagine Vietnam going full crazy and arresting putin.


They would be doing their historical ally Russia a huge favor.


Welp, time to tariff Vinfast EVs into the ground.


Vinfast is already subterranean, and has been.


The headline, Russiaā€™s Putinā€¦.im pretty sure you could just say Putin and people would know which shitstain it is, especially with the picture of the guy.


Would be a shame if something happened to Viet Nam's undersea internet cables.


Are there numerous Putins? Is there a Germany's Putin, Canada's Putin?


Putin's not even leaving his homeland. The person traveling is his double. This is all Bs.




Obviously, but the US has been improving its relationship with Vietnam and associating with/entertaining Putin deteriorates opinion.


Improving what? The investment and aid from US to VN is almost nonexistent. Anw, this trip is quite a puzzle.


And the world is not a 3day special operationā€¦


Any chance of Putin getting arrested ?


Vietnam has refused the jurisdiction of the ICC, so no - Putin is not getting arrested.


Same as the US. If Putin were to visit the US tomorrow he would not be arrested as the US also doesnt not regconize ICC ruling


When USA invaded Iraq on baseless lies, what happened to president Bush? Was he a pariah, like the US would like Putin to be?


Sort of, he's definitely not welcome in a lot of places and even within the US there are quite a few people who feel he and many of those in his administration are criminals.


I don't agree with the what-aboutism shown by the original poster, but comparing the (negative) attention Putin got compared to Bush is wild. Bush is still a respected international leader welcome in most places in the world. Putin could quite literally have a warrant out for his arrest soon. Does that make Putin and his invasion justified? Hell no. But it should make us think about perhaps typing up a warrant for Bush too (unless we actually think the US will invade the Hague)


Now it's whataboutism? I despise Putin, his war and dictatorship. I even understand why Netanyahu want to totally obliterate Gaza to get rid of Hamas once and for all. But let's not forget the so called "free world leader" invaded a country, Iraq, on totally invented, baseless lies. These are facts. We must be and do better than that. We must be better than Putin, always.


Putin has had an arrest warrant since 2023.


sanctions incoming?


Vietnam is an export economy. Its exports mostly go to the U.S and the EU. If the U.S and EU impose tariffs, all the factories of the U.S, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan companies in Vietnam will move elsewhere. Unlike India, this move in Vietnam is very dangerous


By doing that, they will just push vietnam closer to China and Russia. Many Southeast asia countries will quicken the process of diversifying exports from western markets. Vietnam, malaysia, and thailand will soon formally apply for Brics.


Foreign companies are responsible for 50% of Vietnam's exports, and do you think Vietnamese companies will be competitive in the Chinese market?


Is Reuters like top Russia propaganda machine or what? Every day, it's Putin this and Putin that.


Vietnam has the brief opportunity to do the funniest bait-and-switch imaginable right here


Putin is just getting some intel on the tanks used by Ukraine. Since they were last used in Vietnam by the US. Also Vietnam is the best example of democratic capitalism. They should be world leaders.