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Brought to you by the guy who managed to convince half of the british population that Brexit was beneficial for them. The same Brexit that Russia really wanted to happen. Hmm, i'm seeing some kind of pattern here...


If someone is stupid enough to trust Farage at this point, they deserve whatever method he uses to fuck them.


The problem is he's going to try and fuck innocent Ukrainians or whatever group Russia next tries to genocide. If he'd been in the US in 1940 he would have been screaming about how Hitler was the victim and the UK should be abandoned.


If he’d been in the U.S./U.K. during ww2 he would be dangling at the end of a short rope.


Really? Do you have any idea how many Nazi sympathizers were in the US prior to and during WWII? Ford, Disney, Prescott Bush? Bet that'll be the last we hear of those guys... https://allthatsinteresting.com/henry-ford-nazi https://nypost.com/2022/10/03/abigail-disney-calls-great-uncle-walt-disney-a-fascist/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar https://time.com/5414055/american-nazi-sympathy-book/ Don't forget the Business Plot: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot Or that Hitler was inspired by American Jim Crow racism: https://www.history.com/news/how-the-nazis-were-inspired-by-jim-crow


It's a damn shame Henry Ford had to be a Nazi sympathizer, because some of his ideas were respectable. He tried to raise employee wages in 1919 even though he didn't have to, and wanted to hire more people just because he felt like it. Dodge sued them for this, claiming a corporation should only act to increase shareholder value and not do stuff like raise wages just for the benefit of the employees. That set the precedent for current US corporate law.


I agree with you on Ford. As far as current corporate law in the US, don't forget the contribution of Milton Friedman and General Electric. As to Ford, I appreciate his idea that his workers should be able to afford the product they manufacture. On the other hand he thought unions were a jewish conspiracy, stifled union action with private security forces, and even wrote a four volume diatribe entitled ''The International Jew''. Broken clock, twice a day, etc etc...


Dont forget when he tried to force a bunch of Brazilian people to be americans so he could have cheap rubber in his own sovereign state, "fordlandia" (yes this is real)


I remember when Wikipedia wasn't an acceptable source. Now it's the one I trust to most likely not have biases, omissions, half-truths, and agendas in the factual telling of an event or biography. Funny how the internet's free and clear transmission of ideas created both Wikipedia's reliability for unbiased information as well as the plethora of misinformation that attacks us from all sides.


Wikipedia has plenty of bias.  Behind the scenes it's a patchwork of fiefdoms ruled by power users who view themselves as "owning" certain articles and only allow sources that support whatever viewpoint they have.  And that's just the most stable state of a Wikipedia article; sometimes nobody can agree on what the correct information is or how to convey it, and nobody can seize control of the article for some reason, so the page ends up in long, circular edit wars.  That's not just limited to political articles, either, it's across the whole site. Remember a couple years ago when most of Scots-language Wikipedia was revealed to just be offensive gibberish written by someone who didn't speak Scots at all? Or the Saudi Arabian propagandists who were making prolific edits on English Wikipedia and reverting other users' edits who tried to correct the articles? Hell, just this year it was revealed that the Iranian government took over the Farsi language version of Wikipedia through some proxies, erased a bunch of information about their human rights violations, then doxxed an independent Farsi-speaking editor who tried to fix it. You should always consult multiple sources on a subject.  Never trust just one.


At this point. The point should of been when he was beaten in an election campaign by man dressed as a dolphin.


Unfortunately he's switched to the most far-right constituency in the entire UK this time and he's likely going to win it: https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/farage-set-to-win-clacton-with-biggest-swing-in-modern-history-5tzjsmtw6


Should **have**. Guys, this really isn't difficult.


He's not alone unfortunately. Almost every single anti-establishment party in Europe is trying to capture the pro-Putin vote.


Pretty spineless of them.


Where did all these financial donations come from? Better not ask questions!


But he isn't trying to fuck only them, but the entirety of NATO.


This is fine, but could they not drag the rest of us down with them?


Those Russian diamonds were just resting in his account,Father


'You went to Crimea, whilst that poor child was supposed to be in Lourdes!'


Don't forget Turkey was just about to join the EU and flood us with immigrants!


Meanwhile, turkey collects cash to keep migrants out of Europe. We even have contracts with freaking Iran to keep them out.


Following the playbook - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations\_of\_Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics)




Also tried to convince people that the NHS is really bad for us.


He didn’t convince half. 52% of a a turnout of 72% votes for it. With only people over the age of 18 being eligible to vote in the election. To make the numbers even starker, **17.4** million people, out of a population of **65.61** million people voted for Brexit. Or 26.52% of Brits voted for Brexit. You cannot by any stretch of the imagination, no matter how you look at the data, say that half of the British public voted for it. They didn’t. A quarter did. And that number is even less of a percentage of the population now, it’s in the 17% range. Brexits biggest failure, was to allow a majority of 50%+1 be allowed as the threshold to cause major society changing change for a the country. And not even make it a legally required vote. And exclude an entire cohort of the population who it will affect severely (16-18 year olds). Because it allowed the entire thing to be carried out on behalf of **everyone** by a fraction of the country.


It was an advisory referendum, it didn't have to be acted on. Theresa May could have said "We will negotiate a deal, then trigger Article 50 in order to transition seamlessly", during this process it would have become clear how completely undeliverable the fantasy was and possibly caused a rethink. Instead she triggered it immediately and then the team sent to negotiate wasted a year trying t force the EU to negotiate the trade deal instead of the border arrangements in N.I. Every single thing in every single area of every single department has been comprehensively mismanaged.


The EU refused to negotiate before A 50 was triggered. But you can't blame them. It could have lead to a flood of countries trying to get a deal and threatening A50 if they don't get what they want.


Russia is responsible for the war! *Putin slides money across the table* NATO and EU are responsible for the war!


Man, you'd have to be a really short-term thinker to accept that money.


I have bad news for you about a whole lot of far-right politicians


Is it bad new for them though? They never seem to pay any price for doing those types of things.


Well Nigel did get beaned with a coffee the other day right?


How terrible, only coffee?


Hardly a drop in the justice drought.


Pretty much.  If they are investigated they simply start screaming "witch hunt!" and that it's the establishment or deep state trying to censor them, and plenty of smooth brains will lap it up.


Sounds like Brexit!


Or a politician. Politicians never bite the hand that feeds them.


Well if you are "small government and business best" and current business model is -> profit maximization in this quarter no long term goals. That's normal -> profit now, let the other handle the issiues we create.


The sad thing is the people who will vote for people like this like what the fuck is wrong with them?


Half of America is ready to vote for someone who says things this dumb on a daily basis. I have no hope for humanity these days.


I’m still dumbfounded by it. I have a relative who was never interested in politics, literally never voted and had to have a poll worker hold his hand and show him what to do in ‘16 so he could vote for that orange hobgoblin. I’m not going on a family planned vacation because I don’t want to be around people like that.


Same as with the climate change denialist voters. It's not an informed rational decision. They are inconvenienced by the measures taken against issue X - be it climate change, Russia, COVID lockdowns, ... - so they pretend it's all a hoax and that what the respective denialists are saying is "the truth". Don't Look Up.


He wants the Russian disinformation machine on his side to help his campaign.


it worked with brexit


Russian puppet like the rest of the European far right.


Farage confirms himself that he‘s not eligible for UK politics. He seems to be out of his mind and serving Putin in Russia would be the best thing for him.


Farage is clearly a Russian asset we just haven't figured it out yet


Why not? It’s so obvious that he is one of Putler’s stooges


His supporters haven't figured it out yet, because they're not blessed with a lot of intelligence. The rest of us have been aware he's Putin's puppet for years.


I think a lot of people who feel left out by society, just want to vote for any opposition. Their goal is that others would feel as bad as they do.


Yeah - they're a right bunch of misery spreading bellends.


Has been for a long time, brexit chaos anyone. Still recall the interview after they won and were asked on the plans and he had zero clue


He was effectively a nazi youth party member, and a regular broadcaster on Russian TV and was criticised for admiring Putin back in 2014... A leopard's spots don't change people... The guys a fascist leader in waiting. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/31/nigel-farage-relationship-russian-media-scrutiny


I called him a fascist here on Reddit last week, and was told that it was unjustified simply because he’s mildly right wing.


In the recent interview with Nick Robinson recently, Farage claimed "there is no right wing" in the UK. I'm assuming whoever told you that pays no attention to reality.


Should be deported to Russia.


Good to know Putin takes orders from NATO.


Farage is a fuckwit who's utterly failed to become an MP every single time he's tried - and this, I think, is either his sixth or seventh attempt. He can get in the fucking sea.


He only failed the last few times because the Tory government started dancing to his tune. He’s probably more responsible for Brexit than any other single person.


As a Canadian, he's the face I think of when I think of how England was confused into hurting itself.


> He can get in the fucking sea The sea: ewwww, no, thanks. Farage is the quintessential populist con-man without any scruples. Everything goes as long as it benefits him personally.


Just another shit in our sea


>The sea: ewwww, no, thanks. Idk, we've been pumping sewage into it for centuries. It should be used to it.


I'm fairly certain that if sewage was sentient it would take great offense to being likened to Farage.


It looks like he's going to win this time. He picked the most pro Brexit, pro Ukip constituency in the country to run in. Hopefully he's the only Reform member to make it to Parliament. He said Reform spent 150K pounds on vetting candidates that the vetting firm seemingly pocketed without doing anything, so a lot of friendly constituencies to them are running scandal plagued candidates.


I think you're correct on this, it doesn't help the labour candidate is someone who has previously said that his favourite drink is 'the tears of white people'. Which will not go down well in Clacton. Probably one of the only constituencies in the UK where voting for the tories is the best choice...


I fear a Tory blowout honestly. If they get widdled down to 100, the MRPs are saying it will mostly be the moderates who survive, and that Reform would only win a couple of seats, but if they get pushed down like, below 50, Reform would pick up a double digit amount of seats, and this could lead to a merger and Farage becoming party leader, and potentially, eventually, Prime Minister, which is fucking frightening. I'd bite the bullet and vote Tory in Clacton or any constituency where they had the best chance of beating Reform.


It's feels wrong when the tactical vote is *for* the tories.


Eighth attempt.


"He can get in the fucking sea." I would propose throwing him.


and yet he had power in europe to help uk...but fucked that up for rubles


I guess its also britians fault hitler was attacking it because they didnt surrender 😅😅


I mean, didn’t Putin blame Poland for starting the war by not giving in to Hitler and Stalin?


He did, and the Nazis said basically the same thing at the time.


One of his party's members recently suggested British people would have been better off today if we had made peace with Hitler.


He's literally had members of his party claim it would have been better if the UK hadn't fought the Nazis.


The countries that border Russia all seem to be interested in joining A DEFENSIVE ALLIANCE NATO, why is that. I think those countries are scared of being invaded, tortured, raped both males and females, children kidnapped and being ethnically cleansed in short genocide happening to them !! I so hope the next Russian leader works with the west to improve the lives of ordinary people not the super rich on either side.


Yeah, it's not like these countries were forced to join by NATO. Hell, even Russia was offered a place at one time. If Russia wanted to stop NATO expansion, it could have tried being less aggressive towards it neighbours.


As a resident of a country that borders Russia, I can’t say I’m a fan of the jingoistic claims, territorial disputes, or incursions by their ancient, shitty, aircraft, but I’m just speaking for myself


There was an official investigation into Russian money in British politics. Allegations have been made against Brexit supporting politicians, UKIP and members of the Tory party regarding suspicious funding. This investigation has not been fully disclosed or followed up by the current administration. Is it unreasonable to assume there is a reason why this investigation has not been fully disclosed? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_and_Security_Committee_Russia_report#:~:text=The%20report%20describes%20the%20United,had%20affected%20the%20Brexit%20referendum.


Man... you're not going to believe this. That scratch on your car? NATO and EU's fault. I saw them do it when they were returning the cart. It's crazy I know. Now if you'll excuse me my bossing is calling to ask why I'm late. Hey, boss! You're not gonna believe what NATO and the EU just did to my commute.


All the negative comments here? Straight from NATO and EU. Anybody critical of Farange? Believe it or not, NATO and EU. Farange failing **again** in anything? NATO and EU, right away.


What a fucking moron he is.


ahh another politician in europe that accepted money from putin. if there is any hard proof, all these politicians should be challenged with being a traitor and thrown in jail for a long time, all money be taken away from and forgot about.


Guy who fucked over the UK with Brexit, still sabotages the western european nations for his Daddy Putin. He is really lucky that traitors are treated nowadays way better...


The same guy who fought for brexit for years and years. Then when it actually happened had zero advice on how to follow through with the aftermath and was like my job is done as all I fought for was for the uk to leave the EU and vanished. Dude needs more stuff thrown at him. Absolute toaster.


that summarizes everything you need to know about that little shit


If you don't know who Farage *really* is: [Who is Nigel Farage?](https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8?si=2nTafhV3rKcHOueP)


Wow, nice clip of him in there a decade ago, declaring that he thinks Vladimir Putin is the best world leader.


Jesus, couldn’t even pick a decent despot.


Why do people listen to this man


Farage is responsible for getting milkshake thrown at/on him


faridge : EU is bad.. Also faridge :takes €15k a month pension from the eu🤑, has a German wife, kids with dual citizenship and a failed attempt to get dual citizenship for himself.


The war was caused by Nato and EU only in the sense that expansion eastwards was too slow. Gray zones are doomed to be taken over by Russia and it won't end until Russia meets a wall it can't penetrate.


Russia will stop when it is *stopped*, and not before. It’s in everyone’s best interest to make sure that happens as close to Russia’s borders as possible.


Putin is so afraid of the NATO threat that he’s moved all of his troops away from NATO borders and into Ukraine. He’s shared borders with NATO since its inception and he knows the only ‘threat’ they pose is making his neighbours unconquerable.


Russian money yay


Wasn't Farage the guy that is trying to take advantage of all the EU has to offer: house outside Britain, cushy EU salary, German wife and trying to get dual nationality himself. Whilst at the same time trying to sell voters the idea that the EU is some evil entity coming for their jobs?


Putin invades Ukraine, kills people, destroys entire cities, robs them of their land and their children. The EU/NATO is to blame. What a fucked up logic.


Literally victim blaming nice.


Yeah, it's like when a woman is raped. It was her fault because she wore a dress, right?


Why is it that far right types want to help Putin? I honestly don't get it.


Putins a far right president who doesn't need to bother with elections, the country has an upper untouchable wealthy elite class and they can help them get elected and/or pay them for their troubles. If it wasn't for having to sell out your country and your fellow citizens and help cause pain and suffering for millions why wouldn't you?


Putin paints Russia and himself as a macho, misogynistic, homophonic, self righteous, racist, white Christian orthodox mother land. Proudly a police state that tolerates nothing, no political opposition, a state media, state surveillance and no individual freedoms and anti immigration. MAGA type admire this style of leadership (anti democratic) and Christian only. They want just one media be it FOX or NewsMax and eliminate every other media outlet. Elections are a bothersome process and would be ok with a dictatorial regime. They will prefer a white Anglo make up with some tolerances for MAGA only non whites. No social services, just a every man for themselves policy. No taxes and a purge of non heterosexual rights, basically like Russia who has basically outlawed being gay.


What a wanker


Russian puppet supports Russia


Another Putin asset.


Man who gets paid by Russia likes Russia.


What a knob head and people idolise this low grade Oswald Mosley . He's so far up putins ass he can almost see trumps feet


The whole "US started meddling in Ukraine in 2013" viewpoint holds no sway whatsoever. Russia has been meddling in Ukraine since 1991 and the leftover corruption from that era is simply what just delayed this conflict. Being a bordering nation, Ukraine was stuck in Russia's grip, unlike those that managed to join the EU and NATO further west immediately. The people of Ukraine have been striving to join the EU since 1991 only to be stemmied by that corruption. Yanukovych himself got re-elected in 2010 on a EU Platform, only to be told by Putin weeks in advance to the signing to switch course. There was never any overwhelming desire to join NATO until after 2022, otherwise it was just a neutrality approach.


This is like saying that Britain is to blame for WWII in Europe because they didn't surrender in 1940.


Garage is right but for the wrong reasons: We should have acted in 2014.


Yeah, next we're gonna hear about how the Uyghurs are to blame for their resistance to "re-education", the Iranian women to blame for their blasphemous hijab-less shenanigans, and the Jews for the holocaust.


Traitorous scum. Even the enemies of the West don't respect them. No one respects turn cloaks.


He's not a turn coat. He's *always* been a Russian stooge. That much was obvious with his Brexit campaign.


His opinion means nothing to me. His being, in fact, means nothing to me.


He is correct in a sense that they cuddled with Putin while he was destroying young democracy in Russia and killing his opponents. They made him stronger by conducting business with him while looking the other way. Democratic nations should treat any autocratic regimes like they treat Russia now.


Oh look, its the return of the Vatnik Asshole Farage.


and who the fuck is this shiteater?


Fascist fuck who got more news about them getting a milkshake thrown on them than anything else.


Looks man, Nigel Farage is a fucking Russian Asset, just like Trump, he's fucking poison. I cannot believe people are listening to this man after the disaster of Brexit.


When do we do a thorough investigation of Reform and make sure that Russia isn't behind them at all? I am willing to fund the research myself.


Time to drop Nigel off in Russia.


I mean, Russia is to blame when they invaded, no? They could have just, I don’t know…**not** invaded Ukraine. Of course if you go to a root cause, Ukraine sat defenseless for years without any nuclear power guaranteeing their territorial integrity - a must in the modern age. Most Ukrainians were convinced that they could go it alone and that joining NATO meant that the West would be robbing them of their cultural identity or whatever. From 2002 to 2009, *our own polls* conducted in Ukraine never showed more than 30% support for NATO membership and usually hovered around 15-20%. Except guess who pushed this narrative on Ukraine with years of social engineering and propaganda? Russia. And people in Ukraine in the last couple decades loved to blame all their problems on “western imperialism”. Their corrupt, inept pro-Russian politicians constantly used the West as a scapegoat for their own problems. Guess where that narrative came from? Yep, Russia. It’s almost like Russia is the cause of its own aggressive and brutal invasion of a sovereign nation, and that the supposed “western imperialism” is just a boogeyman when in fact every country that joins NATO does so because they’re scared of Russia invading them. Also, the whole idea of NATO being “too close” to Russia being a cause of the war as Farage points out is 100% a standard Kremlin talking point. It has no practical bearing because we’ve had the ability to strike at targets halfway around the world for over 50 years. Putting a few missiles in Estonian is irrelevant when we could just as easily hit them from the South Pacific. But it’s the perfect fig leaf for Russia to try to expand its borders and claim its in the name of peace.


The people who want to break up the EU , NATO are also the people who think Russia is the good guy in the war… wake up people!


Ah Farage a totally not a russian plant.


So if anyone wasn’t convinced before it’s pretty clear Farage is a Russian asset


Farage is a cock, I’d happily watch him be tarred and feathered


He has one policy that riles up all the idiots and that's it. Lets hope Labour can get a handle on immigration so this danger to Britain can be disarmed.


This doesn’t surprise me,  or should it surprise anyone! The only surprising thing would be if he had said that Russia started the war and told the truth. Like Trump and others who think this way, they’ll gladly accept the Russian propaganda 


I wonder who pays him to say that...


How else will he get the Russian bot farms to swamp social media with 'this guy makes sense' posts.


Can someone give Farage a one way ticket to Russia?


Fagage is a quisling, in the pay of Russia. He's no different to any other loudmouthed, fascistic, election-chasing blowhard...


This guy and Trump must be buds.


Someone just received a bank transfer from Russia


It is scary how many people seem to legitimately believe/follow the abusive "look what you made me do" rhetoric Scary stuff


So Putin was so sure that NATO and the EU were an existential threat to Russia that he was willing to sustain 500,000 dead or wounded Russian soldiers (so far) ? Sorry, but the majority of reasonable and sober people around the world are not buying that


Ugh, another Putin cumslurper. That fucking whore will do anything for a payday.


*I'm Putins puppet and I endorse this message. Now it works.


Blaming NATO for Russia's aggression is like claiming "breaking and entering is the fault of door locks". "If you didn't have door locks, I wouldn't need to kick your door down to steal your stuff".


Farage is just a Kremlin stool-pigeon who needs to fuck off to Ruzzia and be with Pootin.


Reminder that Farage receives donations and regularly meets with Russian diplomats for private talks. This isn’t opinion or speculation, it’s well documented fact.


The most useful of idiots. Fuck this moron.


Can't someone permanently gag this excuse for a human??


How much they paying him and what dobthry have on him?


Stop giving Farage a voice


If you didn’t already know that Farage was an a**hole, now you know. At least people who were on the fence about him, giving him the benefit of the doubt, can now reassess.


Ah so Nigel is taking Russian money, good to know


So the guy who undermined the UK and European Union, playing into Putin’s goals of destabilizing the west is now spreading Russian propaganda?! You DON’T SAY!


The Russian Kompromat is strong with this one


He’s dug his way to a new level of stupidity


Russian Talking Head in UK says...


He first betrayed his own country with Brexit and now is Putin's mouth piece. What a disgraceful, slimy creature.


He's such a little Russia rod rider


He's the tosspot Trump of the UK.


The "I had to rob my neighbor and burn his house down because my other neighbor - who is too rich so I did not dare mess with him - planted a new hedge" defense.


He can eat his own dick.


I mean that's basically common knowledge in the UK at this point, but I need to repeat it for US readers: Belief that NATO provoked Russia to attack Ukraine comes from the deep deep ignorance of western readers about East European history and reality on the ground, and therefore very egocentric projection of own reality onto Ukraine and Russia. I think it's the same with the Middle East and Afghanistan, where some of you firmly believe that "US created radicalism" there.


Aren't there Russian oligarchs in British Parliament?


I think the country that sent troops into Ukraine to take it over is to blame for the Ukraine war.


NATO and EU did not attack russia. Ukraine did not attack russia. What happens outside of russia is none of russia's fucking business. Farage's statement does not match up with reality.


Okay, this is actually frustrating me. He literally says in the interview: "We provoked Russia, he (Putin) is to blame." That quote is not contradictory because provocation and justification are two separate concepts. We'll take an example of this distinction from our own history. The French monarchy sending Henry V toy balls so he may 'learn to play' was provocative but wasn't justification for war. Provoked, Henry looked for a justification and revived the English claim upon the throne of France. Provocation ≠ Justification; related but different. Here is a chain of events that may be considered provocative towards Russia: - In 2008, NATO signaled its intent to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO at the world leaders summit. However, France and Germany blocked providing Ukraine with a Membership Action Plan because they thought it would provoke Russia. - Yanukovych was negotiating for associate status with the EU before 2014, although he wanted to balance Ukraine between the East and West. - Russia protested Ukraine working towards Association Status with the EU unless Russia was involved in the deal. Yanukovych ruled out association status as a result. - Yanukovych was then overthrown by the Revolution of Dignity, initiated by his decision to no longer pursue associate status with the EU and his unjustifiable reaction to the initial protesters (violent suppression). - Yanukovych fled to Russia and the conflict began. - The government that replaced Yanukovych then immediately moved to gain association status. To summarize, this chain of events shows a series of actions that, while provocative towards Russia, do not justify a military response. Provocation and justification are related but separate concepts. Provocation makes a country more likely to seek war to protect its geopolitical position, but they will typically seek a justification to support this action. It is only when provocation mounts drastically that a state will attempt a war without a justification other than the provocations. This is why Farage can say the West provoked Russia, but Russia was wrong to invade. The war was provoked but lacked sufficient justification. Even Putin knew he lacked justification, which is why he initially denied the 'little green men' were Russian special forces and later claimed he was merely supporting an independence movement. Then again in 2022 Putin knew he lacked sufficient justification, that is why he embellished and exaggerated the extent of ethno-nationalist fascism in Ukraine and claims the invasion was to deal with that. Russia was provoked but was unjustified. Understanding provocation and justification as separate but related concepts is crucial. While certain actions may be necessary and even beneficial, recognizing their provocative nature allows us to consciously weigh the increased likelihood of conflict against the desired outcomes. In contrast, denying that any action driven by the democratic will of a people can be geopolitically provocative is negligent and a recipe for repeated global conflict. In conclusion, understanding and carefully considering the provocative nature of geopolitical actions is essential. By doing so, we can strive to maintain peace and stability, avoiding unnecessary conflicts and the severe consequences they bring. And just so you know, I was cheering for every inch of Ukrainian soil recovered and I hope peace can be achieved while recovering as much of the land mass as possible.


While farage is an idiot , my personal opinion is the eu should’ve defended Ukraine militarily immediately and with full force. Instead they let their neighbor get ransacked knowing how valuable Ukraine is to the world food supply. And if you don’t protect your neighbors, the looters are going to come for you next.


I suspect the British will fall for the Russian-paid Farage over and over again.


Ah he's one of those Putin puppets


Putin has to blame someone, that man is so hungry for power and money he couldn't care less who Putin has to step on to get it, sounds just like Trump


He will lose so many votes over this. I mean it's practically going to kill his election chances in one fell swoop.


That man needs another milkshake


Isn't that what a Russian agent would say?


ah yeah, the dude who tricked UK into leaving EU with stupid lies and then applied for german citizenship the day after the referendum ... clearly a reliable source haha


Ignorance, ignorance, everywhere.


Farage still around? Man, that's a shame.


So he’s a Russian shill just like the rest of the right wingers in the U.S.? I’m shocked.


I mean Russia has been his most enthusiastic supporter for years so this is no surprise. Weakening the EU and Nato is Russia’s single biggest boner.


By the guy who sold Brexit to the Brits, lmao.


Needs another milkshake baptism


Russian asset


Jesus, leaving NATO is going to be his new Brexit isn't it. He really is a grubby little traitor who just want to felate Putin whenever he can


Well if Nigel fucking Farage says it...


Well at least it's easy to tell who has been bought by Russia nowadays


Please ignore anything this Fash idiot says, he's an embarrassing grifter and nothing else. Starve him of the oxygen he so desperately needs. Apologies from the UK for his very existence




I wonder how much Russia paid him for that comment?


I can't believe people actually want to vote for NF.


God forbid we should offer nervous Eastern European nations protection from a tyrant.


How naive can you be to believe this crap?


We should strap him to a dinghy and push him out to sea


Sounds like Farage is conspiring with Russia. Time to investigate the shit out of his finances.


Just because someone says something stupid doesn't mean it needs to make the news.


He says a lot of 🐂, no need to report on it.


Just how deep is this guy in Putin's pocket? How is this not treason?


Farage is firmly in Putins pocket and a Russian stooge. F him.


I mean, did you SEE how Ukraine was dressed?


"I'm a super obvious Russian asset" says Farage.


Brits, my condolences over your pain and suffering from insane politicians. We're experiencing the same thing here in the US, and it hurts. Good luck! We're going to need it.


Nigel like Trump is a Russian asset.


Putin may feel aggrieved and upset after Nato expansion in the same way Hitler did after WW1. What Farage fails to see is Putin crossed the line which wipes out any grievance he may have felt.