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I wouldn’t call it totally unprecedented. I’ve been in the Canadian subreddits frequently and it seems like the living situation has become absolutely unsustainable, even more so than it is in the states, and a lot of the blame is being laid at the feet of an immigration policy that’s bringing in more immigrants per capita than the US is. The increased labor supply coupled with a willingness to work at lower rates has driven salaries through the floor in some of canadas most expensive areas. For reference, I work in accounting, and I started at about 60k in a mid-low cost of living area. I frequently see accountants in the likes of Toronto and Vancouver posting salaries 20-25% lower than that. If anyone can survive in those cities on that salary, it can’t be comfortable living. You’re going to probably see a huge shift to conservative leaders in Canada in the next few elections.


According to my Canadian friends they are also being priced out of homes as well with no housing solution in sight. Out of the ten I know, only one (data scientist) owns a home, another (physician assistant) rents a single family home, and the rest are near 30 and live in housing like like college students and given up on the idea of single family housing unless they move outside the city. They claim it’s non-native Canadians buying homes.


I do a ton of work in residential construction and the one thing that blows my mind when I look back at it is that many of the builders I work with are considered to be building "mid level homes" in rural areas here in BC - not in expensive cities, I live in an area that people move to *from* cities - and even I cannot remember a single time one of the houses was listed for less than $800,000.. and they're just.. OK. Houses here are not built for average incomes or with first time home buyers in mind. They're so sprawled out, all 2600+ square feet that people 55+ are buying and using the basements for storage.


What else would you use the basement for?


The housing supply issue is a factor. To build all the houses the Liberals say they will is unattainable in the time frame they laid out.


They need to build apartments. Not houses.


Either way, apartments, houses, the only way they can make the target is 400sq ft assortments and 800sq ft houses and even then it won’t happen.


It's really easy to make a liveable 1000sqft house, but developers don't want to because they make less money on the land they buy so they continue to sprawl and build these 2500+ square ft houses they sell to old people who use 1900 of the square feet for storing 40 years worth of old clothes and pictures and refuse to add suites I work with developers every day and they laugh at the idea of building *smaller* to fit more houses on their lots


I think it has more to do with taxes If you put 1000 sqft on a lot you pay the same taxes as a 2500 sqft that uses up most of the lot. McMansions. You see that a lot and when you have multi generational use a larger home makes sense. Again, something we are seeing more as different cultures have a different approach to family and are used to different life styles.


Good things the Conservatives have zero plans.


Both those degrees make bank in the US.


how different are your conservatives compared to American conservatives? I don't know too much about Canadian politics. do people in Canada think fascists are gonna fix everything like the idiots here do?


Traditionally, the conservatives in Canada would lean somewhat left of the Democrats in the US, actually. They might have slipped right a teensy bit lately, but there's not much actual sign of it, other than in attack ads from the other parties, which try to link them to stuff people have heard about the far right in the US doing, but which they do not in any way support. In practice, the policies of Liberal and Conservative parties are not too far apart most of the time. The Liberals have drifted more to the left lately since their government is dependent upon the support of the NDP party, which is traditionally the party of the loony left (though they cleaned up their act a bit lately, they are still pretty far out there). That's led them to focus on issues that are not that important to the majority of the populace, but people were ok with it as long as the economy appeared to be doing well. But now that some actual serious issues that are important to the majority have become impossible to ignore the current government is just perceived as not very competent, and as out of touch with those issues. The policies of the Conservatives are not much different, but unless they are complete idiots, they will likely put more focus on what people are actually worrying about, at least long enough to get elected.


The differences are marginal to the point we’ve had party members switch from one party to another. Prior to trudeau we had ten years of harper who was conservative. Basically every ten years we switch parties. A lot of our party members are career driven and not ideological.


They crib ALL their notes from American conservatives.


Tough and sensible anti-Putin conservatism like Meloni could be successful, not unhinged Russian-sympathizer Kremlin PsyOp BS from the likes of Trump and Orban, they're a Slavic cancer masquerading as conservatism.


>The increased labor supply coupled with a willingness to work at lower rates have driven salaries through the floor in some of canadas most expensive areas. For reference, I work in accounting, and I started at about 60k in a mid-low cost of living area. I frequently see accountants in the likes of Toronto and Vancouver posting salaries 20-25% lower than that. What does that have to do with immigration? It's overwhelmingly low skill jobs that experience the supply shock. We're not letting in massive amounts of accountants...


Some of the immigrants/refugees are higher skills. I’ve talked with some and their take isn’t that the money isn’t there it’s being used to maintain a bureaucracy that contributes little and achieves less.


Based on what I’ve read, it’s not exclusively low skill labor. Some of it is high skilled labor leaving home or international students that are graduating looking for permanent residence.


It is *overwhelmingly* low skill labor that experiences supply shock. There is no evidence that immigration is affecting accountants as a profession. This person's anecdotal experience shouldn't be taken at face value.


Not in British Columbia. Projected majority continuing for the NDP and good. They’re doing a good job. COME ON BRO SHOW ME I AM WRONG Also: employers are the ones paying this, not immigrants coming in saying please pay us less! You’re blaming the outcome not the perpetrators. Also: businesses and CEOs loves loves loves Conservatives who ALSO love immigrants coming in to work these jobs. PROVE ME WRONG: SILENT DOWNVOTES MEANS I AM CORRECT. Don’t agree? Prove me wrong by showing me their policies and actions (tweets do not count). Pierre will win. Sure. We vote out not in here. But the Prairies had a decent change to NDP too (Manitoba). PROVE ME WRONG HERE TOO. I don’t think enough Canadians realize that there’s more country than just Ontario. I don’t see the Conservatives winning in Quebec either and that’s the other major part of our population. PROVE ME WRONG REDDITORS I dunno. It’s not as sweeping as you think. Federally maybe. But thankfully we know that Province politics affect our lives way more. Edit: I fucking love that I got downvotes… for fucking what you shitty bots and conservative Stan’s…for pointing out it’s not the WAVE you paint it to be. I’ll continue to live in my bubble of ignorance where I actually am aware of what party is running what province lol. World news is funny… y’all know shit about Canada. Best part is I ain’t arguing that PP won’t win just that we aren’t a Conservative through and through country and that chokes some of you.


People in Ontario couldn’t find Vancouver Island on a map. Then, when they do find it they call it Victoria Island.


Ndp for provincial. Buy federally bc will swing conservative. https://abacusdata.ca/federal-conservatives-lead-by-18-in-bc/


Shoutout to Felix-Antoine Hamel who ran as an independent, but apparently couldn’t manage to get out and vote for himself.


I mean or he didn’t vote for himself. I wouldn’t if I was running.


They might not have lived in the voting zone so they are not allowed to vote for themselves in this by election.