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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/1dsjvb6/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


So what will the rest if the world do now? Now that we are almost assuredly going to see Trump return to power, can Europe keep Ukraine afloat? Especially with Orban blocking a lot of aid?


He won’t return. No matter how much the Putinistas want it, Trump will not return.


Your optimism is commendable but misplaced. Biden *can* win, but Trump is certainly the favorite right now, and has been for months.


"Now that we are almost assuredly going to see Trump return to power" I don't beleive this will happen, still feel pretty hopeful about that


If you aren't actually a Russian troll?  Here's what you do. You relax and do your part to combat the disinformation and cynicism Russia is using to impact its democratic opponents at the polls. 


Drama Queens are not the solution


Oh yes, pretending everything is fine is a much better idea.


Nice strawman you got there


If the F-16s are flying is there really any way to counter a drone swarm now? The second Russians light up their radars to counter there's going to be a HARM riding that beam. This basically makes everything within a few tens of km from the line pretty risky to keep around too long


There are plenty of counters to the F-16s in the Russian arsenal. They’ll help, but they arent gonna be invincible. They cant touch russian AWACs planes for example, and these can guide missiles onto the F-16s.




Just because there was one tweet about it and they were supposed to get delivered around this time.


The first batch of pilots started training in October of last year so the estimated timing is between now ish and late summer. Hopium too, lots of hopium they're in the air so I'd hazard a guess optimism is getting the better of folks if they're not up there kind of like the Ghost of Kiev legend early on


If the F16s are in Ukraine I figure they will be used in defense and maybe max range strikes. Ukraine is smart enough not to put them in situations where they will get shot down. They will gradually be used more once Russia AA defense is greatly reduced


F-16s in Ukraine do not mean HARM missions will be a regular occurrence. Wild Weasel is one of the hardest missions to pull off and takes about twice as much training as standard combat aircraft training.


I didn't disagree with that assessment. My thinking may be different though. If the F16 were to be flying well behind the drone swarm wouldn't the AA basically be faced with a dilemma? Light up the radar and be targeted, stay silent and the drive achieve the mission? This wouldn't be a standard fly an F-16 into contested airspace and bait the AA into revealing it's position the way I'm imagining it.


What drone swarms? I'm not following.


The Ukrainian long range drones are essentially modified single engine aircraft. Have them take the lead and stay at a safe distance. You could also swap drones for scalp or storm shadow missiles to force a similar decision. Either way, you have an unmanned system that needs to be targeted with an F-16 tailing it by about 40 km or so. If the SAM doesn't engage, it gets destroyed by the drones or missiles. If it does engage it gets a harm coming at it at mach 2.5 with little to no shots left. Does that explain it a bit better?


Depends how sophisticated the radars are, what types there are in the area, how far away they are, how easy it is to trick them into revealing themselves with a particular drone or missile attack, and how tolerable it is to lose an F-16 when the trick doesn't work. It's definitely not a situation where drone swarms can never be distinguished from an F-16. Ukraine has been hitting radar and SAM systems regularly for months now, but it's been a very, very slow attrition campaign of degrading these defenses. They haven't even made a dent in the total number of systems Russia has available. They've destroyed like five radars out of several hundred in Russia's arsenal, and they've blown up about a dozen SAM launchers out of more than a thousand. The reason these long-range drones are so effective is because Russia's territory is so vast that even a thousand SAM systems can't do much to defend the Russian interior, so these slow, lumbering RC-controlled Cessna airplanes full of explosives can just fly around Western Russia with relative impunity.


While russia is vast, the border area is way smaller. If they have so much AA why at least dont they have the border towards ukraine covered? Not to mention their refineries?


Can any mission be SEAD by default? Like every F-16 carries a HARM that is constantly listening for radars such that it can be launched as soon as it finds anything. If you have to launch it, just launch it and abort the original mission. If nothing is discovered, then just proceed with the mission as normal. You just have one less hardpoint at any given time.


I don't see why not. 2 sidewinders, 2 Harms, 2 Amraams, some gbu-39s and a targeting pod for a standard patrol load out. I think a Falcon can carry all that at once.


No. It requires too much coordination to pull off ad hoc. If the enemy knows you're coming, they selectively turn off their radar before you've arrived so you don't find out where their radar is. A defending radar grid can also use a radar as bait until you've fired on it, and then activate a bunch of concealed radars to find you when you're dry on ammo. The element of surprise is critical.


Currently the Russians or us don’t know if f16 are there for certain. Note. IMHO just 1 pair of qualified pilots at the 2 planes formation level could do lots of damage with the weapons and capabilities that F16 have as long as the missions they get are right for that. The pilots can go get more training later. The capabilities of that aircraft are needed now while more pilots get more time to train in the 4 plane formation level.


Two planes would do nothing. Between the maintenance and resupply downtime, that's a dozen sorties a week at best. Russia launches over a thousand air sorties per week with approximately 100 active aircraft. During the invasion of Iraq, the US conducted more than a thousand sorties per day, with more than two thousand active aircraft.


A thousand airsorties a week with 100 planes.. Again you are spinning up wild numbers.


It is approximate but that's a fairly decent picture of what they're doing. In March, at the height of their air campaign in winter/spring 2024, they conducted 150 sorties per day, which averages out to 1,050 sorties per week. On paper they have more than 1,000 aircraft, but that figure includes helicopters and logistics aircraft. It's really about 2-300 aircraft that are combat fighters and bombers, and the general assumption with an airforce is that only half of their available stock of airframes are flight worthy at any one time. Flight worthiness goes down during periods of high-intensity use. So an estimate of 100 to 150 active airframes is a reasonable estimate of Russia's maximum combat aircraft capacity on a per-week basis.


New from ChrisO\_Wiki [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1807482012984619390.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1807482012984619390.html) 1/ After Chinese buggies, the next innovation in Russian battlefield transportation may be electric scooters. Russian MP Maxim Ivanov has proposed putting Russian soldiers on scooters, which he says would also help to rid Russian cities of unwanted scooter riders. ⬇️


is this the onion?


No onion. Only potato. 


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihMMw0rnKz4


*sad Latvian noises*


Biden war strategy has been to wait for Russia to escalate first before they send a new weapon or relax restrictions on the use of a weapon. What is he waiting for Russia to do before he lifts the ban on hitting Russian airfields with ATACMS?


Not being able to attack airfields is such an absurd restriction. It really plays to the narrative that we are more interested in depleting Russia’s supply than we are in a Ukrainian victory.


maybe trying to use it as incentive for russia to avoid hitting f16 related infrastructure??


Outside Ukraine, you mean? Russia does not hesitate to strike anything in Ukraine.


Russia will hit that shit as soon and if they can find it lol.. be prepared for a few weeks of Russian news that they've shot them all down or destroyed them all on the ground even if they never see one.


I mean from our perspective, if we start losing planes we lose our air superiority Of course, Russia doesn’t have that…. Over Ukraine. I imagine the thinking could be that starting to eliminate domestic airbases is just too damaging to Russias defense of sovereignty- post Ukraine war


The Russians didn't have a very good day, across much of occupied Ukraine, they appear lack motivation, proper logistics support, no close air support and many other types combat support, I'm surprise they got the morale to many operations...


dude russians are joining the war for a monthly check and because of youtube videos making it look like a fun camping trip and to 'free Donbas' and 'fight NATO' their motivation is higher than that of ukrats sadly


And where are you getting this information from ?


I simply the reports and news articles posted on here...


Really? UA Live Map is showing they took a bit over 4km of territory today which is average. 


Territory that is of little strategic significance that Russia basically lost a battalion for. Even if by some miracle a significant hole opens up in Ukraine’s lines, nothing to date suggests that Russia would have the ability to exploit it.


The point is they appeared to have an average day. Which I guess doesn't contradict "didn't have a very good day", just a strange thing to post.


I didn't say they didn't make advance, I just said they were having a bad day across much of occupied Ukraine, If I did it say that, would you mind pointing it out? Wow, the Russias capture 4,000 meters or 2.5 miles of territory , my guess is it wasn't to heavily defended, that's great accomplishment for such a mighty army, that once was considered the second best in the world...


They have had high loss days where they gained no territory and even lost some so I don't see why today would be that bad. 


>Between January and April 2024, more than one in four UK military transport flights over Europe were disrupted by Russia's GPS jamming >British Defense Minister Grant Shepps said that "this is another example of Russia's recklessness." >"Fortunately, our planes and pilots can take this threat away, but it shows President Putin's contempt for the West and the rules-based international order," https://espreso.tv/svit-rosiya-glushila-gps-na-kozhnomu-chetvertomu-transportnomu-reysi-viyskovoi-aviatsii-velikoi-britanii


So are these possible threats to US bases in Europe Russian? Finding it hard to think of where else this threat could be coming from.


No You'd see a lot more going on than just increasing base security for a threat as major as Russia launching attacks on NATO bases This is likely related to the repeated threats from groups like ISIS because tightened security would decrease the chance of them breaching a perimeter for a bombing or attempt at shooting up a base


Probably Russia providing logistics to Hamas affiliates over Israel aid.


Perhaps, are there any examples of Islamic groups attacking European military infrastructure though?


The only example that springs to my mind is [the murder of Lee Rigby](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Lee_Rigby). But that was a decade ago, and a street attack on a single soldier who was off-base at the time.




Reports that that the US has received intel that there are credible threats to military bases in Europe.


Gotcha, thanks.


From NoelReports: Reportedly the first images and video from Shchelkino, occupied Crimea. A fire would be raging at/near Energetik-2, a private cottage village. (Videos and pics) https://x.com/noelreports/status/1807484583232897345?s=46&t=VUqNqjdwahL39seuvtxeiQ


I usually go into Google Earth aerial photos to find a likely target when I see a report of an attack on some place I've never heard of. And there are usually at least one or two obvious military targets like a base or airfield visible. But Shchelkino has none visible in the satellite imagery.


Someone said it was a site of an S-400? Also, Noel reported this after the first: In Shchelkino in occupied Crimea, near Kazantip and some 50km west of Kerch, ambulances and fire trucks are running around the city. It is reported that something arrived there That was all reported 4 hours ago - so maybe the fire is out now? Maybe you can see cinders…


I was looking at the wrong Shchelkino in Maps, not the one in Crimea. My bad.


I’ve seen before there are a lot of cities with the same name; different oblast or even same oblast!


The Ukrainian advance near Terny is particularly embarrassing for Russia when you consider the absolutely enormous casualties they sustained to capture the positions they just lost. We're talking fields of corpses. 200+ armored vehicles. https://x.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1807465018939654596?t=Tw2Sy7eNgsuzUWyzSjCBAA&s=19


[They also struck their own destroyed tank with a fpv drone and said it was a ukrainian tank.](https://x.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1807483702336987143)


"Units of the 79th Air Assault Brigade in the Novomykhailivka district repelled Russian assaults, destroying seven BMPs along with their infantry. Some Russians managed to take shelter in a house, but Ukrainian aviation subsequently eliminated them." https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1807449232191672409?t=oqByrCOs-3XTJxG8FWyBEQ&s=19


Really makes me think that F-16s are here or very very close. I hope they are a huge boost to help end this misery. 


Fuck those guys in particular ahh moment


Interesting that they used aviation assets on a few stragglers in a random house. Maybe they just happened to be available and in the area, but usually Ukraine is pretty cautious about using it's limited supply of airframes......


They might be testing them on available targets to test their capabilities 


This together with footage of an Ukrainian Mig-29 tossing HAMMER bombs on a house (probably a command post) from this week might indicate that they're feeling a bit safer about flying close to the front, maybe because Russian air defense is starting to show gaps


Ukraine uses glide bombs they can release from 40-50 km back, the airframes might be fairly safe.


Perhaps they have new reasons to feel a bit less cautious.


That's sort of what I was wondering....


GBU-39 on a house? You know you're having a bad day when...


**The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 30.06.24 approximately amounted to:** Personnel – 542,700 (+1,140), Tanks – 8,080 (+7) units, APV – 15,524 (+19) units, Artillery systems – 14,533 (+53) units, MLRS – 1,110 (+1) units, Anti-aircraft warfare systems – 873 (+2) units, Aircraft – 360 (+0) units, Helicopters – 326 (+0) units, UAV operational-tactical level – 11,584 (+46) units, Cruise missiles – 2,331 (+0) units, Boats / warships – 28 (+0) units, Submarines – 1 (+0) Special equipment – 2,448 (+12) units, Vehicles and fuel tanks – 19,643 (+75) units.   Source [https://twitter.com/DefenceU](https://twitter.com/DefenceU)


[Ukraine Receives Skynode S Universal Machine Vision for Drones from American Company Auterion | Defense Express | June 2024](https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/ukraine_receives_skynode_s_universal_machine_vision_for_drones_from_american_company_auterion-11011.html) *The Skynode S not only allows for targeting but also enables navigation without satellite guidance in conditions of total electronic warfare interference. It also supports swarm guidance and can be installed on any drone* *The American company Auterion officially announced the successful development of the machine vision system named Skynode S, which is being delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where it has proven its real combat effectiveness. According to the company, the Skynode S is a mini-computer and flight controller built on cost-effective technologies and proprietary software.* *"The software has already proven itself in combat missions in Ukraine, providing Ukrainian forces with advanced computer vision to counter and bypass the loss of GPS functions and radio frequency targeting in electronic warfare. It is the first to offer swarm control, fully autonomous flight, and resistance to interference. It provides unprecedented accuracy, increasing the probability of success from 20% to 90%," Auterion officially announced.* *The company also notes that it developed the Skynode S in collaboration with government and industry partners from the USA, the European Union, and Ukraine. It is worth mentioning that Auterion, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, USA, has R&D centers in Switzerland and Germany. Additionally, it should be noted that the company specializes in software and hardware solutions for drone automation rather than in the development of the drones themselves.* *Additional details were voiced by the company's CEO, Lorenz Meier, to the American publication [Breaking Defense](https://breakingdefense.com/2024/06/skynode-s-auterion-autonomy-kit-lets-attack-drones-fly-through-jamming/). Specifically, he mentioned that the company has capabilities not only in the USA but also in Ukraine. Additionally, he demonstrated the Skynode S, which is a ready miniature board with a passive cooling system.* *Furthermore, it is built on an open architecture, can be integrated into any drone, and can be easily upgraded and enhanced through contributions from other developers.* *Lorenz Meier noted that the development took only six very intense months. However, the result is a fully operational and efficient solution capable of processing three-dimensional objects that may be camouflaged, partially obscured, in low-light conditions, or in motion or rotation. This capability is crucial for implementing the automatic targeting function by operators of drone-kamikazes.* *Defense Express has already explained in detail what machine vision is, [how it works](https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/new_fpv_drones_with_machine_vision_for_automatic_target_tracking_empower_ukrainian_forces_video-9895.html), and its purpose. In essence, it involves creating a cheap, miniature, and straightforward self-guidance system for drones that neutralizes enemy electronic warfare and reduces dependence on operator skill. This is why the company's claimed 90% effectiveness in targeting with the Skynode S-equipped drone, compared to 20% without it, "in the hands" of the operator, is entirely realistic.* *Auterion also reported that the Skynode S enables drones to navigate over significant distances in conditions where satellite navigation is unavailable. This is accomplished using an algorithm that compares the drone's visual perception of the terrain with high-resolution satellite maps.* *It should be noted that information about the use of this technology by Ukrainian long-range drones, specifically this new generation DSMAC, was disclosed back in April of this year. This technology, combined with automatic target detection and tracking, fully explains the effectiveness of Ukrainian long-range drone strikes.*


I'm not much for nationalism but I get rock hard when I hear about new tech that can kill commies


This is good news!


How wonderful!


We are watching the landscape of war shift in front of our eyes. Hope that the next major shift is more abilities from Ukraine to jam and or disable Russian drones, as I am sure they are a huge problem and challenge.


I hope now that we know what works and has value in the warfare we can make rapid improvements in it and mass produce it. 


Andrew Perpetua: >Well... I just found an infuriating video. I can't post it because the end zooms in on a dead man. > But, I will describe it to you. A Ukrianian civilian looks at a Russian drone and gives it the finger. The Russians then sent 4 FPV drones into the guys house. Then went around town destroying every civilian car they could find. Eventually they wounded a guy and kept dropping grenades on him until they cracked his skull open, and zoomed in on that. https://twitter.com/AndrewPerpetua/status/1807400391320944932


Let's be honest ok? They would have done that finger or no finger, its just who they are.


Z-orks //


And people want to negotiate with this sick country.


Do not make peace with evil. Destroy it. Russia's government deserves nothing less than complete dismantlement.


"Putin's war"


Such petty behavior, being scared of civilians.  Any idea which town this took place in? There aren't that many civilians left in combat areas. Was it in some occupied town? 


Why would they need to be in the city to use drones


>... Then went around town destroying every civilian car they could find...


Andrew gets frustrated that he says many people don't evacuate until the absolute last minute. I've seen video of seeming civilians in Avdiivka or Vovchansk... So hard to imagine. I can't judge though, since I'm not living through it. But it sounds insane.


A couple of days ago they reported of more than 600 people still in Chasiv Yar, mainly elderly people unwilling to leave. At least since last year they forcefully evacuate children.


Ukraine now mass-producing strike drones with range of over 1,000 kilometers >Ukraine has launched serial production of strike drones with a range of over 1,000 kilometers, the head of state-owned company Ukrainian Defense Industry, also known as Ukroboronprom, said on June 29. >In an interview with ArmyInform, Herman Smetanin said Russia's "huge resources and super-powerful industry" meant Kyiv had to take a more "flexible and inventive" approach to manufacturing weapons. >Ukraine employs long-range drones to strike deep into Russian territory, targeting military infrastructure such as airfields and logistics, as well as oil refineries and depots. The strikes against oil infrastructure are intended to disrupt fuel supplies to the Russian military and diminish Moscow's export revenues, crucial for funding the war. >Experimental Ukrainian drones have struck targets in Russia as far as the Tatarstan Republic, some 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) away from the Russia-Ukraine border. >Smetanin said that with the help of "private individuals," Ukrainian Defense Industry was now able to "scale production" of long-range drones. [https://kyivindependent.com/ukraine-now-mass-producing-strike-drones-with-range-of-over-1-000-kilometers/](https://kyivindependent.com/ukraine-now-mass-producing-strike-drones-with-range-of-over-1-000-kilometers/)


Hopefully they soon produce drones with a range of over 10'000 kilometers so they can bomb North Korean military facilities


Hopefully after the war we support their rebuild by buying their very well tested drones.. better than the Chinese made stuff I'm sure.


I’m sure that the Taiwanese demand would end up consuming whatever leftover stock might exist.


Monthly DeepStateMap summary. In June 2024, Russia has captured some 126.6 km2 of Ukrainian territory. Of it - 10.9 km2 in the Northern Kharkiv direction that was opened last month, and 115.7 km2 along the main frontline; Additionally, Ukraine has liberated around 11.9 km2 during this period. Therefore the total net gain this month is 114.7 km2 in Russia's favor (3.8 km2 daily average). Comparison with past months: May 2024 - 173.8 km2 in the Northern Kharkiv direction, 133.2 km2 along the rest of the frontline. 307 km2 total. April 2024 - 131.2 km2 along the frontline.


Warspotting June russian losses include 97 tanks, 101 BMPs and almost a hundred other armoured fighting vehicles. They make about 30 new BMPs per month, but the true losses will probably be higher than 101. It'll take a while to finish emptying the stores and getting everything to the front, but Russia spent a meaningful part of their remaining soviet stores in June.


Simply looking from the territorial changes, it seems to me like the Northern Kharkiv offensive failed in its other objective - to divert Ukraine's attention to the point of frontline collapse, as not only did Russia gain less territory this month, but Ukraine also managed to surmount some cleverly maneuvered counterattacks, the likes of which we haven't seen much of this year. Without a doubt, the ammo deliveries, as well as other weapons that are making their way to the battlefield are starting to make a major difference too.


The UA seems excellent at making those company and battalion sized plans work to reclaim turf. Hopefully they can get things organized at a larger level for greater offensives in the future.


New interview with Zelensky: https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/zelensky-ukraine-war-interview-trudy-rubin-20240630.html Some interesting bits: >“The West wanted to deny Putin the opportunity to fully occupy Ukraine and to put the aggressor in his place. I think for them it is the victory already,”   >The second part of “real victory,” Zelensky specified, “is security for today and for future Ukrainian generations, and the impossibility of the repetition of aggression.   >Really, they have much more people, and really, we are taking care of our people more. But today we have one dead Ukrainian for six Russians” on the eastern and northern fronts, he said.   On Putin: >“What’s the scariest for him is a dissatisfied Russian society,” Zelensky said. “That is the nuclear weapon against a nuclear Putin. As soon as the West stops being afraid of Russia after Putin, Russia without Putin will happen more quickly. His circle around him will feel that.”


# #russiawithoutputin


New DeepStateMap update. Another early one for today, and possibly the last one for June. In the past 24 hours, Russia is confirmed to have captured some 4.8 km2 of Ukrainian territory. All of it in Ocheretyne direction ([towards Yevhenivka, and around Sokil and Novooleksandrivka](https://deepstatemap.live/en#13/48.2530/37.5406)).




More context: Russia has been trying to sell bonds to cover spending, but banks aren't buying enough. They want higher interest rates. "Official" bond yields are around 15% right now. So if Russia wants 1k roubles, they have to agree to pay 150/year for it... And that's not enough. They'll have to do some other trick or pay even higher to get the cash to fund the war.


Is your math correct? Wouldn’t they have to pay 1150 rubles at the end of the year if it was 15% interest?


No. If the interest rate is 15% per annum (per year) each year they have to pay that much in interest. So if they owe 1000 roubles then they pay 150 roubles in interest each year they don’t pay the bond back. They have to pay 15% of interest on top of what is owed.


> This week alone, Russia has used more than 800 guided aerial bombs against Ukraine. Against our cities and communities, against our people, against everything that makes life normal. > Ukraine needs the necessary means to destroy the carriers of these bombs, including Russian combat aircraft, wherever they are. This step is essential. > Clear decisions are needed to help protect our people. Long-range strikes and modern air defense are the foundation for stopping the daily Russian terror. I thank all our partners who understand this. https://x.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1807346027134865717


>South Korea's industry ministry said Friday it will add 243 more items that can potentially be used for military purposes to the list of products regulated for export to Russia and Belarus. >The decision raised the number of such items to 1,402, as South Korea has been tightening its control on shipments of such goods in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. >The newly listed products include metal-cutting equipment, optical instrument parts and sensors, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. https://en.yna.co.kr/view/AEN20240628005300320


Good, but like… these things should already have been sanctioned, ugh.


‼️Former NATO secretary general says that Putin's "Plan A" has failed, next year will be crucial. The former NATO secretary general suggested that the war in Ukraine will last at least until the end of 2024, as Putin hopes that the US presidential election "will bring changes that will help him in one way or another". "I think next year will be crucial. If we give the Ukrainians everything they need to not only survive but to win the war, they have a good chance of pushing the Russians back," Rasmussen said. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/30/7463332/


Economist Herb Stein: ‘That which can’t continue, won’t.’


I've been hearing about 2023 being crucial back in 22. And 24 was crucial back in 23. Easy to make the same predictions when people casually follow the war news.


It’s unfortunate that they don’t know that 2023 was crucial back in 2022 *for entirely different reasons* than 2024 was crucial back in 2023. As the battlefield changes, so do the needs of the Ukrainian military and government.


Election chances not looking good...


Americans are awful. They want a fascist to represent them, just like the Russians. They'll do nothing to stop it, and they'll give up their constitution, democracy and republic for a piece of shit like Trump. Then they'll destroy NATO and we'll have autocratic in power everywhere. Turns out American liberty, justice and bravery is a total myth.


I’m not awful. Why do you think I’m awful?


I'm not awful either, we just have an antiquated shitty electoral system in this country. A majority of us fully support Ukraine and detest Donald Trump.


Maybe not you specifically, but the United States and its institutions are definitely awful, and so are a majority of the American electorate. I don't make these excuses for Russia, I'm not about do so for the United States. Besides, lots of American liberals are Jew haters these days.


Wow, what an ignorant comment.


Wow, what an ignorant comment.


I’m sorry, which perfect democracy did you say you were from? I would very much like to live there, but somehow, I doubt they would offer me citizenship, specifically because of their institutions regarding immigration, unless you come from a land of unicorns. Do you, in fact, come from a land of unicorns? Look, dude. Every country, even pariah states, have institutions and histories with both positive and negative aspects. The mature thing would be to celebrate the positive while criticizing the negative.


> I’m sorry, which perfect democracy did you say you were from? That would be a whataboutism, but rest assured, our supreme court is beyond reproach, isn't dominated by extremist lunatics who take bribes, and our leader has never been a mentally ill, clinically narcissistic, pathologically lying, child molesting, neo-nazi rapist who betrays his country and attempts to install himself as dictator. We also allow abortion everywhere and we don't force raped children to carry to term. We also don't force women to die in childbirth from an unviable fetus. Plus, our cops don't literally execute black people and then get a paid vacation.


So, other than vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and Biden in 2020, other than participate in the women’s march, march for science, and multiple BLM events in my city, what would you have had me do, exactly? (That said, I do genuinely want to know what country you are from because if it is so awesome, it must provide complete and comprehensive health coverage to people with disabilities, right? What about a basic income? Would I need to hold a job to become a citizen, or just title to property? You’re really not going to help me out by telling me the name of this utopia from which you hail?) Edit: also, it’s not a whataboutism. I’m just describing your hypocrisy.


He's most likely Scandinavian.


> So, other than vote for Hillary Clinton [blah blah blah] We've already covered this. See my first response to you. > That said, I do genuinely want to know what country you are from because if it is so awesome And this is *exactly* why you can't trust American liberals either. Instead of taking accountability, they want a Whataboutism. I'm deliberately not telling you, although I do live in a country that is pretty close to utopia, yes. But a whataboutism is a logical fallacy and the topic of discussion is the United States, which is a failed state. Ultimately, even American liberals are fine with this happening, they will whine a little online, but they'll do nothing. And as is evident here, still think they should criticize literally anyone else rather than fix their own awful country. The Russians are no different. They, too, have zero accountability.


You won't disclose what perfect country you are from because you are full of it. Disgusting to be anti-American based on outside perceptions. We aren't perfect, but if you don't tell us where you are from, I'll bet that we are a hell of a lot better than YOUR country in terms of Democracy and helping Ukraine.


ya, maybe try not and blanket all American's with the fucking crack pots.


Accountability sucks huh? Ask any Russian. If this what your scotus and institutions are, then you reap what you sow. Contempt. The world was already subjected to this fascist for 4 years, a second time is unforgivable. Of course, Russians rightly get a lot of shit, but Americans seem unable to take any accountability for their country. Trump is going to win and win big, and that is on all of you for failing to stop this deranged Hitler. Don't take it out on us for pointing out the obvious: the United States is a failed state.


Biden need to given the weapons they need in ~~2024~~ *2025* before the end of November.  Expedite everything before it’s too late.  


Mainly they need to lift all targeting restrictions. If UA can hit enough bases, airfields and other infrastructure, it puts them in much better position in case US manages to elect fascist in the office again.


Honestly, I think he needs to make some massive sales to allies that are then earmarked for ukraine. Not sure how that would work


I feel like the corruption and dishonesty in American politics is so blatant and stupid that he could legit just come out and say “I’m gonna sell this shit to allies for nothing so they can give it to Ukraine for free guys” and the nation would say “Oh no!” and then move on anyway because that’s all we ever do. We’re like 24 hours from our presidents being immune anyway.


and how do you suggest he do that with a republican controlled House?




My cat woke me up at 4:45am by puking so I was admittedly a bit out of sorts. 2025. Biden needs to fork over next years weapons before the election is over is what I’m trying to say so poorly.




Given the state of our SCOTUS and Congress, I have no faith our norms or laws will remain unchanged during a second Trump presidency. Our constitution is under attack daily it seems.




> Democrats have spent a lot of time recently demonizing and questioning the legitimacy of the courts I'm neither Democrat nor American and even I understand what an utter joke your "supreme court" is. There are literally multiple treasonist, theocratic extremists on the bench who take kickbacks from literally everyone and aren't even hiding it any more. They recently repealed their own anti-corruption rules. MAGA morons are fooling nobody with their false equivalences.




> Case in point. There is no "case" and you have no "point". You're saying that because you think it sounds good. > You're a chronically-online European that posts hundreds of times a day exclusively about US politics that are either divisive or questioning the legitimacy of government institutions. "Hundreds of times a day" is an outright, bald-faced lie. Exclusively about U.S. politics? Also an outright, bald-faced lie. You have no moral qualms about lying at all, because pathological lying is the very core of the GOP platform. I definitely do question the legitimacy of U.S. institutions, because they are illegitimate as a result of an ongoing, 10-year-long, fascist attack by the MAGA nazis. > You're either an IRA employee or mentally unwell. The irony of this remark coming from cult 45 is off the charts. Your Nazi cult leader is deemed mentally ill by dozens of prominent psychiatrists and what's more, he's a Kremlin puppet. The only reason your milquetoast, half-assed investigation into Trump, his Russian asset campaign staff and IRA ever got off the ground is due to my country literally sending your country surveillance footage of the DNC/DCCC hackers whose cyberattacks on the United States your fascist cult leader openly encouraged.


Notice how you refuted nothing he said, and immediately resorted to personal attacks to elicit an emotional response. I called your behavior out hours ago, and you feigned ignorance like a Tucker Carlson clone “wh-wh-what do you m-m-mean?!?!” yet here you are again repeating that behavior. Sad!


Oh sweetie, you know as well as everyone else the republicans are liars from stem to stern and Trump and McConnell have done more damage to the courts than anyone. But it’s ok, you guys can take a victory lap for now. The libertarians are going to be voting liberal again in the next election cycle so enjoy that sea change!




lol that’s the thing, you guys never debate or discuss in good faith lmao so you aren’t beholden to facts and truths rofl which is why you spend your time hunting for emotional responses lel using emojis and lols and little pithy quips. These interactions are how you lash out at the world instead of violence. You use online negativity to vent disingenuously. There’s a lot of people like you and we all got used to it after gamergate and 2016 so it doesn’t move me really.


Russian soldier bemourns his fallen comrades whose unidentifiable bodies have already decomposed. Graphic! But my god…. All for one psychopath https://x.com/goreclipps/status/1807141697899671830?s=46 Spot the first body in the frame… the dudes wearing literally just runners….thats crazy


Do Russian soldiers fighting in the Ukraine wear dog tags or any kind of identifier other than random paper on their bodies?


Jesus. The neglect of the fallen is insane. Area seems to be secure and zero collection attempts. Wonder how Russia classifies these? Dead or missing? People in Russia have to be seeing these videos…if something like this happened in NATO people would shit a chicken.


They don’t classify them at all. If they do they have to pay death benefits.


Wouldn’t they have to keep paying monthly pay if they’re not dead? Serious question


That’s what I’m thinking as well. You would think that long term though that would be detrimental. Guys are signing up pretty much for the money, if they aren’t paying then people aren’t going to sign up. Kind of morale killer as well if you’re surrounded by the rotting corpses of your fellow soldiers.


They probably get an initial signing bonus and payments continue while they’re listed as alive on the combat roster but once they are considered MIA they just take them off the sheet. Russian combat units don’t even have meaningful designations beyond “regiment 12345” unless they’re one of the storied contract soldier units so it’s easy for paperwork not to be filed.


>All for one psychopath Let's not underestimate the number of Russians that simply love torturing and killing Ukrainians. This is Russia's war, not Putin's war.


Well, one psychopath and an awful lot of sympathetic willing enablers. On the one hand I feel for the guy making the video, but on the other, all I can hear is: "I can't believe our deplorable actions have deplorable consequences." When you set out to kill, dig two graves.


Wow, sounds like the ultimate villain squad. Bet they have a killer theme song.


When you're a leader, commanding those that trust you, to kill.. Just keep digging graves. Rather; command the family of the fallen to dig the graves for their brethren, we all know they damn well may be sending women(probably already) and children, next. I worry for the gravediggers at this point..


Oh, *indeed*. How rare it is to see people willingly walking into the hole dug for them. I wish it was much rarer, but Russians are remarkably servile supplicants.