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Syria got bombed quicker than you got your $2,000 checks


Bold of you to assume we will actually get a $2000 check.


*$1400 checks


FoUrTeEn HuNdReD pLuS SiX hUnDrEd EqUaLs tWO tHoUsAnD DoLlArS


Its funny because theyve got us if they even have us debating about this. We shouldnt be arguing about whether the check is 1400 or 2000. We should be asking WHY THE FUCK WE ARENT GETTING CHECKS EVERY MONTH OR ADEQUATE HEALTHCARE


Went to get the freebie just to give it to you for this. Sorry it’s an awkward one.


How you get freebies


"Get Coins" in the top right sometimes says "Free Coin" and you can redeem a random one. Edit: A word. Thanks for the awards folks! They show up for me every few days


Because corporate America doesn't care about you.


Passed 600 in November Spent December talking about 2000 Win the election in January on the promise of 2000 Say it was always 1400 in February *It's the neo-lib way*. And theyre doing the exact same thing with minimum wage. But also lets not forgot that *every single Republican* is still against this bill anyways.


I'll take whatever my cheeto covered hands can get


Your $1200 check will be in the mail soon, we promise.


Your $600 is on the way, hang tight!


As soon as I sign on the dotted line your $200 check will be in the mail, probably


Wait, you guys are getting checks?


Once I pass this bill, you owe us $600.




The bombs only cost $1300 + $500.


Bet you Syria will get bombed again before any checks arrive


War machine go brrrr and check machine is down for maintenance indefinitely


I haven't even gotten the 600 yet. I'm fucked atm.


And they had a GME hearing And they resumed deportations And they held the second impeachment


I’ve visited Syria, and even when I was in America I would go there every year. I remember waking up with my cousins and walking down the streets to all the shops and little stands where people would sell homemade things. People there are so incredibly kind, and welcoming. When the war began I had to leave my cousins and aunts and uncles behind. To this day I cry about what’s become of the country. Syria’s already gone to shit, there’s barely anything left that hasn’t been bombed. The economy has completely collapsed. Most people are starving. And the amount of children that have died and are still dying is a crisis. I actually returned to Syria for the summer years ago and walking down the streets of my home I would see building completely destroyed, children running around begging for food, and checkpoints every minute. Yet they made the best of the situation they were in. I kept thinking to myself “How are these people, who have lost everything, still smiling?” They took the peacefulness and beauty of my country. And every day I look at the news and I see more pain, more war, more violence. I think to myself if people could only see what war does, they would never want to wage it. We are meant to be the most intelligent creatures, yet we are filled with a world of ignorance and greed. Edit: Thank you guys so much for the love! Also, just to clarify since I was pretty vague in my initial comment. I’m not specifically targeting countries, I’m speaking more from a place of sadness. Violence is a very common thing in our world, and that’s something that truly hurts me. The only people who suffer the effects of war are the innocent. I guess I made my comment more to share my story, and maybe change some people’s mindset on war. Also, I truly want to thank every single one of you. You guys reminded me that there are still so many kind people in this world.


Syria is honestly the saddest story in the Middle East. We used to drive up there occasionally, eat some amazing food, spend the weekend there and go back. Produced the best tv shows and movies and we always went back with a ton of toys. It was probably the best country in the Middle East, and it was completely independent (they basically produced everything locally). I can’t believe how much it’s been destroyed. I’ll never forget the streets of Damascus and the orange taxis (for some reason that’s burned in my brain). It genuinely makes me so sad to see it today. It was a country we could be proud of in the region; it was secular, it was an example for all the other countries in the Middle East.


Have you heard of Yemen?


Yemen's a hidden gem. It's got these [beautiful historic buildings](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ca/e6/ef/cae6efecb06c2ab8f2ae1cc5706792c1.jpg) in Sanaa. That city is also 7,200 feet (2,200 metres) above sea level (that's higher than the likes of Mexico City, Kathmandu and Kabul!), one of the [highest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest_large_cities) large cities of the world in fact. And off its southern coast on the Arabian Sea, east of the African continent, is Socotra island with these [unique trees](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6b/f9/ee/6bf9eebbba7476924947a5da7cadf5b3.jpg) that only grow over there. The Greeks and the Romans once called modern Yemen [Arabia Felix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabia_Felix), meaning "fertile/happy/blessed Arabia".


Serious: I had no idea. Thanks for sharing this information.


No probs dude. I like to work on kicking away that hugely misinformed view that the Middle East is just a desert hole with nothing special. Too many people negatively stereotype those countries.


It's upsetting to read this... And in the same thread see people make light and comedy about the situation. The war glorify culture is sickening.


> And in the same thread see people make light and comedy about the situation The demographic of this website tells you a lot. I remember when there were Pakistan-India war tensions over that shot-down pilot, the highest upvoted comment was a quote from video game Fallout 3. Followed by even more quotes.


Humor is a really good coping mechanism. i wouldn't take it as support for war. Some people laugh to keep from crying.


Yeah, no one is making jokes in threads if it was Americans getting bombed at home


Imagine making a joke about 9/11 the day it had happened, people would seriously shame you to death. Even 20 years later, you can see people get offended by it


People *did* make jokes the day of. Just not in America.


that’s true if these comments were coming from Syrian refugees. Unfortunately the comments are not coming from them though, the comments are coming from 14 year olds in California.


profound words and a heartbreaking tragedy. i’m so sorry for your loss and i hear your pain. thank you for commenting


I love the status quo. No money for checks or healthcare but bet your ass we bombing the Middle East.


Congress when the people need money during a global pandemic: zzzzzz time for another vacay! Congress when the War Machine needs some lube: Don't even ask, it's all yours already!


ftfy: Don't even ask, it's all ~~yours~~ ours already!


*holding stimulus check* You need this? I need this


America elected decades of dipshit neoliberals, saw a brief explosion of populism in resistance to it "drain the swamp" and yada yada, then elected the billionaire who promised to do so, learned absolutely nothing, and then elected the oldest, dipshittiest of all neoliberals. Anybody tired of voting for the least terminal cancer every four years?


Biden served under the guy who drone struck Doctors Without Borders. People didn’t think he would continue the military industrial complex?


just a few months ago you would have been downvoted to oblivion for posting a reminder about that.




This is so poignant, but not in the moving touching way. More like the slump your shoulders and dejectedly stare at your feet, sorta way.




/r/BidenCriticizesBiden is private.


Any time I've done so I get people claiming I'm doing "both sides". Like, Biden might support gay marriage and isn't being racist on Twitter, but he still lied about the $2000 checks and the "pro union" stance he talked about a week or two ago he's been oddly silent on as Amazon is trying to prevent a warehouse from unionizing. (hint: Amazon gave him money) Even the push for $15 minimum wage seems luke warm at best from him. The dude is a status quo manager and a perfect example of why democrats lose. Had Trump not bungled the pandemic so badly Biden wouldn't have been able to beat him.


The most popular information sources played a huge role in this. >Biden might support gay marriage and isn't being racist on Twitter He showed that he is a racist numerous times on freaking live streams, the blame is on the people who decided to ignore it and support him anyway.


They knew. They just wanted everyone to shut up and vote Biden so they could go back to brunch and the US could go back to doing the same thing, only quieter and not on Twitter.


It's not like we have a choice lol. There aren't enough informed voters to elect a decent candidate even at the local level much less a president. Nobody cares about important things because they take too much effort to think about, so they'd rather bicker about stupid shit instead.


>No money for checks or healthcare but bet your ass we bombing the Middle East. Check the US [military budget](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures), that argument applies even without the bombing. Funny how some people come to these realizations just when actual bombing happens.


>Funny how some people come to these realizations just when actual bombing happens. More like when they are in need and the govt doesn't give a fuck.


Who could have seen this coming from the man who promised a private banquet of wealthy donors to quote "fundamentally change nothing"???


Lol. When trump was president they would headline it as “President trump orders missile strikes on Syria” and I hate that guy as much as the next person but I just find it funny how now it’s “USA carries out a missile strike”


Biden's press secretary, Jen Psaki, chided Trump in 2017: Jen Psaki @jrpsaki >Also what is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country. https://twitter.com/jrpsaki/status/850173258540474368 She's singing a different tune today. The "The Democrats' Ode to Hypocrisy".


That is a good one for r/agedlikemilk


Lol as if that post will survive for more than 5 minutes there


I had to search for this post. It wasn’t on the front page and if it is then it’s really far down. If Trump did it this shit would be at the top.




Well it's not going to bomb itself. Wait a minute...


Thank you for that, I've had a long week.


Thank you both. That shit literally made me bust out laughing


It's a right of passage for the presidency.


Now I need a chart on how long it took the most recent presidents to bomb the middle east since getting into office.


Would love to see this


Where is /r/DataIsBeautiful when you need it?


In that case it might be /r/DataIsTerrifiying






So much so that Republican-supporters brag about President Republican having less airstrikes/dronestrikes during his presidency than President Democrat, and vice versa. Meanwhile, anyone who lives outside of the US is like "I think you're kinda glossing over the actual problem"


Middle eastern countries every election looking at the calendar ME: Oh shit here we go again.


Perhaps we need an intervention for our elected leaders and their addiction to bombing the middle east. Bush jr could start the session by talking about how long he has been clean and speak about how he deals with his urges to bomb again. At that point every president after him could speak as well about the the same for themselves.


The war party is bipartisan.


The war party is the only party.


Everything serves the military industrial complex. Most Americans are anti-war, regardless if they are red or blue. However, the wars will continue and they will be food for the gun.


Where is the Pacifist Movement, or the anti-war protests, or whatever visible sign that people oppose these wars? (Not sarcasm.)




[Older video that's still relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh-T2iGkLJY)


> Most Americans are anti-war, regardless if they are red or blue. What a load of horseshit. Americans fucking love war. They just don't like it when it isn't a quick and easy win. Both Afghanistan and Iraq were hugely popular when they started. It is when they started going awry and people didn't really throw flowers on American troops, thank America for giving them freedom and democracy, and the girls there weren't hopping on American cocks, and the body bags started flying in that the Americans started not liking the war.


And THAT is why bombing the Middle East is so popular: far away, damn near zero US deaths, the EU gets all the refugees and the military-industrial complex makes a fat profit.


And Hollywood. We get to see an awesome movie 5 years later about how 3 years of shooting kids hurt the guys finger and how now he has PTSD do to their blood dirtying his boots. Won't someone think of his pain?


The truth right here and people wonder why some folks there is screaming "death to America".






That republican plane needs some MAGA, All Lives Matter and Calvin pissing on liberals stickers.


And a nice big bag of truck nutz hanging off the back. Because nothing says “I hate gays” like having a set of saggy ass balls slapping against your rear.


Nothing says "I peaked in highschool" like a Calvin pissing on something sticker.


Idk man my neighbor has one and I don’t think he ever peaked.




*🎶My Hellfire has a pronoun, it’s they them their themself🎶”


Don't forget to add some cringe celeb endorsements.


As the bombs drop the citizens below will hear a plane with loud speakers blaring Imagine by John Lennon, but sang by a bunch of different celebs.


"in these unprecedented times we realize you might not know what to think of America. Don't worry, we're still the same assholes, stronger together." BOOM


One thing I like is that reddit seems to be more Anti-war than Pro-Biden. That's a good thing for the world.


Reddit has always been overwhelmingly anti-war, whether they're blue or red. Whether their administration is is another question though.


Yeah a bunch of redditors turning a pixel arrow orange sure is world changing.




I’m tired of billionaire congressmen being paid $400,000 telling me ‘we are all in this together’. Congress’s salary should be cut to $2,000 until they remove emergency restrictions.




And take their pension away. Our tax dollars shouldn’t go to corrupt cunt after they leave their office


You do realise this just means only the rich could possibly be congressman, right?


Im uneducated from abroad. Legit questio: Isnt that already next to impossible as running takes so much of money to get your face out there? Or do you feel like a poor guy could get enough support to win without loads of campaign money?


There’s a difference between personal money and campaign money (though personal money certainly does help campaigns). So, yes, people usually need a bunch of money to get elected, but it doesn’t need to be theirs.


Yea but you don't see poor people getting loads of donations either.


Bernie Sanders’ career has largely been activism and politics and not much else. Started local politics and kept working his way up. A lot of people don’t like “career politicians” and I believe there should be term/age limits for the top jobs, but it does give a path to people without means. AOC famously was working at a bar when running for Congress I believe. Anyone with good ideas and abilities can rally people around them for donations. If they can’t then I doubt this is the job for them.


Representatives like AOC and Cori Bush have bucked the trend, but both of them have stories of particular hardships of transitioning from their former job to congress. Particularly with rep Bush, this type of policy could force her to consider taking a nursing job again while the rich congress reps wouldn't even notice. Counter-intuitively, we should be paying reps more(as well as their staffers), publicly finance election campaigns, and severely limit if not eliminate cooperate campaign contributions. Reps are incentivized to listen to their donors and not necessarily their constituents atm.


Preach motherfucker


>At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both eastern Syria and Iraq We **DEESCALATED** several people there. Sounds fine.


Deescalated with extreme prejudice.


You can escalate if there is no one to escalate - America 1960-present


Was this necessary? (Serious question)


The war in Syria is a mire. Its now a bunch of different factions holding power in a bunch of different parts. This strike won't change the landscape of the war, or make it shorter. It's a show of force in the Iran nuclear negotiations more than a necessary military target. This is retaliation for a rocket attack in iraq. Tldr: nope.


In this case it was a retaliatory strike against militia forces that launched rocket attacks at US forces stationed in Iraq at the request of both the Iraqi national and Kurdish regional governments. Short version: yes. Long version: yes, but the broader involvement in Iraq depends on your views about American military presence throughout the world, what are the responsibilities (if any) of a geopolitical superpower, etc.


“America is back”


The important thing is that when Biden bombs the middle easterners he does it with civility and grace.


Like it ever went away. Sad part is, you ask a regular American today, they probably won’t even remember the sequence of events that led to American military action in Syria in the first place. US is supposed to be there to fight ISIS and protect the Kurds. Now they’ve basically betrayed the Kurds and are fighting Iranian funded militia troops that used to fight ISIS. It’s all very fucked up the more you think about it.


The US didn't intervene in Syria to help the Kurds. They had already intervened in the civil war, years beforehand, in supplying weapons and training to a whole range of rebel organisations. The US only began its overt military intervention at the 11th hour, when Kobane was close to falling to ISIS, and when there was little option left except to help them. The US has always had ulterior motives in Syria.


And the ulterior motive is just to fuck with Russia's interests in the region, right? Or is there something else?


Pretty much, yes. It was about getting Russia evicted from their Mediterranean port by overthrowing the Russia-friendly government. Same thing in Ukraine, ‘Great Game’ plans to deny Russia access to transportation routes.


> US is supposed to be there to fight ISIS and protect the Kurds. Seems like you do not remember the sequence of events too. US is supposed to be there to install a loyal regime. It all started the same way as Iraq and Libya. After starving the country with sanctions for decades finally US saw circumstances destabilizing the country enough into a hungry revolt and propaganda rode that as "people want democracy", complete with WMDs, incubator babies and such.


Yep, only started funding the Kurds in 2015 after their 2012 plan to fund sunni islamists led to many of them joining isis with the funds and weapons the US gave them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_Sycamore








"They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor" - Tupac


There's war in the streets and war in the Middle East Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs So the police can bother me


30 fucking years later and still just as relevant. That's just sad.


Probably the greatest line from one of the greatest raps of all time.


We at war with terrorism, racism, but most of all we at war with ourselves


The real war was the friends we made along the way


With friends like the ones we have made who needs enemies?


I'll try bombing, that's a good trick!


Almost 30 years later...


And still I see no changes


Can't a brother get a lil peace?


There's war in the streets and war in the Middle East




"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die"




It’s not even about the President. There’s war hawks in the general government making plans for years. Way before 9/11 and Bush there were people gunning for Iraq and they eventually get what they want. Gotta keep the war machine going... They want Iran now and they’ve wanted it since before Trump even.


I think the biggest reason we've not been dragged into a war with Iran is that the pentagon has been super clear what a cluster fuck it would be. Between geography (super mountainous, plus a strategically critical waterway that they could strangle the world economy by blocking), a military that has spent basically its entire history planning what to do in the event of a US invasion and allied groups across the middle East that will raise an unspecified amount of hell if America kicks off a war, the military leadership is likely not keen on war without a damn good reason.


> I think the biggest reason we've not been dragged into a war with Iran is that the pentagon has been super clear what a cluster fuck it would be. You are saying it like other times it went swimmingly. The biggest reason is the same reason there was no invasion into Syria. Iran will get S-400 the moment US will start prepping any kind of invasion. You literally can see Obama's rhetoric dying out after Russia announced Syria will be getting AA.


yes but at the end of the day a ton of raytheon missiles will be bought and that’s enough reason to send a few thousand young men and women to die


For a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for our shareholders


"Sorry we can't do $2000, how about $1400? the rest will go to bombing Syria"


I find it interesting that "Trump" has become "United States" instead of "Biden" in headlines. For the last four years if the US did something "Trump" did it but now if Biden orders an Air Strike the "United States" did it.


Same thing with CNN dropping the COVID death counter like the day after Biden took office. I hate commenting on it because it always comes off as a defense of Trump, who I assure you I fucking despise, but like come on. The media couldn't be more obvious about this shit


Cold hard facts. I will forever stand by the fact that the media is not our friends, but god forbid I have that opinion now because the retarded orange with a shit haircut had the same thought. They blatantly ignore the signs and just go right into attack mode because someone with different views than me is the enemy now! So fucking sad.


No no no you misunderstand. When you become president your covid counter resets until people start dying because of your policies. So Biden had a slight cushion to work with /s




That's because this is precisely why the establishment hated Trump. He was meant to destroy Republican primaries and be an easy win for Clinton. Instead he gave the establishment four years of PR nightmare because he did exactly what they did but without pretending it's all about democracy, human rights, freedom and other such crap. War is money and America likes money. They couldn't handle it. Hence the Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now that he's gone it can be back to good old days of lies, propaganda and distractions at home as America bullies, murders and bombs people around the world.


Trump had a shocking honesty. I remember when he talked about why we were in Syria and he was like "duh its for the oil dummy" which is just hilarious considering all the Neolib and Necon bullshit we were fed


Politicians called him the liar in chief. It's entirely possible he was the most truthful president we've had in decades...


Both Democrats and Republicans agree, funding war is better than helping you or me.


I mean, the Bernie Sanders left-wing of the Democratic party literally predicted this is what's going to happen in a Biden administration. I don't want to hear about "moderates"/centrist on this website claiming the moral high ground when it comes to war and bombing the middle east. The Democratic party are as much a warmonger as the republican party. It's not really surprising anymore knowing shithead Biden kept advocating for the Iraq war even when it came out that Bush lied to the U.S into that war.


Biden was part of the Obama administration. What did you expect to happen?


True but we were downvoted to oblivion for saying exactly this a few months ago. People had such cognitive dissonance.


Marty McFly: Hey, I've seen this one!


Team America World Police are at it again.


So this is what Biden meant by "America is back"


Ah, US bombing some country, means that spring is coming! 🌸


Good to know that some in the world are going back to pre-COVID normal conditions. I almost forgot what pointless proxy wars and sabre rattling was like. Sure would be nice if we the rest of us could live life as it was before. Would be even better if it was without all those bombings and sense-less violence though.


How are companies like Lockheed supposed to survive?


The new SecDef was on the board of Raytheon. Won't somebody think of the stockholders?!


Hey he's a person of color so it doesn't matter


But think of how ✨diverse✨ our grifters are!


The US has now been bombing Syria throughout 3 presidents all without congressional approval.


Well, the last time the US declared war was in 1942. Even things like the Korean War and Vietnam War and Gulf Wars weren't declared wars. I'm not sure what the latest Congress-approved authorization of military force is, though in the past they've been pretty damn broad. There was Congressional authorization for 'The War on Terror' after 9/11 and that might still be in effect, it basically authorizes striking terrorists wherever.


That specific authorization is what's being used in Syria I believe


It’s been used by all presidents since it was passed in congress for all sorts of military actions against numerous targets all over the Middle East. It is indeed a very broad law in application. It’s evolved since its initial scope to allow action only against individuals and organizations involved in planning and executing 9/11. It has created a shit show.


I don’t feel good about this


Decency, integrity and empathy is back


Now that Biden is president, everything is SO much better. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I’m so proud of this air strike that was ordered during a sitting VP who’s a woman of color. And those little Mexican kids in cages and concentration camps at the border can finally get some rest in their cages now that Biden is president. It’s crazy how literally *everything* changed completely as soon as he was sworn in.


Nothing will fundamentally change. -Joe Biden








This is too much context for Reddit.




>the troops are in Erbil with the support the support of both the Iraqi Government genuine question: how independent is the Iraqi government from the US and US interests? are there situations in which the US does not enjoy their support?


When terrorist killed 3000 Americans back in 2001, US spent trillions on endless wars so that wouldn't ever happen again, supposedly. Wonder how much US will spend on war against Covid after it killed 500000 Americans.




Compare the top-comments then to them here and there's not much difference honestly. I've seen not many mad at trump, and here are not many mad at Biden. People are more like: "eh, it's the same with every president anyway".


I can’t believe Donald Trump would—hey, wait


Biden policies are more of less the same as Trumps, only said in a nicer way.


“TRUMP!!!” “What?” “Sorry, force of habit!”


Build. Back. Better.


Better Business Bombing


Bomb. Boom. Battered.


Glad things are "back to normal" now that Trump is gone...


If this was 3 months ago, this post would have 50k upvotes and 10k comments.


And a mega thread with 1,000 articles pinned


For fuck’s sake, Americans need *Covid relief!* Why are we bombing ANYBODY?!


To drop bombs: Pentagon gives Biden options to retaliate against the bombing of a US base. Biden picks one. Military follows through. To provide Covid relief: Congress argues endlessly. The sticking point over the last week or two has been the provision to raise the minimum wage to $15 in the stimulus bill. Last night the Senate parliamentarian ruled it had to be removed from the bill. It’s breaking news right now that House Democrats are leaving it in anyway. Once a bill is passed in the House, and then passed in the Senate, Biden just needs to sign it. In summary: the two have little to do with one another.


Fuck this government and the last one. Both are absolute trash. I’d feel better about having $6K in taxes withheld from me this past week if at least some of it went to ppl that needed it instead of shit like this. Fuck them to hell Biden, trump, Harris, pence, McCarthy, pelosi, etc....none of them give a flying fuck about the ppl their supposed to represent.


If America was a person, it would be the one that always gets involved in shit that is nothing to do with them.


A Karen, if you will.