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This Nutters voice is unlistenable - not that I wanted to hear his anti-vax bs or the verbal handy he's giving trump here. SO tired of bootlickers who suck up to musk, trump , etc.


Yeah it’s painful. He used to have a show on Air America on Xm radio back in the early to mid aughts. He sounded like he was a gasp away from death every time he spoke. Does he have a permanently collapsed lung? Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spasmodic_dysphonia That’s what he has. Gotta suck.


Spasmodic dysphonia. It's a voice condition he has had for a long time. Non life threatening




Also seems like has some other nervous condition. You can see how he pushes himself back in his seat to keep himself still.


This is the first time iv heard him speak tho iv heard tons about him. Surprised this is the guy so many qanon guys are obsessed w. I'd expect him to have more charisma. It's honestly impossible to listen to him speak. It makes *me* just want to cough really loud and clear *my own throat* lmao


The fact that you have heard a lot about him and probably have formed an opinion about him being crazy really shows with never actually listening to him says a lot about you. Ya his voice is awful but he isn’t crazy he has won many law suits against drug companies and is a huge fighter for the environment.


Huh, interesting. My only exposure of him has been thru what batshit qanon people have said. So it makes sense why I'd come to those conclusions


Imagine making fun of a disabled person lmao. Get your morals straight.


His voice was damaged due to vaccine injury.


Anti-vaxers are the dumbest people on the planet.


He’s not anti-vax just as he’s not anti-car for wanting seatbelt laws. But I know listening comprehension isn’t easy…


You’re an anti-vaxer too


I watched and waited for a cigarette to just work it’s way up and fall out onto the desk


It just sounds like someone is smacking a bag of cats around when he talks


Yeah. I’d rather deal with the Howard Dean scream than listen to Ethel clutching pearls all day.


Amen brother- PREACH


Way to not respond to what he said at all. Nice deflection.


Is he OK? He's struggling to breathe


Tell me again how calling out the Biden administration for using social media to censor him is Trump bootlicking? Because all I hear is you dunking on someone with a medical condition.


Tell me how this isnt the same tired trope of some conspiracy theorist clown telling us how hes being censored during an msm interview? We need less anti-science idiots like RFK not more.


I think if you look at any of his successes litigating for environmental issues, you’ll see he uses scientific methods to refute big industry claims that they are “compliant” with health and safety regulations. He takes the same approach with vaccines, which just recently the CDC released a report on cases of myocarditis proving he’s not wrong to question. Your argument amounts to “he said things I disagree with, therefore he’s a conspiracy theorist and MAGA bootlicker with a speech impediment.” This isn’t cutting it anymore.


RFK Jr went on Rogan and pushed anti vax anti mainstream science takes. It’s fine to be wrong every now and then, but he hasn’t admitted it and spewing it on Rogan shows he’s another media gremlin just out here for his sound bites.


How ironic. Sound bites? It’s a multi hour long podcast and all you’re aware of is the sound bites CNN provided to you to push a narrative he is a covid nutjob. Claims were taken out of context. Mainstream media has an overton window for candidates and viewpoints. They’re directly funded by major pharmaceuticals like Pfizer and Moderna, is it too hard to believe they don’t have zero bias? CNN’s chief medical expert apologized to Joe Rogan on air, for calling Ivermectin a house medicine for animals. They have a motive.


He did everyone a public service. The day big pharma companies are no longer publicly traded, profit driven corporations with shareholders, their motives need to be called into question. If thats an anti-vax stance, I suppose pro-vax chooses to see the pharmaceutical industrial complex with rose colored glasses on.


What report are you referencing? CDC has been reporting on the cases on myocarditis since the beginning. It's a very rare side effect of the vaccines, something like a couple thousand cases that can be tied to the vaccine, I believe. Keep in mind that hundreds of millions of vaccines were given out. You also run a very low risk of developing it after getting COVID itself. Or any virus, really. Also, it's very treatable. But people like RFK and Rogan see information like a very rare side effect, which is entirely treatable, and act like it's happening 80% of the time with disasterous effects. They see the information and distort it. ​ [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2788346](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2788346) ​ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9743686/#:\~:text=Over%20the%20follow%2Dup%20period,NOS%20scale%20(Table%201)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9743686/#:~:text=Over%20the%20follow%2Dup%20period,NOS%20scale%20(Table%201)).


The CDC just last week released a “study” on myocarditis rates post mRNA covid vaccination based on a FOIA request. Every word had been redacted which they justified it through a loophole. Seems like a good opportunity to set the record straight and disprove misinformation, but they won’t. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cdc-redacts-myocarditis-study/


Did you read the rest of the article? It wasn't a study, it was interagency communications, not subject to FOIA. They didn't release anything, it was a compliance with the FOIA request. They've realease multiple proper, peer reviewed studies about myocarditis and the vaccines in the past four years, so what are you saying they're hiding? The record has been set straight, but conspiracy guys like RFK dont want to believe it. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/research/publications/index.html https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M22-2274


Totally agree and thanks for making these points. Going after his voice is a childish stance. Try and listen to what he’s saying and what he’s actually done.


I don’t like RFK but he’s not the cartoon character the media makes him out to be. The American audience thrives on black and white eschewing nuance for clarity on who’s ‘good’ and who’s ‘bad’ per the media of course. It’s a key reason why it’s so difficult to have discourse with the general public because this is their dumbed down expectation and mainstream media plays right to that. Life is gray and you have to wade in and be a part of it, developing skills of critical reasoning along the way. While it’s useful to characterize people and situations in order to separate wheat from chafe initially it’s only a superficial measure and ultimately everyone needs to think for themselves, a sorely lacking quality in many Americans these days.


It’s not conspiracy it really happened and happens.


Oohhhh yeah broo chefs kiss to that !!


Way to deflect and not address anything he said. Keep riding Biden’s jock.


Projecting much? Not all of us dickride politicians lmfao




Who's funded by Republicans?


Abraham Lincoln


Trump is the only candidate that has attempted a coup.


Most of south america and Africa would disagree with that statement haha . The US has literally overthrown a democratically elected official for a fruit company which lead to the term banana Republic. The US lives to brag about democracy but are actually just about power and control regardless of what poster boy they have as a president at the time .


My uncle and I were sitting around one day stoned and we started talking about banana economics, like who grows bananas, who sells the most, who controls the prices, etc. Well I was flabbergasted at the dark fucking history of the banana trade. I watched an hour long documentary on it on YouTube, it was only part 1, I should finish the series, interesting history.


BoTh SiDeS


That's not a "both sides bad" thing, that's an "American history" thing.


I understand and agree with r/Ruscole's analysis, but it is 100% irrelevant to the comment he/she was referring to and when I see that happen it is too often meant to soften the impact of the worst president in history.


It's kinda stupid you're being downvoted. I know you're not trying to be contrarian, just speaking to the fact that every US president have been a Neo-colonialist for the past few decades.


Thank you , all I can say to them is watch the documentary ,everything is a rich man's truck , also look up General Smedley Butler this is a quote from him . I served in all commissioned ranks from a second Lieutenant to a Major General. And during that time, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.


Not sure why this is downvoted. I guess because it isn't about the candidates.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted...


Thanks, Yeh mostly just people who don't like uncomfortable truths , America stopped being a nation once they brought in the federal reserve act, it became a corporation with great propaganda and massive military . It sucks but don't get mad at me I didn't do it haha .


Damn I must've been living under a rock. When did he attempt a coup? And how successful was he? Actually curious I don't pay attention to this stuff so I don't know.


January 6th, 2021. Unless you’re a trumper just trolling.


what an embarrassment to his family




My guess if that this is calculated by CNN. We just saw trump go on a deranged rant about how RFK is left wing and going to take votes from Biden. Giving him a platform to reaffirm that he’s right wing and hates the same people trump does hurts trump. And he knows it.


A Trump presidency is good for CNN's ratings, the last one sure was.


RFK jr. Is a fruitcake and should never be taken seriously


If Trumpers and Republicans hadn’t become such conspiratorial and delusional cultists we wouldn’t need half the moderation and fact-checking we have now. Trump turned half the country into morons that believe anything they see with no consideration of facts. I’ve had to let every Trumper I know that something they’ve shared isn’t real and never happened and every single time they just get angry and don’t delete it because they want to believe it. For a group of people who claim that democrats are the worst thing ever, they sure do have to make up a lot of shit to make that true.


One paid for nutjob praising his boss nutjob. Nobody is listening. RFK, see a doctor.


He's just jealous because the Kennedys had a family photo with Biden and didn't invite RFK


His dad and uncle, etc. are spinning madly in their graves.


I wish we could have seen what this world would be like if RFK had been elected. Maybe his son wouldn't be this crazy.


Or if JFK had lived. Or if Gore had been president or Hillary, etc.




Fucking goofy


And this spineless bish never pushes back, just letting him straight up lie uninterrupted. This is why our democracy is failing and evil is winning. Those with a voice just let lies go unchallenged because they're scared of being called biased and losing access. Well, we're close to losing it all because of your stupid feckless fears. She should be fired but won't be.


He's not wrong though, if you assume that "threat to democracy" actually means "threat to me gaining political office"


RFK is a little unhinged.


Somewhat more than a little


this dude is cooked. he says this with a straight face while Donald Trump posts photos of the families of sitting judges in his criminal and civil cases on social media. the same guy that makes up figures about vaccines and posts them all over the place


RFK Jr: (embodiment of verbal diarrhea) Trump: (embodiment of playing with diarrhea)


He’s just mad they excluded him from the photo op Biden’s family took with the rest of the kennedys who arent wack


I wouldn’t want to fraternize with the people who belong to the organization that murdered my dad and uncle either. (In case you don’t believe me, there were 13 bullets fired during his father’s assassination. The assassin’s gun could only hold 8)


Someone forgot to take their meds today


What a horrible thing to say.


What an ignorant thing for you to say. With both comments


Please point out any factual errors I’ve made


Every word you typed. Go back to your conspiracy theory subreddits


To be fair, both Kennedys had some shady shit go on during their assassinations.


I won’t argue that. Especially how the aftermath was handled


Aww. It’s probably better for you not to know.


Aww it’s cute that you think you actually know things


The specific case against the US he is referencing [here.](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/litigation/rfk-jr-wins-deferred-injunction-in-anti-vax-social-media-suit)


I liked him in the past on his efforts to save the environment. He has gone off the rails and his true nut job agenda has come to light. No thanks


Worst Kennedy by 22 miles


does anyone have a link to what he's talking about because I can't find anything


He’s 100% correct


Things that make you go [hmm...](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-trump-twitter-files-collusion-biden-censorship-1234675969/)


All those social media companies had a chance to do anything to monitor and sensor dangerous content... and by doing nothing, or worse promoting the demonstrable misinformation, the government was forced to step in. Who does RFK think is going to police social media, the companies who make money by putting it out there? We all know how well self-regulation works, and this is another classic example. Ask the average person who voted for Brexit if they wish the government hadn't done more to combat the weaponization of social misinformation while making social media companies millions for their part in spreading the lies. Extremist messaging has gone out and polluted minds that will have generational implications. As for RFKs claim of being censored, he was posting claims that were pure conjecture, with absolutely zero shred of evidence to support his claim. Then he went on to publish a book, which was freely distributed, and every person who reviewed it said it wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. That doesn't sound like censorship to me. It sounds like a rich old man from a family dynasty who is complaining that he isn't getting the attention he thinks he deserves. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/08/robert-f-kennedy-jr-2024-campaign-profile-00119959


He’s 100% correct.






Is there any truth/proof to what he's saying there?


Can he point to any specific example? I hate that these people get a platform to dish out ridiculous claims without any evidence.


We could just collectively decide not to reward this vile nutbar eith any platform or attention--could we all just do that please?


It’s not a bold claim. He’s 100% correct in his assessment


Of course he did. His role is to take votes away from Biden, so Trump wins. It's another tactic utilized by foreign adversaries to Divide, Distract, and Disinform. ( aka: a modernized version of "The Three D's" used to overthrow a nation from within.)


This guy is fucking evil


Bro he needs to clear his throat wtf


Why does he sound like that? Legit question. He sounds like his larynx has been clawed up by a raccoon.


Cheryl say it ain’t so! What a waste!!!!!


Dude sounds like he has a pack of cigarettes where his lungs should be


I said this Biden is a bigger threat than Trump. Censorship around Gaza, agreed to ban tik tok. Canceling primaries in multiple states. Aiding Israel in Genocide. He's complicit.




It's a disease or condition that effects the vocal cords


Besides the BS he spews how can anyone listen to the guy with a frog in his throat?


It's a medical condition. No need to be a prick about it.


Jesus Christ shut up dude


Hahahahaha. Oh wait, he's serious? ​ ***Hahahahahahahha*** ready the troops.


But he is a zionist. Ain't getting my vote either


Dude always sounds like he came off a crack binge, idk what happened to the few words they got fuct by my auto correct


Hey, his drug of choice was heroin...


Wish someone would karate chop him in the neck. Maybe that would make him understandable.


They are both the same picture…


RFK Jr. sounds like a malfunctioning machine


Truth hurts doesn’t it?


RFK Jr. has about as much coherence as a drunk Boomer uncle ranting on Facebook


Some would say the same thing about Biden and Trump


It's honestly amazing that you all stick up for either Trump or Biden. So brainwashed


I always did want to read his book about Fauci. It caught my interest some time ago


Why do we have a race between two people who based on who would be a greater threat to democracy? Where are we right now?! I thought this was America, we might need to 1776 our way up out this situation.


Well he ain’t wrong.


RFK Jr. makes factual statement would be a better title. I tried to tell everyone 4 yrs ago and I’m begging you now. Stop putting the same career crooks in office and expecting things to change. Biden ain’t it and neither is Trump.


Neither is this boomer nut job


Wrong dude. You’re entitled to free speech. What you’re not entitled to is spreading lies without repercussions


He's still talking. Doesn't seem very silenced to me. And Biden has no control over Twitter and Facebook, lol. He's not banned from any of those platforms last time I checked. He's still free to say whenever he wants to on CNN last time I checked. You both are full of shit.


Despite how nutty this guy is he just said a factual statement and everyone is ignoring it.


Biden and Trump are basically the same. One is slightly more polite, I guess. Owned by the same people, both support the military industrial complex, neither will give us Healthcare, neither will stop (including RFK) the genocide in Gaza. The federal government doesn't work for us. Our democracy is already barely existent. Get involved in local government if you really want to make a difference in your own lives.


biden's not great - but he's a far better alternative to Trump. His continued support of Israel is a massive disappointment - but his climate policies (which Trump will overturn) have been decent and need to be continued and improved upon


Good point, I agree except Biden's climate policies weren't passed unless they included new offshore oil leases and other gifts to the oil companies that largely offset the gains.


Biden is significantly worse than Trump. RFK is right.


you are not a rational person


Says the person who supports Biden




oh. lol.




Joe Exotic...