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Imagine someone trying to kill your kids right in front of you. But that happened to another Palestinian-American mother whose 6 year-old son was stabbed to death by their landlord a few months back. It seems like it was difficult for this reporter to mention that the victims are Palestinian-American at the end there.


Trying so hard to bury the fact that this is anti-Palestine hate crimes. Gee, I wonder why....


Fucking attempted murder, and this monster is free on bail. Unreal.


Fucking attempted child murder!


She interrogated the mother, learned she was palestinian, jumped in the water and tried to drown the kids while kicking and fighting back the mother, anybody who saw this and released her should be in jail as well


You have to release a accused pending trial if you can't prove them a clear and present danger or flight risk because they are innocent until proven guilty and have to go meet with their lawyer and prepare their defense, as well as take care of their responsibilities. They need to get a speedy trial and if proven guilty in a court of law, then they are sentenced separately, and then they go to jail. The job of the "anybody" who released her was not a witness and all they did was to follow the law.


Interference with witnesses. They probably live close to each other. So yes, there are grounds NOT to grant bail.


If you're a clear and present danger or flight risk or whatever you should be in jail, whether you can afford bail or not. If you aren't, you should be freed until proven guilty, whether you can afford bail or not. Only in the USA does whether you get out pending trial depend on whether you can afford bail. Bail is stupid and wrong and already abolished everywhere but here, and then only in some backwards states. Bail is a stupid and wrong way to decide who gets out pending trial so don't even try to defend it.


She can move in next to you then šŸ˜†


Texas legalized killing Muslims, basically. Even babies. Like wtf... 35k bail for attempting to drown a baby *and* a little boy, who luckily managed to get away. That probably means she put up 35 hundred to get out... Insane.


3 minutes into the story before they mention that the victims "say they are from Palestine" The woman asked the mother where they were from and responded to her being Palestinian by threatening to kill her whole family. There is no debating whether this is a hate crime. It is.


Imagine the way the story would be framed if the attack were on a Jewish child.


https://preview.redd.it/7edie60hjf8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6348c64000235fec0d50d7eed1d239fd08eaa3a [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/us/texas-woman-drown-child.html?smid=whatsapp-nytimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/us/texas-woman-drown-child.html?smid=whatsapp-nytimes) >Ms. Wolf was initially charged with public intoxication as she tried to leave the area, the police said. The Tarrant County criminal district attorneyā€™s office filed charges of attempted capital murder and injury to a child on May 23, The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported. >She was released on bail a day after she was arrested in May, according to CAIR-Texas. >She said Ms. Wolf had also tried to grab her 6-year-old son, but he pulled away, causing a scratch on his finger, the police said. The girl had been coughing up water and yelling for help in the pool, the police said. Medics evaluated both children, who were medically cleared, the police said. >ā€œWe are American citizens, originally from Palestine, and I donā€™t know where to go to feel safe with my kids,ā€ the mother said in a statement. Mrs. H said that she had been wearing a hijab and modest swimwear while watching her children in the shallow end of a pool at the apartment complex where the family lives, when a white woman entered the pool area and made ā€œracist interrogationsā€ toward her. The woman then jumped into the pool, grabbed the children and tried to drown them in the deep end of the pool, Mrs. H said. The mother said she jumped into the pool to try to save her children, and the woman snatched off her head scarf and kicked at her. She said her daughter had been traumatized by the attack, and she now runs and hides when the apartment door is opened.


Turns out she's a Zionist. Surprise surprise https://preview.redd.it/ejrwfwwqxf8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=043733eb46007ce88900f26dbc311ae1a3160c4c


Attempted homicide against two Palestinian toddlers! As if they havenā€™t gone through enough. She even threatened the mother after being arrested saying she would find her. What a fucked up world we live in man.


Attempted murder is only a $25,000 bail in Texas ā€¦ seems like the Texas court system supports the attempted murder of an innocent 3 year old.


Probably a pro life activist


How does anyone still live with the nuts that in TX.


Typical MAGA Texas!!!




Notice the headlines, they won't say her background just generic "texan woman". Now reverse the rolls, headlines would definitely say: "Muslim woman" BTW the culprit in this case is actually a Jewish woman, zionist obviously, I wonder why they're keeping her background hidden


Straight to Guantanamo


I wonder which god gang she is from


ā€œThey believe this all happened because this family was Muslim, and they say from ^^Palestine Allison.ā€


I don't know why we keep allowing people who hurt children to walk freely. This lady should be put under the jail


The bail was $40,000? Isnā€™t attempted murder normally a $500,009 - million? This person shouldnā€™t be free on bail. Sheā€™s literally going right back to live near her victim. So much for those tough on crime red states. A lot of people donā€™t like guns anymore because of all the mass shootings, and I empathize with why. However my children will never be a victim like this. And in Texas having stand your ground Iā€™m taking you out if you try and harm my kids. 100% this lady is a trump supporter.


Abbot wonā€™t do anything about it.


She wouldnā€™t have left the pool alive if those had been my kids. Astonishing (but unsurprising) level of extremist hate.


same. goes to show how much restraint a lot of these people in these situations have

