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If they make rated pvp flasks that we have to find keybinds for I’m done Edit: OR a weakaura saying “Remember to pot” before match. I see no world where pots help pvp


Pots are off the global. Just macro it into one of your big hitters


Ah yes. Even more accessible for new players


I had to remind a friend the other day that 10 years ago in order to spell reflect you had to make an equipset macro for a shield. I’m super glad shit like this are no longer in the game. PvP shouldn’t require a phd to get into or be decent at.


Iono why you'd need a bind for a flask, you just click the thing and its on you for an hour. Though there's 0 shot they allow flasks in rated. They have to know they'd get flamed so hard for it.


Who keybinds flasks? I just open my bag every hour and a half >\_> Pots just get macrod into by damage cooldown.


What confirms it's usable in rated pvp


Ye the only flask there that explicitly states can be used in both is the increased honor gains flask Meanwhile the same increased honor gains exist on the 3 combat oriented flasks without the explicit line about rated and unrated which makes me think these aren’t gonna be allowed in rated play


The one flask's tooltip states this.


I just saw the honor one, at least that's like a okay thing.


That means nothing. Tooltips are extremely often misleading or just incomplete, especially in an alpha.


If it’s just that one flask for honor gains for rated and unrated I’m fine with it I guess. I’d prefer less of these type of things being introduced, same with crafted gear or gear to begin with, but that’s probably just me.


RBG flask, pretty cool idea


Be a horrific idea if it was a power based flask, other post says its only for honor gains. These time based things are not workable with the current state of pvp where you spend half your time sitting in que.


It’s new and interesting, so I’ll take it


Not terribly interesting, just a consumable you gotta put on before the gates open.


it's only a cool idea until you go to the AH to check how much they cost and realize how much you'll have to keep spending constantly just to stay on par with other players. but if you don't pvp and are an alchemist, i guess this is pretty cool indeed.


It’s pvp stuff it’s gonna be cheap




BFA did it and it was cheap also stick to ur anime


flasks are those things that increase main stats by a large margin and last for 1+ hour and persist through death. ever since rated PvP was a thing they immediately added rules to prevent any such thing being able to be used in rated PvP. i don't even know what you're talking about and whatever it was it was obviously not a flask. you can go to the AH right now and see how much a flask sells for.


The pvp pots aren’t really essential tbh, its just honor buff and some other minor buff thats only useful in battlegrounds


God fucking help me if I have to find more keybinds


for all the people here that apparently haven't done anything else the game has to offer other than pvp, flasks are super long lasting buffs... just open the back and click it once during prep.


Honestly I played a game before that the highest level of the game required you to buy multiple flasks in order to compete. It was a gold sink. I ended up having to pay real money to be competitive in game. Now I'm assuming these flasks are not going to be that expensive mat wise to make. But if they aren't, this is a gold sink designed to extract dollars from your wallet. This is the sort of pay to win mechanics that I really, really hope the game avoids.