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It’s terrifying to see player base age and see that most of people that send me horrible insults + death threats + suicide note are probably 30 years old+


Almost like people can be mentally ill at any age


Have you met boomers?


I think you'll find most of the playerbase is in their 30s and 40s. Game isn't easy to play/setup for the young guns and delayed gratification is a less than desirable thing.


24-35 is the bulk imo and most started playing when under 18


Can confirm. Am 31 and started playing vanilla when I was 12


Year 4 of asking SLO to come save me on NA with Beast


As if I'm gonna go back to playing with more than 11 ping Just send with sub :P


1850 so far, 27yo started playing when I was 12 years old right before cata dropped lol


Given the maturity of many PvPers, it is hard to think many of them are in their 30s


One of the worst takes I’ve seen about ‘young guns’ for a while.


Delayed gratification for zoomers is a pretty common take. That's why my much younger siblings spam Valorant/Fortnite and won't go near a game with progression. I DID convince them to playthrough BG3 however :)


Then they play those games. I’m 21 and played wow since I was 8. You’d class me as a young gun probably but oh well. Stick with your assumptions


I wouldn't say ALL zoomers are like this. But it is a very common take in the gaming community. I was just surprised you haven't heard it before :) glad you are playing wow though!


I think its reasonable to say that developments in tech have given the younger generations some issues with delayed gratification but its not really their fault. Like any group of people a few outliers won't prove the general trend wrong. I notice it with the people I work with. When you can get everything quickly, you expect to get everything quickly. It makes sense.


the existence of outliers does not invalidate true generalizations


Why? Games (pvp games and mmos in particular) in general nowadays have much smoother learning curve, level playing fields and faster/instant gratification, short duration lobbies etc. The game is so ridiculously complex to even get started, why would any young brand new player really stick to it and deal with this shit for maybe months when there's a hundred more popular and accessible games he can have fun with in under an hour?


Maybe if they like the genre of MMO?


58 and 2.3k in 3s, 2.4k in 2s, 2.1k in solo. I play disc priest


58 and 1.9 2s survival hunter. Thanks man, you've totally blown my "but hey, I'm old and not as good as I used to be" excuse.


You guys are my inspiration! Keep it up!


30 and I hit 2.2 for the first time in my life in S3, I’m sitting 2150 rn I’ve been playing since before AQ opened :(


I dabbled in wow for the first time in some Korean closed beta. No idea how i got the key. Then us beta. Then came launch in the US and later EU. This is back in vanilla mind you. Ive never been above 2k, also never really stuck hard with PvP, major tunnel vision here, Maybe i should main warrior... So you good my man.


Congrats! Pretty sure you hit Elite this season!


I went 0-6 in a lobby against 5 glads immediately after this, so it’s not looking good


I've been since closed beta lol. I hit 2.2 this expansion as well. I feel like if I woulda put this much effort back a few expansions ago...


2550 14½


It's that youthful reaction time


He's definitely plays a faceroll DH




No zoomer is gonna beat an actual r1 team


29 yo and 2.4 cr on 3s as disc, 2.6+ mmr on shuffle as disc, holy priest and pres, cr only 2100-2300 as i have only done shuffle games to cap weekly vault. I dont think age matters alot in Wow as there isn't really anything you need quick reflexes for.


Don’t need quick reflexes? I don’t know about that lol. The game feels 100mph. Basically have to press all buttons in correct succession in a 4 second window or you lose.


It's much more about muscle memory and knowledge than reaction time


Compared to fps games tho it's different. Game iq matters more than reflexes


Sure it’s not motor skills but see “x viisual” press “x button” now and it has to be fast. I’d say you need fast reaction to be good in PvP


The problem for newer players, is that it feels like your reaction times need to be superhuman, but if you have a lot of experience, its actually not the case at all. The difference is that when newer players are put into a scenario, they will actively think about what they should do, and then press that button. The more xp you have, the less time that thinking step takes, and eventually you can play via a passive flow chart, where the only thinking you're doing becomes meta-decisions about the game, rather than deciding on using individual abilities. As a disc priest for instance, if I'm put into a kidney shot and a mage is going to follow up sheep, I don't really think about what to do, I'm basically just considering if I need to send Pain Supp or not, rather than a new player gets sheeped without doing anything>


It’s really not that fast compared to any other competitive game, especially things like fps. The quickest reaction time situations are grounding a hoj, death cc, using a defensive before you get stunned, ect. That’s more about awareness of the game than reaction time


I'm not currently playing, but from a multi-glad who played since bc I think there is more and more emphasis being placed on working memory. The speed of games and the number of critical short cooldowns that need to be tracked can really make short work of your mental stack. Game sense still trumps all, but being able to apply it when your mental is crippled can be challenging. Not sure if this is what you mean by "quick reflexes", but in my head it's very different.


That’s why there’s a GCD


yes and no. wow games are really "scripted". its quite easy to tell what class x does next USUALLY so you don't have to react always as you know the rogue will kidney next, healer trinkets next, ret is coming for hoj.. etc 


Any comments on how to go from 2,1k to 2,4k+? What do you think are the biggest differences or mistakes that separate those two brackets?


"there isn't really anything you need quick reflexes for." The ability to effeciently and quickly multi-task diminishes with age. This is more important in arena than quick reflexes.


Bro he said he’s 29, you’re not talking to the crypt keeper. How quickly do you think those reflexes diminish?


Bro, *he's* the one who said age doesn't matter because quick reflexes aren't necessary. Whatever age reflexes might slow down, multi-tasking in arena is more important than quick reflexes, regardless of when that begins.


You gotta reread what I said my man. I’m not arguing about multi tasking being more or less important. My point is that at the age of 29, nobody’s reflexes have diminished to the point of that being a necessary distinguishing factor in the first place.


29 Years old, 2450 currently in Shuffle, its also my best position on ladder ever, playing since 2005-2006. Reaction time, well I feel much faster now then when I was 19, from all the muscle memory build up over the years. The more you play the same class, the better it gets... time invested is king in WoW.


Agreed I was dumber younger and wasn’t very good I’m much better now mglad


30 and 0 rating becuase I haven’t played rated since legion, im having a blast in battleground blitz though 😁




> I will be 32 yo in 2 weeks Pretty sure that's roughly the age of Cdew and he's still healing AWC matches fine. Really the difference between someone in their 30s and someone in their 20s is going to be far more about time they have available to play the game more than "reaction time" - human reaction time only slows by [2-6ms per decade](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/jn.00072.2022), so you having like 3 or 4ms slower reaction than someone ten years younger than you is meaningless, that'd be like saying someone can get glad with a ping of 40ms, but it would be impossible with a ping of 45ms.


This. I really feel that it's just time to play. I'm 30 sitting around 2100 to 2150 on 2 healers and me and my friends just don't have the time to sit and push hard like we used to. We get maybe 1 good day in a week if we are lucky to sit and que for 2 to 4 hours. Some weeks we can get w days in but we went from having loads of time in our early 20s to early 30s jobs kids and trying to line up 3 busy schedules to play. Higher ratings are achieved by loads of games at a 50+% win rate. Nobody is winning 100% of games. Some people just can pit more time in.


44 1400s disc priest


37 and Caster MW currently 2125 in SS


32 here and peaked 1900 last season this season I am currently 1790 but I only started shuffle again this week after getting all my 10s timed.


46… usually around 1900-2000 on my Assa in 2s and Solo on Ret. But my wife stopped playing, so no PVP in S4 -.-


I am 1876 years old and 26 rating


30/2k cr on frost dk usually hover around 2k-2200cr 1800 as disc priest and pushing mythic+ as holy paladin for the mount!


Played 105 rounds 2106 arms warrior 40 years old Warrior 4 life Playing on a new account this season as mikeytt if you see my little gnome ass


34 next month. Just resubbed but my recent grind I hit 1950 2’s with my buddy in like s1 or s2, can’t remember. We saw a few R1 3s at that rating, it was pretty fkn sweaty. We were evoker/war & it was a ton of fun. Rescue & heroic leap reset, he was nearly impossible to kite lol. I’ve never hit over 1900 on shuffle, I normally lose patience with Q times. I’d like to think I could hit 2k+ if I hammered down, but man I got kids & a demanding job.. I just get in run a few bgs n if a shuffle q pops great if not, I’m done for the night lol.


52 and pretty trash. Was way better in my 30’s when the game was in its first decade. Too many breaks from the game over the years while it’s been changing and it seems the speed of the game is way up.


36. 2100 on at least 2 specs per season. I think in S2 I got 4 specs to 2100. I don’t really care for the 2400 grind unless it’s a nicely inflated season where it feels like progress but not free.


34y/o 2570 in ss


15, 2k on wotlk (wmane). I play dpriest + sub rog. I have 6k games on my disc but in wotlk, rating is not personal but its linked to a team, so even if i have a lot of games i cant really push if i dont find a long term partner.


Playing since Retail Beta, just turned 33, max rating 2200 in S4 of BFA, 2050 in S3 of DF and currently at 1900.


I’m 36 and I’m 2400 in shuffle on 2 specs. 2275 as a healer


Mid 40’s, only push to 1800 for the mog. Really wish there was more of a Diablo 4 style seasonal reward track to work towards and better ilvl to draw pve’ers into the casual end of things


35, 2400


33yr 2378cr s4


I think a very key point in this as well is experience as it relates to how long you’ve been playing a class/spec A 40 year old who has been playing mage since vanilla and a 40 year old who has been playing mage since DF will be very different. Even if someone has played since vanilla but alt jumps and bounces around classes will be at a much lower spot when it comes to playing the spec than someone who consistently has maintained that class as their focus.


48 omg been playing this game way to long. Give me my monthly subscription money back and I can retire 🤣😂


29, I was at 1800 last season and didn't take time to PvP this season. I didn't try to push further because there were no rewards


31 years old, season 1 & 2, 2100-2150 cr, season 3 only 1800 long queue times, now, I stopped playing for season 4.


2k CR on 2 warriors as arms one of them 2.2k MMR. 35yr and I feel like I'm playing at my best level rn. Been 2.1k on S2 as Aug and arms and 2k on S3 (only played first week) as arms and dh.


29 y/o. Got 1750 in 2v2 om devoker (haven't played shuffle yet), 1900 something shuffle on balance druid, 1924 on ret pally. Up until last season I'd never gone above 1.6k rating (except for during cata) and now my personal best is 1960 on evoker last season with rival on 7 different classes total. All thanks to y'all here on reddit!


32 year old, 2,2k cr solo shuffle arms warrior


29, 2350cr


36. I got above 2200 ten years ago. In the solo shuffle age, I'm about 1800 on 4 or 5 classes, sometimes as high as 1950.


34(m) 2.1K resto Druid S1 and S2 burnt out S3 and back currently 1900 Ret for S4


2k1 cr in solo shuffle, 35yo


1 of every class cr 1800 on all 2k on my healers 33yr old. Don't know if I'll ever hit glad.


2.2, 30+ - i have low xp, only played SL 2v2 s1, and df season 1, some of 3 and now 4


30 years soon married Else im free ^^ soing glad usually and ss r1 If i have time


Pushing 2100. 40 this year. 3 toons


41, hit 1800 in S2 and S3 and started Arena last year. I came back to wow last year after a 15 year break


2.1 currently! I’m 31. Taking this season pretty chill. Usually push 2400 in shuffle. 2.1 Andy in 3s unfortunately. Never been able to keep a consistent team


S4 2401cr as priest in shuffle, 36 years old


21, got 2250 in 3s DF season 2, and 2500 solo season 1


31 currently 1800 on lock S4 hit 2k on ww in S3


1700 16


- 26 years, EU - I don’t play SS - 3s 2.218 atm


Started playing at ~10yo, 24 now and just hit 1800 for the first time. Was really fun, but pvp is crazy hectic. Love jamming a bg or arena for fun, but climbing for the first time was very eye-opening and rewarding


39, I’m playing around 1800-2000 MMR depending on spec, none of my CRs are very high at the moment though because it’s hard to find time to sit in shuffle queues with all these damn kids.


2600 solo shuffle as casting mistweaver, 28


I'm 44 and been playing around 2.1 - 2.3k for years. Currently have 4 classes above 2.1 and while I think if i put the time and effort to really focus on pushing, i could creep up to maybe 2.4 but the stress and time and frustration isn't really worth it to me at this point so I'm good with where I am at.


32 years old, 2.1k as pres evoker


36, ended season at 2300ish rbgd, 2400ish 3s. Didn't even bother with SS as I don't play Rdruid.


35 y/o, I’ll hit 2.1k on destro and DH this week in SS. Would you believe me if I told you I have 2.6k xp in SS but don’t have an Elite achievement? I started at the end of BC right after high school, off and on the through the years, but didn’t start taking PvP seriously until the end of SL S2: - SL S4, hit 2.4k after the season ended. - DF S1, hit 2.6k after the season ended. - DF 2 and 3, hit Duelist within the first month of the seasons, but no Elite. I wish I could do 3s or RBGs more, but embarrassingly my social anxiety gets the best of me. Womp womp.


36, 2100, but if us boomers can get our schedules straightened out we can prob push more. If I had the patience for shuffle / time for queues I’d hit legend (done in past seasons but it’s losing its luster). Been playing since vanilla on and off (skipped a few xpacs), got glad in several old xpacs, washed up these days, etc.


21 yrs old, 2.6k in shuffle as rsham


my guess would be that the high-end skews younger than the majority of the ladder, and that pvp (specifically arena) leans younger than pve or more casual parts of wow i have no evidence for this 🙏 i’m 21 and 2600xp. most of the people i pvp with are in their early/mid 20s whereas my pve friends are late 20s to early 30s and married with children


22 and 2.7 xp and currently 2.2


im 14 years old, been playing since Vanilla, my rating is 2010


32 y/o 2130 solo shuffle rating


36, 2378 season high then early elite hopes crushed by Venruki himself


30 next month, 2k in SS as Hpriest Played a bunch of wotlk private server arena realms back in 2007-2009 First time really getting into retail


Abit over 2.4k in shuffle as disc, 24 yrs old


I'm 23. I just started arenas last season but got to 1800 in 2s as rsham during 2nd week of this season I believe, havent played much of this season yet. Been playing since 2005.


2430 22


Im 30, I only do PvP, im not super good but I can do rival 2 if I push it. I play ret, arms, balance, frost dk, and now mm


I went from challenger to gladiator in one season (2570 peak in 3s and 2480 peak in SS and 2200 in 2s) I'm 17 but been playing wow every day since I was a 4 year old because of my older brothers.


tbh ive never bothered pushing past 2100. i get 2100 in SS then just stop and get my alts to 1800 for sets. 2100 was never hard to get, it just took alot of time to get there and currently i have pretty limited play time 😩 turning 30 soon.


35 years old and 1.8k SS. Pre 1k 2/3s and grinding.


31 and I’m 1800 in rbgs rn, 1700 in solos. Under 100 games rn on each. Hoping to hit 2.4k this season


1850 in shuffle, second season of pvp 21


Not pvp'ing much this season, but I'm 38 and I farmed out 1800 on 7 characters at the end of s3 after my guild called off raiding for the season. Took about a month to get them all done.


27 y/o. 2415 SS and 2k 3s (not many q’s yet). Played as a kid for a season or two in Cata (sucked) then basically quit until SL S1 where since then I have gotten at least duelist every season, mostly Elite/Glad.


I will be the severe outlier. Fifty-five years old. Currently just over 1700 in 3s, don’t really play shuffle after grabbing the free tier piece, and have made duelist several times in recent expansions.


6 and 6


I've always healed Arena. I've gotten every healed to 1800+ every season. This time, I tried Affliction Warlock - never played one before and managed it in 40 matches. Loved it (I'm 1890 on it ATM and I'm 38🫡).


35yrs old, 2161max cr, 2300mmr in solo shuffle


2.4, 28.


2100, im 31 and I started playing the game 6 weeks ago lol.


Turn 30 this year, just over 2500


Haven’t played this season yet but 2094 last season, age 22.


1800, I play for the armor rewards and then quit. Did the same in shadowlands but got the max upgrade at 2.1k then quit


30, 2416. Playing for 13 years now


37, 1936 feral druid I had a great win loss ratio on the actual push, I think we could go higher. Feral+Rsham.


39, almost 40. 2.4k this season shuffle. 2.1k in 3’s atm.


29y/o and usually hit my season goal of 1800 and move to other toons bc I try to salvage my mental health lol Started playing in legion


32yo , been gladiator a few times between TBC and cata. Since then I only played casually with friends. Between 2k-2.2k each season just playing 2s and solo for fun. Might try a glad push someday if my friends want to commit.


Just turned 31, have been playing on and off. First started in wrath, quit in mop, picked back up in shadowlands. I am 2200 right now but barely play pvp, I queue solo once in a while. Currently 71 rounds played, so about 12 total games queued.


32, disc main at around 2-2,1k SS. My previous best was 2,1k in season 1. I'm trying for legend this season, I could get back to my previous peak pretty quickly, like 200 rounds, but now I've felt somewhat stagnant for the last 150ish. I think I know what I need to improve, but slow going.


For the moment just 1700+ but we usually play around 2100-2300 Im 32…. My peak was in MoP. I heal.


2.6k on my shadow priest and 36 years old. My reactions definitely aren't as good as they use to be 🤣


20. Been playing for about 3 years now. Multi glad, r1 shuffle, 2.7k+ 2s xp


36 2.1cr in Solo and about 1900 in 2s as HPriest


45 years 1700 at 2v2


2734 in S4 and 24


I'm nearly 18 unfortunately and I just hit rival 2 on my ret paladin, so that's nice, hopefully push on to duelist this season :)


2430 16 yrold playing in 200-400 ping against Americans (I’m Aussie) on a gpu inter grated computer. I say i do pretty well consider the circumstances


Highest rating in DF has been 1904 and I'm currently 1724. I'm 35 🤣🤣 main a Disc


31 2300 shuffle 2100 2s playing resto druid


1730 on my holy priest and will be 45 next month.


2134, 40yrs My eyes got tired quickly, backpain neckpain, brain slower, but yea.


2400, 32.


Late 20's and 2427 this season so far in shuff and 2250 in 3's. Haven't really tried pushing 3's properly yet though!


2564 affy, 28 years old


2.3mmr 3s, 2450mmr shuffle. I’m 25.


21 y.o, haven't really played ssn 4 a lot so far. Currently like 1900 cr in 3s and 0 in shuffle. Got my first r1 in obsidian season and got my second last ssn (verdant). There is 100% a correlation between age and skill/cr in not only wow but any game, any sport/e-sport even. That is why most sport/e-sport players are so young. Not only as you age you have more responsibilities and less time to play but also your brain and body, especially your body, slows down a lot.


I feel this deep in my 40+ year old bones.


I'm going to pretend this isnt true and continue my R1 dream until my dying breath (hit duelist for first time last season in 2s lmao)! \*spins hat backwards and pokemon theme song starts\*


Most top level eSports players are older now because at the tier 1 level they are financially stable. Across almost all genres most of the top pros are like 20-30s with some more mature games with pros at 30s to late 30s (Like counter strike and street fighter) Newer games will generally have younger pros because it's easier to establish yourself in a newer game




Back in my day we’d call that bait. But the whipper snappers call it catfishing Or cap. Some shit like that.

