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Yep. At about 3 mmr a day


this is kinda low isn't it? assuming we have 2 more months, that's like 180 more inflation till season's end meh


Pretty sure that's been the norm since SL (other than when they had it like paused last season lol), I think it was one of Holinka's last interviews before he left (or maybe a blog post?) he said that inflation used to be 10 (or 15?) a week and they had bumped it to like 20, which would work out to about 3 a day.


and how much did it aditionally inflate, for example last season, during the final week/days, if u happen to know?


No idea, but that was purely inflation from participation because they had paused the steady MMR injections (for unknown reasons) like halfway through the season.


They normally do 10-15 a week afaik, so 21 a week would be a lot compared to what they normally do if true. Will still be somewhat deflated by the end though depending on our assumption of the end.


Doesn’t feel like it but I probably just suck


I didnt notice any in SS after the reset this week but maybe I am worng


Inflation is being injected continuously, not all at once after a reset.


From my observations on rating distributions it seems that shuffle and rbgs kept their mmr and have now even more people on higher ratings compared to end of s3. That would explain why they don't go hard on additional inflating. However for 3v3 it's the opposite for some reason as the rating distribution got worse with way less people on duelist and elite+ compared to end of last season.


Because absolutely nobody Qs 3s until very close to the end of the season Mmr was kept in 3s too, but you'll only find degens Qing 3s right now


Really? I know some people wait for inflation to have an easier climb later on but that applies to both shuffle and 3v3. Yet shuffle reached a similar rating distribution within a few days while 3v3 is still far away from the old distribution a month later. Even if less people play 3v3 right now those that do should be able to reach their old mmr easily but apparently they do not.


Think about it like a bowl being filled, people reached their RSS ratings fast because there are a lot of people to fill the bowl, but 3s? We probably have a "queue per week" rate of a out 1/20 of what we get at the end of the season if not less, legitimately nobody is queueing


I’m still getting insta to 1 min queues in 3s at 2200cr… not sure why you think nobody is queuing.


Yeah queue times are decent enough that people can play. In theory, assuming it was treated like shuffle, those that want to play could easily reach their old ratings and since rating distributions are percent base you would see something similar regardless of overall participation. However this is not the case for 3v3 and I don't think that bowl example properly explains what's happening.


You’re a dh so you’re good, just pve it up for the purple dragon yay