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Dont know, but feels easier to climb


They almost 100% forgot to reset MMR between seasons (God fucking bless America) and, shockedpikachu.mp4, climbing feels infinitely better. Blizzard needs to let go of the idea that this is a serious, competitive game, and let us fuckin' cook. Cosplay the fed and inflate the shit out of MMR every season. SL Season 2&4 and DF Season 4 have unironically been the best and most engaging seasons, regardless of balance... you literally cannot change my mind.


3s was definitely soft reset. Shuffle I think stayed pretty close. Qd with same people and started the season ~400 mmr lower. I’ll gladly take that over previous seasons though.


What if I didn’t play in S3? That means my personal MMR starts at 0 again or can I still benefit from this?


3s is still deflated (only about ~150 toons above 2.4) but improving over time. Shuffle mega inflated.


Wdym shuffle mega inflated?


Shuffle MMR carried over from S3 with very little reduction, and they’re also inflating it daily/weekly. The starting MMR for a new character is in the 1700s I think, which is really high for the 4th week of a season.


That it’s significantly more inflated than it was at this point in the previous 2 seasons.


It's way more inflated than every other season this expansion, but it's still too early. That amount of people over 2.4 on week 4 massive compared to last couple seasons (don't remember or have data for s1).