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I think your "give reward so game is better" is so abstract that I would get downvoted matter what I say.


Fomo rewards that are even more exclusive? No, thanks current glad is less than 1% only counting in the currently active pvp players. I don't know why people think that would be an incentive to push activity when most people think it's out of reach and don't even try. Rewards you can progress without rating or a system to grind previous elite sets on their respective rating would be a better approach imo.


If they would allow 2400 to give you a token for a mount from one of the years I didn’t play this game I would actually push. Until then I hit 2100 and stop. Not worth it.




We need less fomo cratered to the 0.01% not more


You're trying to inflate the wrong part of the ladder. You want to entice the lower end if you want to raise the top end. But this needs to happen by redesigning the reward system that rewards long form participation rather than hitting one off rating checkpoints. For example players that can't get 1800 need an avenue to unlock the mog through long form participation, maybe they need around 1k wins if they are hard stuck 1500. Participation is what makes this game fun, and that should be the ultimate goal of rewards. And feeding into participation doubles down on itself, because when the game is fun more people play.


I think one time rewards don't really cause that to happen, they'll hit 2700 and then go back to what they're currently doing until the end of season r1 push. Players need things to consistently grind so they have a reason to keep queing.


50 wins at 2400 how about 100 or 150 wins at 2700 ?


Impact nobody and is a waste of resources.


How does putting a reward at 2700 all of a sudden make you able to get Gladiator?? Like what? xD


He has a fair point tbh. If he people have incentive to keep queuing after their glad, it would help inflate the bracket and therefore attract people. Not a miracle solution but could help


More like that people dont sit the rating i gave up hope for myself had my best years i aint getting better but why wouldnt there be a reward at 2700? Whats the point in playing after getting ur glad wins?


What's the point in playing when you're only a part of the 99% in a game centered on collecting shit???


How to encourage boosting and ensure even less people give a shit about arenas.


Ideally it would be a token to buy an old elite set but only if its for 2700 not lower.


Ppl like u are the problem.


Care to explain how im a problem?


For suggesting this shit. We dont even need more rewards for like 1000 players. All of u cry that so few ppl play pvp. Guess why.


Still trying to find the problem


I think more rewards in PvP are better in general. Sure why not give a 2700 reward? Who cares? But make sure to add a ton of rewards in lower brackets too. Add some more stuff 1500, 1700, 1900, 2000, 2200 etc


Idk.. dont wanna sound like a party pooper but wont adding alot of rewards into pvp make the rewards feel less like rewards i feel like the 1800 elite set and 2100 enchant is enough and ill add the vicious mount in there aswell.


You feel like that’s enough? I think it’s clear that it is not, as evident from pvp bleeding participation over the years. Come on, don’t be obtuse


Yep infact its more than enough. Pvp rewards is not even on the top 5 list on why pvp is lacking participation.


They should inflate rating to well over 5000 but keep the rewards at the same rating as now, let the wdc players climb well beyond our mortal reach.


Just give us some permanent reward tracks with guaranteed loot and rng loot so they are farmable


I’ll gladly take a glad recolor. One can hope, right?


To make a reward at 2700 useful, you need to inflate the bottom end of the ladder. Because as it stands the 2700 reward atm is a rank 1 title. The idea that gatekeeping is whats stopping progress of the bottom end is looking at the problem from entirely the wrong way. You need to get more players to play pvp and that starts by improving rewards for the low to mid tier players. Not by dangling an extra reward in front of rank 1s. Thats not gonna entice any 1400 player to start playing and contribute MMR to inflation.


just give a seasonal exclusive tabard for 2k7 ,


IMO they should add a FoS back to 0.5% so players who get glad but aren't going to get r1 have a reason to keep playing instead of just spam making alts and qing to 2400 again or quitting FoS having a better designed seasonal tabard would be insane but i understand the friction and resource requirement so it's w/e