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>Does every class feel this way? No.


Dev seems good into everything


“Disintegrate! Disintegrate! Disintegrate! Disintegrate! Disintegrate!”


Dev is decent enough into everything if you play well, but pretty much every class can die in a stun, especially the ranged specs. It's also really easy to burn through your scales too quick.


Devoker to my knowledge performs very poorly against caster cleaves (stuff like mage/lock, shadow cleave, god comp, etc...).


Interesting, I've played a bit of dragon/arms and it does seem we struggle into shadowplay the most specifically. Except when we had our caster mw buddy.


dev loses to stuff that can outrange it


Mage kinda feels like the most rock / paper / scissors class to me sometimes. If mage is scissors, your rock is hunters. Your paper is every single melee except for DK.


Obviously holy priest and its not even close


As a holy priest at 2400+, I hate seeing presvokers on the other side, but I love the other stuff. Tho, I'll just admit I see pres and holy most games


Just run with a balance druid and its an auto win


You love playing vs rdruids? Teach me senpai


as holy its fine, you have different ways of stopping clone and if a druid pushes to stop you you can punish him very hard. your stuns range is severely higher, you can fade clones if you have to push in to take care of stupid dps losing you. its easier for you to punish an rdru than for him to punish you is what I mean, but the dps also have to know how to punish the healer for pushing so it should be bad playing vs rdru at lower ratings where dps doesnt punish the rdru for spamming clone. as disc it sucks in all ratings though, my protip is to stay very far and DPS as much as you can.


Love when zugzug dps complain that as a disc I CC or they die on the opposite end of the map when I'm trying to pillar hug and avoid CC, tough times sometimes. I've reached 2350 for the first time this season so I will get legend before it's all said and done, but I do sometimes wonder if I should switch to holy


really? I hate holy priests most of all. Everything else is easy.


I’m tired but what do you mean with this? Do you mean obviously holy priests has few counters or do you mean you go into a match and feel like you’ve got a chance if there’s a holy priest? (I don’t pvp so I don’t know how they perform)


I was playing Holy Priest two nights ago and a Blood DK was keeping me trapped in the starting room while my oblivious team were off dying we're I couldn't heal them.


I know you are trolling but for the people that think you are serious. DK grips works on all specs. Not just holy priests. Idiotic teammates are not a spec specific coutner


He wasn't doing it to the other healer because they were a Pally and had freedom. When the Blood DK and UH DK were both on the opposing team it was a nightmare.


Which has nothing to do with you being a holy priest


Fair enough. I just hate blood DKs so freaking much now.


I always feel that there is no bad lobby for BM hunters. You will have damage regardless of the other specs in the lobby .


I have a harder time on my druid against shammies, priests and some prevokers, but I am pretty casual and likely haven't figured out how to deal with their purges and dispels.


I think the most counter proof specs are the moment are outlaw, bm, and dh. Obviously they still have some, but definitely fewer than most. Mage is also really only countered by ele/resto shaman and hunters. With appropriate support (rogue/dh) boomy is great into just about everything. Ele also has few counters.


I have that feeling with every spec I play. Maybe you just overestimate counters? Don't think it's a good mindset to go into the match expecting to lose.


Boomie is good into everything.


ehhhhh, there's some comps that run over it, like DH DK


Mage isn’t really a 1v1 spec tbh


i just like hitscan spells


Tbh affliction imo


Enhancement shaman, easily. Only counter is a wow dev.


Rogue. If AI played it, it would have 100% winrate vs anything else. No doubt...


survival’s kit includes everything they need for any lobby. more so than bm and mm is my opinion


Dh and ret really don’t have bad lobbies


Frost Mage, Affli, Demo, SP, DH, feral, augvoker, rdruid and hpriest. Yeah, ret has no counter at all.


I would hardly call frost mage a counter to ret paladin. Oh they can’t connect to you with their melee swing but the other 99% of their attacks come in just fine.


It's not as bad as it was before the rework and you can handle tiny maps, but on big arena maps they are unreachable most part of the game. It's still a 20m/yard skill range difference, which is noticeable.


Aug lol what?


What is your question, specifically, about it?


DH atm doesn't have bad lobbies and Ret has few bad lobbies. Ret bad lobbies are when the team doesn't bring heal cut AND/OR if it's vs all casters + your team can not enable the Ret to connect.


I think multiple mages is a bad lobby for a DH cuz we're super vulnerable to roots. One time I was in a lobby with arcane and frost, and I got 100-0'd through blur by glacial spike / ray cuz I was too busy training the arcane mage (since they only have 1 iceblock to get through). As a DH, a good lobby would be all melee for big cleave dam and AoE mortal strike. The exception to this is rogue. We don't want a rogue in the lobby cuz they hard counter us and it sucks when they're on our team cuz of too many stun DRs (almost have to unbind chaos nova and fel eruption to avoid pissing rogues off).


Rogue, mage, lock, priest are either even or advantage into everything


Assa has too many bleed removals. They definitely have bad lobbies




That's how you know when you hit your MMR ceiling.


Ret and rogue dont have counters