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I'll be honest I kinda forgot it was releasing.


Season 1 might be the only active PvP we will see. The rest of the season is to tied to Raiding and farming BiS gear from PvE content. But yes MoP was the best PvP glorious days


Your answer is the only correct one from this post. S9 is a Retail PvPer's paradise, you just level, get full PvP gear and you are full BiS. Cata also has a ton of A to S Tier comps and almost every class has one, so it's not too difficult to find a good comp and hit play. After that it gets rough unless Blizzard makes changes, S10 introduces some insane PvE gear and S11 goes even further in that direction, so most people from Retail that i know are going hard on S9 (since Retail S4 is going to be dead anyways) and quitting on S10 for TWW.


That’s a great summary and exactly how it is. Also just quit and waiting for TWW… but honestly, I don’t see any love from Blizzard towards PvP :/


Healthy for the first few months probably. PvE gear is mandatory for PvP in Cata. And by mandatory I mean literally. Some guy same skill level as you with BiS PvE gear will roll you over, 100 to 0 not even competitive.


so basically playing retail against a DH


>PvE gear is mandatory for PvP in Cata. Untrue. PvE gear (except the lego staff) is garbage in PvP until FL and only overtakes PvP gear when DS is out...


You just confirmed what he said lol, except for season 1.


I'm not going to explain to you how logic works.


Please don't.


Pve gear in pvp sucks cock period don't try to justify


Lol, clueless.


You're right, it is the whole entire gameplay loop. How else can you keep reeling in $15 a month from unemployed people other than making them mindlessly grind pve


If there is no solo queue option it will be dead pretty quickly. The only people still playing classic pvp are the hard-core people. In WOTLK it took them forever to add cross server Qing. By the time they added it, everybody had already quit


Season 1 will be fun. Unless changes are made, 95% of people will quit after season 1. PvP gear is actually bis in s1. Then pve gear starts to creep in, and the power scaling there is ridiculous. Once the legendary staff is out, it is literally unplayable if you do not have it. Iirc, locks get a ~40% damage increase from that staff alone. It’s insane.


It probably will for some months. There is always some hype and nostalgia, but once this wears off and especially when other raid tiers arrive and PvE becomes more important, and the meta is really cemented, it will drop off for sure


It can never be “healthy”, since the wow pvp community is quite the opposite. But to quantify it, I think we’re looking at 2-5min queue per game for 2s/3s, probably.


Hell yeah, I really missed getting one shot in 3s by Ret/War with mythic Gurthalak


Did they even have mythic back then ? 🤣


Oh right think it was just up to HC?


Yeah I think it was just heroic back then. :D


I had fun using it with my unholy as well due to the attack speed. Felt kinda broken because I got it first week or second week? First the normal and then not long after the hc and when I remember it right it was nerfed later a bit but I had double the dmg when bursting from the weapon alone sometimes. 🤣


Alliance has tons of PvPers right now at least for EU. First season will surely be active to some degree, most classes require 0 PvE items to be competitive. Then PvE gear's importance will surely annoy people, some enjoy doing PvE to become stronger in PvP but that is a very very small minority.


First season will be decent but probably completely dead after that. Between needing overpowered raid gear for the later seasons and TWW, people are just playing cata for the first couple months and that’s probably it.




Wrath was dead on arrival, I imagine Cata will be similar. Just a couple weeks in and the LFG section on Wrath had only a handful of people looking to play.


it will die pretty quick


it will be active now for 1-2 months til retail season is ending, then every1 will hop to retail to get glad/r1 etc, then on expansion pre patch ppl will go again to cata, and on exp release cata will die (talking about arena)


Now? Hell yeah, choose an active server and you're probably safe. Further down the line, when pve becomes mandatory (last patch especially)? Nah. Pve items ruined the last parts of cata and are largely why people don't think it's a good pvp expansion. Personally I'm planning on playing cata until tww, because I hate gear disadvantage and mandatory pve. And later, when pve becomes mandatory (and providing that the gearing philosophy in tww is similar to season 1-3 on dff) back to regular retail. It's not impossible that blizz add the cross realm and lfg features from retail into cata though, and if that's the case you probably won't have issues finding teams,even in later seasons.


First season it will be decent since you don't really have to PvE. 2nd season onward it will taper off since you will need to PvE (trinkets+tentacle sword + double legendary meta).


As someone who is raiding and pvping on rogue. Having pve gear be strong is HIGHLY beneficial and will give me a huge edge. That being said, I'd much rather have a larger pool of players to play with and choose from than have this. People will quit if they have to raid. PVE gear has no place in rated pvp and should not be a factor at all in a rated game mode. That being said we can have a middle ground and make it not nerfed in unrated content for people that need a power fantasy to feel better about them self's. Let every one go crazy like we do with toys and potions.


If it's anything like wotlk it's going to be dead, I stopped wotlk cause I couldn't find anyone to play with (on retail i'm around glad level or right below), don't bother unless you have friends or very motivated.


I don't play classic but I will say mop/cata arenas were my favorite time in wow pvp.


I imagine it'll be a lot like wrath in that people will play it season 1 for a bit just for the nostalgia and then get bored and drop it. Problem with a solved meta, and over the course of cata pve items become more and more relevant. Also the class design in these older versions of the game are just beans.


When even the beloved Wrath of the Lich King had an dead or nearly-close-to-dead arena participation no other Expansions have any shot anymore except the current retail one. I dont think MoP classic will be alive either since it will have to contest with TWW and Blizzard is hitting all the right spots with gameplay and class design after the pruning of WoD. When looking back at the Videos, talent calculators and which spells you have at your disposal even the glorious 2012-2014 MoP times are nothing gameplay wise compared to today. I was hyped for TBCC, for Wrath Classic and even for MoP Classic, but seeing how even those sought-after expansions literally died out shortly in and are just a gdkp-bot-fiesta outside of Arena... nah... Look forward to the future, they can only improve on PvP compared to maximally 1 year of an completly thought-through-for-years old expansion.


It's going to suck. It's a meta that was solved 12 years ago.


I think only MoP will thrive as being a good populated pvp expansion


Zero chance


If they put in minimal effort it could pop off. Legit just disable pve gear, the game would be infinitely more popular if people could just play alts and use only pvp gear.


3 months top. Love posts like this, can’t wait to see SL anything.


i dont see any pvpers play classic neither in streams or in my friendlist so i think its gonna be dead after 2 months


Literally all big streamers are farming bgs in cata atm what are you talking about? xD


Wow pvp is dead. Let go of the cope. You can rest now.


Homie this is just sad. Move on and let others have fun.


I did.


Moved on so much you browse the new posts on this sub to shit on the game and people having fun? Sure thing bud


Still am subbed to this since my old days yeah. No need to screech at me. I'm mad too that they ruined the game lol, I quite enjoyed it.