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I loved the aesthetic of DKs, but good god that class is boring af. Could never get into it like I do other classes


I concur. Love the lore and aesthetics of DK. But. Gameplay of UH is all over the place, most elements feel tacked on, only held together by spit and duct tape.  And the big reason: They're not especially tanky. It's criminal how squishy they are into melee. You end up having to kite!  A DK! RUNNING AWAY LIKE A COWARD THAT FEARS DEATH!  Anyway, as long as that is the case, I refuse to play this class. Take away the last shred of mobility/speed boost this class has, idc, just make Death Strike great again.


Yeah they're a bit underwhelming but I do enjoy pressing Apocalypse when specced into Necromancer's Bargain, and Sudden Doom makes you feel like you're firing off a machine gun sometimes haha. And its fun death gripping people into your crowd during epic bgs


Same. I LOVE the aesthetic and armor of DK but my god. As a frost DK all of the spells feel lackluster to hit except obliterate and even then it doesn't feel worth it because it costs so much, but its your only hard hitting ability. Its like 4th of july without fireworks lol.


Why do you think? I was thinking of trying one out, no other class really seems interesting to me coming from arcane mage,


I think I just prefer more control/setup oriented playstyles. destro, spriest, druids, mage, rogue are all fun for me


Funny how the two subs equally hate rogues for the exact opposite reason.


Why do the PVEers hate rogue?


Pve rogue is like doing a monkey dance to get any damage off


I don't understand what that means.


There’s a bunch of buffs and dots to maintain on however many mobs and it’s different for each spec, only for a ret pally to press 1 button as pass you on the meters. Rogues are currently great in raids, not so great in dungeons


It's just simply not fun, it is the least played class in the game right now.


I think he basically means its trash, for pvp rogue is my favourite class but always disliked doing dungeons with rogue


I hate totems and the button bloat on shamans. Love all their mogs and the class fantasy but I’ve never been able to play one through an entire season.


More of specs, because I play most classes. But, Love arms, hate fury. LOVE Aff, fuckin hate Demo, Destro is ok. I'm bad at the rotation. Love MW, hate WW. Loved HPriest in SL, hate disc, SP eh (might give it a shot with new hero talents. Looks nutty). Love Prevoker, hate Aug and Devoker. Love UH and BDK (gross I know), hate frost. Wish I could like it. I really like HPal and Ret, won't touch prot.


I’m with you, arms or nothing. But i’m also very into prot and Hpal since Wrath but i hate every rendition of ret personally.


Yeah I'm a forever arms main. Once I made the switch I just fell in love. When I think of wow I think of Bmo the arms war. Only played ret during DF and HC classic to like lvl 15 (didn't die, was just too scared to play anymore and ran out of leisure time) so I like it. It's like a giga buffed arms war.


I actually love frost dk but it’s such a dumpster fire spec I’d never play it. It is really fun when it’s strong though. I basically maintain a geared dk in case frost ever gets a buff I can hop on. Imagine my pain when I realize it’s been like 5 years 🙃


I had a good time with it in BGs in SL. Can't remember the legendary it had, but it was something super fun. Pop IBF and AMS and you could do whatever you want and be nearly unpeelable for those few seconds. Could do like 100k DPS vs a whole team when everyone had like 30-60k health. Good times. So yeah I agree. Makes me sad too.


I’m dying at the thought of you putting hours into raiding and getting BiS mythic Heroic+ just to instantly hop on an alt as soon as you get it lmao


You just sound like a healer


I do, in fact, heal. But I main arms. Cause oonga boonga big stick go smack


I just picked up monk recently and think it’s pretty boring to play compared to rogue, which is my main class.


Every dps is boring compared to rogue tbh Gotta heal to scratch the itch unless you can deal with playing mage


I levelled a dh to see what the whole buzz was about them. Good god you just dumpster damage. No thought process required compared to rogue


The word boring isn't right, privaleged lol


DK class theme is so cool but man the gameplay feels awful in this day and age with all the mobility Monk I can’t take seriously, any of the specs Rogue is fun in theory


Rogue is fun in theory is spot on. Shit is just not as fun as it looks and other people make it seem. I’ve played rogue in pve (m+ and heroic raids) and PvP to 1800 rating. Just not that fun.


Love Frost Mage, hate Fire. I've never liked it. Not when it was about spamming Sorches to stack ignite and spread dots, not when it was mashing all instants (*cough* Legion Sin/Fire was basically Fury/BM KFC), not when Gpye was busto, not when it was a 1shot spec with Bust. I've just never enjoyed it. Love Aff, hate Demo.


Funny I’m the opposite with mage, love fire have always found frost to be meh. But I think this expac I’ve “warmed up” to frost hehe. Fire in shadowlands was a different beast entirely.


if fire wasnt giga turbo mega omega s+++++ broken in shadowlands, it would have had 90% less players.


I could never get interested in frost. I’ve always loved arcane though. Such cool visuals and a fun smooth playstyle. Plus spam spell steal is such a meme “I noticed you have PI. You buried it under 3 other buffs, It’d be a shame if.. someone took all of them..” Problem is I’m far too casual to play a mage above 1600 lol. I end up running for my life trying to juggle shimmers displaces and alters while doing 0 dps. I’ve always alt’d a priest so I can heal when I don’t feel like waiting for ques, so I just went basically full haste disc so I can shadow when I want to dps & turret and lol while they give me precog and eat full torrents or run for a pillar.


Destro lock feels super clunky as if they were like welp it's gota be builder spender and then didn't make the building part any fun. Destro and Affliction are extremely fun to contrast it so any time destro pulls ahead my lock doesn't get played.


I feel the same way about destro and DK. They need to take a serious look at some of the fundamental gameplay core of some specs and just overhaul the fudge out of them. Full reworks.


I dont like shamans. Being a homeless dog whisperer is the lamest thing you could be.


DH. Read the Illidan novel. It hyped me the fuck up, I really wanted to like them.  But GODDAMN is it bland! How does anyone not fall asleep playing this class?  Also: Priests. I used to enjoy spriest in my early days of WoW PvP, but whenever I play one now... Idk. Awesome void powers aside, you're essentially just a really dangerous target dummy. Lastly, evoker. Tried many times to get into them. And while their design suffers a bit from the same blandness that afflicts DH, that's not the issue, no - it's that twerpy lizard model. The sheer assault on aesthetics that is the run animation. Ugh. 


Lmao that’s funny you say that about spriest, because I just started playing it again after getting sick of tip toe dancing around with alter shimmer displacements and still not being able to shake monks or DH’s. Meanwhile the shadow priest just turrets in the middle of the arena and pumps max damage while lol’ing at me. I almost rolled evoker but while I love pres evoker healing, dev just doesn’t do anything for me.


As second szn player, DH has allowed me to gain game knowledge about strats/comps without having to look at my binds constantly. I’ve made it to 2k in SS and I feel like this progress will exponentially accelerate my performance on my next alt.


This is a fun thread. Here is my list. Disclaimer - A lot of this is more than likely skill issue. Unholy/Frost DK: I hate the rune system. Ret Paladin: It was my main from BC to BFA. I don't like the way that it plays at all anymore despite it being stronger than ever. Holy paladin: On that note, I dislike this spec, too. I would go as far as to say that the holy power system ruined this class. Sub: I know that this spec has gotten consistently less complicated over the years, but I still cannot wrap my brain around it at all. Outlaw: Not a fan of the general rotation flow/roll the bones. Enhance: The current Fire build/iteration feels soulless to me. I loved Enhance when it was all about big Ascendances, Doom Winds, Windury, and Lightning. Destruction: Last season Destro was super fun to play with rift and instants, but now it feels very clunky and I don't like it at all. Affliction: Dot and rot is one of my favorite play styles, but I've never been able to manage dots properly. I end up losing track of my active UA and apply it to new people which impacts the value of the skill. Windwalker: This is probably a really odd, personal gripe with the spec, but I feel like none of its attacks have impact and the sound effects don't do anything for me. Any Druid spec: I just dislike how many plates there are to spin. I know a lot of people find fun in a spec being busy, which is great, but Druid is too complex for me as far as switching forms and the like goes.


New mage… if I wanted to play the game feeling like I’m on crack I would play outlaw rogue or fury warrior. Old mage when casting actually meant something was fun. However by caster design now I can’t stand any of them except the new Evoker. If you want to play a caster in the game it might as well be just press one button for 99% of what you offer.


I played mage back in the day, haven’t played it in PvP really since early legion. I got back into the game recently geared a mage went into arenas and hit the nope button after like 4 shuffles lol. I’m on shadow priest now and it’s hilarious. I just turret and laugh. Eat a few kicks and micro cc but for the most part it’s not a huge deal cuz dots are ticking. Juke and get precog and they eat a massive void torrent & have to run for a pillar lol. So much better for a casual play style. I just can’t process info fast enough to play a mage nowadays.


Evoker, DH, Hunter


I absolutely love frost half the time. The other half most of my dmg and defensives are getting cleansed/purged/dispelled and I fkin hate it.




My main class is Mage. I like Warlock and DH, can't stand Evoker & BM Hunter's playstyle. Monk and Ret are okay for me.


I’ve probably made 5 rogues and gave up on all of them. Such an insanely boring class. Energy and combo points are the worst. Also any version of Druid.


Hunters or Warlocks won't be for me, Hunters are really fucking boring to play and Warlocks feel just like a stationary turret that just does pve rotation. Love Enh Shaman and Hate Enh Shaman (Love em PvE hate them PvP).


Demon Hunter. I dunno, the gameplay just doesn't click with me. I tried to level one multiple times, but it's like eating cardboard. Ret Paladin. It's so unfun in PVP, dude. Warlock, all specs. Sucks balls at solo casual PVP. Devastation Evoker. Sucks balls at solo casual PVP. Augmentation Evoker. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. WW Monk. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. Survival Hunter. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. Feral Druid. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. Rogue, all specs. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. Shadow Priest. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. What I play right now? MM Hunter with a build made for 1v1 PVP.


You think aug has too many buttons but shaman button are fine?


Tbh, I forgot all about Shaman because tbh I was never interested in playing one, but yes indeed, Shamans of all specs have a shit ton of buttons.


>Augmentation Evoker. Waaaaaaay too many buttons. I don't think they have too many buttons but I agree that pressing any of their buttons doesn't feel rewarding anymore except Eruption.




Most melee specs. Only one I enjoy is assa rogue.


I love healing. I try to play resto Druid but it’s just so boring to me.


I use to love warrior, but damn blizz need to rework that class a bit and give it some proper animations. I dont like playing druid cause I can't admire my fine looking transmog


Fury Warrior is the most boring shit of all time, imo. Genuinely don't understand how people play it at all, let alone main it.


love druid,rogue,mage,priest, dk, hunter hate paladin, warrior, dh undecided on shaman, warlock


Not just one class, I can’t stand one ability. Slice and Dice. Otherwise I’d be all over the rogue class.


Elemental Shaman. Between totems, using spells to get away or push back the melee, it does so little damage. It either has to be overtuned or absolutely garbage.


Evoker. The spell charging mechanic bothers the hell out of me and is too difficult to optimize.


Death Knight


Mage. My longest running alt and old main is Hunter. Have around 500 days on it. I see what happens to Mages who don't play perfectly - they die from full to 3 globals from an MM hunter. I don't want to be on the receiving end of that.


I just recently quit mage because I fell over so easily and kiting DH, ww, rogue & even some warriors is nearly impossible unless you’re smurfing. I’m a long time disc healer, so I switched over to shadow & dude, I’m loving it. Huge damage and I just turret most of the time lol. I can at least survive the zug & just out pump them. On mage I felt like so much brain went to kiting and juking that my dps sucked ass more often than not. Way too much work for how casual I play nowadays.


I play ret and it feels like I’m hitting people with a damn pillow


Druids for me. I have been playing since’05 and have tried it repeatedly. It just won’t stick! I love the do it all shape-shift fantasy of it greatly though.