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If you reroll DH, you gain at least 200 points for free. Idk who else knows this, but I was blown away when I first discovered it.


Exactly this. Even in OP's example, a DH can just jump up on those arenas. Super busted.


This is true up to like 2300 rating. After that you’re not climbing without a shit ton of previous exp in arena or a shit ton of rounds on DH.


Did you go 0-6 against a DH recently?


I don't play shuffle. But even I know you don't face another DPS 6 times in shuffle. Nice bait bro


As a shaman windsheer a warrior spell reflect and then hex him while laughing because he gave you precog for free.


Too bad that precog is almost never needed when you play shaman


Other than literally what I said in order to get a hex off. Also I just play resto, so yeah precog is nice to have.


Yeah it's a great advice nevertheles


Warriors can spell reflect hunter’s freezing trap. If you see a Hunter moving to your healer, intervene your healer, press spell reflect, and stand on top of your healer and watch the hunter trap himself.


I'm pretty sure Freezing Trap can't be Intervened. If you sit on your healer and he traps you instead then yeah sure.


The intervene is to put you in position to soak/spell reflect the trap


Won't get it anyway. Trap always lands where it needs to


Intervene just gets you to your healer. It’s why I said to stand on top of the healer when you get there.


Why does this have downvotes, its completely true. Freezing trap cannot be interviened in the sense that intervene absorbs a physical attack from your partner, however you can eat/reflect the trap if you stand on top of it thanks to intervene


People love to hate on hunters and their advocates, nothing new. They can't handle a good trapper


If the enemy prist cast «mindgames» on you, you can break healers out of CC like polly and blind when healing them.


Wow thanks !


You can purge mind control off of your MC’d ally


Monk. During the animation, Whirling Dragon Punch counts as a "self root" for 1second. Which means it can counter knockbacks for instance. If you press WDP right when a shaman uses thunderstorm for instance, you won't get knocked back.


My fav on monk is Ring of Peacing life grips, put it in between your target and the healer and it’s completely countered. I’ve only done it on purpose once, but accidentally a few times


Oh that's a cool one, how was the grip telegraphed when you managed to do it on purpose?


I was healing in SS, previous rounds the priest always gripped out when dps were about to hit my Touch of death kill range, so I was kinda expecting a grip, luckily preplaced a RoP down 1 global before he gripped and he didn’t move anywhere and died :)


Good priests will grip on your legsweep. you can press serenity legsweep and ring


As affliction warlock you can use soulrot and phantom singularity on spell reflect effects without worrying it to be reflected. Phantom sibgularity also works through grounding, soulrot works through it if you target the offtarget, totems or pets instead of your desired target. Soulswap exhale (the applying your copied dots part) will go through all "MISS" effects. This includes cloak, tranq, turle, fade etc. But it can be reflected or grounded


What would be the best lock spell to ground?


Can only say for affliction. Would be coil and soulswap (applying part). Situationally UA, cause sometime there is not much room to cast or if you do not have all UAs up.


So if I fade immune the soul swap I’ll still get fully dotted? This is handy to know.


Yes you will get fully dotted. You can fade immune the initial inhale ("extracting" the dots part) which is really annoying :p


When a Hunter uses Chimaeral Sting on you - try and bait for a precognition proc, it will cause the next silence effect to be immuned.


Scatter doesn't break from certain spells. Explosive Shot and Chakrams are an example. Makes Survival one of the meanest 1v1 specs.


When a mage tries to root+silence you into a sheep, you can melee him to pushback his cast and give you enough time to get a shadow word: death Only works if mage has no frost barrier, is melee to you and he uses his own nova instead of pet nova (normal nova has global cooldown). (Works in cata, idk if it applies to retail)


Root stuff mid movement - like a charge or monk roll. Making them use two gap closers at the price of one.


Yeah that's a good one, although sometimes it gets bugged or something, because you can root mid charge and it won't get rooted untill he hits you


Warriors can spell reflect after a static totems been placed on them to get out of it. Not always the best use of reflect but it’s an option.


On lordaeron ruins, the tomb has 4 little things pointing upwards on the corners. This trick works if a mage has fingers of Frost and wants to deep > sheep you (so Hes spamming the Deep keybind to Deep you as soon as you give him LoS) . he has to be outside of the tomb in the open while youre behind one of those little things i mentioned earlier you can jump to give him LoS, so he deeps you and when you fall down again he wont be able to sheep you off (Works in cata, idk if it applies to retail)


In dalaran arena, if a warlock has his port in the upper part of the arena, and your DPS is about to kill him down there, you can precast MC so when he's low and ports up, the MC cast finishes and you can drop him down again. (Works in cata, idk if it applies to retail)


Freezing trap before bursting shot. It gives you the time to aim.


i see alot of hunters in BGs who will walk normally while chasing someone, and often times never catch the person. little do they know disengage can be used to propel you forward, instead of backward. easiest way to to do that, is bind it to your mouse key, then jump while running forward and while in mid air flip your character around using your mouse, and press the mouse key , then flip back while flying forward before landing to continue running. if they ever change disengage in anyway, this would sadden me greatly. the propel forward trick is my favourite is i used it every chance i get.


> know disengage can be used to propel you forward, [Let me show you the master of this, from way back in 2008....](https://youtu.be/fLjTRifi6dE?si=1MqKLvPixCV7v4c-&t=635)


Triple DDD haha loved those videos!!!




Do damage


If you don’t play you don’t really give a shit!


I wouldn't really class using mobility to jump onto a platform as a 1000+ hour super advanced tip... That's more like common sense and basic ability usage? You can do similar things by just juking them by running to the edge of a platform and jumping whilst not moving forward. Half the time people chasing you jump off whilst you're still up there. Always funny. e: For the downvoters, check [this sick 1k+ hour trick](https://imgur.com/Lhe4fz3) out on my... 20 something hour Shaman. /s


No it's not, gust is much more skill dependent ability, you need to gauge proper distance to not fuck it up, and you need to know exact spots where you can bypass a pillar and jump on the platform, you also need to do it after jumping into wolf form and getting a speed boost first, there are lots of nuances to that, which you won't know of you haven't played spec for a decent amount of hours.


No, my point is to just say it's a basic mechanic of the game. [e.g. Jumping onto a random post.](https://imgur.com/Lhe4fz3) I don't play Shaman, it simply doesn't take 1000 hours to learn how to use mobility. I'm not trying to diminish your point but it genuinely is just moving from one place to another. Not much difference in saying anyone who's played a Mage will be able to eyeball 20y distance just because of Blink. Being able to heroic leap back onto a platform mid knockback, being able to Disengage from one platform to another etc.