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Played like half the classes to 18 last season. Warr is fun, big aoe with lots of utility. Ww is fun but outside of doing fucked up damage you don’t do much for the team which can annoying or super fun depending on what you want. Dev is super fun, crazy stupid easy consistent burst and sustained damage. Ele is fun too when you pop off with triple flame shocks rolling and meatballs fly all over the arena. Bm hunter was so fucking boring, destro lock was also super boring and annoying to play keeping track of all enemy stops so that you could eventually pop off.


> destro lock was also super boring and annoying to play keeping track of all enemy stops so that you could eventually pop off People will say that this is engaging, technical gameplay, when its just staring at addons telling you what people have up or not.


I too have played 6+ classes to 1800 and destro is my second fav spec. All a matter of perspective


I agree with war and ele. Both quite fun to play. I’m a destro main tho so disagree there. Can be very frustrating but the pay off feels great


Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m a 2300 Warrior, and another reason Warrior is so fun is it’s not *that* bad if you don’t use all the mandatory addons. I still don’t track DRs, but since all Warrior CC has a CD you just need to CC different targets and you’ll be *mostly* okay. I just blindly use my CC on CD on whichever targets are closest and not currently CC’d. I tried Warlock and fear not having a CD broke my brain.


Ok so with what you typed I highly doubt you’re 2300 with DR’s being too difficult for you to track still, especially on a warrior since you only have to look at DR’s every 30 seconds or so. So since you have trouble tracking DR’s do you just purposefully not play with other teammates who have fears/stuns? “Blindly use my cc on CD” so you fear on a possible priest/lock etc etc DR, or you stun on basically every spec in the games besides a few DR? 0 chance 2.3 man


I am seriously 2300 without giving a shit about DRs. Like I just always shockwave on CD whoever is closest to me, stun on CD whoever I didn’t shockwave, and then fear on CD whoever is closest and not currently CC’d. So I guess I delay sometimes, but only if someone is currently CC’d. Rogues, mages, warlocks probably hate playing with me. But yes, you can hit 2300 this way. I have got to 2390 like 5 times but I hate addons.


This isn't particularly awful in a shuffle perspective Getting value on a double or triple stun is often worth refreshing someone's DR It's only really bad for sub rogues or breaking a poly on a healer during their two minute go and you screw up their win condition It's all contextual, like if you triple stun which allows your team to reliably land more follow up cc or get some big value on cleave, that's what you're really fishing for warrior gaming. Cleaving everyone down in aoe cc and then following up with sweeping strikes sharpen is immense pressure and will force defensives


ww don’t do much for the team? ring healer into LoS, para, stun. potential double or triple stuns in kill windows? insane burst to secure kills without help from team? sorry what now ?


Yeah… so a kit with below average team utility + fucked up damage. Ring value is sometimes insane and sometimes shit, match up dependent and sometimes it just doesn’t work out where you get a perfect rop that creates a 1v3 or whatever. Para? Really? 4 seconds that breaks instantly on a sneeze and removes dots. And an aoe stun on a long cd. If you think that’s good utility you might cream your pants playing a ret, warr, dh, or rogue


I’ve played a handful of specs to 1800 - DH was the most fun overall because it felt crazy overpowered, tons of DPS and instant CC. Frost Mage was the most fun ranged DPS because it was good at kiting and had a lot of burst. Prevoker has been the most fun healer because it can do damage and has a fun play style, even though your teammates troll the shit out of you with range and not stacking for heals.


" your teammates troll the shit out of you with range" Yeah, I specially can't stand playing prevoker with mages blinking all around the map.


This is why mages piss me off on rsham. Oh shit, DH popped EB, here’s a wall totem! Mage double blinks 80yds to LoS while DH just meta’s and blows him up.


Or russian melee players that do everything in their power to LOS me and ignore gameplans


Feral, Fmage, Afflic lock, Enh shammy, Spriest. Afflic lock has been so fun to learn this season, the amount of customization you can get funky with your macros is pretty wild. The minute you aren't the main focus you are just melting the team. Not the target.. but the whole team. In solo shuffle where everyone is running around like mental cases you can kite DPS to the point where they give up, switch targets and then you proceed to remelt them all. Close second for me has been Enh shammy. Never played before since I normally ele or resto and melee burst is not typically my thing but wow... I'll go the game and be like "I'm not sure what I did that round". Then I look at the damage after and I'm ass blasting the meters.


Aff is so fun once you get it down


300k consecutive lava lash crits are pure dopamine. Makes up for the 8 rounds in a row I lost due to not getting 300k lava lash crits


I like hybrids for this reason. Boomy/resto, shadow/holy, and ele/resto are all meta, fun, and can be done with one char


rsham > disc priest > holy priest > rdruid for me currently


Haven’t played prevoker yet ?


I struggled with it, I think the movement and shorter range just don't click


Respect for rsham as your top, love the challenge and breadth of utility it brings


The tougher the spec the more fun as the progression is rewarding. Spriest, fire mage, destro lock. Sub rogue was pretty tough to get to 1800 then had to relearn everything and to outlaw in s2. Always been a melee player but have been pushing all classes to 1800 these last few seasons. Really fun but the queue times stopped me from playing all but spriest sometimes. 


Wait so spriest doesn’t have queue times like other dps? Sub rogue honestly seems like a ton of fun but also requiring 80x the time investment to get it down proficiently.


spriest doesn't have shorter queues than any other dps, he probably just doesn't have time to wait 30 mins per game on more than one class lol. Swapped to healing because of this, instant queues are sick.


Preservation has a steep learning curve but is incredibly fun and strong once you get the hang of it. It’s the most fun healer for me in all content right now. Affliction is super fun but I got kinda burnt out on it playing it so much last season. SV hunter is also incredibly fun now that you don’t have to spec into Fury of the Eagle.


I keep seeing how hard pres is to learn. Is it just because of the range or is the rotation/ability usage really not intuitive ?


It's also because one of your bread and butter heals is verdant embrace. Echo and it will be one of your biggest "big heals" that isn't on a longer cooldown. Verdant embrace also tends to be cast before you dream breath because a talent makes it make your next dream breath heal harder. The problem is that it will instantly dash you into melee range of whoever you're healing. This is a double edged sword because aure now you know where your team mate is and your close to him but youre also bow right in the middle of the fight and an absolute easy target to eat a CC. You have to verdant embrace to keep your healing through put high but you also have to know when it's to big a risk and you're going to end up CCd. Then sometimes your crazy team mates make you have to choose between "verdant embrace save their life and eat CC" and "don't verdant embrace try to keep them up with other parts of your tool kit and watch them potentially die anyway"


I loved Legion-era Mistweaver when they had Mistwalk (similar to Verdant Embrace) and could move while casting. Pres Evoker is like the closest thing to that spec reincarnated - super mobile, weaving in and out, zooming around. Huge throughput and mana seems to last longer compared to other healers. @OP what made Pres Evoker challenging for me was mostly the rotation, since it’s not super intuitive at first. The range issue doesn’t bother me as much since I also play SV, and that’s all about knowing when you can get away with being closer to the fight and when it’s best to stay at range. Admittedly the range issue can be annoying sometimes playing with casters spread out vs melee clumped up though.


For me.. fun wise in order: Prevoker > disc priest > devoker (at lower ratings) > outlaw rogue > frost mage > fistweaver monk ( at lower ratings ) > ele sham > affl lock


Resto druid and pres evoker are my favourite at the moment. Especially now that rdruid had insane dmg now


I mostly played healer in ss but I love playing MM in ss or 3s, so much fun


I stopped enjoying my rogue after season one. A combination of ageing, going rusty, and a million keybinds. Arms / DH / Ret have been more enjoyable melee classes for me


How would you compare and contrast arms/dh/ret?


Well I’ve played them over three different seasons rather than all in the same season. I went arms this seasons but kinda wish I stayed ret but I like keeping things fresh by playing different melee classes


Rsham is both the most fun and the most tilting of the healers. Fun because you have so much utility and fun abilities, and potentially the most tilting because earthen totem is basically invisible and i can only move it once. Honestly i wish they either changed the visual to be like the augmentation evoker shield thing, or reworked it so that as long as its up you can just recast it to move its location…


1800 ss xp on a good chunk of classes this season. Resto shaman would be the most fun I've had on healer. Static totem on people and sending them to Narnia is laughable. Caster would be fire mage. You will get trained. You will randomly die. But blinking every which way and blowing someone up is amusing. Melee Id say assassin rogue but that's only because bleeding the whole team and toping the damage meters is ridiculous.


SV Hunter was the most fun for me. I just feel like I had so much agency on how I could play each round and you have so much control especially into melee lobbies.


I picked SV up yesterday for the first time ever and it’s been a blast. Still learning but quite often top the damage metre and the harpoon into trap is a really satisfying play. I’m only around 1900 and still learning but it’s nice not being the constant target like you are if playing MM/BM.


I've generally been a healer main in solo shuffle, but have played the following specs to 2100+ so far this season: Pres Evoker, Disc priest, Holy priest, Rdruid, Boomkin, Frost mage, Ret paladin, Holy Paladin, Assass Rogue, Resto Shaman, Ele Shaman, BM hunter. I've played a bunch of other classes/specs but not this season or not to 2100+. For healers, my "fun" ranking would be Pres >> Disc > Rdruid > Holy Priest | Rsham | Hpal > MW. Pres is by far the most fun to me. Its a unique design that takes a bit to learn and become comfortable, but has a bit of everything and being closer to the action and not always hiding max range is really fun and makes things both more engaging and fun. Disc ability to do dmg is fun, and finding the right window to get some burst to land a kill combined with decent throughput is fun. Depending on the lobby it can be rough to find those globals to do dmg, but satisfying to land those kills with penance flying in. Rdruid is fun if you can get in there and make a difference with CC, but kinda boring if you go the safe route and sit max range spamming heals. Good Rdruids know when to do one or the other. Rsham is also really lobby dependent and teammate dependent. Hard to find players that have the awareness to properly sit in earthen totems and their overall throughput can be weak if your team doesn't play well. Rsham was definitely the most frustrating at times, but at the same time if you get good lobbies where you can be really disruptive with shear/grounding/hex, its a lot of fun. I had never played Holy priest but found it to be a super easy spec to pick up and do well. Nothing terribly fun outside of chastise stuns, but the change to the holy fire dmg helped a lot to make it even easier to get dmg out. Hpal is ok and design is pretty fun, but has been pretty underpowered this season so it was more difficult, making the fun factor a bit lower for me. Lots of CDs to work with but when you don't have anything left, the throughput feels really bad in late damp SS rounds. Try to save those immunities for long games! Finally, MW just feels kinda meh, at least to me(I don't play FW, just caster). Decent healing thoughput but overall just kinda a boring/afk type healing with a few CCs that usually DR with the DPS. For the DPS, my "main" dps has always been Frost Mage, so I hit 2200 fairly easily but I'd say thats not a super easy spec to pick up or start with. You have to be good at kiting and avoiding dmg while still getting dmg and CC out. Teams that focus you (which is alot) puts a lot of pressure on you. Boomkin pre nerf was fun, easy, and strong. Learn how to survive and not overlap too many CDs and Boomkins are just so strong/fun with clone spam. Live until 2nd incarn and someone will die. Assass rogue was very easy and by far the best spec if you are a beginner rogue. The damage is very easy to get out, just have to be aware of your defensives. I would frequently find myself saying "That assassination rogue did nothing special at all but still won the lobby". Ele Shaman is fun, but also depends on the lobby. The damage and rotation is super easy, but full melee lobbies without decent support can be rough. I also find it to be one of the specs that has the least impact on the match outside of just pumping big dmg. Outside of shear/grounding/tremor/hex, you don't have a ton of peels so if you have a weak teammate and your utility doesn't help, you can't really save a lobby/round outside of just pumping meatballs. Contrary to popular opinion, I actually really liked BM hunter. The extremely easy and braindead DPS aspect of the spec allows you to focus a bit more on the control the hunter brings and lets you learn how to properly CC and use all the utility that hunters have. I've played MM and its much harder to get dmg out while still getting CC since you are the kill target 90% of the time. I just like the variety of trying different specs so I enjoy the easier versions to learn (Assass, Ele, BM) and then you can expand to the harder specs(Sub, MM, surv, etc). Hope this helps or at least provides some insight!


I have been absolutely sent to the shadow realm by almost every demo lock I queue into, and lately it’s not many at all because they’re all affliction. That spec has crazy control and the burst with dogs + tyrant is nutty.