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*Shudders in healer main*


If you aren't able to climb to 1800 as a healer (especially this season), it's a *you* issue, not a "healer mmr is busted" issue. Edit: Seeing as i'm eating downvotes, i'll double down. The circlejerk around healer MMR is ridiculous. It's an issue at the highest levels (3k dps vs 2.7 mmr heals atm) but it's not a significant issue at 1800. The downvotes are pure cope.


welcome to reddit where average max rating is 1.3k


It's an issue on lower mmr too. You get forced into so many 3-3 by 0-6 dps. When I decided to play dps, it took me 6 shuffles to get to 1800, I didn't lose a single shuffle game as a whole. Healers went 3-3 in all 6. I got between 4-2 to 6-0. 6 shuffles to get to 1800 on something I barely play. It took me 40 shuffles to get there on a healer this season because I kept getting queued into so many healers lower than me and going 3-3 to lose mmr because of 0-6 dps, last season it took 80 shuffles. 


your 100% right im kinda stuck at 2.1-2.2 in 2s and 3s and i got 1.8 in shuffle in like 10 lobbys as holy pala


its definitely way easier this season just because they didnt reset MMR. >he highest levels (3k dps vs 2.7 mmr heals atm) but it's not a significant issue at 1800 in the previous season it was. 3k vs 2.7 applies all the way down the ladder, its just harder to notice. pretty consistently healers were about 300mmr below equivalent dps in the previous 3 seasons. All the way down the ladder, its not simply a top of the ladder issue. There's literally been like 15 threads of stats analysis proving healer distribution is well below the dps distribution pulled from blizzard data. IF you use the search function you can read them all. But something tells me you wont because "ItS JuSt CoPe" Even for me, at the beginning of season 3 it took me like 150 rounds to get 2100 in shuffle as a healer, it took me 60 rounds as a dps (im healer main) and then this season it took like 8 lobbies to get to 2.1 and now im over 2.4 in less than 150 games lol. This season is a completely different animal than it was in the past.


I hit 1800 SS on my disc in week 3. It took between 40 and 50 lobbies. I normally just use the character to fa conquest for dps toons. It had a total of 3 purples and zero crafted. I normally keep if around 1400 to farm conquest for my dps characters and don’t gear it unless my brother wants to run 2. He unsubbed until TWW so I am done with PvP for the xpac since there is zero rewards left I care to grind. On my hunter of Ret I normally get to 1800 between 15 and 20 lobbies.


It can vary. If you get a few lobbies with a healer of drastically lower CR than you, and they manage to luck out once or twice (Usually owing to DPS error), that can really screw your rating gains. Get one unlucky lobby? Yeah you're not climbing quickly until you can start chaining 6-0s back to back, which as a healer is more difficult unless you drastically outskill the other healer to an insane degree. I wouldn't say full victim complex but it definitely feels like the system is working against you with smaller CR gains and wonky matchmaking etc.


B-b-but muh opressed healers, they done nothing wrong!


I'm not a high rated player by any means, but I decided to play my rSha again last weekend cause bored on a Saturday night. The first SS was at 2k mmr, and I went from 0 cr to 1850 in about 6 games of Solo Shuffle. Honestly, it threw me off as I was expecting a slog/ grind for at least a week to hit that cr. Now I'm debating just stopping for the rest of season to play other games or just see how high I can go.


1800 is one thing but 2100 to 2400 is another


That’s totally fair in my eyes as a shaky healer who hides in bgs for some sense of gratification 😅


Yea this is my first season ever playing healer and I got 2.2k in solo on both priest specs. Usually only get Duelist in 2v2 as melee and stop. Solo feels pretty good for healing atm.


Second time Resto Shaman this season and reached 1800 in about 50 games. Now it’s me issue to get to 2k because I still suck at it. Started at 1500 MMR since I tried resto last season and tanked MMR to 1500 in like 2 shuffles


took me 8lobbies to 1.8k as healer 🤷‍♂️ these threads are anyway pointless because it depends on skill level.


I got there in about 6 rounds (matches? 6 games of 6 rounds), if that. But no MMR reset also prob helped with that. Also Hpriest being busted.


I've done aff lock, boomy, ret and currently working on uhdk. Aff lock was the fastest for me, got 1800 in probably under 10 shuffles. I usually main casters or healers so it was easier to pick up. Ret was also pretty quick. Uhdk has been taking the longest. I haven't play dk since wotlk and I just don't understand how to do consistent damage lol.


I recommend watching a YouTube pvp guide for the burst rotation. I never played UDK, it wasn’t very intuitive for me either. You try to keep up stacks of death coil, lay Death in decay then grip, use slappy hands, etc


On a spec I've never played, around 100 rounds. On specs I have played at high mmr without MMR on it, it would take 40-50. All things considered 1800 is kind of easy especially for DPS, but 2100 is when shit gets real. I feel you have to know your class really well to get 2100 but I feel that you could get to 1800 accidentally.


It took me 408 but I was new to healing.


Not bad! That’s really 68 solo shuffle lobby’s so that’s still good work. Solo shuffle healing is way tougher than dpsing - I called 1900 mmr as a MW in SS but on DPS I hit 2100 consistently


UhDk main. First time in Rated PvP and still fluctuating in the 1700’s. I’ll let you know soon. Lol


I am pretty bad. My quickest was like 7 lobbies on ret paladin in season 2 Took me like 15 lobbies on my warrior in s3 Some classes I play in the 1200’s lol. I’ve also gone 20+ lobbies on the ret. It really all depends on if I get a good match at the beginning of the season, if I have 1800 mmr and I go 5 and 1 in the first match I’ll coast to 1800 getting 2 wins a lobby, but if I get 2 wins in the first lobby I have to try hard and get 5 wins per lobby to climb. I hate the system, I also hate that I’m bad at PvP


It really depends on your starting MMR and if you can play that spec enough to at least get 3-3s. I have some specs where I didn’t quite get it and fell behind early. Like resto sham and all their buttons, and had to crawl my way out of lower elo. Or there was MM who started over 1800 mmr and hit some early caster lobbies and got it around 10 lobbies or so.


Cool question! This season I played Warrior for the first time, took me 207 rounds (so \~35 lobbies) to reach 1800. This was more on the high end for me, I did the same with other classes/specs, usually 1 or 2 new ones per season, MM Hunter in S2 or S3 (don't remember) was easier and only took about 60 rounds. Caster MW was also very quick this season, also around 60 rounds. I feel like I have an easier time adapting to new healers rather than DDs, probably because I spent more time healing than DDing in WoW. For reference, I used to main HPal, this season I play mostly Ret, both specs peaking around 2500 in solo.


Shadow priest, I think it was 80 rounds to 1800. So like 13-ish. I played my arcane like 140 rounds and I’m at 1680 lol. It’s hard on mage, my reaction time & accuracy on buttons has declined massively over the years because I just don’t play as much. But on SP, I can just turret and rip someone apart while applying spread pressure. Certain lobbies like hunters or rogues can suck but for the most part I just turret and melt.


it depends..if im playing melee i hit 1800 in the first 10 games. if im playing a caster it can be in the first 1p games but if i get unlucky and go 0-6 once or twice then the cr catches up to mmr and i hover around 1700 making the slow climb upwards. healer :🤣🤣 better ignore rating and play it as a hobby ans let 1800 be a nice surprise


Just got my first 1800 last week. Took me like 250 rounds I think. But I’m not good at arena and had to learn positioning, being able to not tunnel vision and see the bigger picture and so on.


Season 3 : Disc priest: 250 Resto sham: 500 I haven’t touched SS this season as resto shaman scarred me. Haven’t taken that xmog off yet though!


It all depends on ur skill level. If u r a 2100 player then prob 8 ish games. If u r a 1800 player then it may take awhile and u’ll have to get lucky.


When it was fresh somewhere between 30-60 rounds, but other times I've started at like 2k mmr and I'm going 3-3 off the bat


Just boosted a war (haven’t played one since LK) and got it in 5 lobbies as arms. Having said that, it’s not really a skill thing and it felt pretty unsatisfying, because every lobby had a 1/5 or 0/6 dps getting bullied, so it felt less like actually winning and more just not being the weak link.


I only played Demo Lock and BM Hunter this season. I got the Hunter to 1839 in 9 lobbies, and got the Demo to 1861 in 13 lobbies. My BM Hunter had carryover MMR around the 1900-2000 range, and my Demo was a fresh class I’d never played before. Once I hit 1800 I stopped queuing.


it takes 5-6 games to get 1.8


Did it the other day on Devoker in a few rounds. I imagine it's my top skill that made it happen, I mashed the disintegrate button harder than the other guys 💪


Took me 8 lobbies on Hpriest this week. Started 1800mmr Definitely helps if you're not starting from low MMR and can get some big rating gains from 5 or 6 win lobbies around the 1200-1300 ratinf mark with highrler MMR.


Took me like 20 lobbies on my arms warrior this season


Around 10 in general (mage / rogue / war and priest) But i start 2.3 mmr in general (sometime lower idk why)


I've played 200 rounds this season as a returning player from MoP, playing WW monk and just got to 1800 winning a lil more than half.


I couldn’t say exactly for 1800, but I got to 2400 in 10.5 lobbies (one lobby had a leaver) on dk.


I want to say its 3 or 4 minimum matches if you 6-0 all of them.


Too many on some specs and too few on others. I was healing less on my geared hpal(before buffs) than on resto drood in partial greens.


Ret was probably 30 rounds. I haven’t done shuffle before (only RBGs and arena back in BC/wrath) so I’m pretty stoked I got it quickly. Pushing for 2100 now for the weap enchant Edit: games to rounds


I know it took 54 and 48 games for me to get to duelist on bm and marksman. I’m hardstuck between 2200 and 2300 with like 150 games on both now though. This game mode is not to be taken as seriously, especially this season with no mmr reset. 2200 mmr games still have placement healers in honor gear. The best 1800 dps partners I’ve had are still 3x better than the worst 2200 partners I’ve had.


First week it takes me 40-60 rounds after that around 100


I got to 1800 on my resto Druid in like 30 rounds pretty quick with insta ques to be honest


Demo lock, 8 lobbies.


I have 4 characters 2100+ all with less than 100 rounds played


You guys stink


I did it in 7 or 8 as BM last season


Games, not sets


6x7 or 6x8 then lol


Solid cock dimensions


Since i Had high mmr from last season only a few lobbies. Took me ~140 rounds to reach 2750. Its all about mmr so you cant really compare each other since everyones starting point is different


The mmr on a fresh character is around 1900 now for 1800 i don’t think the starting mmr matter that much. It’s actually probably faster on a low mmr since you should be going 6-0 a lot more


First season I've pvp'd since MoP. Playing MM hunter took me 72 rounds to hit 1868 with 49 wins. Mind you I'm not very good at pvp (don't even know all the spec's abilities etc.) but I'm learning lol


I can’t remember exactly but certainly less than 10 lobbies. Maybe 5 or 6? I play demon hunter mage and rogue and the easiest to get 1800 on is probably mage, then rogue, then DH. Mage is easy because 1800 lobbies will have healers standing in the middle of the map and you can easily sheep them and the dps won’t stop you nor shut down your damages effectively. Rogue was easy because it’s just easy to stun everyone and bleed everyone and you can waste your vanishes and melds to put out more pressure. DH is kind of easy, but you can’t solo carry the game on dh as easily as you can on the other classes. DH is easy to play in the sense that your job is basically just doing damage, but if your teamates aren’t working towards the win condition it’s hard to just make one. Source: I’m a 2500 dh main and pushing my alt dh up had less 6-0 lobbies than my rogue or my mage up until 1800


Casters aint it for easy 1800, better to go full zug imo


Idk, for me caster is way easier.


Yeah casters can easily punish noobs where as melee more or less continue to just do damage, but a mage or warlock can capitalize and punish at virtually any moment in the game