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I heard demon hunters are pretty fun and forgiving


You need fast fingers minimum. If you're bad your fingers are probably very slow. Not only is the apm high you need to dash around constantly. The class is memed, but it's a terrible class for a new or bad player.


I’d argue speed is irrelevant when playing DH. You have a set 3 button rotation, and outside of using defensives smartly, you can do max DPS via nothing more than class abilities. DH is the LoL addition to wow. As long as you can plan your chain cc and your rotation is impeccable, you’ll face roll your way to 1800 before even needing to install a single addon. 


I felt like DH was zipping around the place too much while I also didnt know what I was doing or who to stick to, when I came back to wow in season 3 (last time I played was OG cata). So I went with arms warrior and I dont know if I'll ever go back to anything else.


Arms war is the goat


Ran a little test and fully geared an arms warrior before queing any shuffles with it.what a blast...shot right up to 1700 in like 35 rounds,my season high(I'm old lleave me alone lol)...now to try to limp across that finish line of 1800...(I think I can, I think I can!)


You can do anything you put your mind to! Have a great day!


Always come back to arms I love resto shaman and a sub rogue but arms... has that simplicity, bug damage, bot too many button press just methodical strikes, counter for everything, good utility, MS


Yeah same here. Stopped playing and early Cata and came back in season 3. Warrior in pvp is just fun. I dont think i could Main anything but warrior


Sin, DH, ret, MM, devoker are all shuffle dominators Hpriest is also really easy to get into if you're a healer enjoyer


I agree except for Mm. They are regularly focused and they lack defensives. If you want a hunter, Beast mastery would be an easier acclimation.


So is ret, sin, and devoker but they just wij regardless


DH, Ret or Devoker


Ret pala


Game is actually really balanced right now so pick what sounds fun & send it. I played mage for a bit but gave up because I got sick of being unable to kite classes I’m supposed to be able to kite but due to SS nature(no help from teammates) & the amount of cc in the game it’s tough. So I went to SP, now I can just turret and it’s working out great lol.


DH is strong and pretty easy to get into. Difficulties you'll face with lock/hunter will be learning to kite as they tend to be the primary kill target for the zug zug. Otherwise all of the above are fine for a beginner.


Subs are one of the hardest in arena. For random solo BGs the best pick is MM hunter or rog. Overall PVP DHs are strong, easy and fun to play


At this point balance is about to change dramatically when it comes to Pre-patch, which really isn't too far away now. I'd suggest just trying to work out what your class fantasy is and rolling with that. Do you like the idea of healing? Do you like the idea of damage? Melee damage or caster? Dual-wield, or a bow? etc Narrow that down and ride or die that into the next expansion and then take stock in Season 1 to see if you still enjoy it.


Fury war and Dh are by far the most chill specs to play. Little amount of button and crazy pressure. No casting needed, so less headache. Both specs are also really good when it comes to uptime against any other spec, even fmage. Both are really easy to push in SS as well. Deal as much damage as you can and dont line your healer/use your defensives. Compared to an afflock or spriest e.g. you dont have to play out of your mind to win. These specs also dont get focussed as often, which means that you have to peel for your mates tho. Id pick fury for a chill experience and its way stronger right now than people think and believe it or not, its much easier to play than a DH. Dh would be my second option.


Assa rogue is doing really good right now. If you are used to sub it would be to hop on.


I would say Ret. The rotation js very simple. You have builders for holy power and an aoe or single target spender. You have a couple healing buttons. You have a couple CDs to press and you have nice utility for yourself and the team. It seems like a lot. But after a few days it’s so cake. I think other classes might look “cooler” but man is ret easy and fun.


Rogue in general, especially sub, can be very difficult / punishing if you're not experienced with it and have a lot of game knowledge. Generally speaking you're gonna have an easier time with most of the melee starting out or just messing around. I'd say just avoid rogue, feral, and enh. For ranged Probably hunter, lock, or dev are going to be more forgiving. I'd stay away from mage for the same reason as rogue. Navigate from there based on whatever you think looks fun.


If you want to heal, I think disc can be the most forgiving st lower ratings. But damage I recommend ret or arms/fury. Arms is a little easier to live with too with a healer.


I would not say disc is easy, even at lower ratings. Its a very specific playstyle.


Bm is and always will be the easiest.


I was in the same boat as you and was coming back to the game after years. I rolled hunter and worked on my pvp skills for a few weeks and hit 1850. Hunters rotation is pretty easy so you can focus on game sense a lot more and cc


Devo. Fun, easy, competitive.


For BGs warrior, dh, mm are the easiest to have success on. In arenas, warriors are easy to play and rarely the kill target. They also pair well with basically everything. The same goes for dh, but gets targeted a bit more. They do crazy damage. Your skill expression will come from setting up cc and surviving if you are focused. You have a lot of tools, just have to use them. Bm is a great spec for arenas. It is the lowest skill cap class by a mile, does good damage, has great cc, and is very rarely the kill target. Lot of people saying ret in the comments, but I would argue against it. You’ll struggle in heavy caster lobbies. You will almost always be the kill target. To be effective on ret, your skill expression comes from using utility on your teammates and surviving. You will never be applauded for your damage, a goldfish could figure out the rotation. Essentially what I’m saying is, it’s not easy to be good at ret because ret requires you to watch your teammates like a healer and use your utility to assist them. In that way, it requires more situational awareness than almost any other dps.


I’m a returning player. I was always kind of casual 1800 player. I came back as Ret pal and having a blast


Enhancement Shaman heals to full every few GCDs and only spams Stormstrike. Plus, you have very few keybinds because almost none of the obscure utility is played in PvP.


Any melee class warrior/DH especially is just Zug Zug doesn’t matter what you press and you will dominate