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stay strong brothers dont tell him our secrets


Hello fellow warlock I am also a warlock but I lost my manual with all the warlock secret weaknesses could you please provide them for me please and thank you


-Curses don't do any damage, no sense dispelling them.  -Fear will probably break from damage, don't waste trinket.  -Gateway and port CDs are too long to be useful. If the lock wants to waste his time putting them up, let him. They're his globals. -Chaos Bolt takes forever to cast. Save your kick, someone else will surely get it. Just a few for now. Please do all of this if you see me on my warlock.


Affliction doesn't have Chaos Bolt. They will absolutely use globals to put up a port and gateway, mobility is their best line of defense. Fear will not break from damage. Most 2.4k+ players understand how the game works.


you totally missed the sarcasm but congrats on insulting them for no reason in the process


Feel the sarcasm Luke, let go Luke.


Hahaha you fool, im not even a warlock. You've fallen for my devious trap and given me your warlock secrets.


I think you missed the joke entirely… he laid it on THICK


oh in that case, the secret door to the secret lair is behind the hut by the warlock trainer in org. the answer to the secret question is "succubus" you can put your drinks on my tab 😎


Instructions unclear, accidentally broke into someone's home and now a Paladin is trying to arrest me.




As a lock main, most significant thing is dispelling right after soul rot lands. That’s what’s going to truly mess up our go. Dispelling UA when you’re safe or ahead or can los is also an option Anything else is just annoying


By the way you described everything is annoying


Lmao didn’t even notice, I’ll fix


Just delaying an aff locks UA uptime innstsntlybdestroys their throughput. It's pretty funny watching jaggz face an aff lock on stream. Ua cast, los, ua cast, los. Ua cast, los. Ua cast, interrupt, ua cast, shadowfury, ua cast coil, ua cast reflect. Not letting ua land period is such a big drawback for an aff lock


Help my smol brain understand. Aff locks will put up their dots, then soul rot, and then the lock will soul swap to copy the dots to another person. So I should be trying to get the dots and soul rot before the lock soul swaps?


Correct! Soulrot is kinda the big CD prior to darkglare. If you dispell it and any others you’re wiping our go both on that person and before we can swap


I think the biggest opponent of an aff lock is the paladin on your team blinding everyone dispelling all your dots 😂


Biggest hard counter for dot specs: paladin on your team


its always the ret in shuffle


The one sure fire way to lock me down and annoy me is to be on my team and throw like most healers do and rets


Haha this JUST happened to me 1 solo shuffle ago. Lock then whispered me that he believes that these paladins are using weakaura just to remove as many of dots as possible. You know being the holy good guys maybe they cant help themselves.


The best thing to do vs warlock is only dispel our curses. UA corruption and agony aren't worth dispelling. Do not kick chaos bolt. Fear, tyrant. Dogs, ua. Only kick drain soul/shadowbolt and immolate. Have to stop the little things to get the momentum rolling.


Thanks, just tanked 500 MMR.


As long as you're a ret I'm fine with that


Does Ret judge PvP talent cause backlash?




Alternatively, kick Chaos bolt only and rely on your healer to dispel fear Kicking shadowbolt and immolate is a trap. Dogs and Tyrant worth kicking


Don't need your healer to dispel fear if you play warrior. Just use either your sanc on a 45 second cd or your warriors aoe fear dispel he can use while feared on a 1 min cd


sure, but warrior historically just get dunked on by wizards thanks to spammable cc


It doesn't even seem to matter vs ret war fw. I genuinely don't mine fighting ret war and I 100% understand there's supposed to be counters. But they can legit just w key my sp when I'm demo and the game feels impossible. Sanc on a 45 second cd aoe fear removal on a 1m cd and revival on a 1 min 30. They quite literally just w key and win.


Spriest needs a rogue alt to snipe into these teams lol Or the rank 1 special, queue dodge


Yea its not the losing that bothers me. It's losing to 3 infinite mobility and unccable turds with 300 defensives who literally don't target swap or do setups


That's the nature of pressure comps, It's not worthwhile for them to chase down a warlock and give up positioning and randomly switching is pointless because they committed CDs to trade CDs on their target. Switching to a fresh target with full defensives is not a benefit. I think you'll feel a lot less grevience towards this comp if what you play was better against it. Bad luck that you one trick demo shadowplay


If I could change my comp mid match I would


S3 Destro would cook fw comps lol, not sure how s4 Destro would do


I don't play Warlock, but I have watched a lot of Afflock gameplay at glad+ levels and played with said aff lock a lot in 2s. You should dispel on CD, unless you are under a lot of pressure or are expecting something very specific, even if they have UA on the target. If you see Soul Rot, dispel as soon as it finishes casting. You should play at max range so that the Afflock cannot DoT you. Positioning is important - against very skilled healers it's sometimes hard to even put Corruption on them. If you can dispel curses, be sure to watch for Amplify curse (especially weakness on your DPS). Shamans can be even more disruptive with Wind Shear/Grounding. Look for opportunities to CC/knock back/otherwise interrupt casts when it's totally safe (don't mess up DRs or take risks to force these and get yourself DoTed). The rest is up to your DPS.


The most important thing to do as a healer is line the aff. And by that I mean line 99% of the time, never let him see you or be in range with you. Don’t just line 70% of the time, come out and let him apply dots, and then go behind pillar. Especially good is to track when the warlock has soul swap buff up and fully line until it falls off if he is trying to swap onto you. Do not peek out AT ALL and give him los of you when he has soul swap buff up. The only reason to poke out is to dispel your teammate, but it’s better to just wait it out. For dispels, if the aff is under pressure, dispel value goes up. So if you have 2 melee training the lock, probably dispel UA as soon as he gets it out. If you’re under pressure, dispel value goes down. If you can dispel curses, dispel value goes up massively such that it’s almost worth dispelling on cd. Priority dispel times are full fear, immediately after soul rot lands, amplified curses if you can decurse, or after the lock soul swaps full dots onto a target. If you can decurse it’s good to just immediately dispel the agony/curse/corruption trio on any target without UA, it will fuck his shard gen as it costs a shard to apply that and agony needs to roll for a few seconds to pay it back. Basically dispel early, dispel often, and LOS the lock as the healer. If your teammates aren't pressuring the lock and the lock is free casting and immediately reapplying UA anyways, then back off on the dispels to focus on lining and just dispel as soul rot lands. But if you LOS properly aff won’t get much pressure even freecasting with just 2 sets of dots and a dispel on soul rot.


thanks this was one of the clearest so far


If you're safe from anything severe, dispelling soul rot the second the place it before they can exhume it will cripple their go. Most like ~2100-2600 warlocks won't notice unless they have an addon to automate it for them, when you place down vortex. The script for locks is to port when their healer gets cced or the other team's melee uses' their go. So you vortex when your melee uses go and it will cancel their port.


The truth is when it comes to DOT heavy specs, the greatest enemy they know is that teammate who decides to scatter/sheep/blind/etc. all your damage off and kill your setup.


Don't worry about some pesky dots, they are just a nuisance. When they port, leave them alone, they'll be losing you so you better hit someone else for the rest of the game Randomly use grounding or tremor, not when you see us casting fear or going for coils, it's more annoying that way And the most annoying thing you can do is come inside our line of sight. We don't want to keep dots on 3 ppl because it feels like a chore to maintain them so make us dot as many people as possible and you'll have a very annoyed warlock


I learned many things here. Thank you


Lock on break here. The most annoying thing you can do is to avoid LoS with the lock. UA dispel hits only matter if YOU are also dotted and rot during the silence and chunk damage. If you are free of full dots, you can just dispel off cd if you want, as long as you avoid LoS. Especially when the lock uses soul swap. Then he usually wants to slap those instant dots on you. Just avoid him for the swap duration. And if you do get dotted, dispel yourself out of line of the lock, before you do your dps. And while this is going you heal normally. Don't dispel if you are under a lot of pressure. Instead use CDs to stabilize and then go to dispelling so you prevent the next big pressure moment from happening.


You should always play curse dispel into aff, dispelling amp curses is very high prio depending on what you are playing with (dispelling amp weakness from a windwalker or rogue on a go for example is huge). The other reason you want to play it which is both more obvious and easier to execute is that being able to dispel agony is really really good. There is a lot of conditionality on when to dispel based on what you are playing with/against, but generally the highest value dispels imo are just before soulswap, basically such that the ability goes on CD but doesn’t copy any dots, completely kills their pop in many instances.


roll NE female and dance in bikini


Dispell soul rot and line constantly. Encourage your DPS to hit the warlock and to smother them onto of their port. Kill observer as a Healer. A couple globals gets rid of it. Most classes activate that thing a bunch.


It's really frustrating when they throw earthen, link, dome, etc. right as you're porting or gating.