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Season ends in 5 weeks


Is that an estimate or a confirmed date? Though my estimate is the same.


Prepatch starts at this date and usually season ends then


Sounds good, thanks!


Thank you very much ! Do you have a link where I can check that information please ?


this season was the second time ive ever played udk. before that was s2 shadowlands, and i got 2400 in a few weeks this time so id say its definitely possible. i do think the seasons gotta be inflated because still at 2400 half the lobby is usually bad. from like 2k-2.2k everyone in the lobby is usually kinda bad. udk is very good into pretty much everything using sleet into silence into stun in any order on the healer is guaranteed to get cds. abusing it before its gone in tww would be a good idea as long as your mmr doesnt drop to your cr you will hit 1800 extremely fast just keep qing up honestly


Thanks a lot for your input ! Have you played (even anything else than UHDK) in Dragonflight S1 ? If so, season is quite inflated compared to S1 from what you say ? That's also my strategy, we have really strong CC as UH DK. Just ramp up, chain CC healer while I pop my offensive CDs. I'll do just that, spam queue SS and get that rating :)


i actually didnt play dragonflight until the end of s2 so im not sure but i wouldnt stress ab it


Thank you !


I resubbed a few weeks ago, got full honor gear with crafted pieces and a couple conquest ones from doing pvp weekly quests whilst farming honor ( including conquest wep ) and pushed from 0-2100 in one play session of about 5-6 hours that being with taking breaks so itโ€™s 100% possible in 5 weeks time :)


Thank you ! That's great to know ! I don't know if you're really good or if ladder is inflated ๐Ÿค” potentially both. But 2100 in 5 - 6 hours sounds super fast ! Anyway, well played :)


>:) :)


Honestly DK is in a great spot rn, it's s top 5 in SS at the moment. I don't wanna drastically over simplify it. But if you can figure out how to just crank big damage out and know what target to go you can just zug to 1800. Figure out that grip on healer into blind > stun > strang thing you guys do. Do that in the opening and pop all your CDs. Line it all up and do it again if the round goes that long. It seems really simple but if you can just do the bread and butter DK CC big damage wombo you'll get it no problem. You're gonna make the healer and DPS panic with that. They'll trinket poorly and overlap defensives + healer CDs. You prolly won't kill in the opener but you'll set them up to die super easily.


You actually described my zugzug base strategy ๐Ÿ˜‚. I am pretty good at doing damage actually, but it is a bit useless when you lack awareness as I do. Next step to get better is to try to make it more automatic to cycle my DPS to be able to focus more on the macro. I think once I can handle that, I'll improve big time. Thank you for the tips.


it takes minimum 5-6 lobbies to get 1.8


It can be done in 4.


So not that many lobbies, thank you !


tbh, the best advice for anything like this is spend less time preparing and more time playing. Especially if your goal is something you've acomplished before you have the skillset to get it, and the mental bump that you've done it before. Just get in there and go for it


Thanks, I'll do just that :)


https://youtu.be/LfOu-8ijenc?feature=shared Watch this. Then get the damage rotation down, as in go hit the dummy until you now do your rotation right everytime. Just do this. Do it til your damage rotation is actually correct. Don't send shuffles or anything until you can do it 5 times in a row absolutely perfectly with every CD. Run the death coil build because learning the single target ranged version will take you further faster since you are only pushing to a medium rating (due to inflation this season). Take the silence talent and use it on the healer with your goes (it doesn't even have to be a perfect CC chain, it create panic and puts people behind. Get a weak aura for when your healer gets CC'd. Learn who you need to hide/kite from (hunters/warriors/monk) when your healer is CC'd. You can hit 1950 in this inflation right now with just these fundamentals in a matter of hours (not including queue times).ย  Lockdown your basic damage rotations on dummy -> chose the right talents -> CC'd healer Weak aura -> include enemy healer in go's -> profit


That sounds like a ton of good advice. I think practicing on dummy will help me cycle more naturally and without looking at my spells. I am actually already running that build so that's already something out of the way. Thanks a lot for the great advices.


I started a shadow priest brand new and was 1930 after 4 lobbys