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DF S1 S2 were pretty good but ya s3 s4 have been a struggle. Just look at all the teams qing at around 2.4. Most teams you face are going to be R1 alts, multiglads, etc. Ive ran into Meep 10x boosting alts. Just gotta keep grinding.


Literally ran into xeek, butta, and meep playing their awc team main comp @ 2200 last night.


Lmao same, but we beat them one game though.


Was fucking around on some alts at 2k and our first que was into hozitojones and his team.


How did it go?


We hung in there a lot better than expected for 2 dudes on new classes and 1 dude in mostly honor gear but the inevitable happened


probably have someone low cr to farm glad wins. even for the giga sweats getting glad wins is pretty hard atm. so crazy ratings are not percentage based


They crushed us


Ran into meep last night boosting. If I hadn’t seen his name I’d of never thought he was “that” good. Other rank 1s i have faced like reeceboss seemed way more impressive players


Caster monk specifically (if that's what he was on) is really hard to express skill on, unless you're trying to kill them. I've played against awc monks that **felt like** they were mediocre af, even though they were more or less doing everything correctly. I don't think I've ever played against a caster monk and then after the game went "wow, that guy was good", even though obviously that's not the case. A lot of their skill expression is likely hidden from you, eg: if they're carrying, they may be telling their teammate exactly when to hold defensives, when to press cc, when to push, etc


>A lot of their skill expression is likely hidden from you, eg: if they're carrying,  It's like 70% positioning 30% stopping something before it happens. The skill is in recognizing what's going to happen and interrupting it or doing something to prepare for it, vs trying to react etc.


Bluntly, because you're not good enough to notice. People who have no skill in something are blind to the nuances which make people great.


Also ran into meep had a 3v3 turn into war/fistweaver vs war/fw and he shit on me :(


I queued into Whaazz yesterday. He nuked me in the opener before I could understand what happened. This was at 1900.


Not sure how S1 was good. One of the most deflated seasons in wow history?


i felt like s1 and s2 were way harder to get glad in than in s3 or s4. I think there was less inflation in s1 and s2


>I honestly don't know how people do it. 1. Send queues 2. Continue to send queues 3. When a teammate is unable/unwilling to send queues, use lfg or bnet to find people capable of sending 4. Continue to send queues 5. Ignore anyone who spams forums telling you that your ambitious but achievable goals are unachievable Works every time.


yeah i agree. my biggest problem is finding people who don't tilt and can still keep a positive attitude after tanking. And I have a loooong list of bnet friends. But the amount I have mentally crossed off because of tilt/rage is insane.


>But the amount I have mentally crossed off because of tilt/rage is insane I don't remember this being such a problem for me in previous seasons but recently it's dominated my struggles in arena. I've got to a point on my main where if I want to queue with people who have a similar check pvp to myself, there are some really unstable personalities and unreliable people. I suspect a big reason for it is that a lot of them are unemployed irl and as such, struggle to see things in perspective (that's my speculative explanation, and not a slight on people's irl situation/choices). People who boost also tend to have an inflated ego which can be challenging to deal with. They're used to blaming teammates and don't actually reflect on their own gameplay or realise that the playstyle they've developed farming low rating gives them bad habits. Playing with those people to see what it's like has only made me appreciate my longer term partners more.


i mean yah. I bet if you analyzed depression/anxiety among hardcore WoW Pvpers it would be astronomically higher than the average population. There's also something to be said about having that one guy in the group who knows how to diffuse every situation and make sure everyone is laughing and having a good time. Hard to find those guys though


Couldn't agree more


The games just frustrating as fuck atm. DF S3/S4 is the first time I've had no desire to play arena. I'm not even mad or complaining about the state of the game these days, I just don't want to play. I like to think I'm pretty mentally resilient, and look inwards/try to have constructive conversations about what we can do differently but I don't think there's currently much joy to be had in just playing arena for arena's sake and getting better at it. I think there's just too much emphasis on damage output, cleave and micro-CC which isn't a fun or satisfying playstyle, and trying to play a setup comp isn't rewarding because it's more effort for less payoff. People stop having fun, people get frustrated, people quit, MMR drops, people struggle to push to their previous ratings, they have an inflated ego, they blame their teammates, they tilt, they quit, the cycle continues.


Im garbage at the game, but if youre on EU Im a 1k8-ish DH that doesnt rage and can take hours of losing without getting too frustrated. Im always looking for someone to grind from zero, so if youre looking for more people to add to your list feel free to hit me up.


Not everyone is capable I've been duelist stuck since legion.


Chances are there's something fundamental you're doing/not doing but isn't immediately obvious to you that if you figure it out you'll gain a load of rating


Adhd so it's genetically near impossible to consider Los, pos, cds, game state etc without overheating. I've just accepted nobody patient enough to grind glad with me exists lol.




Is he medicated? Because I can't be assed relying on meds to live my life. Setup the standard skill cap bundle yesterday it helped a bit.




Fair point I don't have thousands of matches


Also given up on my Hunter grinding priest disc might swap to holy that seems much simpler.


I play hunter! It's definitely frustrating in this meta. There's certain classes that are so chaotic they just make the game less enjoyable when they're in the match


Hunter is awesome I'm just missing something.


Hunter is a difficult one as most of it's power and survivability comes from controlling positioning which is really hard to know if you're doing it right. Most classes these days are "when someone presses x you press y and eventually win", and that will get you gaining rating. With hunter; going for CC can get you killed, you can then straight up miss CC, kiting in the wrong direction can get you killed, while on the other kiting well can make you invincible, it can create pressure and land you kills when people follow, and people will feel like they're forever stuck in traps - but there's no easy way to clearly know if what you're doing is good or bad


Healers struggle so much we're made of paper.


Honestly I just think I've just never had a glad competent healer might also factor in.


If you're smashing keys at 10000 apm you just need to chill. There's a reason you can watch awc teams be relaxed when they're all at 20% health. You're not doing anything more when spamming buttons or worrying about what's coming next. The biggest mental barrier of arena is being able to clearly think while at 10% health


i man yeah plus GCD..was mostly being metaphorical


instead of coping, take his advice, he's right.


I give props to any good R1 player. That perfection of peace at 10% health is my dream. I've definitely learned to let loose a bit when playing (especially my spriest). It definitely has defined A CHUNK of my fights this past month. It may not be rated.. but my god, least I'm 1v2ing/1v3ing on my spriest like the queen I want to be!


After Shadowlands and now Dragonflight, I think anyone who wants to gatekeep glad behind deflated seasons is crazy. When AWC players aren’t even at 3k, that’s too deflated imo. With that being said, I think the hardest part of glad (besides the obvious skill) is finding consistent partners to queue with that you enjoy playing with. I’ve played with some damn good players that were assholes and titled easily, and I’d much rather play with chill dudes who are less skilled but willing to improve together. I got lucky and found several awesome guys to play with this season and am in the process of farming glad wins now for the first time. The amount of Rank 1s and multi glads at 2300-2500 is crazy, but I guess not surprising. In the past week or so I’ve queued into Nessper, Pikaboo, and several other Rank 1s at 2400 or so. Boosting definitely isn’t uncommon. With that being said, don’t give up. There’s still maybe a month left in the season, and presumably some more inflation as people push end of season and also come back from Cata. Keep grinding, analyze your gameplay, and it’s definitely possible!


with how rampant boosting in pvp has become in SL and its only gotten worse in DF im surprised that people can organically hit glad. the people selling boosts are gatekeepers basically, there arent enough people queing to filter them out so you frequently run into them. also, ive found its better to just keep queing and not get hung up on losses or CR, and wait until after the session to review the footage and point out mistakes etc otherwise people will get tilted and make more mistakes. another thing to consider is that using a rotation script is becoming more common so no matter what youre always putpaced


These are all coping mechanisms. You're not fighting any decent bot in 3s under glad range and r1 boosting isn't rampant. I've ran into asbur like 3-4x this season rest have just been the typical glad ret war oogas.


"You're not fighting any decent bot in 3s under glad range" straight up false tbh. Bots are pretty rampant right now for a few classes, namely Shadow, DH, Sham.


I guess I haven't seen them. I've fought like an ele or two maybe that I can think of. I know of sp bots in shuffle but haven't seen them in 3s. Have yet to have a game this season our SP gets beat in damage by another one.


It's extremely easy to spot DH bots as Feral when your team removes stealth sight and then the DH still chases you 180 degrees around a pillar while you are in stealth. Or when they glimpse your opening Rake stun from stealth multiple games in a row. I would say that I see them far more on DH than any other spec right now. "Sometimes a couple in a day"


I've qued into meld botting ferals on my lock more times than i can count and it's wild to think someone would waste meld on something like that instead of like rake stuns but I shouldn't be surprised.


I meld CC all the time. I don't think it's a requirement to meld for Rake, very situational.


Yeah it's just weird to do it with a bot and only meld CC. You take the choices away in those instances.


>the DH still chases you 180 degrees around a pillar while you are in stealth Think logically about this. DH knows what pillar you're at, he knows you're either going to go right or left, he know what direction you were travelling in before his sights were broken. So now you know he's either going to go right or left. He's probably going to assume you keep travelling the same direction you were already travelling in. The way you've worded this makes me think you usually don't change direction. When sights get broken, watch the demon hunter for a second. Stand still if you need to, move back, not forward. Stay out of los. Check which direction he moves in and move the opposite direction. Dash if you need to in order to stay out of range/los. If your teammate broke his sights, a demon hunter shouldn't be able to break your stealth. If they did then either your team broke it too late and the dh was too close, the dh made a neat play with mobility, or you underestimated the demon hunter's ability to estimate where you are based on what they already knew. Same thing with glimpse on an opener from stealth. I play this game a lot and i play a stealth class, i never see bot like precision on demon hunters predicting where stealthed characters are (or glimpses on openers unless there is something that made it easy for the dh to deduce). If this is happening to you often then there's a correlation here that would be easy for you to fix. Edit: this is actually similar to the situation you talked about in this thread about melding coils. To the lock it seemed like you made an insane split second prediction or reaction, but from your pov you know exactly what's going to happen and it's just muscle memory because you've seen that moment play out so many times.


I still think in general it's a coping mechanism. I genuinely have "friends" who will call every team we fight bots and report them. When in reality they can't juke kicks and use it to cope with losses.


yeah its the same in every game I've played. There's always this group of angry players that log on for a couple games and then immediately rage at the first loss, log off, and blame everything on cheaters.


streamers covered the topic after theyve been out for 2 seasons. its just insane how well ele rotation script runs


yeah this is complete cope.... the few bots we have found we have completely demolished or abused the way their scripts works. And yeah as others have said the r1 boosting is no where near to being "rampant"


That's been my experience with most bots in 3s. They baseline trinket stupid shit and set themselves up as kills.


yeah totally. Ig there is a grey area where skilled players just have helping scripts they can edit themselves but I feel like these are only suspicious ele's or MMs. Or outlaws potenitally.


I just don't run into them often enough where I feel like it holds me back. In shuffle I ran into like 6 in a row. 3s ladder I rarely if ever


This part of the season feels like that entire 2300ish range is multi glads and r1s on alts pushing up to 2600+. It can be tough, managed to tank from 2350 earlier in the week to like 2150ish. Just need to keep slamming queues and focusing on how to improve.


Every glad push I've ever done was against rank one players lol, there just aren't that many people at that rating these days. You just have to beat them.


Oh totally understand that, you need to beat them to join them. Just would be nice if it was some players who didn't already achieve the goal. Granted, its the state of the game, so you just need to keep trucking along.


Isnt this the best time though?


Yeah your Dh buddy isn’t ready if he’s wasting trinket on anything but bomb


If this is true, then the problem with modern WoW PvP is that your opportunity to learn this little nugget of wisdom organically is extremely limited. There is hardly any passing of knowledge. People who knows this will queue one game in LFG with a DH who trinkets something, dies in a smoke bomb, and then that person just leaves group. So the DH is left to play his 1000 games and slowly learn this on his own. But, more likely, he gives up after a short time out of frustration. Make discussion forums great again. Teach each other how to play, or accept the death of the format.


I learned that way, but I didn’t quit, I do agree learning small game winning things are extremely limited until presented the opportunity


That's great, but in a world with 50,000 other games vying for your money and attention, young blood isn't going to stick around that long. You can see this quite clearly given the state of participation.


Arena isn’t very noob friendly as such the rewards are great to compensate but there will always be sheep we can’t all be wolves


playing wow arena makes you a wolve? lol it's good for the game if it attracts new people champ.


I’m not saying it shouldn’t attract new people, I’m saying that new people won’t stay for long if they keep getting ran over even though not every one can be 2600


You can tell ppl what to do win and they dont listen anyway. Can only be taught if you're willing to listen - precious few do.


Well, I'm a forever duelist and willing and able to listen. I've never had a consistent team and have always been willing to PvP with fresh-off-the-boat guildmates or otherwise newbies, so crashing from 2200 back down to 1700 wasn't uncommon. I'd like to get a glad title before I die, but I'm not very enthused by what goes on in LFG in the duelist range. I didn't play during Shadowlands, so I wasn't able to secure my "free 2700" achievement during that S2, and limits my opportunities.


nah he definitely is.. but I agree that DH trinket is super critical


If he saves trinket for bomb even if rogue duels he can still have control of his character to cc the rogue including in a bomb




Oh who hasnt. Guy camps 2200 bracket religiously


He's actually selling carries is why


I just finished my glad push yesterday, From going to 2400 to 2200 back to 2400 in a day doing 20+ glad wins, fuck 3v3 solo shuffle is way better.


Haha I seen you on lfg you were def bouncing on the mmr rollercoaster


It's insanely hard even getting a dedicated team to try and push. (If anyone would like to group and try) And then not falling apart after a couple losses.


You can do it, i believe in you


What comp are you playing? I was playing R Druid and finding the comp that really worked for me sent me from hard stuck 2200 to 2600 in one session. I swapped from melee cleaves to Mage/Lock and Mage/SP.


does mage/sp still work in df? I love this comp but have never faced it nor seen ppl play it


This was last expansion just an example.


Yeah, I agree with your boosting comment. It’s actually getting ridiculous how common it is now. I don’t understand why people just play for their achievements, instead of paying for it…


Maybe because it's impossible for most?


It’s clearly not impossible if you put the time and effort into actually playing and improving instead of paying your way up the ladder…


I've barely improved in more than 10 years I can't keep up with the rate the community is improving, I've been left in the dust every expansion since mop.


Boosting should be dealt with You shouldnt have to play against R1 players at 2400, nor their alts More inflation earlier during the season Pls blizzard


In all honesty this game sucks and it’s causing me to have hand problems from smashing keys on my keyboard. This game isn’t worth bad health I’m done with this turd


Idk this season seems like it's gonna have a crazy amount of people getting the dragon Esp anybody playing aff/assa or dk/assa, lmao


Refuse to play those comps. Cringe central


I find sp, affli and rdruid to be the thoughest comp on the ladder atm but maybe they struggle hard vs dk or warrior comps i wouldnt know.


>I've honestly come to the point where I am wondering if I hit my genetic limit. Pretty much yes, you could double up and play even more if you want and you'll get better, if you don't get tired before, there a ton of people with way more time played than you with a way lower rank. Also depending on your age its only downhill from here.


Fuuuck im almost 26 is it already over for me? My arena partner is 21 though


Ya all those super young AWC champs.. this game has zero to do with reaction time.


yea there definitely a genetic component to it. I know people who have thousands of games played who are hardstuck rivals and then there are people who play WoW for the first time and get glad their second season.


Even as a healer I really struggle to find partners. Every team just dies eventually. I might look through the leaderboard and start whispering all my fellow high ranked shufflers who have low 3v3 xp.


What are you guys playing? Because your dh being bombed and kidneyed while you being gouged seems like theres a few positional issues allowing to chain them for the kill.


It was easy in s1, but now it is pain


The amount of carry teams gatekeeping 2100-2400 is insane. I wrote posts about this but people criticized me to exposing them under the sunlight. Blizzard should do a way better job stopping and banning these blatant carries. Ask yourself, how would you feel if you see at the end of the match, the team that just beat you has one person above 2400 and the other two around 1800cr?


dragonflight pvp is the worst xpac so far by a mile, gearing and power systems are better but at cost of gameplay is just not fun, legion and bfa felt like it was kinda like chess that u can outmanuver your oponent, sl and bfa s4 was so stupid that u could laugh about it or make stupid fun comps, but now this is just sad splays everywhere just doin pve rogues that climb by just spamming garrote all game while gettin multiple micro ccs with almost no tought about it. TLDR: DF pvp sucks and thank god its over.


Glad is supposed to be hard, thats why you're a gladiator not a duelist lol


u/dpahs with another "git gut" comment


you can tell they have lot of ego tied to wow rating. makes you think how the rest of their life is going :^)


what rating are you and what do you think is the appropriate amount of players to get glad every season


2801 bro unlucky


Lol I'm just some scrub player everyone is better than me But pls answer the question


I means he’s right, spend less time crying more time improving you’ll have your glad and then you’ll understand why people say this


how many games you do u have in normal 3s?


probly like 450ish


It's just weird because you're making a comment saying "being a top ranked player is hard" What else is it supposed to be