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all of those have a stun too, that should end this discussion


10% off a stun is not remotely as valuable as a fear break for a class that doesn't die in stuns.


Yeah this is really context dependent, especially if you're a healer, it's not even close between UD / Orc (if they actually share any healing classes, I guess monk?). Gnome is prob still the play for most healers with Moonkin still being strong, but there are definitely metas where UD is BiS.


What point are you tryna make? Don’t take a way to get out of fears because they have stuns too? That doesn’t make any sense lol


well, count the amount of stuns versus the amount of fears.. maybe it is better versus some specs/classes sometimes, sure. But universally stuns are a lot more common, its better to be useful more often


and to add insult, your medallion will go on cooldown too


Still don’t understand your point? If your point is human is better that puts your medallion on cd aswell?


maybe thats not my point ;)


The problem with undead and dwarfs is, that it still shares a small cd with trinket, iirc it puts it on 30sec cd. Those 30 secs are deadly af in higher ratings. Orc and Night Elf are still bis even in seasons that favor other racials.


Gnome priest or Mistweaver essentially removes an entire go away from one of the best casters in the game  Rdruid goes NE tho 


Bro i main a holy priest gnome. I cant tell you how much the escape artist saves me. Boomkin root / beam combo? NOPE. Priest root? NOPE Shaman root! NAH Monk snare root? Gone And the thing is its on a 1 minute cooldown i think so i always feel like i have it. Its amazing and off the global cooldown? Heck yeah


Rogues not bad. I played UD until legit last season since forever. You just time it to WotF a fear when it will never line up with your trinket.


If anything the 30 sec shared cd is way too short. Can count on 1 hand the number of times it's mattered.


Depends on rating u Play at. 30 sec CD isn't much, but way more that i need to kill someone or force you to use major CDs, and that's a win at high mmr


I felt every season my undead priest was best. Was always higher ratings on it. For some reason this season my gnome is top of the pile. Rated 3s nelf is far too strong as a healer. The ability to just meld drink even as a priest


Boomies. That’s why everyone is gnome 


Boomies are nowhere near as prevalent as they were last season. My main is gnome because root beam triggers me so hard. No idea why. It’s no different to getting sheeped


Boomie is better now than it was in s4 every other team I queue into in 3s is boomie / x 


Bro u playing this season? Lol. Boomies every game.


The only thing I see every game is a DH. The shittiest thing I ever saw was double dh holy priest. All 3 of them were in the sky at one point.


where did you get this statistic? Most places show Nigh elf being the most pick for healer.


Did I ever present a statistic?  You can’t look at the raw numbers though because not everyone can be every race (druids can also just shift rootbeam) 


Was actually wondering  if there is somewhere to actually verify race stats. I know some sites like murlok.io show top 50 race for every spec. Almost anywhere  I look nelf is the top race choice by far for healer if it's an option. 


you can't sleep on undead because they will break their sleep and dunk on you....


14 of the top 50 holy priests and 22 of the top 50 disc priests are undead. Don't think anybody is sleeping on it.


nelf or gnome is just better. getting a meld drink off is insane, or gnome out of root beam


Depends on what comp you play and what comps you do well/poorly into. I play gnome because otherwise root/beam is too oppressive, but NE and undead are both good options. Personally I think orc is overrated, at least as a healer. Only reason to play orc is if you consistently find yourself dying in stuns. Being able to meld drink or will a fear as a healer is much more valuable than a small stun duration reduction imo.


And here I am as dark iron dwarf priest and the only people I piss off are Assa rogues and ferals.


Man NE radical need to be tweaked imo


imo just remove racials from areana and bg.


Omg yes


I play Nelf on my Mistweaver as I feel so many 3v3 games I’m in are coming down to mana and Mistweaver aren’t the best in that department


Race really isn’t that big of a deal. Any of the r1s could roll whatever race they wanted, and they would still have their same exact rating. Just roll what you think is cool. It’s nice to have a trait that helps in situations, but it really barely makes a difference at all. Undead is dope af. Makes me want to roll horde.


This is insanely wrong. Being a gnome is literally the difference between winning and losing vs boomy dh


No it’s not lol. It helps a bit yeah. But it’s not the difference between winning and losing lol. Like I’ve said a few times now, if anybody playing gnome wasn’t playing gnome, they’d be the same exact rating as long as they focused the same amount of time and energy into the non gnome toon as they did to the gnome. Everyone’s only rolling gnome to min max, they don’t want to have to deal with “man if I was just gnome maybe I’d be higher rating” so they just play gnome. But if they played anything else they’d be right at the same spot they’re in.


You're telling me having an extra trinket doesn't help?


Gnomes are an extra trinket? 😂 old human racial was a trinket man. And even that didn’t make or break games. Yes the best players gravitated towards human to min-max, but it did not change anybodies rating. If you put anybody on a different race as their main, meaning they put as many games, same effort, into that toon, they will see the same exact results. Yeah, it might win/lose you 1/100 games, but that doesn’t change your rating lol. The ONLY reason you see ANY gnome warriors running around is because they made everything cross faction. Which is a great thing for the game. But if they didn’t, you would see nothing but orc warriors instead of gnome warriors. Just like there was nothing but orc warriors instead of human warriors, when human was so much insanely better than gnome is now. All the top rated warriors would be orc instead of gnome. And to edit, I never said it didn’t help. I said it DID help. My entire argument is that race isn’t game breaking, and that it won’t change your rating choosing one race over another. I said in the very first post that racials ARE beneficial and give an advantage.


Very wrong. I have resto druid troll and night elf. I literally stopped playing the troll because its frustrsting knowing if im on my nelf I have extra spell for cc prevention. Literally day and night difference and im not r1.


You would be the same exact rank if you didn’t bench your other druid, period lol. It doesn’t make or break enough games to matter. It’s nice to have, but it’s not something leading you to better success. Shadowmeld has always been around. It was considered dog shit for a long long long time. Orc was considered better than NE forever, and now magically, shadowmeld is that much better than orc because they changed the human racial? Doesn’t make sense. Just play what you like. Race is all a bunch of cope.


Very clearly you are not healing solo shuffle ... im at 2.4 mmr and one round saved by shadowmeld is the difference betweeen losing 40 or going tie. Healing SS is literally down to every single round as most games gravitates towards 3:3 and trust me maybe im bad but at 2.4 im starting to need every single leverage I can get. Period lol.


Your racial would literally not change your rating. This has been proven time and time again over the years.


22 days ago you made post saying ,,coming back after long break completely out of the loop" and now look at you giving pvp advice to others. Dunning-kruger effect its scarry how confident you are while being wrong.


I’m not wrong though lol. If anything race has become even less relevant than it used to be, with so many classes getting nore abilities lol. What’s that have to do with anything? You don’t have to be a great player to understand a tiny cd (outside of NE, NE on a stealth class is decent) doesn’t make or break games enough to change somebodies success. Human didn’t change anybody’s success when human had their old racial, which was MILES better than any racials available now lol


Yeah. You are. You are literally wrong and everyone's telling you so. Dumbass


Bro your argument only holds up in lower brackets because these people are not using their kit properly lets not pretend racial is a gamechanger there. But once you start climbing the impact is huge. As I said im only 2.4 and I can see the difference I cant believe how R1s can use any small advantage to outplay their opponent. Having same kit and same skill and one have better racial then the racial pull the odds towards that player simple as that.


But it is not changing your win rate lol. Like, it’s better and cool to have. But your win rate isn’t going to change because of a racial. Human was by far the best racial the game has ever seen, much better than any racial we have now, and how many people played anything but human? The entire time human racial existed, horde was the better faction with more higher rated players. Yes r1s are min maxing. But not because they have to to get the rating they’re at or be r1. It’s because they don’t care what race they are, and just take the best racial because they look at the game differently than someone simply enjoying the game and want to be a certain race. If they wanted to be a Draenei warrior, they would still be r1 with the same rating and achievements. They just don’t care because they’re min maxing and don’t care what they play, so they just play the best. But to somebody that doesn’t care to min max, and simply wants to play what they want to play, it will not change their rating at all lol. My argument is still, that human racial existed, is far better than any other racial in the game now or that’s ever been in the game, by a LONG shot, and a ton of players chose to be rank 1 without being human.


I understand your point you just refuse to accept the fact that it have impact because you are too deep in it. Human arms warrior at 3.3.5 with double pve trinket takes the edge against any other race. You simply can not claim that it does nothing and does not matter. Thats just wrong. Wotlk is by far my most played pvp expansion and I tested these claims over and over. I understand that you claim that if im better than you I beat you on any race and thats true. But if I face myself then small things start to matter. What you just say about dranei warrior might just be truth but another truth is that the dps loss would be huge to human warrior. And just by THIS sentence alone you MUST admit that some races are better.


Nah gnome in a boomie meta is completely game changing. You literally walk out of every single root beam. You’re trippin.


Yeah that silence is hurting your warrior super bad, and they can’t just reroot you immediately after they’ve forced your gnome racial. Gnome racial doesn’t have cd.


????? I was obviously talking about gnome healer. Mass entanglement is instant, and it has a cd. But yeah ur right they’re totally gonna hard cast entangling roots on you to instantly reroot your gnome racial before you walk out of the beam because your team’s afk and so are you Stay 1500.


GNOME HEALER 😂 STAY 1500 😂 Healers are melding all that, not rolling gnome, if you wanna get super technical. What has happened to the community man lol My point is, you pop gnome racial, a good Druid is, yes, just going to hard cast roots to counter you. Gnome racial did barely anything, and was most definitely not game breaking. The cd on every root I can think of is a fraction of the cd of gnome racial. Gnome racial is not that big lol.


Gnome is a great pick for healer when boomie is meta. They also get bonus mana and 1% haste. Someone called you out for making a post that you just came back to the game and are out of the loop and it’s making a lot of sense. This whole boomie-recasts-root-to-reroot-your-racial fantasy that you have is hilarious. Doesn’t happen. They just try and use beam as an interrupt vs gnome. You have made it apparent so many times in this thread that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Not sure how it’s possibly that this concoction of confidence and ignorance wound up together but it’s pretty incredible.


Boy if you don’t get off Reddit pretending to know what you’re talkin about. Why would you gnome if you can ne…?


Because it’s 10000x harder to meld a root beam then it is to just gnome racial out and when you fight boomies in over half the games at high mmr it matters. Also the mana.


As somebody that hated gnome visuals and played warrior… Can‘t play anything except gnome after trying it. Another root break is actually a decent racial when compared to most others.


Gnome warriors look so sturdy like a block of steel.


But it is not completely changing the spec. Plenty of orc warriors still out there. If you didn’t have gnome, you would be the same exact rank you are now regardless of what race you’re playing.