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Has been most of the expac. 2s inflation is really weird because there is a lot of activity under like 2.1 because its an easy way to get elite set/ enchant but then it falls off a cliff for a number of reasons: -Bracket is super comp dependent so playing a significant number of specs is literally just a waste of time if you want to push. -High level 2s games are omega boring damp fiestas. -The comps that are perennially good are unfun to fight because they basically make you unable to interact with the game for significant amounts of time.


Makes sense! Looks like it's time to find a 3rd lol


Every time I see aff lock MW I feel like turning off my pc. Lock turrets in the middle, monk plays max range hots. If you can’t stop the drinks it’s easily a 10 min match.


Hope you didn’t play sl lock / Druid mirrors back in BC. Usually 30-40 min games , lol


2s player base is notoriously small. Extremely imbalanced bracket, comp dependent. No rewards other than basic titles. Not many people enjoy it. Play 3s.


Going to start looking for a 3rd :)


i literslly only play 2s for conquest..  if youre 2.2cr in 2s with a decent partner and if youre even 1800 in SS 3s will be smooth sailing. ive dpsed in 3s but not healed.. i tried healing randoms in 3s and it was so fucking easy. SS stresses me tf out as heals and once you know your dps playstyles its fun. i think in 3-4 play sessions i hit 2k on my hpriest and stopped because i cant use comms due to crazy kids.. you can really tell which teams use comms and which ones dont


Don’t really nééd comms though, it’s for sure a bonus but wow is so scripted - people get no voice glad every season.


If you are in the US, it’s you vs a pool of 700 people at 2200 in 2s https://drustvar.com/leaderboard/stats/us/2v2?top=1000


I'm on US. That explains it


I don’t know why, healing 2s at 2,3 mmr is easier than 3s at 2k mmr but it’s so boring since it’s literally the same team all night. So it basically login in , looking if it’s Atleast a fun team and if it’s a warlock, log out


Regardless of how 2s are feeling for you, 2.4 in 2s is absolutely significantly easier than 2.4 in 3s.