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Arcane spellbinder will help get the damage ramped up and sent much faster. With that alone you’ll probably see an uptick in quantity of arcane mages. Edit: Leaving spellbinder mistake ha


Arcane Spellslinger right now is just absolutely busted ass damage so its hard to tell where this will land.


True, but I might be in the minority in that I don’t judge a spec by its power. I am attracted to specs that have good flow.


Spellslinger\* :o But yeah, Arcane's looking damn fine. The latest update introduced a talent that lets our Arcane Missiles proc an Arcane Charge with a chance of 20% *per tick*. Meaning you'll often gain full charges from a single AM cast. It feels amazing but I fully expect this to get nerfed because the abundance of Arcane Charges heavily plays into Orb Barrage and the Spellslinger hero tree. The amount of instant damage is nuts. Matter of fact, this talent feels so nice, I'd rather they nerf some other stuff and let us keep the buffed charge generation. The Arcane Charge economy has been stale for a bit!


Thanks I replied as I rolled out of bed haha! I think latest notes they did drop cc proc chance. Missles to generate charges sounds so clean.


The chances of gaining full charges from a single AM cast - even with the increasing chance - are pretty slim but high voltage definitely does give decent charges. I really like charges on AMs returning. The last time we had it was legion! It's always felt natural to me that AM procs would give charges.


If the AoE missiles have their own chance to proc it, there can be up to 40 damage ticks, at least that should generally mean full charges making this already amazing proc feel even better


That's essentially a guaranteed 4 charges.


Yeah, something like 98% to get 4 charges without accounting for the +5% increase on no proc if all ticks hit. Whole lot of instant/on the move damage for sure


Alright, so I got down a little and computed the propabilities of each event. Meaning the likelihood, after the 8 damage ticks of a full AM channel, of each differing amount of arcane charges generated. * 1 Charge: 13,51% * 2 Charges: 31,22% * 3 Charges: 32,42% * 4 Charges: 20,82% The chance of at least getting 3 or more charges from a single channel is over 50%. And I wouldn't say 1/5th for 4 charges are slim chances. Not for a gamblin man, no? :P I do concur. It always felt like AM should've been integrated into the charge system. Glad Blizz seems to think so, too!


Apparently I was underestimating the sheer number of ticks per missile. Props to you for running the numbers, I agree with your views entirely now.


As a arcane main … SHUT UP 🤣🤣🤣🤣 we don’t need anymore FOTM rerollers like all these MM’s you see nowadays


As enhancement shaman.......... Oh yeah *Puts hand down, lays head on desk*


Shaman rework coming next week, according to blues. Do not despair!


I feel like I shouldn't believe you.... Like this is a setup for disappointment. Or like the blues announce a "big change" and then finally fix the bug so I can cast primordial wave at the PVP training dummy in valdrakken..... Am I jaded..... God I hope you're right


Got a link? :S  Burned too many times




Wither for destro locks means instant immolate essentially.


Yea its honestly kinda insane. It's the only real casted spell for destro rotationally as it sits. On beta I feel like a fire mage most of the game.


Fear no evil: Holy Paladin Lightsmith, Duration of Fear reduced by 50% . That + the adjustments of the holy tree may make melee wings a viable option again. P.S. The talent you mention is the same for holy priests.


Treats spamming moonfire and cen ward is gonna be cool. Regrowth 8% mini wall and haste buff


Void Torrent castable while moving in Voidweaver tree. Jk, still instantly interrupted. 2 secs more for Dispersion in Archon tree seems good too.


I feel like it’s ok, rift still goes out with one tick of torrent. Being able to ever-so-slightly kite a melee kick while channeling it felt great to me on the few SS I’ve done on the beta. Root into feather/fade into void torrent. Imagine that… kiting on an SP lmao.


After DF it feels alien to even see moving during VT, tho forcing melee to choose between zug zugging and facetanking Rift or having to move away might be nice. Hopefully they won't nerf the Rift into oblivion.




Do the 2 extra seconds give extra heal?


Better than nothing. 8 sec Dispersion to wait out burst.






It seemed like every hero tree had some "this really is for pvp" talent and some of them were truly absurd. I personally have been ignoring how they look for pvp because I still assume a huge ass pass will be done on things before it starts. Otherwise it feels like pvp is going to be broken as hell for a while on launch. Also its still really, really depressing thinking it was already a grad school project to learn all the classes and specs enough to compete. Now we add an even bigger laundry list of options they have we need to be aware of or be caught off guard.


Oracle is both Disc and Holy right? I'd be more concerned about that on Holy. Disc doesn't really stack any benefits into burst heals like that. Holy benefits way more from this, esp with Mastery


Honestly i thought moonfire being a 20% snare for a balance Druid was pretty nuts. Noone seems to have mentioned it much though.


Is it that impactful ? 20% seems not that big, you arent kiting melee with that i dont think


Maybe your right I guess we’ll see