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I guess you are downvoted for the anger in your writing. But as a healer main I 100% understand where that anger comes from. Everything you described is true. We as healers play against the system and it sucks the joy out of SS for us.


Hi I'm that tard dps. And I do feel for you but ! Here's my case. I returned to wow last night after stopping in season 1 of DF. I was a massive casual player anyway back then. Jumped into SS on my rogue, which I am pretty brand new at but as the characters and play has moved on I thought I'd start somewhere. Realised after the game my MMR was set at 1650. I know that's not high but I am literally a rookie on this character and at this time. It's not my fault that blizzard can't make a simple matchmaking fix. Sorry to you all for ruining your game but this is why people don't play the game. I've played for 10 years on and off and it's bloody difficult. Mostly, avoidable too.


It's because they are coming back to game and have no mmr reset. It's bogus


> The system for healer in shuffle is so bad. I played 4 shuffles yesterday 2300 mmr but get dps on 1500-1700 rating in full greens. Which means auto 3-3 draw because that one rtard with full greens will go 0-6. But here’s the kicker since there’s so few healers I get matched with a healer who’s 1800 rating this means I will go -30 rating for a draw. > > Second problem is if I go 6-0 and I face someone who is lower mmr I get +30-40 rating for a 6-0 when dps get 70+ it’s so unrewarding it’s unbelievable. There's like two take aways for me here... 1. We asked for solo queue and got this shit instead ("you think you do but you don't") 2. Gear mattering in competitive pvp is big lol Maybe if blizzards designers and pms gave us what we asked for w/out giving it their fecal touch even more players would engage with pvp content. Solo queue is not solo shuffle, give us solo queue which are integrated with the normal rated arena queues (hell, do it for 2's and 3's). In instanced pvp normalize everybody to max level, deactivate all gear, give everybody the pvp trinket options from BFA/SL (I forget), and let them set a customized stat template. Let everybody play rated and instanced pvp from level 1.


The people that are asking for solo q after what we witnessed with solo shuffle have to be the absolute nemesis to general education. Solo shuffle is as good as solo q for arena's could possibly be. It's as good as it gets. Still sucks but it's better than waiting to get rock/paper/scissor'd one ROUND every 10 minutes.


People asked for simple solo queque. Blizzard likes to overcomplicate and gives us problems they created with solo shuffle.


yeah its so fucking UNBEARABLE to heal right now..like 2 weeks ago it wasnt this fucking bad. im doing MW monk rn.. i hit 1700 really fast, and the dps im getting are like.. 600 game andys at 1300 rating bro its so fuckinG BAD... i shit you not i use coccoon 3 times before the round ended.. only 1 dps broke 10m dmg and i got 25m healing.. wtf


Lol. There are definitely issues, but I have healed hundreds of rounds around that rating, that has never happened. Even if a healer is 1800 rating he is around the same mmr as you. Highly unlikely you’re losing any rating for a draw. Maybe a few points. Your mmr may drop though
















Not the one you replied to but while the context is obvious it's not the fault of the guy in greens that he's being matched like that ? Dude just queued up cause he wants to play


Raises me a question! Why is this god geared healer still in low enough rating to be matched with full greens. Might be fighting against the system, but the system really isn't as brutal as they make it sound


Yeah, for every one of these healer in ss poste; there’s a healer at the top of the ladder. It might not be the most perfect system, but lots of healers are consistently making it work. I think a lot of players roll healer and expect free rating because they’re doing the game a favor or something. We appreciate healers, for sure, but you do have to earn your rating just like anybody else…


Yeah typical toxic sweaters. I bet bet he never passed 1.8k either


I mean, qing shuffle with all greens at this point in the season is just trolling, I’ll take the downvotes but there’s absolutely no reason to do it.


I mean how are they supposed to gear lol? They'd probably send boxes if they could.


Yolo 2s are a thing, blitz is a thing. It’s not as if shuffle is the only way (or even frankly, the fastest way) to get conquest. Just don’t see any argument for doing it, if you’re in all greens at this point in the season and qing shuffle you’re just expecting people to carry you for free.


No one is going to gear through blitz lmao. I think you're more upset you're at a rating where people still have greens while you're fully geared.


Im like 2450 in shuffle rn and don’t really play the bracket very much, think I have 20 lobbies or so all season. I just don’t see why people are defending qing in greens. It’s objectively bad for everyone in the lobby. It literally just doesn’t make sense to me. Why are you defending people making other peoples experience worse? Just flys in the face of reason from my pov.


Full honor is 515 y'all, it ain't that bad. I send full honor gear alts into SS and do just fine. At the MMR you start at gear isn't as important because people don't even know their buttons.


Lots of players get very high rating in fresh gear. Not a lot of people fully gear their toon out before queuing whatever they’re planning on queuing. It’s been this way since the beginning. Your average player shouldn’t be doing it, but a really good player can definitely carry a team in greens. There’s been many people get glad in greens over the years. When glad was harder to get at that.


> Your average player shouldn’t be doing it. … This is my point? Yeah if you’re an R1 player obviously its not going to be an issue, thats the exception not the rule. I remember Jellybeans got like 3.2 in S1 or something in all greens playing MM. Thats awesome that he can do that but he’s one of like 5 hunters in the game probably that can. The overwhelming majority will just consistently waste other peoples time until they have gear.


I mean the average player is like 1400… a ~2k player can gear out a fresh toon in greens and stick around ~1800 or so, going up as they get more gear. I’m just saying it’s not that uncommon, and they’re usually not trolling, they’re just playing the game. If you’re queued with these people, that’s a you problem, not a them problem. The match making system put you together, they didn’t say “I’m gonna queue up with that guy in greens to piss him off.”, they just queued.


Before I do any SS with an alt, my gearing requirements for myself are: 2 set tier, both embellished crafted pieces, wpvp weapon. The rest will be honor gear.


Blame the matchmaking algorithm not the guys for queueing into something that they literally have the required gear to queue up for, it’s not like they’re circumventing the requirements to press the queue button.


Why should I blame the matchmaking algorithm? It’s designed to match people with similar mmr and its doing that, theres nothing wrong with the algorithm. The issue is that people choose to queue when they know for a fact that they can’t compete with the rest of the players in the lobby. I really don’t understand why anybody defends people doing this, it’s no different then qing when you know that you won’t be able to complete all 6 rounds for example, you’re intentionally making other players’ experience bad.


There’s a required pvp item level to even press the button, your complaint is valid if you’re saying the required item level is too low if all you need are greens but you can’t blame people for queueing up if they meet the requirements to do so. If you want to only play with people in purples you’re welcome to play the real ladder and vet your teammates or ask blizzard to further increase the barrier for entry into the game mode. Not saying your beef is invalid but it’s definitely aimed at the wrong people.


This didnt happen. Exaggerating your point, will not help your cause.


switched to dps last week. didnt realize how tensed up i was healing. think im done healing :(


I only like healing, but I gotta say the best way to relax after a few rough healing sessions is to go play easy mode as a DPS and turn off my brain lol. Just PVE and press W and that’s more than enough to hit 1800, where as healing is sweaty even at 1400 lmao


This! One dps full green is an easy 0-6 and the healer could work to keep in life but: • ⁠dampening keep growthing • ⁠other dps can’t die (bc se 2v1) And a full green in Arena at higher mmr is possibile due to: - placement match - lack to healer/round that put you in a lower bracket Edit: typo


This is a problem. Then if they manage to win 1 game the healer is screwed.


I can't wait to play my healer in ranked battle ground blitz


I tried SS healing recently after a long break and decided to simply abandon this mode. Not it's only unrewarding but simply it's not fun from healing perspective, feels like you are fighting for your life all game long.


True and there's no peels at all people don't use their kits...


Healer MMR is super fucked and honestly pretty ridiculous that blizz is waiting for TWW to try and fix it. I sweat my ass off s1 and s2 healing and got burnt out. Came back this season only dps and it's been such a better experience. Potato dps in the lobby going 0/6? Idgaf I'm getting free points.


They have no plans for fixing it. They even said that. Personal opinion, they rather have the healers suffer and give shitty bonus rewards, than giving them an edge in the system.


They have said in a previous interview that they were looking at healer MMR in tww. Not sure which one tho.


I also refer to this interview. It is corporate talk. You can "look" at many things. I am sure they also "look" at better pvp rewards.


I play 2 hpals and have to jerk off at minimum 6x daily to experience pleasure while pushing above 2.5 in shuffle. Highly recommend not maining healer.




Thank you, zug.


Maybe can someone explain why my fresh ww monk has a 2.1k MMR with 0 games (who is now 6-6 overall because of being undergeared)


Paid for a boost


You’re quite welcome.


Could not agree more! Healers make the world go round ♥️♥️


I support this message reason why I hit 1800


Your welcome for babysitting


Is it harder to hit 2400 as a healer than dps? I just hit 2458 in shuffle healing and I hear people shitting on shuffle rating like it isn’t earned and boosted.


Healers are overpowered


What people seem to forget is that it’s all a team effort. I will support my healer the best I can. You have to. You can’t just go in a zug zug all the time.


Being a main healer for off and on 20 years of play, I must say this has been a horrid expansion. This call of duty play style is garbage and completely non interactive for healers. It is grossly overturned to dps and cc spam and it almost feels irrelevant to even bother sometimes. Like when you join a fully geared battle ground and your entire team instantly melts in 1 seconds to an evoker or when a druid regardless of spec spams cyclone on you endlessly, even with the diminishing returns, it is interrupting your casting endlessly. And then there are the cool downs. Trying to stand and spam cast to keep up with the insane call of duty burst dps is near impossible. So you need your big cool downs. Most of which are 3 minutes long waiting. You simply can't keep pace as a healer with the absurd amount of ridiculous burst and all it takes is 1 6second cc to hit you for 1 or 2 team mates to die. It is for a lack of a better phrase, non interactive game play for healers and I don't see it getting any better with TWW as it is same devs, same stupid over tuned cc spam DPS oriented everything.


message from a healer: i forget what fun is


nah shuffle healers are the biggest crybabies I have ever encountered


Coming from a garbage DPS that has probably never peeled a single time in his life. Much less has the IQ to play a healer.


See what I mean?