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so everyone should play healer so you can have more fun? except of course, you


NO? They should FIX THE GAME


and how do you propose this is done? in every game, especially mmorpgs support (healer) roles are always in the minority. would you like playing healer? exactly


Or make a separate ladder with 3v3 only dps ? I dunno tbh.


Simple solution that would be a strong first step: Adjust the mmr outcome of games in 2 specific scenarios : 1) if a dps ends 0-6, instead of counting (mmr/cr wise) as 4 wins for the other dps and 3 wins for the healers, it should count as 3.5 wins for the 5 other players, since they all performed the same (all lost every round with the 0-6 dps, all beat the 0-6 dps every time they where against it). This would MASSIVELY incentivize healers to return to shuffle, and wouldnt be more imbalanced inflation-wise than the current status (where the dps get a free « win » overall despite not doing better than the healers). 2) inversely, if a dps goes 6-0, everyone else gets the equivalent of 2.5 wins


> and how do you propose this is done? Such a simple solution. +300 MMR for all healers and exlusive rewards. The main reason people play is for rewards. Its so blatantly obvious. I would play for any mount/transmog/pet or whatever Im not gonna write an essay why the gameplay is dogshit horrible compared to earlier expansion but there is a lot of room to make specs more fun to play. > would you like playing healer? There are 0 rewards to make me do so but sure, sometimes i do for fun.


300 mmr for healers? So all the healers ag 2900 would be 3200? Healers actually have a high representation above 2400. More rewards for healers makes sense though


> Healers actually have a high representation above 2400. IM 2850 MMR THERE ARE LIKE 12 HEALERS IN TOP 100 LOL "high representation" hahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha xd. There are WAY more healers in low rating idk wtf ur talking about


Look at 2200+, 2400+ representation which is high rating for most players.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha tf This dudes ready to be playing with the “resto Druid barely uses bear form” guy in my guild a min ago. Players play to say they got x rating. They do not give a single fuck about rewards because they’ve had all the rewards a million times. They need to make healing more rewarding is the only answer. And the other guy is asking how you do that, and you do not know, just like nobody else really knows including blizzard, but have tried.


> Players play to say they got x rating. They do not give a single fuck about rewards because they’ve had all the rewards a million times. Every single gladiator i have ever played with in this game disagrees with you. Get glad mount -> quit until next season is how the game is played if you dont push rank1. If you removed glad mounts the majority of high rated players would instantly quit the game. You could make a similar incentive for healing shuffles like a mount and people would play to get it. Its a very simple concept. You see millions of posts of people getting the 1.8 mog and then not pushing further or playing new characters


It said my post was removed so idk if you can see my response or not. Because I said “b*tch and moan”. They would be back to get glad if all they got was a title. They claim they play for the mount, yes, but they actually play to say they got x rating x amount of seasons. They do not care about the mounts. Some of them are cool, but they wouldn’t care if they had them or not, they would come back for the title and only the title. They already have a mount reward for healers in 2s and 3s, and it didn’t incentivize healers to queue. They do not care about the rewards. They care about being the one winning the match for their team, making plays, doing most damage, being the one that landed the kills. YOU play a healer dude. If every single dps bitching about queue times played a healer, queue times would get better. The same reasons you’ll use are the same reasons anybody else doesn’t want to heal man. It isn’t rewarding. You do not FEEL your impact and it isn’t anywhere near as rewarding as dps. There’s nothing they can do other than make healers super impactful and able to be the play makers in the games that will make anybody want to queue. The second a healing spec starts to be able to make an impact and make plays the dps players start to cry that the enemy disc priest killed them and healers should be healing and not killing them. They have not found a solution in any game ever. The playerbase is declining and there’s not enough healers in every range of mmr to fill every slot in a decent amount of time, and dps all have a list of excuses why they shouldn’t have to be the one to play a healer. It’s literally just ego by human nature that causes this issue.


From this post it seems like the queue times would be their own reward.


This has to be the most stupid reaction i have ever seen on Reddit. And hilarious as well so thanks for the laugh.


How is it even possible to have a queue that long? Even as dps! The range on my queue times are 10-30mins depending on the class you play.


Your queue carries over even if you queue bgs, he likely has been doing other things in queue then posted a screenshot of the high number as ragebait. Or his queue just bugged, either way the query time shown is extremely misleading.


I didn't do anything else while in this Q. Its not bugged and this is not uncommon to happen. What makes u say its misleading?


He's doing things that pause the shuffle que which will still show as extending the time. Outside of that you'd need to be at an mmr where there's very few players playing while also trying to que during off hours when no ones playing.


Yeah that makes sense! Cause I queue on my unholy dk from 0-2kish rating through this season and it's never ever been that long!


Why are you lying and saying i pause the Q when i didn't pause the Q at all? You can even see in the picture there is no average Q time shown because there are no games happening


He has probably high rating where there are less people. If you are hard-stuck at 2300 like me, you are getting 10 to 30 minutes yeah.


No one is playing cuz ded season. Checked all of twitch everyone is playing cata or low elo


Stop it, get some help.


You paused your queue for 2 hours, came back, and then posted this mindless drivel. Yawn.


It's not unrealistic I've seen streamers leave similarly long queues as they have to go to dinner etc. My question is why everyone is so quick to make excuses for blizzards bad systems. The game feels like a waste of electricity at this point.


Only ever happens at at the top 0.01% of mmr because often there are too few healers at high MMR. This was more of a problem earlier in the expansion.


Regardless the queue times are absolutely ridiculous. I'm not waiting an average of 45 minutes for a game in 2024. I understand the cause, lack of healers, but that's not my problem to solve, the format doesn't work, merge the queues, do something.


No one is waiting an average of 45 minutes rn lmao.


Why should top 0.01% of players not be allowed to play the game?


They do. They’re healers. Play healer if you want fast queues at very high MMR. And no, MMR boosts/cosmetic rewards won’t really be enough to increase the number of healers queuing.


Why are you making up lies when i didn't do any other content while sitting in the Q? You can even see it doesn't have an average Q time shown because no games are happening?