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I say "dead dead dead dead" repeatedly into my mic and then my healer goes nonononononah and then I'm fine Or I'm not fine


60% of the time, it works all the time




As a disc I would say Trinket Life swap is prolly a bigger “o shit” than the 2 you mentioned.


If you're pushing PWB or UP at 10% HP you're already dead. I agree with you.


Ult. Penitence just loses games for me far too often, even if they are like 3rd hp or more, they can be dead through the cast and the healing since it's kinda slow. People can kick it pretty easily, locking out the most important school. I think it's mostly about using it offensively with atonoments to keep pressure up/secure a kill, or heal aoe situations like lock, sp etc.


Just like most things with disc you dont wanna ulti p when people are 20% and they have kicks up. 99% of the time i use mine offensively, its a ton of atonement healing


I’ve started using UP more for atonement healing then straight up healing.


Try using it offensively: When an enemy dps is below like 40-50% use radiance on your team to put up atonements. Then target the dps (so most penance bolts hit offensively aka do dmg) and press ultimate penitence. You can fade before to avoid some micro cc if needed. This wins me so many games because UP does like 500k dmg and heals your team to full at the same time. If nothing dies you’ll still be ahead a lot since the enemy healer has to pick up his whole team again.


Peoples reading comprehensions seems kinda poor, this is the second comment I get suggesting the exact thing I mentioned at the end of my comment.


Well you said „i think“ which made it seem like you weren’t sure if that’s a proper way of using it. Combined with your opening line „UP just loses games for me far too often […] they can be dead though the […] healing“, it made it seem like you’ve only really used it defensively and wasn’t sure if offense was a good call. So I wanted to give you some reasons to try it out


I’ve started using UP more for atonement healing then straight up healing.


I’ve started using UP more for atonement healing then straight up healing.


Yeah how do you not even know your own oh shit button 


this response is a good example of the kind of players you run into in solo shuffle


I mean he's not wrong. If I'm at 20% health and you trinket dome me it'd be questionable


the post was asking what you do for yourself, not other players


What are you talking about my response was type of players you see in shuffle??  If you’re in an oh shit moment and you ultimate pentience you get kicked and die because you’re locked out  Cr check before you insult me lol? 


Yeah sorry idk if you no this yet but you can lifeswap a full health teammate to save your own life. That’s your oh shit button.  This revelation should at least be +100 cr 


You trinket lifeswap to save yourself, dome is something you pre-press.. mitigation ja feel


You’re in the wrong here my dude, you’re not using your cds effectively if this is how you’re playing


true, except that one time when I lifeswapped with a shadow priest who lifeswapped me at the same time then he instantly died


As feral I press survival instincts, barkskin, and go into bear form and hit frenzied regen and die anyway


I was feral since the days of having to physically run to WSG to queue it. The spec is the saddest it's ever been and I haven't touched it since the end of SL...which was a hell of a stark contrast in survivability. Now that I think about it, end of SL may have been the most durable they've ever been.


Sl feral was a lot of fun, fleshcrafting to immune a hoj was pure dopamine Started playing feral a few weeks ago for the first time in DF and i honestly dont hate it, the clone for frenzy is annoying but not as bad with a focus on bite damage, will be happy to see the talent removed though


My gripe is how absolutely fragile they are. Their defensives are awful, Bear Form is just a slow death, and their self heals, which used to be significant to make up for soft defensives, are now a drop in the bucket. If they're going to remain this soft, at least give them a true cloak/vanish. Even their standard stealth has 3 times the cooldown compared to a sub rogue.


Right? Im no feral expert but I just tried few feral games today around 2k mmr and I felt unbelievably fragile. At that rating healers dont press cds proactively, but rather they wait for you to drop to 30% and then use cds = you constantly feel like dying. You fishing for precog trying to make setup. After some time you finally get it, only to be forced into bear form and run again.


I'd rather see an immunity like turtle or BoP both from a rogue main perspective and a druid alt one lolk


Playing feral in cata rn and it is definitely the tankiest it's ever been. Bear form + regen + surv instincts + barkskin and you can not die. There's also the bear form roar that makes you take less damage from people around you






Feign death and hope they buy it


It gotta work sometime, right?


I was showing my friend WoW one day and found a random hunter in the world and decided to show him a fight. Got him to one percent and sent a kill shot into him. He feigned and I thought he died. Looked away from the monitor to be like, "see how easy and fun that was." And then he said you're dead, and I turned and looked and sure enough. Buddy was t-bagging my corpse. As someone who mains hunter and has an MSBT addon that tells me when people died, I never felt more of an idiot.


I actually did fall for it recently haha had a hunter in shadowy duel, got him very close, hit him with secret tech, 2nd part hit and he fell I wrote gg in chat and then noticed the game continued :D




No no, Im a hunter. I hold turtle for next lobby


Better have that pet feign glyph and then you can disengage+camo and maybe ...


Blood DK "I'm about to die so I'll do *notdie*. "


Im about to die so I'll turtle and hope a miracle happens by the end of it


No monks in the thread yet so i would say porting out as a mw


Life cocoon / Revival?


Divine Shield gang gang


Until a priest dispels it https://preview.redd.it/ye03bmmpe59d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5999174fe21cd03c6fad76d3b4c3061e64071f


Given that fast MD is no longer a thing, it is reasonable to expect you or your teammates to stop/avoid or at least delay it.


Not in Shuffle. Not in the brackets I frequent. 😶


Just run at the Priest when you bubble. If they are max range, run away from the Priest and you can range the MD.


Dirty traitors! After what we did for them in their class hall campaign...


"I'm about to die so I'll do die" - Enh in the second go


Fury warr too. After enraged regen, it's lights outs


I find this topic to be kind of interesting because it shows a slight lack of understanding about cooldown trading. I would argue that most classes don't have an "OH SHIT" button, but instead have defensive cooldowns to trade in response to offensive cooldowns, or can play more defensively through kiting/positioning when necessary to live. Any class that has an immunity is different - Netherwalk, Tranq, Bubble, Ice Block, Turtle. Those are "OH SHIT" buttons. Life Swap was also mentioned and is a good example.


I feel like anything on a gcd cant be an oh sit button


Do you want to ideally hold onto immunities for as long as possible, or in the second best scenario use them in the most valuable trade possible?


Use when Disc priests use Ultimate Penitence and stand on the ground menacingly


Ideally you use the shortest CD that will let you live a situation, so if you’re a warlock with Pact, Healthstone, Gate, Portal, and UR, and you’re in a hoj with a ret popping wings, you’d ideally Pact that at high health and then port once you’re out. Even though you can use UR during the stun you shouldn’t because the Pact will be up again before the UR, so you get two uses of Pact for your one use of UR. Basically doing this over the course of the game lets you gain CDs because you get to use them more often. Same thing with Mage using Alter before other things, or SPs trying to fade and DPrayer before dispersing or swapping. Obviously sometimes you get caught lacking and have to use a big button, but your goal should never be “I’m blocking on their first go”


You're absolutely correct. It's been my experience that the move towards that way of thinking is effectively the threshold between 2000 and 2200. However, I do still find it interesting to see what people go to when they panic


i think 90% screams / sobs “i’m dead / going to die” and the healer answers “no”


would you consider dudu shapeshift or shadowmeld a “oh shit” button?


I feel like Disc has more o-shit buttons than that with Life Swap and Pain Supp.


It does and it has been determined that the OP doesn’t actually know his classes oh shit buttons


Tranq for most desperate oh shit situations.


Dark Pact, Mortal Coil, Fear usually flips the game up pretty good.


Portal and health Stone and maybe a gateway can also add some time


I bubble and try to hearth then realize I’m in an arena…


Frost mage: if I’m prepared? Alter time. If I’m surprised? Ice block.


As UHDK, all you do is… wait, it’s UHDK. Nuff said.


Ice block with regen to full health 🤓


as a resto druid I go bear form and start jumping around for fun




Ice ice baby. Ice ice block.


Either trink+cocoon or port(but really trink + port because I forgot to take eminence)


"Surely I won't need eminence this round." We did infact, need eminence that round.


DH cast darkness and cry as no one on my team stands in it and the enemy just walks away from me…


or you get knocked / RoPed out of it instantly




As an aff player if I actually think im going to die I’m almost certainly dead. Defensives that work best when high hp are a bit odd.


As Death Knight you roll over and die


As Disc, battle master trinket into desperate prayer is OP. Battle master increases your hp pool, so the increase from desperate prayer is higher. It’s a snapshot but for disc défensives


you can even macro in a healthstone at the end at it’ll heal you for a fuck ton


That's my secret... I'm always about to die. According to my healer friend.


Press jump and miss out on a global to cast a heal


Trinket link then die anyway


Preemptively press astral shift and pray I dont get 100-0 in a kidney.


As feral druid if I'm in world pvp, I hit my shadowmeld > flight form macro and fly away. If I'm in Blitz I either bear form + survival instincts and frenzied regeneration, or go travel form > wild charge to get away.


Ultimate Penitence is not an oh shit button


If i’m close to dying I feign death for the 90% damage reduction and pray heal can top me off otherwise i turtle after it


Freezing yourself as a frost mage and seeing the enemy team surround you so i just type out "Wonderful weather huh?" Before obliteration


I’m a fire mage, I just die once to get half my health back to die again with Cauterize!


frost mage -> frost nova to root, shimmer away, displacement to restore health, sheep, block if i absolutely must + then alter time to restore me to full health again🫠


killing then instead - ww 2024


As a mage your 2 options are either blocking, or blinking behind a pillar, LoSing your healer in the process and guaranteeing that death.


As a rogue I'm shadow stepping or trink stepping my other dps partner so I don't drag enemies to my healer.