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When you finish a tribe/faction you reduce those digsites about 50% and you can target farm more. The anyoing thing is they should have made the last pet from fossil obtainable nobody cares that its suppose to be 525 drop. Let us remove these fossil digsites blizzard…


In theory, this should make Northrend pretty decent, complete vrykul and Nerubian pretty easy and then get mostly NE and troll?


Northrend arch is decent for NE and terrible for troll. I was stuck there while my digsites were bugged for the last 6 days. Avoid Northrend for troll digs.


Please just add bad luck protection. We do not need to take over every bad OG Retail design from back in the day onto the 2nd attempt. Archeology was a terrible profession then and it is now. Let's make it bearable please! The weapons are not cosmetic only...they are a huge head start into the xpac...


Sure let’s have everyone with hc raid quality weapons before even hitting level 81. How about they add this bad luck protection and lower the ilvl of these weapons or just remove them. The charm of these weapons in cata originally was that they were rare as fuck.


1) These are 359 ilvl. They are normal mode raid quality. HC raid quality items are 372+. 2) On Cata launch they were not very rare at all. There was no limit on how many fragments you could hold. The way to level was only solving Fossil (because the shield came with Firelands), Orc, Dranei, Nerubian, Vyrkul until max level (525). As soon as I hit max level I had about 2k NE/Troll/Dwarf fragments and instantly got all the 359 items (except the NE Trinket which took me about another 2 hrs to farm). Several of my guildies had them early on too. We are on the worse version of Archeology and people are right to complain.


Terrible argument but I expected at least one person to say something like this. They're not HC raid quality, they are normal raid quality. And you can complain all you want, they are in the game right now. Some will get them and thus have a decent head start into Cata and this system is terrible. If you want something rare for the charm of it get some rare cosmetics.


I'm not the person here asking for bad luck protection. I'm sure you will do just fine in p1 raids with or without the items from this profession.


No you're advocating to keep a terrible system because of some prestige you think these weapons have. It's a braindead take, reminds me of the few fools who would advocate to keep Legion legendaries the way they were because "I earned the BiS one" or Titanforging lul. > I'm sure you will do just fine in p1 raids Yes, we absolutely will. It still doesn't change the fact that it will simply feel terrible for a lot of people for no reason other than the devs just copy&pasting the same bad system from almost 15 years ago.


Legion legendaries were a disaster, they were almost mandatory for optimizing your character in raids. In contrast, these archeology items? They just give a small power boost, nothing more. That’s an important distinction to remember. If Blizzard made it so everyone could snag all the items within say 200 solves, then what? It becomes just another chore to tick off before the raid. Expecting to enter a new expansion with raid-ready gear before even starting the first quest? That’s braindead.


> Expecting to enter a new expansion with raid-ready gear before even starting the first quest? So better to have it tied to pure RNG so only *some* may enter the new xpac with raid ready gear? Fantastic, great idea. Yes, it would become another tick off before the raid. So what? Farming Pre-raid BiS is essentially just that. This would be one point you can work towards in pre-patch when there's little to do otherwise. Yes, that would actually be pretty cool.


As I’ve mentioned before, we clearly have different opinions on this issue. I just don’t believe that adding bad luck protection is the solution to the problem you're describing. These items aren't mandatory, you don’t have to include them in your pre-expansion checklist. But implementing bad luck protection could turn them into a de facto requirement before the raids even open. Regarding keeping the system as it is, it's fine for some players to get lucky with their finds. Instead of pushing for changes because you weren't the one with RNG on your side, perhaps consider being happy for those who do get lucky. If you hadn’t spent so many attempts without getting your item, I suspect this wouldn’t even be a significant issue for you.


*A few minutes ago, we deployed hotfixes to address issues with Dwarven and Night Elf archaeology projects. The following projects are now available during the Cataclysm Classic Pre-patch: Dwarf Silver Kris of Korl Warmaul of Burningeye Word of Empress Zoe Pipe of Franclorn Forgewright Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage Scepter of Bronzebeard The Innkeeper’s Daughter Night Elf Wisp Amulet Carcanet of the Hundred Magi Umbra Crescent Bones of Transformation Silver Scroll Case We also double-checked on the Pterrordax Hatchling and found it waiting as intended in Fossil Digsites at Archaeology skill level 525.* Already got The Innkeeper’s Daughter within a few solves.


Does solving all the commons increase the chance of getting the rares?


Ha, the question we all care about.


I completed the two troll rares Wednesday of last week. I am sitting at almost 300 Troll solves with no sword. I doubt it homie


any luck yet?


Lol no


it's not really a big deal, it's just a crappy preraid item


What It’s replaced only by the heroic sword off nef Not many guilds are killing it week 1 Who’s to say you will even GET the sword when most raids will be brimming with arms warriors and unholy dks?


since not many people are caring about cata its very unimportant


Sod player on the wrong subreddit


Sod is awful, sorry, so is retail.


Why are you here if not to just complain? Oh wait…….


Sarcasm? If you're Ret or Warr this thing is lasting you likely until Heroic Ashkandi.


not trolling, very few are taking cata seriously so none of this really matters


Lol when you get called out for saying something dumb so you fall back on making up some anecdotal garbage


I have all the troll commons and rares (except sword) and still no sword at 300 solves, make of that what you will.


Just out of curiosity, how do you count your solves? I don't see it in the statistics page anywhere. Are you manually counting?


/run local v=0;local t;for x=1,10 do local c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x); local a=0;for y=1,c do local t=select(10,GetArtifactInfoByRace(x,y));a=a+t;end local r=GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if(c>1) then print(r..":"..a);v=a+v;end end print ("Total Solve="..v)




Did not being able to find inkeepers daughter make it more likely for people to dwarf staff before the patch?


I got the little bone raptor pet before I was even 450 and now it says it requires 525. Was it bugged before?


There are two pets, the raptor is obtainable right in the beginning. That’s the one you got. The other one is the one that isn’t obtainable yet.


Ahh got it. Thanks!


I got the raptor mount at 240


Reasonable. You only need to be 150 to obtain the mount.




It’s definitely less than 1%


Supposedly 1% but at 240 solves myself I’m doubting that.


I am at 400+ rivendare kills without a mount. Doesn't mean it isn't 1%. it's just rng.


I'm actually 1/1 rivendare RNG all around.