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Someone leaves 1 of your keys: they’re an ass Someone leaves most of your keys: turn your gaze inwards


I’ve seen the odd quitter but my god I’ve wanted to be the quitter so many times. Had an 18 last night that we literally couldn’t down imps. I asked tank if he had gorefiends and he said “I don’t know what that is” the man was 2400 rated and didn’t know about it. He also didn’t have amz which again would have completely counteracted imp packs. Shit was crazy. Don’t get me wrong obvs dps need to use their moves but once my wailing shot has silenced I’m no help.


amz doesn't counteract imps generally... and not many take girlfriends, blinding sleet would have been used there though


Girlfriend’s grasp sounds hot


never had your phone autocorrect something eh?


No humour eh?


I ran out today, head cold xD


Yeah I know it’s not the optimal to take gorefiends but if you know you’re dealing with stuff like the imps and it’ll cancel their casts it can be worthwhile. Outside of that the lack of class knowledge baffled me. Amz is huge for dealing with them though if dps doesn’t think to stand in it that’s on them.


On fort and high enough keys, they die even with the 20% off is why I said that, yeah it can help but... it's just death generally. The unknown skills is kinda... odd but really not surprising


Well 2 of my friends so much pro that can't play with me and their rates are around 2600 at key 20 of azure they just found out sec boss has frontal cleave that one shot u well nice job guys


Sorry* in CoS


Yes let’s do the common turn it around on the OP This is definitely not a thing most people have experienced this season. Edit: downvote me idc


People don’t leave keys that are going well


Probably my own fault for trying to squeeze keys into my lunch break, but I've had my fair share of keys get bricked because someone caught work agro or wife agro or kid agro and had to drop partially through an otherwise fine run. Or still my favorite experience back in Shadowlands, two DPS dropping group during the first pull of the run without saying anything at all (no one died, no one missed an interrupt, no clue why they dropped) Feel like the lost time and money on repairs/consumables is punishment enough.


Last week i went on alt to sbg13. Tank just walk though e trance portal after first pack, same no1 dies, no mistakes. Its was bear from hyjal


Legit had a DH leave a key cause he died from storm dragons on Heimdall… You were saying? Edit:y’all are downvoting me for the latest example I’ve had lmao, would you like full indexed list??


Your sample size is too small to be relevant.


Usually there's much more to the story when someone leaves vs, they died standing in bad on the boss. Was it the first death of the key, or were there already many more deaths? Was there a battle res available, or where they all used up?


2 deaths from ranged/healer standing in frontal from the storm drake


I don't usually leave, unless someone is obviously trying to be carried without paying, not doing that shit. The amount of people who literally don't know their basic rotations/boss mechanics in the 15-20 range is astounding. Not doing it not doing it. I might physically be able to carry deadweight but I'm not doing it.


I mean, if they removed depletion people would leave even more. There are still people who don't leave because thats wrong and It would feel bad, given how you remove the depletion mechanic it will only encourage them.


Heres a scenario where ive left a key. Jade Serpant 19 this week. Resto druid. 2455 IO. We all agree to pull first two mobs and lust with two rdps(hunter mage) and rogue LOSing the ripple. Its fine if the tank and 1 dps gets it, but 4 players? We pull both, 3 dps hit by ripple, hunter dies to deluge, and im down convoke and flourish already. Interrupting tidal burst with demo roar and killing orbs. Hunter resses, runs in, fucking ripple time all over. All 4 hit. Last pack- hunter doesnt trap, gets hit by ripple, and were at 7 deaths. We havent looked at the boss yet. Pull boss, mage/hunter get hit by wash away. I left so fucking fast. Not worth no IO push and a stroke.


LoSing ripple on a 19 is just a nicety. It’s pretty manageable to heal through you’ll just have to drink before the boss. It doesn’t do enough damage to one shot you at that key level


It doesnt youre right but with bursting stcks them not interupting burst (forcing me to do it) and explosive, they died. I laid out the scenario to illustrate that piece.


Today I was tanking a +16 RLP and a demon hunter dashed through the fire dragon and pulled them next group of mobs. Instantly died, typed “shit group” and just left. He was the first death. There needs to be some form of stats to check when inviting players, there’s no way that was his first leave.


Bro holy shit I thought it was a meme but DHs literally keep pulling more mobs when I'm attacking and pretend it's no big deal


I banned all DH very early for nuking my 10 key. I haven't regretted it yet. Sitting here a few points away from KSH all pugged


From what I'm reading, it's always a DH leaving lol.


Depletion IS a thing of the past. It was removed within like a month or two several years ago.


You are correct, I think he's talking about keys de-leveling on failure though. I honestly would rather they go back to depletion. Pushing score is so annoying when one mistake ends a run and then you have to farm no-score keys again to get another try. Wastes so many hours.


I played in legion, but I didn't play to the level that I do now, I was most certainly a casual player at the time, how did the original depletion mechanic work?


When you failed a key in Legion, it would become “depleted” meaning you had to run it again and time it to turn it into another key, but it wouldn’t award loot (since you got loot from it already the first time when you failed to time it). I think a middle ground would be to let keys function as they do now up to the maximum loot level (20), and after that failing keys doesn’t de-level them, just depletes them so you can try again for score but not farm loot.


Interesting, I think that is a fantastic middle ground. Thanks


I think it’s because of ho frustrating M+ has been and how close the times are people get discouraged when there’s so many deaths and it not gonna be timed.


I started on the side of the OP and have slowly drifted to the side of being alright with people leaving (provided it's not an intentional troll). I rarely see people leave unless you've had multiple wipes back to back or something else is going terribly wrong with the route. If those 2 things are happening, I get it. Those 2 things also usually manifest in the first 5-10 minutes. At that point, someone drops, everyone says gg and moves onto the next usually with minimal time lost. That definitely happened the most in the 2000-2300 range, but I've experienced it less and less in 2400+.


This is 100% my opinion, I am almost 2800 and when a mistake happens, because they inevitably do, everyone says gg gl on next and leaves. It is almost like the culture changes from frustration to understanding and everybody just keeps moving like it didnt happen.


Just add a check that logs cleared keys only and untimed keys don't count


Not timing a key shouldn’t lower the key level IMO. Not timing used to “grey out” your key and you’d have to rerun it for no loot to basically get another key. Both systems suck. We already have an NPC that can lower our key levels if we choose now. I don’t see why failing a key should lower it anymore


The pst two pugs I’ve run there was a warlock with 0 interrupts and 0 explosive and the next was a shaman with 1 interrupt and 0 explosive dmg. Now I don’t care what you think, but it is everyone’s job to make sure mechanics get done. Both of these keys made me want to leave. People tend to think it’s should only be up to the tank and healer.


The lack of interrupts is really bad, but warlocks shouldn’t be primarily responsible for getting explosives. I have two options as a destruction warlock: hard cast at them every single time they spawn and hope all my casts don’t get canceled by other classes getting to them instantly OR use conflagrate at them Both of these options literally put your dps in the ground and you may as well just leave for how much you’ll be contributing. I hope you see how repeatedly having your casts canceled is not great for dps, and conflagrate is a core ability with only two charges. Trying to leave one available at all times to deal with a single explosive is deeply punishing to your dps. I’ll throw a conflag on one if I see it’s about to go off and nobody has got to it yet, that’s if I even have a charge at all. By then it’s too late to hard-cast on it before it goes off, and if I was gonna do that by default we’re just encountering problem one again. Demo has similar problems and affliction isn’t really represented in keys anyway. Warlocks are probably the class least capable of handling explosives, in my opinion.


Tbh explosions are mostly healer tasks and melee


As MW monk i have so many gcd that playing in a pug it becomes an nightmares to clean up all the explosions. People take absolutely ALL avoidable damage, don't interrupt, don't use self défensives, no potions or healthstone... People have to understand that in pug it's NOT automatically up to healers to do all the dirty work job, we wipe your asses enough as it is.


If you're in a premade? Sure. If you're in a pug they're everyone's job. Bottom line is that you can yell and scream about whose job it is but if you are going to pass the responsibility onto everyone else, don't be surprised when they're trying to pass the responsibility right back to you. Explosives being a healers responsibility doesn't really track in pugs when a lot of pug DPS don't use defensives properly, don't interrupt as much as they should, and take millions of avoidable damage in a key. All the free globals a healer has to kill explosives in premades disappear very quickly when the healer is having to keep everyone alive with every global they have.


Made a group for my key, tank starts talking to much about mechanics, I think this is gona go badly, key starts, tank makes 2 mistakes and we wipe twice and I leave. Can't blame me for leaving mine or any other key were people don't know how to play. People leave more this season because its harder. This is a true story, RBL16 we wiped twice on the adds on upper platform, I saw that no one but me and the tank were interrupting. I leave. Get messages to go get cancer, I am trash, etc... That is how bad and toxic the playerbase is.


They should add a "completion percentage". Or something like that. If you're the first to leave a group, you take a hit. (I know, easier said than done, but I'm just brainstorming)


I think it’s because of ho frustrating M+ has been and how close the times are people get discouraged when there’s so many deaths and it not gonna be timed.


Leaver should get a at least 30 min deny for the next key. Like it is with lfg. And they also should get absolute no loot out of the key.


No loot? Definitly. 30min lockout? Depends, and thats where it gets hard to evaluate because they are situations where you are totally allowed to leave a key. If your intention is to time a key and you´ve been wiping a several times against the 1st boss while having 2 DPS below tank dmg than you should not take anyone hostage.


>No loot? No loot on leaving, because otherwise people would just kick randoms to keep loot to themselves. If someone leaves a key by themselves, and the 4 people finish the key, the 5th does not deserve loot.


By adding "definitly" I agree that no loot should be given to leavers.


They can make it that way, that the groupleader can't kick someone the time, the key startet.


The problem though is that people would use this to speed gear up friends and alts. 5 friends run a key, when the boss is at 1% 4 of them leave the group, giving all the drops to their friend. I don't want to see that level of degenerate play either.


People already armor stack, just set a timer, of its 5-10min people wont exploit it


Penalty for leaving, well I'll just afk and go watch a movie. You're almost guarunteed to get someone else leave within that 30min penalty window if you just afk and wait.


Are you just bad at the game? Should possible stick to m0 ?


….what does people leaving keys have anything to do with my skill level? 2300IO I’m gonna get downvoted for this because OP’s can never defend themselves in their post, but are you possibly just stupid? Possibly need to go back and get an education? Edit: before y’all start downvoting me for sticking my up for myself, comments like this are unnecessary. But go ahead, I know some of you all are trigger happy with that down arrow!


I wonder how many OP’s are sub 2500 complaining about leavers? When I’m playing within 200-300 rating from the highest rated players, nobody complains/rarely any leavers. :)


You're not wrong. Some of my +20 runs have been noticeably smoother than any 11-19 dungeon I've ran.


It’s the vast majority of noobs crying on reddit that are significantly behind players that have been putting in the effort from the beginning of release. These people getting 20s done now are way behind the curve and probably don’t know what to interrupt half the time, or if the tank needs mobs stunned, or chillin out so its not back to back 7+ stacks of bursting when they don’t have cds up. :)


I play in that bracket . As soon as a key is untimeable everyone leaves by mutual consent . Are you a God timing every single key you enter or just lying?


Leaving group is not mutually exclusive with timing keys. L2 logic


A flawless retort


And when people do leave in the higher end keys, it's typically by common consent, especially when you get to 21+ keys with the 2700+ crowd. At that point you're only running for score anyways, not for vault any more.


Would say this behaviour is mainly encouraged by .Rio . people want their score to go up so they’re less willing to stay in a key with an early wipe (for example), also people don’t want to have depleted key in their .Rio profile because they may be less attractive and since nobody will remember you in pug there’s no (personal) drawback to leave a key, so yeah, leaver don’t care, they’ll queue for another grp asap. Maybe a deserter debuff could help


You have to understand for a large portion of the M+ community the gear reward at the end of the dungeon is pretty meaningless. Most people are well above even 405 ilvl which 20s drop so alot of people are either doing keys for Vault or to push score. Wiping early on can be pretty indicative of how a run is going to go, oftentimes its just a time saver for everyone to leave after multiple early mistakes than struggled bus through a weekly no leaver +16 key with people who obviously don’t know how to play their class or don’t know anything about the dungeon they’re in. I don’t think many “.Rio” players care about wether they have a deplete on their record or not as long as they’re gaining score but if you’re going 20 mins over timer and you don’t need loot/vault then its literally just a waste of time.




Was that actually a thing?


Yeah. Didn’t really help time it but you could get people in to at least finish the key


This was never a thing.


It really comes down to M+ players are used to getting vault completion without much effort and this season its alot harder to get 20's. Capping vault in shadowlands was like a 14 which was fairly easy. Now we are weeks in and people still want to max their vault, there is gonna be overgeared people just smashing keys and helping everyone get KSM and such in the process. Less hardship and smashing dungeons which is prettymuch why I play the game for a bit before quitting every season.


Honestly the only keys i've seen people leave are doomed keys and it's very rare. Sometimes I wonder how these people get so many leavers. If it happens a lot in your keys you might wanna look inwards as other people have said and i'm not tryna be toxic. Look at how you individually play, the people you invite, and what you could improve. Properly vet the ones you invite.


i mean there are very reasonable reasons to leave a key. depending on how your key went id say its to be expected. personally if im doing a key and were going to time it, people dont leave. and if something happens to where we dont time it, then yes people leave. id expect nothing else.


I had enough yesterday, gearing my alt doing my own keys, i have a +13 AA. Getting a team, tank runs in pulls entire tree room, we die of explosives, tank leaves, creating new team, same happens, again same, at the end i have a +8 key and all of the runs were the same, 5 TIMES. It s shameful


I think it largely depends on your key level and what the intention of the group is. Anything 20+, the moment a mistake is bad enough to make the key untimeable, I am leaving. Unless it is pre-determined that this is going to be a no leaver. I am far past the point of "weekly vault keys" as are many other players. Anything between 15-20 it kinda depends, people probably shouldn't be leaving unless the group has wiped more than 4 or 5 times in a particular spot. That being said, I do think there should be some sort of trend analysis to determine if particular people are the first to leave a key more frequently. It is hard to punish key leavers when there are groups that unanimously decide a key is dead and intentionally leave all the time.