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Flip side, and what Blizz would say is: if you run 1,000+ gold in damages doing a +20, you should probably just run a 16-18 until you’re more geared.


I’m losing more gold to consumes rather than repair


Yea consumes are fucking expensive, and this is coming from some1 with 10m gold.... buying consumes for 1 main and 3 alts is like 70k+ down the drain every other week.. especially the fucking flasks.


I dunno, I'm mostly doing 20-21 and I don't use flasks unless I know and like someone in the group. Lol


>??? I run +23s, if u only do m+ u simply run out of gold, u dont wipe cuz of gear, u wipe cuz people are bad


Let’s say m+ dropped 500-1000 gold each run, now you have bots doing +2s and onwards for gold farm.


It should at least drop enough gold to cover 2-3 deaths. That’s not outlandish.


i think you should make bank if u are doing 20s and up not just enough to cover basic repair costs


If it scales with M+ level, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Maybe 50g per M+ level


You realize repairs are meant to be a gold sink right?


It’s honestly an outdated mechanic.


they give no fcks about bots either way so who cares


I mean.. if a group of bots can complete a +2 then I may start recruiting them for my M+, already better than a majority of the real people I run into.


If it is botted that would net in like 4k or so per hour? Maybe less. I don't think this would be efficient compared to already existing farms.


How about+20's drop 1k the rest no difference than now.


How to tell someone doesn't have even a basic understanding of economics.


Every time I see you comment I lose 10 braincells. You have nothing but the worst takes.


Block button is right there if you feel the need to, friend. But its not an opinion that giving gold for completing m+ would increase the gold supply, thus cause inflation, thus make everything on the AH cost proportionally more, thus making the exercise of adding gold to M+ largely pointless. I guess it'll make static costs like repair bills easier, but that's it, and you could simply boost a single +20 key to cover a month's worth of spamming m+ 8 hours a day if you wanted to. That's not an opinion, that's just counting.


While its true. I dont believe I should be bleeding money for playing how I enjoy. But I believe the best course would be to just remove repair costs in general. Unfortunately though I dont see blizzard doing that. ALTERNATIVELY: They could nerf world quest gold and put some of that into M+. It would further incentivize getting into end game content.


You seem to be agreeing with what you described as "the worst take imaginable" but ok. Also not entirely sure that the guy who posted [this](https://gyazo.com/6854b085ce13d558822bb281b0e60698) should be lecturing people about giving bad takes but who am I to judge. I'm far from against the removal of repair costs as it happens by the way.


logic seems valid, yet most players dont do +20s, and a lot less can actually properly do +20s to farm them. it seems to me you are making assumptions and think they are true. also that wouldnt change what I want, which is not needing to spend 20$ if I want to just do m+


Gonna be real here dude I have no idea what you're trying to say here and I'm not entirely sure you do either.


Their comment was perfectly clear, there's nothing wrong with their communication. It's your comprehension that's lacking. > But its not an opinion that giving gold for completing m+ would increase the gold supply, thus cause inflation, thus make everything on the AH cost proportionally more, thus making the exercise of adding gold to M+ largely pointless. Except it wouldn't cost "proportionally more" for everyone. It would favour people who lean towards M+ and only by a slight margin. Which is absolutely fine, considering M+ is a huge component of the game and people who delve deep into it shouldn't have to accommodate that by grinding elsewhere. > I guess it'll make static costs like repair bills easier, but that's it, and you could simply boost a single +20 key to cover a month's worth of spamming m+ 8 hours a day if you wanted to. Boosting is not a good solution nor a proper justification to begin with. Especially since, as correctly pointed out by the comment you fail to understand, that's hardly an option available to many people. So yes, your opinion on how much impact it would have on the economy *is* an opinion. And a very simplified, misguided one at that.


Bro's waffling about +20s when his post and comments said nothing about any specific level of m+ at all and then he says you have to spend $20 if you want to do m+ which is objectively an absurd statement to make. The entire second sentence doesn't make any sense whatsoever, I can't even parse it grammatically but maybe I'm just extremely thick idk. > Except it wouldn't cost "proportionally more" for everyone. It would favour people who lean towards M+ and only by a slight margin. If you don't understand how giving away moderately large amounts of freshly created gold for infinitely repeatable content won't cause gold inflation then I honestly don't know what to say here because you fundamentally do not understand what we're supposed to be discussing at an extremely basic level.


We have world quests that net people 3k+/character/week….. It could be done like a weekly quest or a vault addition so that it wasn’t infinitely repeatable.


That's the big problem yeah, the world quests that grant that gold aren't infinite and m+ is. If you limit it to some sort of weekly lockout like you say it still inflates gold, but by potentially much less depending on how much the cap is per week, so it's a much better idea that way.


Being extremely thick is just about the only agreeable thing you said. If you can't parse the grammar and understand what they said then there's not much I can explain to you that won't just come out the other ear. Especially the sheer hypocrisy in not understanding economics are an extremely basic level, when what I said is perfectly valid and even basic. I never said anything about there being zero gold inflation. I was addressing your extremely dense point that such a change is meaningless - which is categorically untrue.


Es que talking about basic understanding of economics imagine imagining


yessss let's do content we do not like because we are forced to do so baseeed


Thank you for proving my point yet again.


He did it so effortlessly


This guy posting this meanwhile I’ve never had more than 25k to my wow name and I spend at least 5k gold a week on constant remogging the same toon and probably only earn about 5k that same week. Never been happier.


Who's still farming gold at this point. 20$ gets you like 500k. It's not even worth it Edit - 300k ish not 500k.


As much as I HATE microtransactions in games WoW is the only one where I see it as worth it. At the start of each new patch I'll grab a token and bam, I have more than enough gold for mats and repairs until the next season drops. As someone who spent a solid amount of time in BC/Wrath every patch farming mats and flipping the AH I'm glad to pay 20 bucks and never have to worry about it again.


That’s the problem. They intentionally design the game so it’s more worth to just buy gold instead of earning gold from playing the game. Even working a minimum wage job for a few hours is a more efficient gold maker than farming gold for a few hours in game for the average person. I’d maybe give it a pass if it was a f2p game but we pay a monthly sub fee, pay for expansions and a lot of cosmetics is locked behind the store. Idk


the fact u think buying a token is no biggie is giga dumb


Or you are giga broke


Paying a sub and expansions and there is an ingame shop, WoW is categorically one of the most money hungry games out there. It is hilarious how some of its community would actually dig their heels and call someone poor for not wanting to indulge in a micro transaction in an already subscription+copy purchase game. OP isn't very eloquent about their point but their suggestion is a good one. It even benefits the players lmao. Better shit all over it and tell them to just buy gold I guess.


>WoW is categorically one of the most money hungry games out there. To be fair actually it's quite the opposite, the sub fee and collectors edition prices have gotten less if you factor in inflation. That being said, the expansions have gotten much bigger in comparison so we are effectively getting way more content for less money.


He literally shit all over the many ways to easily get gold, complaining they want to get gold and quickly get to the content they enjoy - then when someone suggested a reasonable solution to that specific probelm (buying a token) OP called him "giga dumb". Ive never needed to buy tokens and I probably never will, i get plenty of gold just playing the game. But if you cant afford $20 to solve the exact problem you are complaining about then you sound broke to me.


"Reasonable solution" being a microtransaction? Lmao. Your logic is actually delusional. Do you also think we should pay real money for bags more than 16 slots?


So you arent looking for a way to get enough gold instantly? In the grand scheme of things $20 is not that much money and if you cant afford $20 one time transaction you really shouldnt be paying for this game at all because you cant afford it.


> So you arent looking for a way to get enough gold instantly? No, that's not what OP suggested at all to begin with. It was to do with maintenance costs and passive accruement. > In the grand scheme of things $20 is not that much Which doesn't dignify your absurd Bobby Kotick logic at all. > and if you cant afford $20 one time transaction you really shouldnt be paying for this game at all because you cant afford it. It's not to do with whether or not it can be afforded. It should never have to be spent to begin with. All you're demonstrating right now is that you have more money than sense. Good for you, I guess. I'd love to live in such bliss.


Blizzard isnt forcing anyone to buy tokens, it is in no way required to play the game and there are MANY options in game to earn gold. Tokens are an OPTION for players who want more gold without spending time doing those other options. For some people time is more valuable than a one time transaction. Like i said, I have never needed to or wanted to buy tokens. I have never not had enough gold for repairs or whatever. Blizzard is a company and it spends money in order to keep creating new content and it needs income in order to do that. If the cost bothers you play a different game i guess? Just like if tokens bother you, dont buy them.


Yeah I dont get how people's first reaction can be to get defensive lol. Imagine defending having to spend 20$ to play ur fav game its just sad.


The first person who responded to you literally said "as much as I HATE microtransactions in video games," only to proceed defending one of the few games on the market that has the holy trinity of monetisation lmao. And it's literally defending a microtransaction to address an artificial scarcity lmao. They hate skins in F2P games but they're fine paying real money on digital materials and repair costs? Let me be clear; it's fine for people to buy gold. WoW is a time consuming game and people love spending time on it. Spending time on the parts they enjoy more is A okay. But acting like that is *the* solution is nonsensical, especially in light of your very reasonable suggestion. Oh, on that note: 100g per key level sounds like a fun way of doing it imo. I also think that *maybe* the end of run vault could drop mats whose quality and quantity increases with key level as well. Cloths, green items (to sell or disenchant), ores etc. Alternatively some low level pots that you can find in Expedition bags could be cool.


I think both are true: it’s shitty game design that preys on people paying what amounts to an hour or two of work in every developed country versus farming many many hours. It is also unfortunately not close to being the most money hungry game out there. World of Tanks is just one example of many.


200iq Jastor Gallywix take


Skill issue, m8.


More like 250k.


yes it fucking should, if I spend 30minutes average doing a key and walk away with fuck all for my time 50g is pitiful and should be more, hell give people more crests or flightstones if they don't get loot


How to completely fuck the wow economy 101


Just put on WM and do like 1-4 WQ a week. Baam easy 2-3k gold. Then join a guild where you can repair with guild gold. Boom 2k gold a week profit. It's not like you have to do eavery dayli to keep up with the gold drain.


They do give gold if you do a boost run.


And here I’ve been boosting pugs for free


Lol m+ is a mini game. Lol 20s giving 2k??? 20s are simple keys that can take 15-20 minutes.






This game practically pours gold at you and you can't even afford repairs and get mad and make a post about it? You must not be very good at this game.


You must not be able to read big man ! I clearly say I'd like to get gold by doing the only bit of fun content this game offers.


lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao


Username checks out.


It does give gold. I get 53 gold from the chest in every run! 😆😆