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My druid main is the same as in 2004. Still play two alts from back then as well.


My night elf rogue. I rolled her the day after x-mas 2004 after trying to get a copy of the game all day. I still play her. She's still my main. I have a nelf warrior bank alt that's my second oldest by a few weeks. My LF warrior was a human warrior in 2005. My nelf hunter was rolled during wrath prepatch. My second main is my wrath pally(human, now LF). DK/Druid/Mage/Priest/pally were all rolled early wrath. Hunter was second 80 after the rogue. Lock was vanilla but didn't really play until MoP, I leveled her for green fire/title and fell in love with destro. Monk was also a MoP character.


What is LF ? Maybe a stupid question.


I have a Warlock from vanilla release with the Knight PvP title. I haven’t played it regularly since BC but I always level it to max each expansion. Otherwise, my “main” is a Priest from BC.


My best friend got a dwarf pally to like 40 and didn’t want to keep leveling. I gave him my Knight Lieutenant Pally and made a new one that I leveled up really quick then only got to fucking private before those titles went away 😑.


Not to brag or anything, but I actually made it to Sergeant back in the day. I think I was in Alterac Valley almost five times.


My main. Started playing towards the very end of Wrath. She was once a night elf druid but I instantly begged my dad for a race change when the worgen were introduced. She is my baby and I've been playing her for over 10 years now :3


My warrior will be old enough to vote this year. Not my main right now but still max level and still my “rep character”


My dwarf hunter is from 2004. Insane to think that in a few months there will be 20 years since I created him. He was my main for many years, now his my alt as I picked up a Demon Hunter as main during BFA.


It’s like having raised a baby in the time we’ve had these characters! Yeah I switched into a DH during BFA before just moving into just playing various alts since


My Mage is from 2004. Raided hardcore from Classic to WoTLK so got a lot of stuff from that era. Then started playing other characters. This xpack i didn't even get that Mage to 70.


My Hunter. No longer my main, but still have him. Made in 2011


Human mage. Started fall of '04. The second oldest would be my orc hunter. Started winter '04.


Still got my classic priest (race changed since then) with benediction and a BE paladin with arcanite ripper.


Still have my original troll hunter, created on release day.


I have a hunter from 2004. I don't know the exact date, but I also still have my paladin and priest from vanilla, and still play them at times. Though sadly priest just doesn't do it for me anymore.


My oldest char is my NE druid from Feb 2007. She will be 17 next month (I feel so old) I play her more often lately thanks to the emerald dream.


My vanilla paladin that I dust off every now n then. Been through 3 server swaps and 2 race changes


I have a shaman from vanilla and a dk from literally the first minute it became available lol


My oldest char is my Tauren Druid, which I startet with WoW Vanilla. I played him till mid MoP and the I left WoW. When I startet playing in SL again I created my bew main Druid on another Server. But my first one still exists^^


My Forsaken Hunter who was my first character back when I started in Cataclysm.


I have a Retribution Paladin from 2005.


My paladin, I made him in 2006. He’s still using his original name too.


Night elf warrior in 2004, changed race to orc though, but that was my first char. Still have my gnome rogue twink from end vanilla though, same name, same gear, same realm.


I still have my 2005 priest, warrior and rogue. Pretty much started these characters same year. And from how slow the vanilla game was set, you can tell that I pretty much no-lifed a lot during those days. And yes, I skipped some Friday school, and my mom got asked to meet my teachers at least 2 times. I was in highschool at the time. Life was all about basketball, WoW and my gf. study was absolutely not in the plan.


I've created a Paladin in 2006. Still playing her with devotion and blazing fury.


My Warlock. It's my main since 2007


My current priest is the same priest I rolled dwarf so I could fear ward the second boss in MC.


My first 3 characters from vanilla were a warrior, a priest and a mage. They all still exist and I think the warrior is still wearing the same gear as I logged out in in 2006. However I think they’ve all been server transferred or name changed over the years so I don’t think any of the old gang still exist. My DK is probably the oldest who still retains his original name and server.


I still have my first two characters created around 2006 or so, it was late vanilla/early bc (never got to max level in vanilla, but can't remember for the life of me if I started before the release of bc), but haven't played them much for a long time, now with the level squish they're low level. The oldest I'm still playing is an human rogue, third character created, first "main", it's the first one I got to max level and raided with. Combat then Outlaw spec, I play him somewhat regularly.


Tauren Shaman I made on Day 1 of original launch… which is a recreation of the Tauren shaman I had during the original vanilla beta. I’m old.


My nelf warrior from 2008.


My rogue on shattered hand, made him in 2009, my first toon. Levelled him up to 110 in legion then quit. I don’t play that toon much anymore.


2007 Undead Arms Warrior, I do have the Vanilla CE though.


My vanilla Paladin that used to be named ‘healthmaster.’ Lord, I was so cringy back then. They have been through a couple of server and race changes, but they are still my main.


My original Paladins made in 2005 for the wow eu release. It was level 60. Now it’s level 25 as the years have deflated his hard earned levels.


Pala since launch. On and off main over the years with each expansion in a different spec. Loving retri since 10.2, feels really good atm. See peeps complaining but been very happy with DPS to date although only up to HC and 15's, that may change with further progression.


Draenei warrior. Quit on him during MoP because everybody I knew switched servers. I still have him, but in my current server I decided to remake him, only difference bring his now Man'ari skin. I have a small story for him too.


My warlock I still main now was the first character I created not long after vanilla released. The priest I still play now was a 29 twink in vanilla as well.


My Undead Rogue from TBC, been my main ever since.


A shadow priest I've had for 11 years now


Belf fire mage, November 2004. Still playing him weekly


My orc hunter from 2004! I'm thinking of bringing him out of retirement for TWW. Haven't played him since hunters still had mana, I think wrath was the last time he got real game time.


My mage is a november 2004 toon. Prob the only reason i still play


My mage has changed realms, races, and names, but she’s been there since 2006. My original shaman and hunter from 2005 are there as well, but I don’t play them anymore. The mage still gets played


Started with a Gnome Warlock that I abandoned at lvl 30 in Vanilla WoW. He's still at lvl 30. Still in the same outfit. Didn't even log in to "fix" his face or anything. Whatever the WoD Graphics Update decided to turn my Gnome into is what it is. My real main back then, a Nelf Rogue, still exists. She is now a Human Rogue and just "one of many". However, she still has the various Vanilla items in her bank, like the ZG Blood Scythe :D


I have a mage on Argent Dawn/Horde/EU called Latrisha, she's from a couple of weeks before BC. Haven't been played in many years though. On my very first account which is disabled. I still have a hunter with a LOT of intellect gear and quiver. I don't even know why I made a new account in the middle of vanilla. But that nitghelf is sitting there, forever frozen in time till if the day comes where I activate that account agin


I've had my dwarf hunter and undead warlock since 2006 I think, I haven't played them in awhile but I keep them around for all the memories 🥲


My main was created in January of 2007, iirc.


Made a character on Malganis day 1, but there were stability issues and gigantic login queues so we rolled on Destromath to be able to play. Still have all of those characters. Of the three 60s I leveled in 2004, only two are max level today, and only one gets played regularly.


Still have the vanilla Pvp title, Knight-Champion. ;-;


My Horde main, which was the second character I created right after starting to play at the beginning of WoD. Her 9 year anniversary was the week after Christmas. I started playing my Alliance main shortly before the launch of Legion.


The day wow released I created two characters, both are still in use though as on-and-off alts. First is a paladin that's been through a race change from dwarf to human. The second is my very first raid character, a female dwarven priest. Back then in vanilla there three female dwarves of max level on my old server and I played one of them. I even still got Benediction on her.


My Hunter created in November, 2006, was my first to hit cap this expansion for the first time ever. I switched to a Warrior about a year and a half after I started playing and that was my main until this expansion.


My druid main, created in February 2006.


My launch day human paladin has been my main in every expansion except for TBC and Cataclysm. I can still remember it taking 2 minutes to loot each boar or kobold corpse in Northshire because the server lag was so bad. Hard to believe that was coming on 20 years ago.


Same, Tauren Hunter named Wanting from 2004. Don't play him since I switched to Classic. Of course with Rhok'Delar! ❤️


I still have my Paladin I made in TBC. My first character. Actually, I have all of my original characters I made in TBC, and actively play my rogue still.


I still have my human mage I played during TBC decked out in pvp gear.


I have my original toon (night elf hunter) from 2012


Priest from vanilla wow. Started out as a troll, got race changed to goblin in cata, Pandaren in MoP, and finally mag’har orc in BFA. Not currently my main for the first time in my WoW history.


My mage from like two months after the game came out when I started playing


My spriest main, made her in May 2007


Unfortunately only from Wod. I had played since BC but that account was a shared account with my brother and we lost the email etc is was associated with. Not that the account had anything all that important on it.


The first time I played was mop. I got maxed on my female Pandaren rogue. I've switched servers since and the toon still sits at the same level.


Tauren hunter from 2004.


My human warrior is still on my friends account he let me use to try out the game in 2005 . I still have my nightelf rogue on my own account I made maybe a month after trying the game . I've transfered servers 3 times over the years and I always take him with me .


My hunter. He's gone from night elf to troll to maghar but he's still the same character I made Christmas Day.


Tauren resto druid. I've had him since wrath pre patch.


I played on my brothers account in vanilla then in TBC he got me my own, my oldest toon is from Feb of 2007


Fwishy, gnome warrior transferred during MOP from emerald dream to another realm. Created June 11th 2005.


My Forsaken Warlock main was created the first day of TBC as a new Blood Elf. I race changed her in Wrath for RP reasons and she's stayed the same ever since. 16 years old this month. 😁


My main in retail I created back in 2008 or 9 I believe. Started playing in Wrath but didn't have any expansions lol.


My Zandalari Druid, was originally a NElf Druid at Vanilla Launch, also what I played at beta, before switching to Tauren Druid in TBC to play with new friends, then became Zandalari when I unlocked them for Dino shape shift. After that I made my mage and paladin in TBC and my DK at WoTLK launch. All the rest of my toons are Legion+


My main I retired it for a few expansions during my 17 year wow career. And didn't play mop a lick except the end.


When a friend first bought me to WOW in mid-BC, I rolled a Troll Shaman, initially because I like lightning themed spellcaster classes in games but later realised it was also a healer, so I mained Resto from there all the way through to Cata when I also started making lots more alts and trying other classes and specs. My main soon started changing expac to expac (and sometimes season to season), but it often makes it's way back around to be my main from time to time, although these days it is a Zandalari instead lol


I think December 16, 2004 is when I made my Rogue. Still have it. Still play it. I find other classes more enjoyable most of the time but it’s my baby. I always level it first and if I go achievement hunting that’s the character I do it on. No matter how much time I spend away from it I can put on a blindfold and play it like it’s nothing.


Priest from BC.


I still play a druid, hunter, and mage from 2004.


Night elf Druid. I don’t remember the exact date I made her. But it was before BC launched. Second is dranei warrior. Had him since early LK


Started playing right at end of Burning Crusade - main is Shaman Draenei (2007/2008) Alt is a gnome Deathknight when WoLK dropped. Played them both off & on since then. Butch, 2014 someone stole my account & I had life going on so I didn’t care too much. Just started playing Hardcore 3 months ago with my buddy who I played with back in the day. Was able to get my old account back with my two main characters till there!!! I was stoked. Working on a Mage to get caught up on some of the expansions I missed, but mythic+ & Raid has been fun. I realized now that I wasn’t very good at the game almost 20 years ago, when I was 14/15. & now I’m finally learning how to play. Still not very good but love my toons.


Rogue from 06’


My trial character from Cata is a night elf hunter. I never played him much past 20, but recently I went back and got him to max level.


My Paladin has been around since 2008. It’s been race changed a few times though so idk if that still counts lol


My DK from Wrath. Back when I was doing Arenas in blood spec. Good times


Still have my first character from 2008, a lvl 26 arms warrior, who's equipped with sword and shield. I reminder of the days when I used to have no idea what I was doing. Edit: Lvl 12 now after squish.


Same paladin i started with in 2004, race and faction changed a few times now but still my boy.


I still play the same main Warrior I’ve had since 2006, no alts


My main is that pally I created second in vanilla. I still have the hunter I created first. Dwarf like the cinematic. And still have a gnome lock from that time.


My Orc Shaman was created the very first day of vanilla early access. My best friend and I were in the beta trying to decide what we would play on release, I played horde and night elves in WC3 and he played alliance and undead so we were unsure which faction to play. First I made a night elf druid, then a human paladin. I HATED the casting animations for night elf male and the running animation for humans. I made an Orc Shaman and fell in love instantly. He casted left handed (which I am) and the quest to unlock the fire totem had me climbing a mountain and fighting a fire elemental overlooking the ocean....and my friend loved his undead mage. I still remember day one of early access. Hundreds of orcs killing scorpions so fast there were camps of us around each spawn location ready to spam our instant cast abilities to get the tag haha. We ended up on a PvP server and the faction loyalty became strong, when you get ganked by the 300th night elf rogue the hatred goes deep haha. I hated alliance so much I didn't even MAKE an alliance alt until legion lol. Once Horde got access to paladins in BC I made a blood elf paladin and have mained it more often than the shaman over the years, but the shaman ALWAYS gets to max level and geared whether he is my main or first alt. I started Dragonflight as him season 1, but 2 and 3 have been my paladin.


My launch day Troll Rogue. When the game was announced my friend group (a bunch of dudes from a local cyber Cafe, who were currently obsessed with Star Wars Galaxies) all drooled over classes and what we'd play. I drempt of that guy. I only made it to level 29 originally. The allure of other classes got me. Never had the heart to delete him even though he's now level squished to 13 and alone on his server. Might be kind of fun to transfer him and level him up l.


My Shaman from the start of BC when alliance could roll shaman.


A human warrior. But I don’t play her often. Only kept her for a chance at the Horseman’s mount. Got it this time. I pretty much only play my mage now. Been 10+ years.




I raided with a gnome rogue in BC but he has since evolved into a human on a different server. I also have a paladin from raiding in WotLK that has evolved to a different race and different server. I don't know if those count.


my watch.. who I made December 18 2004, my first character :)


Got a night elf huntress from early 2005 with knight-champion title. I still play her occasionally.


I lost my warlock by somehow losing the original account, but I do have the first character from my second account. I have a hunter that I made in BC. Love her.


Vanilla Undead Rogue that has been my main since launch day after sitting in line all day to buy the game at the local game store (NorCal / Bay Area, so line was long). For the rogue’s title I will never stop using “Sergeant”, as that is only available on that character through vanilla pvp. I was never good enough or crazy enough to come close to High Warlord, but it’s the one unique thing he has. Oh and the Barov Peasant Callers that I somehow held onto in my bank all these years.


I think my warlock is the one I made in 2004. Not 100% sure. Definitely have a paladin, druid, and shaman all from that era still in the gear they were wearing way back when. The shaman has plate on actually because of of the pieces changed types.


Druid from 05 is still my main today. Warlock from that time too is 70 but I don’t play him at all anymore. Paladin from tbc is a secondary main of mine. DK has switched from BE to Z Troll but otherwise has been played since WotLK.


Technically my gnome warlock from vanilla? I was in the penny arcade guild, knights of Arcadia. But when TBC came out my friends were playing horde so I re rolled a BE warlock. That toon is still active today.


I don't play the character or server anymore, but my warlock from ~February 2005 is still around.


My Druid main that I made when I started playing (it was around black temple patch of burning crusade) I’ve been off and on playing since and I did recently take an extended break (stopped playing during bfa) and came back about two months ago. I’ve been playing classic though because my potato cooker of a computer has fits just trying to do anything in my servers almost dead stormwind in the calm hours, and just taking a boat turns into a 15-40 minute loading screen lock. Classic in the other hand runs fine as fine can be so until I can replace the potato cooker with better hardware I am unfortunately unable to play modern wow


My orc warri from 2007 is still my main.


My Troll Rogue has been my main since the end of August 2005. I have a few alts that I play, but the Rogue will always be my main.


My first character was a Warrior from February 2005. I have since transferred, renamed, and upgraded him - but I'll never play him. Warrior is just not my class. But I'll never delete him (he still carries ammo).


My Dwarf hunter Shoe, with his pet snow leopard Socks, was the first character I ever made. I don't remember exactly when I made him, but it was during Vanilla, so either late 2004 or early 2005. Shoe was retired when my friends and I switched servers during TBC, and I made a new hunter which I still play to this day. Even though my current hunter isn't technically my first character, it's the one I have the strongest emotional connection to.


Rogue and warrior were made day 1. I still consider my rogue my main even tho she doesn’t see much play anymore.


Irafel, blood elf paladin. It was literally the first one I made back in Legion. I still play him when going through story stuff the first time.


I made two characters day one. A gnome lock on Aggramar who is still there (only got him to mid 20s in Vanilla) and a n Orc Shaman who I transferred servers a few times and is still one of my mains, even though he’s a dwarf now.


Still has my mage from classic. He retired when i made my DK in wotlk who has been my main since.


I server transferred my original hunter from back in 2005 when cross faction guilds became a thing. He’s a dwarf and I’ve been horde since WoD but I really missed playing as a dwarf and I planned on using him as my main going forward for that sick racial. That didn’t really pan out though since my belf hunter was already so geared I just didn’t want to do all that again.


A mage. She’s been race changed and name changed. She has an old vanilla pvp title you can’t get anymore. I havent mained her since wotlk but I still level her every expansion and try to get her decent gear.


Played Rogue in Beta. Made a Undead Rogue Day 1 launch, and still play it. Typically always just main my rogue. To much sentimental value lol


I assume the characters on my brother’s old account exists which are from 2008, but on my account it’s the warlock I leveled in 2016


Retired mostly from playing WoW after finishing AotC for H Nya but still have all my toons. My gnome arms warrior is the oldest from 2008 followed by my main human ret/prot pally who I rolled at the start of Wrath. A lot of my alts have not been played actively for years, the arms warrior still had full Dragon Soul raid gear for a long time. My Pandaren assassination rogue is still in full BfA gear, etc. I still sub and log onto all 9 of my toons once a month as well as my Wrath Classic ret pally. Just to check on them. ETA: Sargeras-Ally toons: Gnome arms warrior, Human ret/prot pally, Human aff lock, Worgen unholy DK, Pandaren assassination rogue, Night elf MM hunter, Human shadow priest (guild bank alt) Area 52-Horde toon: Orc BM hunter - my only max level DF toon Mankrik-Horde toon (Classic Wrath): Belf ret pally


My hunter, since tbc when I started


I still have my human mage from vanilla but she’s retired and just handles my auction transactions now. After hitting max level in BC I rolled a new Draenei mage and that’s my current main.


I started wow around May 2005 and most of my toons are that old. Mage Priest Warlock Rogue Hunter Warrior. Druid I made in BC and Shaman and DK date to Wrath. I have a few toons that got “lost” along the way. I deleted a troll rogue named assmasta in vanilla when he got a forced name change. Deleted my vanilla Tauren druid named milkers after a forced name change. I deleted my vanilla shammy named cowtrash during wrath since I wanted an orc shaman. RIP 10 character limit.


I don’t play retail anymore but still have all my original characters from 2004.


Started playing my main (human rogue) in April 2006. I have many alts, but my main is always my main.


My Druid is still my main since 2015. I have some recently levels alts, an arms warrior and a MM hunter


A shaman I made within the first month of release. A rogue that's been sitting at 20 since the first week. And a paladin that's from that first month as well. I don't remember which one was first but one of them would have been release day of vanilla


My rogue which I created November 2009 although I haven't played him since 2014. I only log in on him to farm Argent Tournament dailies, like ever 3 months I get the urge to finish the mount list, farm for a week then stop lol.


I still have my TBC hunter that I'll play from time to time. I didn't play anything else until MoP hit and I made a panda monk because of course. Now I really enjoy healing as a whole. Although I could never really get into Priests or paladin healing.


Female orc shaman Created February 12, 2005 It was late night after EU Launch after trying to get in the game all day… Still my main 😄


Got my old rogue still and nelf druid when I started in BC


I was in the military then stationed overseas. WoW released in November, I traveled home for Christmas that year and got my copy (since we couldn’t get at the base store, or it sold out, can’t remember) and copies for several friends. I started my Undead Rogue in December of 2004 and play it still. No matter what titles I get I still wear the “Legionnaire” title from the vanilla PvP system.


I have a priest I’ve run since Vanilla. Started off as a Human but has died and resurrected (race change) as Forsaken.


Resto druid from wrath 2009 ish. 129 days played. My current main. Also have a dk and paladin from the same time. Not sure of the /played on them


Shaman. Started him on release. Still play him to this day


2005 rogue originally alliance, swapped to horde in MoP but I wish I didn't because I had Dartol's Rod :(


My affli Gnome warlock playing it since vanilla never changed spec. It has always be the funniest class I played I also play a Pala ret dwarf since BC


First was warlock u til wotlk. Then paladin with cata. The paladin is my main since then


BELF paly still have a stack of symbol of kings that was need for the greater blessings.


I still have my Blood Elf Hunter that I made on the release of TBC, it is my main and pretty much the only character I play.


My pala that I started on back in 2007, as in literally my first char. It’s no longer my main since DF but it’s my most played alt and has the most reps at exalted (90).


Original hunter I rolled in vanilla is now clearing CE content in dragon flight. Man seen some shit.


I have my first lvl 60, an Orc hunter. I also have my second lvl 60, an Undead Priestess. Both leveled in 2004/2005. Didn't play the hunter much, but my priest is hanging out in Orgrimmar in her Tier 1/Tier 2 dungeon sets and Benediction. Didn't play her either after TBC came out.


Comments gonna get lost in the nether but I’m a new player but I created my warrior 8 weeks before the end of SL and I’ve played on him every single day for 4-12 hours since I downloaded the game.


My (currently) Nightborne hunter is just about 12 years old now. She started as a troll in late WOTLK and has grown and changed with me many times over the years, but im happy with her as a Nightborne :)


My undead priest from 2005


My hunter I made back in 2012 when I first started. She was a Tauren, but I race changed her to a Blood Elf at some point. No longer my main, but I still hop on every so often.


Started playing in Cata and still have my belf pally. Been through some rough times. Recently swapped to DK main for our mythic team but my ret pally will always be boo


My hunter from vanilla is still on a dead realm somewhere..


Started soon after the Outland expansion came out with a rouge, hunter and warlock. Two dwarfs and one human. Switched realms a lot and added many characters. They are still with me, only had to change the name of one. Have a total of 36.


I still have the characters from 2007, but the oldest one I actively play in dragonflight is a DK from wotlk.


My main is a rogue. Been playing her since shortly after release


I have a worgen warrior that I’ve never touched since I first started playing wow back in like 2012


My paladin, the first character ever created from me. Oktober or September 2006.


Human warrior, still my main, from ‘05


Still have my warrior and rogue from 2004. Don't remember exactly when I started but I remember the BWL sets were the old models.


Maybe a year old(newer player)


My OG Toon, a Blood Elf Paladin is still on the server I used to play in, and some months ago, I check it so altholic could give me the proper number of days I've played. My main this days is actually my 4th toon, a Tauren Death Knight that I created on Wrath release date. Its actually older then the server its currently at (It was created on the same server as the BE Paladin) but I moved it to the current one when BR servers became a thing.


My warrior was the first character I made in 2005. He did have a faction change in 2013, when I decided I wanted to be Horde. Been my main ever since with a brief 1 year interlude when I returned during Mists to be a priest for a while.


My night elf hunter from 2005 and my resto shaman from 2007. The shaman was my main until mid SL when I discovered demon hunter tanking. I still play the shaman from time to time but the hunter hasn’t been played since Cata.


Got my original character still, Elblanco the dwarf hunter! Made him the day I started playing, april 18th 2005, I was 15, I'm 34 now. Elblanco has been max level in every expansion though hasn't really raided since WOTLK.


My warrior. Been through some server and faction changes over the years, but it’s the same one I’ve been playing since Vanilla.


Undead rogue, started on launch


It's unfortunate that I spent the first few months of my playtime on trial accounts, but I began playing around the time of the Black Temple patch back at TBC. My initial main character was a Draenei Hunter, followed by a Night Elf Druid during Wrath of the Lich King. Unfortunately, both characters didn't survive as I had to stop playing due to school commitments, and our family PC couldn't handle the demands of the newest expansion, Cataclysm. However, two characters managed to survive the hiatus: a Night Elf Rogue, whom I played exclusively in vanilla raids, and a Gnome Warrior. Upon my return in Warlords of Draenor, the Gnome Warrior became my main character.


Even though I mained Shaman, Warrior, and Priest throughout Vanilla - I have levelled each of those classes from scratch about 3 times each in the last 29 years 😂. I currently have 2 max level shaman, neither of them are my original vanilla toon, and I don’t play either of them lol


2007. I don't use the same account anymore (It was shared and I broke off to make my own). The character still exists, frozen in time.


My troll hunter from 2005


I'm still playing the same warrior I rolled on vanilla launch day.


I made a Human female Paladin on The Venture Co to play with my friend right around Cataclysm pre-patch. It wasn't my first character but the first one I leveled higher than like 10. Met a girl and played WoW with her more than my friend who had stopped playing so I switched to Bleeding Hollow, and also to Blood Elf. Played until WoD release. Abandoned that character until Dragonflight when I finally went to Moonguard and she's now a Dark Iron and max level for the first time since MoP.


The first character I ever made to try out the game was a human rogue that I got to about level 15 before I joined my friend on horde and made a blood elf rogue that I still play occasionally.


Still have my day one Night elf hunter. Will never delete her.


Got my Hunter and Warrior both from BC (started playing around Black Temple patch). Both max level and was playing Warrior at the start of DF as my main. Currently gone back to my Paladin that I started in Wrath as my main. He was also my main in Wrath and has been on and off over the years. Currently really been enjoying Ret and have just been healing a few keys as Holy (Ret at 3K and Holy healing 20-21s).


My main is a Paladin that I created on release.


At launch, my first character was a druid, but I failed the bear form quest, and didn't know that you can just abandon and restart quests so I deleted the character thinking how much it will suck to play a druid without the bear form... So I created a priest and that's my main still. Almost 20 years later.


Made my hunter back at the start in 2004, it’s still my main today.


My 2 oldest characters are my shaman from back in TBC and my paladin that I made before Wrath. So many great memories on them both.


My mage is from 2008. Rerolled DK for ICC. DK was my main until launch of legion and has most /played. I have both 70 and played mage a bit in season 2.


I have three from launch day. One is a hunter I still play.


My original warrior made a bit before Naxx patch. Still play it. Never made it to 60 before tbc prepatch though ;(


I have 3 vanilla day one (pre)release characters that I (mostly) still play. A Night Elf trio consisting of a Priest (vanilla main), a Druid and a Warrior. I used to have a couple of other alts back then, including a human Warlock, a Night Elf Rogue, an undead Warrior and a Troll Shaman, but none of them survived past vanilla


It's probably goofy but I have all my characters, that I leveled to 60 in Vanilla. And actually play a bunch of them still. My Warlock from Vanilla is my main now and has been off and on throughout the years. While my very first character who was a Pally has been my other 'main' off and on. They've changed factions and races throughout the years since why not.


Started April 2009 Made a druid That druid is currently level 70 and has been level cap every expansion, even if I didn't play it much or even play the game much Also a warlock from 2010 that's also 70, and few others


I'm still on my TBC era toons. I dabble with other newer ones too, but the mains haven't changed much.


Belfadin repping the blood knight order from 2007 to present. My tauren warrior main from vanilla still exists, but I haven't played him seriously since wotlk, sadly.


Shammy and druid from vanilla. My favourite expansion was wotlk, followed by pandaria.


Made a NE warrior on vanilla launch day, she's still sitting somewhere in the mid 30s on a server I don't play on.


I still play my first warlock as my main after starting the game several months after it launched. My warlock has seen lots of battles, assisted NPCs with many, many quests, contested the Horde in battegrounds, traveled all over Azeroth, Dreanor, and the shadowlands when each was fresh content, and despite all that in the 20 years that has passed she doesn't look a day older than when I started. But with so many pets and mounts, its good that she doesn't have to pay to feed them all, she'd be broke.


My old main, my warlock that I made when I started in 2007


Still rocking the same dwarf hunter from Terenas opening up. 💪


A night elf druid that I started in closed beta before original release, followed by the night elf priest made at release.


I still have a Rogue that was my main back in MoP. I don't play her or even retail anymore, but can't bring myself to delete her.


My first ever character A paladin


My hunter, 2007.


Forsaken Warlock from 2003. My main is a Gnome warlock because my friend on Horde left and my family played on Alliance when I got back into the game in BC.


My main is my mage I made when TBC released, my only real alt is my warrior who was my first character in classic.


My druid. Still my main. Since i made him like a few months after launch.


Gnome Warrior. Started as a Human Warrior in June 2006. Race changed in 2011. Aside from maybe a year or so (2010), has always been my main. Also have a Night Elf Hunter, Human Warlock and Human Priest that I started maybe a month later. Still active.


I still play my night elf hunter from 2005. That has been my main. Still are


My OG Burning Crusade Paladin still lives! Albeit a little dusty from not being my main since Cataclysm.


I crated my Tauren Shaman on the day WoW got released (Took the day off work) and he is still my main today. ​ He had to swap servers due to Shadowmoon closing, but it is the same character.


It was the Summer of 2005! \*with Bryan Adams's voice singing in the background\*