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I use WASD to move, so my main keybinds for any abilities I need to use quickly are Q,E,R,T,F,G,V,C,X,Z,1,2,3,4,5 and shift-modifiers of these. That way I won't need to move my hand in order to reach any of them. I also like to divide them into logical groups (to a degree anyway). E.g. my main movement ability like Charge is V, and my slightly less common (or longer cooldown) movement ability like Heroic Leap is shift-V. Same with defensives where I use G, shift-G, ctrl-G etc. Makes it easy to swap between different classes too.




Ah yes I forgot those, I use my front thumb button for interrupt and rear thumb button for some frequent rotational abilities to prevent hand fatigue, i.e. Raging Blow when playing warrior.


My hand is not big enough to even to Shift7, how do you do Shift9? Please probide a photo haha WASD for Movement I use then 12345 QERT FZXCV and 12345 QERT FZXCV+Shift also 1234+ALT for rarely used spells yes I need that many keybinds, I am a shaman


Either pinky on Shift, middle finger on W and thumb on 9 or I'd just use my right hand for 9 if I didn't have to move lmao


I mean, most classes can get 28 skills bound that makes sense to have bindings for. Heck, people meme on Prevokers being simple, I have 36 keybindings on mine, excluding two mount bindings.


Shift and alt modifiers, also ctrl (for less used stuff, except if you prefer this one, I have a hard time pressing it with WASD). Buttons - 1-5, q, e, r, t, f, g, z, x, c, v. Mouse - Middle, 2 side clicks, mouse scrolls. Use the keypad for the changed key binds like whisper, character, etc. (as those are not the same 1-9) Lastly, for the less used abilities, I have "Q" as an action bar changer and the \` button (next to the 1 button) to change the main action bar back to 1. This way I have like 50-60 key binds easily, and my warlock almost is fully using it. (with macros involved)


I like using a consistent convention for all abilities - for example, I shifted movement to esdf to have another row of buttons I can use with my pinky, 234wtrag (plus shift modifiers for rarely used stuff if need be) are my main rotational button, 1/6 are my main cooldowns, 5 is a movement ability I may need to press in a pinch, x is an aoe stop, q is my main kick, etc. That way I can swap between builds, specs or even classes relatively easily.


Try the Addon „KeyUI“ to get a better view :)


Bind numpads


F, alt-F, Q, E to toggle through closest enemies, ~


Q,E,R,T,F,G,Z,X,C,V,1,2,3,4 and 5. plus shift variants. and the 12 numpad numbers on my MMO Mouse. Q for movement skills, E for stuns, R for burst and damage related CDs, C & V for defensive/utility cooldowns, T for racials, Z & X for AoE, mouse numpad for damage and healing abilities. I usually use this sort of logic between most classes. It all comes down to muscle memory, find something that works and stick with it


Rebinding strafe right/left from QE to AD will free up Q&E for easy access abilities. The turn left/right that are bound to AD by default are essentially useless and don't need to be rebounds anywhere.


I use 1234, F1,F2,F3,F4 , CTRL1 CTRL2 CTRL3 CTRL4 , ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT 4, R , G , T, Z , F, A and D, mouse button 5 and middle click. A bit more context on that, on all my characters, I have the same idea: Middle click = Interrupt R = Big CD F= CC Z= Defensive Ability Mouse button 5 = AoE Ability (either healing or dps, something that give me that big green circle typically) Alt buttons = usually forms and/or traps (Druid forms or hunter traps), otherwise not so important CDs 1234 and F1234 are the most common buttons that I use A and D = Trinkets or Situational abilities Shift 123 = Various CD abilities


Q,E,R,F,V,X are the ones I use. I then have a 12 button mouse that I bind all the stuff that I rarely use. Certain keys like V I’ll try and always bind my interrupt to regardless of class and typically R would be a stun as another example. Works for me. I really couldn’t get used to holding shift for a second row of binds so the 12 button mouse really helped my gameplay. It took a bit of getting used to but now I couldn’t play without it.


Like other have said. You just use all the keys right around your WASD. A tip with this, is to rebind your defaults to something like Alt+Shift. For example: C is character panel. Just rebind to Alt+Shift+C when you change it. I did this in the beginning to not have to find new homes for the defaults


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, F, G, A, E, SideMouseBt1 Second row it's the Shift variant ^2 left of 1 for Mount Mouse Wheel click for Ice Floes


I use: Q,E,R,T,F,G,Z,X,V, 1-5, Shift+1-5 Ctrl+5, and F1-F8 on my mouse. I could move F1-F8 to MOD 1-5, Q etc. but I'm already sometimes hitting something on CD that I do not want just due to somehow skipping that "shift" press lol


Your CapsLock key is some prime real estate. I use it for taunts, executes, or major cooldowns. The button to the left of 1, the tilde/grave key is also super useful. I map alt+w to auto-run, saves a little wear and tear when running back after a dungeon wipe, or when flying to a dungeon entrance. Remapping an extra mouse button to Ctrl is amazing, but takes a little getting used to. For healbot/vuduh users, I was amazed that you can map scrollwheel up/down as click events, giving each box _five_ actions instead of just three.


I use numbers 1-5 Shift 1-5 cds F1-4 pets/ port Wasd to move F g r cc Trinket q Kick e C shift C ctrl C off heals health stone V sprints X shift mount I'm sure I have somthing on z but who knows


I use WASD to move and then I use the following keybinds along with shift and control modifiers of them: 1,2,3,4,QERTYF I also do a lot of PVP healing lately so for targeting my teammates I use mousewheel up and down, and mousewheel click for targeting myself.


\` for iqd or any other emergency spell r for dash z for cd v when my 2 broke f1-12 and \\,x,t,y,j,etc (has a bump on the kb) if you really need something else lastly, if you play on a laptop you can bind some touchpad gestures - ie 3 fingers down for dispersion or up for rez (set it as alt-shift-q in windows' settings or w/e) oh and ofc 1-5, r, \`, f1,2,5 with alt, we are more used to our thumb than pinky don't bind f4 with alt


Get in your „Resting“ Position. I.E. Shift, A, W, D. Then look which keys you can comfortably reach. For me: Q, E, 2, 3. These are for the most pressed abilities. Little less comfortable are 1, 4, R, F, C. So less used abilities. So on and so forth. X and Y are horrible for me. Same for specific combinations like Alt + R/T. So not used. It’s all about access and usability. I can press E way better than Q or 2, so my most used ability is on E.


I use 1-6, mouse buttons 4/5, q, e, r, f, g, z, x, c and tilda as well as shift modifiers for all of those. Works out to like 32 keys which is more than enough for pretty much everything.


I use T for longer cooldowns, shift T for movement boosts, g for my instant self heals and shift+g for pings.


I have the most buttons on my restro Druid. Move with WASD Dmg spells on 1-6 Support spells like root b-retz and so on shift 1-6 Defensive skills are on QER and shift QERASD Then I use the Addon clique for my mouseover heal spells. There it it 1-6 and QER Aaand I have all my shapes on a seperate mous button^^


I play with a 12 button mouse so it's a little easier. ASD for movement QWERTF and shift-f for kicks and cc. ZXC and shift-c for movement abilities Mouse scroll up/down mouse button and mouse button-for defensives and cooldowns A 1-12 bar and a shift 1-12 bar Alt 1-6 for my stance bar Ctrl 1-12 for randomly things I use often but not in combat


I highly recommend getting an MMO mouse. I have the 12 side buttons + shift modifier for 12 more and that really allows you more freedom with your keyboard key binds. If you really need it you can do a control or alt modifier for 12 more binds


1 2 3 4 5 Q E R T F G X Y (or Z, depending on your keyboard) Shift+ 1 2 3 4 Q E R F T Alt + 1 2 3 4 Q E T


1, 2, 3, 4, Q, E, for the most used stuff, mouse wheel up for movement stuff, mouse wheel down, mouse button 4 for spell interrupt \~, 5, R, F, C for less used stuff Shift + all the keys above. Ctrl + all the keys above Alt + all keys above


I prefer alt as my main modifier instead of shift. Way easier to bend my thumb in from the space bar than trying to drag my pinky down while keeping my other fingers on the number row.


I don't do past 5 on the keyboard. Or, rather, anything right of 5 (t, g, and b) on the keyboard is bound to a button on my mouse. It's incredibly NOT in vogue these days, but older school "gaming" mice used to have very good left/right scrolls, and those could essentially act as extra buttons that were comfortable and easy to access. Most modern gaming mice either have no left/right scroll or it's terrible and over-sensitive, making it useless to be rebound to keys. Just something to think about when looking at mice and calculating how many actual useful "buttons" they might have.


Q,E,R,T,S,F,G,Z,X,C,V,1,2,3,4,5 then mod em all with Shift and alt shud have like +45binds easily, replace the A and D "keyturning" into the Q and E sheer movement or how they are called