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No and yes.






It would be hilarious if we had any another way to get those rewards. All the people so adamant that it is great and defending the mode to death/attacking everyone that doesn't like it would have to play it by themselves. Plunderstorm would be utterly dead and they'd complain about it being no fun (because they'd only be left with each other), there being no one to play or how others also get the rewards.


Woulnt play it if there was no rewards. Will stop playing it when i got them all. Would have played it here and there (and probably enjoy myself more) if it wasnt time limited and added just as a BG.


I would still play it, but definitely less


I wouldn't play any game without a reward structure period, I do find it fun, but it wouldn't be engaging if I didn't get anything from it


Probably not. But I would have been a lot more positive towards the mode if it had been something extra that felt more optional. It still is entirely optional, but with a WALL of rewards, Blizzard are preying hard on FOMO. That tells me that they knew this would be unpopular and they made sure people would keep playing it constantly until the end by adding all of these behind a long grind. So this will look good in the engagement metrics, which will more than likely lead to more of badly designed content with tons of rewards.


Absolutely not. Not even sure if I'll be able to handle getting to all the rewards. It's not fun dying immediately.


It would be nice if it was a lower threshold for rewards and cycled Trading Post rewards or just tokens in. It has to strike a balance that keeps enough players coming to play.


No and I'm renown 6 and tbh I think I am done with it already


If they flesh it out more then definitely will continue to play - don't really care about rewards.


Already got to 40, no and yes (unless asked by my friends bc I am a sucker)


I’m at the point where there are no more rewards, definitely will still be playing it while the player base is active, though maybe mostly with friends as opposed to solo. Does not seem to be a common sentiment, most people are absolutely livid that the game mode is PvP-based, and are forcing themselves to play for FOMO cosmetics.


No and yes (but I had absolutely no fun in the 15 games I played so not sure I'll keep chasing rewards, even if I love the pirate mog).


If there were no rewards, not at all. I have tempered my goals to 24 for Pepe, 30 for the Pet. I will absolutely stop once those are reached. If they change a lot by the end of 6 weeks, maybe I would go to 40. If it was till the start of TWW, absolutely I would go all the way through it. Love it for the PVP crews, as they have been sort of shafted. So No, and Yes\* once i get the rewards I want.


I have played 8 games (updated) 1st Died in 2 min to a mob....first match didn't know wtf I was doing. 2nd. 2 Min in died to pvp ambush 3rd 3 min in ...running away from pvp , died to pvp 4th. Died to pvp 5th. Died to double teamed pvp 6th. killed a mob THEN died to a pvp thing 7th. see 2-6 8th Landed on elite mob, then got pvp killed I am done I think, even with "rewards". Love the pirate mogs HATE the involuntary pvp slog


Nope and most definitely. Its boring dying almost immediately if someone else happens upon me. PvE part isn't that horrible though.


I'd have checked it out but definitely wouldn't play it as much as with the rewards. Its less about rewards and more about having something to progress for me though. The game mode itself is pretty fun but not so fun that I'd want to do it over just regular arena.


No and despite me wanting the mog I am not.


I might play a little to play with friends, but not solo. I hate battle royale.


It is absolutely much more fun with friends so that's a great decision


I'll be real I'm having a LOT of fun in Plunderstorm But hell no I would not be playing it if there were 0 rewards lol


No and yes


Only made it to level 10 for rewards and quitting now because it’s just crappy wow pvp and finally realizing it’s not worth it. Not bitter, just answering the question. I’m a pve player, this was not made for me.


Id test it without waters to see if its fun, but at the moment i have all the rewards and will be retiring unless a future dumber version of me decides i need the 2 million plunder achievement (btw would totally do this if there was any tangible reward).


Yeah it’s a ton of fun playing duos. Needs more abilities and events around the map though like the pieces of hate


No, and not sure if I’ll bother getting to 40.


So I have a regular question for anyone who hit max. Is there a reason I didn’t get the tabard on live when I’m 40 renown?


The first day it came out I had some fun regardless of rewards then I forced myself to do things for plunder and didn't enjoy it again. So possibly if not for the rewards i'd have enjoyed it more if anything


Yes, maybe not quite as much but I would still play. It's honestly fun as hell once you learn what goes good with what. There's some really fun combos. Playing duo's with a friend is the best way to play imo. Setting up wombos with them is great. I'm 36 renown ATM and will finish tonight but I'll still play it afterwards. It's unfortunate that a lot of people load in, die, then write it off as bad. You do need to actually learn how to play it and I suggest you do.